24 hours of tobacco cessation
Recommend me some god damn movies featuring 0 cigarettes
24 hours of tobacco cessation
Thank you for smoking.
true detective s1
try chewing gum dude, when i stopped smoking for half a year I'd just take one every time I had the need for a cigarette.
Also speed. Amphetamine completely eliminates the physical symptoms of tobacco turkey
Mad men
I feel as though I'd like this movie, but I'm not big into legal dramas and it seems to follow that model even though he's a lobbyist and not a lawyer. Is it laugh out loud funny?
The Sopranos
are you Australian by any chance?
Something involving bill hicks.
What's strange is that I can quit smoking whenever I want. 2 days of mild cravings and then nothing. Start back up again when I go on holidays or whatever. I think I am some sort of rarity given the amount of difficulty most people I know have when giving up smokes. If I never have a single one again it would barely affect me.
teach me your secrets
I usually get into a catatonic state 2 days in where I sleep 15 hours a day and do erotic dreams of tobacco
no, why?
The best way to quit is to remove the source of temptation, so throw out your remaining smokes. You should probably address your oral fixation. A guy I knew liked to chew on ice, some people chew gum or drink coffee, or you could be like me and start sucking dicks instead.
Aussies love their meth
Sucking dicks sounds good in theory but is really only pleasurable for the receiving person.
Remember, after 48/72 hours there will be no more nicotine left in your body...so there will be no more chemical addiction to push you to smoke. It will only be a psychological thing. Dont tell me you will let your brain jews you into harming yourself again. Right?
you can charge 15 bucks a pop
Nicotine addicts honestly make me fucking laugh
I've smoked at 3 points in my life, regularly. 3 months, 2 months and 5 months over the space of 2. With big gaps in between.
I also sometimes smoke after a drink (socially).
You addicts are just weak-willed. To smoke regularly every single day, expensive and embarrassing.
>Starting smoking to begin with
>smoking the tobacco jew
Smoking at all is pathetic since it's only done by people who can't manage their own anxiety.
You will never know what hell is like until you go cold turkey from heavy benzo use. Clean from that shit for 6 months now at least.
It's a relaxing stimulant. Pairs well with alcohol. It's a fun, social drug to take in a social environment.
If you had a anxiety problem I'd say weed is the cope
200 cigarettes.
Yeah great idea, use speed to quit tobacco. Then ween yourself off the speed with some heroin.
>Remember, after 48/72 hours there will be no more nicotine left in your body...so there will be no more chemical addiction to push you to smoke
That isn't how addiction works you retard.
Keep it up user!
Hehehe nice.
What happened here? Gib contex.
dude used his pal as a human shield lmao
What's life like in la la land, mate?
He checks his insta at the end
200 Cigarettes.
>go lo
>everyone gets down
when I was reading alan carrs stop smoking he said keep smoking until you finish the book
I replaced cigs with a vape, by the end of the book I was off cigs
really good book
So you smoke but you can quit any time? Sure thing, buddy.
Smoking increases anxiety, by a lot.
Why would you smoke enough to get addicted?
I smoke but only a black and mild when fishing or something like that so it’s never a problem.
smoking restricts blood flow causing anxiety
most of the relaxing from the cigarette once nicotein wears off is the fact you are taking deep breathes
Lord of the R- nevermind
Not really. I like the movie but I think you ought to trust your instincts and leave it alone
Coffee and Cigarettes
For me the cravings are non-existent until I drink. I'm physically incapable of drinking now unless I know I have a ciger or two to go with it
Lord of the Rings
>only pleasurable for the receiving person
for many it's a selfless act but there are many blessed freaks who enjoy it for its own sake too
You know you want to. It's a better nicotine delivery system than tobacco smoking and so cheap even an Australian could (probably) afford it.
5 months isn't a long time to get addicted properly.
And you are most likely living in somewhere in the West, slavs here are smoking way too much, girls too. I was smoking for 9 years and tobacco free for a bout 5+ years. To start smoking in slav country you just need to go outside and see the shit happening around you.
heroine kills
ass to ass!
Juice and electronic burners are more expensive than buying regular rolling tobacco
eh? eh?
takes three or four days for physical symptoms to wear off, it's not like taking amphetamine pills for that time would make anyone addicted
idk user whenever i have do a upper i smoke probably 5 times as much
I don't need to smoke when I'm sober but when I have one beer or a drink of alcohol I suddenly need a cigarette. Then the more I drink I'll end up with almost a box smoked that night. How can I kick this nasty habit?
Why does smoking look so cool bros?
>I can quit smoking whenever I want. 2 days of mild cravings and then nothing. Start back up again
That's legit superpower you got there.
>teach me your secrets
You just lie on the internet. That simple.
>not using snus instead
enjoy smelling like ass
Typical conversatiion with gopnik:
Got a cig?
And if i find?
yeah me too, but if you would be trying to quit you would have no physical issues with it. psychological ones remain, but it makes it much easier. first three days after quitting smoking fucking suck
>go to slavland
>cigarettes costs 2 nickels and a pebble you found in your shoe
>distribute cigs to local poorfags like I'm Midas
>shoot the shit with them in broken English
>What's strange is that I can quit smoking whenever I want.
I've met a few people that said the same. It's rare but not a unique case
>your blood has 0 % of the substance causing the addiction in it
>He believe you will still suffer from chemical addiction by it
Found the nigger
Here OP, take mine, last 2 cigs.
They've been just sitting here for 3-4 days, I don't even of know anymore.