what is it about Emilia?
What is it about Emilia?
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Do you think her skull is durable
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Well, first, she's cute
od you think she likes black guys?
she only date white males. sorry, nigga
Cutest psycho!
she's cute and seems like a nice person
>S8 happens
>suddenly 4chins and reddit both love Emilia
what happened
She's also the undisputed queen of Yea Forums
very true
we can see the truth now. she's our queen
Can you stop posting pics of my wife? Thanks.
She turned out to be based (always said what she was going to do and did it) and redpilled (going full fash).
Imagine being Kit Harington and picking the wrong girl
Eatith shit, janny.
She will
Cutest smile
he picked the rich one whilst still supposedly fucking emilia on the side
She looks like a mistress who would keep you locked in chastity and you’d have to lick her pussy for hours every night and spend hours rubbing her feet.
She's NOT for lewd, fren
Damn, Rose hit the wall hard. No wonder Kit is on rehab
I don't understand. Emilia's genuinely better looking IMO and would likely be more of a joy to be around than Rose.
How do i find a girl that looks and acts exactly like Emilia bros
Please go on...
You can't, it's our curse
look within your heart...
there are exactly 20 girls like that in the whole world(I used my autism maths to work it out weeks ago)
she looks way better without that stupid blonde wig
would she make you lick her sweaty armpits too, because that'd be so weird haha
Oh I was just saying how she’d only ever tease you and you’d have to beg to eat her out and you’d live your whole life only getting to cum once every few months and you’d just be begging for her pretty hands to touch your dick and you’d blow your load all over her cute feet.
very cute
why is she like a 8-10/10 on GoT but irl and in anything else she is like a 4 or 5/10?
Long brunette hair Emilia best Emilia
Go on..
Very, very cute!
it sounds like she'd be really harsh and stern, what if I couldn't help myself and ended up cumming before she allowed it? I imagine she wouldn't be too pleased...
go to an expensive British drama school
Its the opposite
God. I want to rip off her clothes and taste that pajeet punani.
Thank god the pajeet genes are fighting the bong genes, thus creating perfection
In GoT she's a powerful queen while IRL she's a stumpy and kinda awkward girl in the late years of her youth, hunted and scarred by her close to death experiences and knowing she could die any time from it.
I think Emilia self-identifies a lot of Daenerys because both know they can't have children due to their past traumatic experiences.
What's the matter? Will her brain explode during child birth?
chad always wins
she is my wife
Pregnancy is likely too dangerous for a person with her medical story.
Very likely due to blood pressure
Quando Quando Quando
Shed be sure to milk you with a strap on as punishment, and you’d have to keep the cage on so you’d be limp the entire time. Just imagine how it’d feel to be on all fours taking it from her as she runs her cool delicate hands across your back and body while giggling as you dribble out your load.
That's a shame. I wanted her to bear my children, but I guess I'll find a less defective girl who resembles Emilia. Holly Earl it is!
You can keep your Scuffed Emilia, i will have surrogate babies with the real deal
She look so sad and cute...
She's a 10/10 in Me Before You and looks completely different (also 10/10) in GoT
Oh no that sounds like a very tough punishment indeed, it's even possible I'd end up painfully shouting my load though my limp imprisoned dick and she'd get even angrier at me.
>eyebrowse to conquer
>a smile to rule the world
very very cute I would say
I think if she loves you and you really wanted it, she'd be willing to risk her whole life and future and go though a C-section just for you. Emilia does seem like that kind of person.
Based Jeffrey Dahmer
>emilia will never get into your car trying to escape paparazzis and fans telling you to drive
Its an abstract kind of feel
The cutest!
She’d probably do that more for herself. Women really really really really really really want kids. If they love you genuinely they will literally try no matter how dangerous the doctor tells them it is. If you told barren women you could make them bear children but it’d kill them 50% of the time, I’m wholly convinced that a huge number of them would take the chance.
Yeah I drive
I like Emilia Clarke. There, I've said it
Cute eyebrows
Why she's so cute bros?
Divine intervention
very true
Not a 10/10 in Me Before You if only because a borderline retarded and autistic character can't be a 10/10.
>only because a borderline retarded and autistic character can't be a 10/10.
Her smile is radiant.
She's not retarded just a bit autistic because of the gangrape
Being a slight sperg amplifies her cuteness
It's good to der Yea Forums finally is able to detect Millie a cute separate from Daenerys.
What type of knickers do u think she uses? I wish female celebrities would sell their underwear.
>separate from Daenerys.
>149 days until generic rom com elfkino
Why is there no edit of her version of Sarah Connor with a Terminator skull partially exposed yet?
Sorry, Emilia. We took so much time to see the truth
You can buy the swimsuit she wore in one scene in Me Before You
Rose's family is so poor they had to sell their castle
They're nobles but not very rich at all
I don't think the wink she does at the start here is conscious
>being a poor aristocratic tory
what a fucking rube
>what is it about Emilia?
She's genuinely happy. Something most modern women cannot manage to be.
