Reminder, you're going to die

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Thank god

Literally brightened my day. Thanks user.

i had a good run


this. not sure what happens after death but it surely cannot be any worse than this.

remember not being born? that

Thanks for keeping me constantly aware of the relative brevity of my consciousness.

Yeah, that was great.

mfw i'm going to live forever

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I agree, hopefully sooner than later.

i wish i died a true free death

finally, we are all gonna make it brehs

You get born, you get to suck on tiddy all day and poop in your pants, life only goes downhill from the point of birth

Can't happen soon enough desu.

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some 41% sooner than others

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>~15 billion years of nothing happens
>~80 years of shitposting
>~eternity of nothing happens


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Why don't you sad sacks kill yourselves?
Dying will suck if you're dead you can't do fun things like play video games and watch anime

we're gonna make it bruh

Idk why this made me laugh

>video games
These don't do it for me.

>Why don't you sad sacks kill yourselves?
Too afraid to live
Too scared to die
I'll just exist in misery

......and that's a good thing!

I was bottle fed

Ummmmm, this is a bit... problematic??


>fun things like play video games and watch anime

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soiboy since birth

I cant die. None of us can. This torture is forever. We all share the same soul, experiencing all lives from all viewpoints. Obviuosly you dont remember being anyone else than yourself, but you have been and will be everyone else and experience their lives. There is no other life in this universe but me. And you. Us. Me. I, or we, are the only conciousness in the universe and reality. There are no 'others', just me forever imprisoned in this gigantic cell of our own making. Sorry for sharing this, maybe its best to forget and go on with your life

Because of my parents and some of my friends.

ok, but fuck niggers fuck kikes and fuck jannies

wait untill those don't do anymore for you and you didn't found anything else
life gets very grey

What do you think the chances are that we all got to live during the golden age of memes? We're pretty blessed.

I wish. Basically what said, I'm the only actual living being in existence and I can't die just because there is no such thing death.
Yeah, people around me "die" all the time, but in fact they have never been alive like me to begin with. That's a fact, because I can recognize no consciousness in this universe but my own. I can't feel their pain or pleasure, grief or happiness, etc., there are only visual indicators of those which could easily be faked.
To be honest, I can die. I'm not physically immortal, just mathematically. I can die, but I never will due to the existence of even a slightest chance of survival in any given situation. I'm seriously considering going professional in russian roulette right now.

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Yes, what is your point?

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Looks like someone just watched End of Evangelion



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Actually I didnt but maybe I will now if its that redpilled on reality

I felt this feeling really intensely while on shrooms. It lasted for days afterwards where everyone around me was an NPC, not an individual soul but just a figment of the same consciousness. Made it hard to connect to anyone.

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So long as I survive till FF7 Remake I welcome this. Thanks OP

trufax user
revel in your time

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>american "men"

Oh man, you are in for one wild ride. Watch the series up to episode 24, then EoE, then episodes 25-26. Have fun.

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induced psychosis

Because I want to see the end credits and the secret post credits scene