Is Brooklyn Nine-Nine worth watching?

Is Brooklyn Nine-Nine worth watching?

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I like it. Is comfy background noise and Santiago has kino face shapes

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Sure enough
It's not great, but the perfect type of stuff you'd put on as background and occasionally is funny

Who is the best Jew+Latina couple in a quasi-mockumentary workplace sitcom on NBC?

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it's very easy humour. it's not bad, but it's rarely more than mildly funny so overall it's not worth watching more than a few episodes

>background noise

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It's dangerously unfunny and boring

Not anymore. It was pretty funny now it's SJW shit.

Amy a cute tho

>""people"" actually prefer rosa over amy

uhhhh yikes

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I thought Rosa was a transvestite.



Watched a few episodes based on a friend's recommendations.

The production values are top notch and they pulled a minor coup in securing Andy Samberg and Terry Crews. However, the one thing it isn't is ... funny. Comedy is hard to do, and somewhere between coming up with the stories and writing the script and casting and shooting and editing and polishing, a lot of the funny has apparently leaked out.

Also, had to laugh that Latina chick is very slim in the first season and then rapidly gets fatter.

she got pregnant irl

it's great until the show became entirely about who Rosa was fucking. at that point it became intolerable.

>Also, had to laugh that Latina chick is very slim in the first season and then rapidly gets fatter.

inb4 nigger

>the black gay man is overly intellectual and expects others to follow him in this
>the jewish lead is childish and makes childish references
>his latina girlftiend is a workaholic who sucks up to their police chief
>the Terry Crews does things you wouldn't expect from a Terry Crews
>the other latina chick is tough, rawr
That's literally 99% of the jokes. Police chief makes a metaphor using a bohemian composer from the XVIIIth century, Andy Samberg jumps in to say that sounds like Die Hard, his girlfriend Amy pretends like she knows who the composer is, Terry Crews does know the composer though, and you wouldn't expect that from Terry Crews.
And Rosa, the other latina chick, does a face.

I summarised all the episodes for you.

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Captain Holt carries the show. Without him I wouldn't watch.

Boyle is a genuinely funny character though.

I haven't seen enough of the show, but the jokes involving him only revolve around sucking up to Samberg too much, and being anal about how he wants his food.

amy is too damn cute

However Jake Peralta, Terry Crews and Rosa Diaz don't have a single funny moment throughout the series. Boyle is also not fun in any of the bits where he is bullied. So feel free to skip episodes that focus on any of these things.

Also Amy makes my peepee hard.

Amy is a really shitty person.

1. Holt
2. Boyle
3. Gina
4. Amy
50. Terry
999. Rosa
99999. Hitchcock/Scully
99999999999999999999999999999. Jake

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1. holt
2. hitchcock/scully
3. gina
999. amy
9999999 rest

there you go fixed it

Oh yeah i forgot the two "heh it's funny because fat XD" characters. They're easily the most forgettable part of the show.
It's also incredible how Holt manages to carry most of the show by himself.

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those two used to be super cops in the 80s but got fat and lazy so now they pretend to be idiots so they wouldn't have to work hard.

I have to say this is pretty accurate. It's like they skipped 10 seasons and went directly into the Flanderization.
I've watched all seasons tho, it really is a background show at that point.

That's what makes it a good background noise show. You know what to expect.

>background noise

normies are pathetic.They can't be alone for 5 minutes or think deep meaningful thoughts. They have to play things in the background to stop themselves thinking beyond social media or netflix movie of the week. 5 minutes alone feels like an eternity to a normie. Try 28 fucking years. They couldn't live the life I do. They can't feel the things I feel. They can't process what is is to live like I can. Fucking idiots

Boyle waking up and still having his dumb looking haircut last season was pretty hilarious.
It has its moments

Nein, nein

It is shockingly diverse, so of course it's good

Is that ginsberg from mad men?