>20 days until TS version of Above Suspicion
Well they're still upper-middle class at worst. It's just that castles are super expensive to maintain, there's a reason we don't use them anymore
not to mention inheritance tax just raped the aristocrats of any estates
Imagine breaking into Emilia's home and going through her dirty laundry. Imagine finding several panties, some of them creamed, smelling absolutely delightful. Imagine that every time you inhale and take in Emilia's essence, you feel orgasmic pleasure. You hyper ventilate and pass out in blissful ecstasy.
You people are going to a romcom all alone aren't you?
Why wouldn't i
Yea Forums knows she is set to be Rey's mom in SW9 right?
disgusting lack of Emilia's in this thread
I'm going with Emilia and my /ecg/ bro
>he isn't aware that we've already reserved an IMAX screen for a private watch party
Me in the middle
Someone needs to impregnate her asap to reduce the chance of an autism baby
I like girls in bug jumpers desu
post cold Emilias
what about this
How would you know that though... Maybe Emilia is a horrible cunt and Rose is awesome.
Well that is an exceedingly large jumper
Incredibly cute!
She's the last of her name, user. Blood pressure during labor would make her head explode.
More like granny
she needs to keep warm
Everyone loves Emilia
just get a surrogate user
Surrogacy though
No, I'm winning a contest to watch the premiere with Emilia Clarke.
Emilia friendzoned him because he's a drug addict
>Sitting silently next to emilia for 2 hours
>She won't share the popcorn
Hell on earth
Are you sure it wasn't because of his height?
>he didn't buy 2 popcorns
>Maybe Emilia is a horrible cunt
If i won i would make sure to be married to her after that 2 hours
i mean, officially, since she's my wife already
This too
>Security gives you a mean look when you try to do the arm trick
She wouldn't continue her family name anyway and she has a brother(s)
space queen
>Both sexy and cute
How is this possible?
Because she is Emilia
>make emilia threads years ago
>one or two meme responses
>goes to archive right away
>bitch commits genocide
fuck off /ecg/. I'll still take photos, but you're all a bunch of bandwagoners
That dragon fire melted our hearts user
I didn't use Yea Forums 5 years ago
She was always a qt, I just wasnt sold on Daenerys
Rose is literally blue blood though.
very easily
So is Kit
I only started really coming to Yea Forums and /got/ this season
Are you the grand elder emiliachad who made this thread?
Her hair is beautiful there
i've been danyfag since day 1
have sex
we need more Italian Emilia
i'm not a makeup guy, but she's stunning
boohoo my threads!
danyfag since S01E01, you can fuck off
Get off Yea Forums, Rose.
>Sophiefag starting shit
The eternal rivalry
sooooooo when people say this, are we just ignoring what genocide actually means, and really mean "she killed all the people of kings landing, which means she technically did genocide a city" but she didn't murder every last SINGLE person in kings landing? She did not fucking genocide anything you retards, fuck.
I'm just saying it's possible
Unspeakably cute!
Jus bee ur self
How do i send my CV to be Emilia bf? I fulfill almost all the requirements
Was it snow or ash in the last episode?
Neither one makes any sense.
snow makes sense because winter is coming and jon snow will become king besides his queen dany
Except there was no indication of winter reaching that far south, especially after the Night King was killed
that was d&d fuckup, season 5-8 isnt canon
>no mad jon and mad dany dying trying to conquer the world ending
Would actually subvert my expectations
6'3'', 200lbs, 6% BF and a big jawline. Do you have this?
15% bodyfat
Good jawline
show pics guys
>45% BF
>jawline doesn't matter. I have a beard.
She has pictures of him in her trailer, pack it up boys
doesn't matter, the fat fuck probably will die of heart attack soon
before release the books
>implying i'm posting my face on Yea Forums
Emilia If you're seeing this pay gookmoot to see my IP and lets meet
nice shoulders
i clearly can see you're a latino
Yes, from Burajiru
>tiny american actor and producer
why are the facial caterpillars restless?
She's happy
she has kino faceshapes
she's cute
so here , she's in utter despair?
someone post the scene where she's getting railed
if it has emelia in it why not
Looks like a cumshot to the hair.
he's getting kinda old. do midgets live shorter lives?
Bittersweet because she's living out her dead cripplebf's fantasy
He's from nobility, and so is she, so it kinda made sense.
shut it stupid tranny
I made a choice. And I chose wrong.
Now you know how I felt when shills spammed the board for like 3 months about a show I'd made dead threads about
don't lie to emilia george
June 20th. It's finally coming and you guys can't do nothing to impede
Cursed image
Based Paul Rudd
Based antman
Is it gonna be shitty overdubs?
Sunset found her squatting in over my face, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more I drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier I grew.
This, become trap Emilia and make love to a mirror
And then call me
Post lewds n fakes
The trailer on the distributor's YouTube channel is in English with sand rune subtitles.
She's not for lewd
I disagree and endorse this user wholedickedly
the fuck is wrong with her eyebrow 00:04 its a w
Agreed and Saved.
Dicks out for emilia then
High level caterpillar manipulation
I just realized she reminds me of regina spektor