I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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I hate him because he started the retard trend of video essays.
Are you fucking retarded ?
>dude i love how this guy tells me what to think
ill never forget when he sperged on one of his video comment sections, taking the highground about a harmless question about animator welfare
oh and shit ''''analysis''' was basic entry level film shit you learn in high school
>not using the opinions of others to compare and strengthen your own individual thoughts
Never gonna make it
>tfw that horsie is probably dead by now
>Arguments are the same as conclusions
I like his arguments, but I disagree with his conclusions that Marvel movies are still good despite lacking in every cinematic department imaginable. He was too afraid to sound contrarian and stick to his own arguments.
the only other person's opinions i listen to are god's
Are you? I forgot to add "pretentious" video essays. His channel name is pretentious too.
Yeah, Kanye does have some interesting opinions.
I guess you didn't go to school, since they tell you what to think in here.
i unironically didn't
Don't worry it shows.
>listening to some Anita defending basedboy
This. Now fucking everyone is doing it on every pointless subject. Always in the same fucking style with monotone voices and lo-fi shit in the background. Worst part is how they present their "analysis" as objective fact and then all the normies who watch those videos believe thenselves to be experts in filmmaking and that everything needs to follow rules like "likeable protagonists" or "character arcs"
>woman tier insult
Nobody cares roastie
Who hurt you?
media companies then go on to tailor their products in accordance with the opinions of those retards. it's incredible
Holy shit please have sex
Of course it is. This is the oldest film of all time.
Do we really need 600 video essays on why Thanos is le greatest villain of all time?
Remember how Mike Stoklasa said he used the Plinkett character in his reviews because otherwise it would just sound like a boring asshole talking? These video essays are just that
Instead it sounded like a boring asshole with cringe edgy teenager humour sprinkled in.
Good call.
No I think these essays aren't that boring. The Jackie Chan, Kurosawa and Edgar Wright vids are pretty good.
its a meme you dip
Tony doesn’t ramble tho, his videos are like 2-8 minutes long. He understands he does not need 45 minutes to drone about a point in a fucking video. He’s better than any other YouTube faggot who does it as a job and that’s exactly why he got to quit making YouTube videos and got a job in the field he was actually passionate about. He even shut the Patreon down too instead of just collecting free NEETbux from people who would’ve forgot they were donating, because he also has integrity. Tony Zhao is a good person and a good content creator with real talent. He is not Unbridled rage guy or Doug Walker and it shows.
I thought you guys were talking about the horse
>YouTube '''''''''''''''essayist''''''''''''''
I thought OP was talking about Eadward Muybridge and it gave me a good laugh until I opened the thread
Sorry babyboy
I recognised the "you dip" reference :)
But that's not Muybridge on the horse
>I thought you guys were talking about the horse
yeah me too, fuck these zoomers
I could swear that with streaming, YouTube, and podcasts, people are moving back to an entirely oral, post-literate culture. Exclusively listening to people talk online, posting videos or streams of themselves talking, getting news and information from podcasts or video essays instead of reading it themselves. It's fucking eerie.
>YouTubers are the new global Brahmins
Based and Hindu-pilled.
Look at this:
It's pretty much just a half-hour of recounting plot points from the books and movies. No commentary, insight, or even jokes, just a recap.
3.5 million views for shit you could probably read on a fan wiki. But people would rather spend a half-hour hearing a droning nerd voice recite it at them.
Other fandoms noticed how many views GoT youtubers got from just reciting wiki pages
>can't write for shit
>disguises their shitty writing and lack of understanding with cool visuals and editing in order to make the general public think what they're saying is important
every video essay on youtube. No actual intelligent person uses youtube in order to gain an understanding of a topic
Every Frame a Painting doesn't use any cool visuals or animation. Also he's a professional editor in the industry.
Those retards you're talking about are Nerdwriter etc.
Every Frame is short, and too the point. He also references every film he uses footage of and provides those references to the viewer which automatically puts him way the fuck above his competition.