It's the lovechild of Michael Schur's feel-good optimism and Andy Samberg's class clown antics. If you like either of the two you're going to like B99

I don’t get it

Calm down Chad, "background noise show" is basically a show normies put on while testing their friends. Something you can put start watching again while your friend is typing his answers, but it's not crucial that you watch the entire thing since it's predictable.

>Rosa comes out as bi
>literally only has women involved in her romance subplots
What did they mean by this?

ya, it's the best sitcom currently airing

>Gina not bottom
This is how I know you're trolling. Or at least I hope you are.

The black bi chick in Chicago Fire does it better.

>they can't be alone for 5 minutes or think deep meaningful thoughts
Sorry some people don't like to sit in silence while doing mundane tasks such as cleaning
Get off your high horse you pseudo-intellectual aspie

>literally fell in love with Dennis Feinstein


your lucky i didnt put her at the top, Gina is alot more interesting than any other character

That was before she came out. After she did the writers are treating her like a lesbian now.

Kek look at this friendless retard

What about when she dated that black guy?

The guy she dumped to come out.

Oh ok, then yeah i agree with you.

We can all agree on this:

>Good comedic actors
Jake, Holt, Boyle, Gina, Hitchcock, Scully
>Bad actors hired for their looks
Terry, Amy, Rosa

I don't get it? I generally spend most of my time doing multiple things. I'm rarely entirely committed to watching tv shows, particularly sitcoms.

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>a show normies put on while testing their friends. Something you can put start watching again while your friend is typing his answers,
What the fuck are you retard zoomers doing?


I'm always blown away at how bad Samberg is. Hes a guy who has never not done comedy, but he only has one delivery style that gets old fast.

bet you've been staring at a black mirror literally all day lol

Hating Gina is unironically a reddit opinion

You write like a faggy critic for the washington post.

Amy is so fucking cute

any show not on HBO or netflix is not worth watching

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Amy is such a pure girl.

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Sounds like a shitty anime trope character.

This tbqhfamalam

I would wife America Ferreira so hard. Also, cloud 9 has really well written episodes some times, but Brooklyn 99 has never made me laugh.


If youa re American you probably like it truth is its unfunny boring facile dribble.

If you want to see piterri in something good watch the episode of Kroll show where they show a backstage clip of her throwing a condiment sachet at nick Kroll from across the room during an interview and nails him in the fucking eye.

>be eurocuck
>shill for Kroll show

It's not office, but it was OK'ish until the latest season.

It peaks when they do the Florida storyline, and after that it's downhill and shit.

It makes sense if you look at the previous shows they made: The Office started out as a deliberately uncomfortable workplace parody, and gradually got more lighthearted and silly. Parks and Rec's first two seasons were mostly forgettable, and half the cast hadn't been characterized. With Brooklyn 99, they decided to skip the awkward first stage and jump straight into the zany humor and over the top characters.

yes lol

Based. Short attention span zoomers BTFO

but who was phone

tell us about your deep meaningful thoughts

I watched a few episodes and found it painfully unfunny except for the Nasim Pedrad cameo which gave me a few decent laughs.

It's a very millennial show in the sense that all the characters are so cartoonish as to be unrelatable and all the "humor" is at no one's expense. Similar to Parks and Recreation in that it's trying to be like The Office without any of the realism or tragic sense that made The Office great.

Millennials make pretty good shows tbqh. Films less so.

Amy is very qt and I'm amazed at her hips every time her jacket is open

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Last two seasons are super cringe. Did they change the writers? Used to be my favourite comedy show on TV.

They started having cast members direct, as well. There have been maybe 2 great episodes and a handful of decent ones.

At least Scully and Hitchcock are in the title cards, now.

This. Holt is the best character on the show hands down.

Overall yes. The acting quality for some characters is questionable but there’s a lot of good jokes in the script, some episodes better than others obviously.

I must agree with out, but I'll still keep watching the show for latina girlfriend