Why don't sci-fi shows have aesthetic sets anymore?
Why don't sci-fi shows have aesthetic sets anymore?
everything futuristic became the apple store
we just have a different idea of what futuristic is in each decade, then we proceed to make our real present day lives look like that. Thus in the 80's everything looked spacey and right now everything looks like fucking holograms and transparent phones and shit no matter how cancerous those ideas actually are in practice.
The Enterprise bridge on Discovery had a good look without having the Apple store look mentions and the Abrams-verse enterprise had
it didnt look right, too much empty space, they basically had a god damn stage on the sides up by the front and didn't hide it.
Because executives think spot lights and highly reflective surfaces look cool with zero idea as to what would make for a good working environment on a star ship.
This is what happens when you hire people who cant read to make science fiction.
It has uncovered stage lights on top, pointing directly into the camera.
There is a secret hallway behind those stations where crew go to fuck tilly in the mouth.
Because aesthetics are used to hide the limitations of the budget. If you need it to look like it isn't RIGHT NOW but also don't have an infinite budget, you devise an aesthetic that thematically and artistically conveys the otherwordliness of the setting. But the consistency also adds a layer of verisimilitude. You believe it's real because it all meshes with itself; Nothing stands out as being out of place.
Things like JJverse and Discovery have implicitly infinite budgets. Hyperbole, sure, but they DID have more than TNG or TOS ever did. Certainly more than DS9 or VOY had. ENT, too. They can have holograms and ape the aesthetic of the Apple store because because want "the future" and there's nothing standing between the set designers/special effects guys and realizing their visions on screen almost 1:1.
Because there is no (or little) monetary filter between the set designers' vision and that vision made real, there is little room for aesthetic interpretation or clever camouflage. Or the hard reality of "we literally can't make that set as you designed it." There is no need to get creative and there is definitely no reason to try and make it all mesh together unless a producer specifically said to. And we can't be sure the producers are even sentient at this point.
the original enterprise was a lot like a submarine, something that worked out again in ENT. I think star trek has done a really good job of internal spacecraft sets up until STD that is.
The exception for me is when trek does small ships. They always look like shit on the inside. Not a single one looks livable. you'd think somebody would make their personal shuttle sized craft confortable of stylish on the inside. If i made trek there would have been some shuttles with wall to wall blankets and beds on the floor and shit.
You didnt like the DS9 shuttles?
They easily look the most practical of any series. They have a bunk beds in the back room.
DS9 did pretty well and probably put these thoughts in my mind to begin with. A lot of the places in DS9 looked like spaces people lived in.
It would have been cool if Voyager devolved into lived in looking spaces in every area of the ship over time.
I wanted the whole ship to transform over time and show some weathering and battle scars... but instead it just looked clean and new every episode.
>, too much empty space,
Should have kept the borg upgrades
I mean, what the fuck even is that supposed to be? The ship is hollow? Why?
that would have been amazing. they missed a lot of opportunities to explore what would happen to starfleet crews in a case like Voyager's.
mistakes were made in engineering.
Lights, flares pointing straight into the camera while it rotates and flips over itself without any purpose but to make boring rigid dialogue seem action packed. What a horrible show
What the fuck? How is this even possible in a ship smaller than the tos enterprise?
Was it smaller? Either way it's bad.
They had a bit of this with "Equinox," but only a bit.
It's third season.
Because they don't invest enough in that part of the production.
Look at The Expanse for example, the sets for the ships look cheap and it's worse when they add the color correction.
>what the fuck even is that supposed to be? The ship is hollow? Why?
It's made by people who have no idea of what they're doing.
There's an episode where they launched the torpedoes from the nacelles. It says how much they don't care.
why does every exterior shot have to look like an LSD trip?
Pic related is one of the worst examples
>camera while it rotates and flips over itself without any purpose but to make boring rigid dialogue seem action packed.
Oh God, I fucking hate that. There's this one briefing room scene where the camera keeps spinning around and around to be like "Look! This isn't a BORING TNG meeting!" and I almost went into convulsions because the spinning was crazy fast and kept jump-cutting.