Other urls found in this thread:
Literally would be the third or fourth time Marvel Disney did it. Her gay black friend from flight school would just take up the mantel and somehow get her powers.
no way this is true
She was the best part of the movie though.
I've been saying this for a while now. Liberals don't think any of their anti-White policies will ever hurt them. Make them live up to their own ideals and watch them casually abandon them.
Wow she based
I don't care if they are fat/skinny/black/Asian/brown/gay/bi
As long as they are Jewish !!
she cute
Based black woman.
>protagonist and antagonist join forces to defeat the big bad
best trope
holy shit she based
didn't realize the IRA shills counted as fans.
Post a picture of your office OP. I'll give you like $40. You can live like a king for years!
Nice meme
It’s true, and you’re not liberals either.
>being a level-headed person in this year
>being a level-headed MINORITY in this year
she must have had a death wish, kek. thank god that most people in real life don't think the way most of those retards do and are actually able to form proper thoughts when it comes to diversity. confront a regular person with such thematics and they will tell you to just be a good person and treat everyone the same. go to a US campus and they will try to explain why white genocide and taking minorities by the hand like some goddamn children is the best thing ever. it's truly pathetic how the American left is more racist than the right by far
>this can't be happening, i'm in charge here!
Based and realitypilled
It's not true. There's no evidence whatsoever of anti-white racism in US police. It exists but largely in the form of street crime in certain cities.
The fact that her job existed in the first place, and the fact she was fired over those comments speaks volumes. That way of thinking has a much larger effect than you're letting on here.
>black woman fired for not being racist enough
We truly live in strange times. Horrible horrible strange times.
Based woman color.
They hated her for she spoke the truth.
Based. Why'd she step down tho?
She wasn't racist enough.
If she was attractive then this whole bullshit would be a little more tolerable. But she's fugly and I'm sick of people pretending otherwise.
I imagine she was "encouraged" to seek opportunities elsewhere.
wtf I love black milfs now
Based and milf-pilled.
They would lynch her if she didn't.
This is the world you’re voting for, dumbshit.
>Yes keep voting for the parties that chip away your civil liberties, commodify your labor, and ignore human decency and human rights! Otherwise black people will be too powerful!
She was all that two years ago, though. Not this year.
So what you're saying is Patrick Little 2020 then?
finally a diversity change I can support
Get Dresden'd Nazi
based there's more than enough white woman
I mean I agree with her but this thread is just too funny.
Most based black woman alive
Why wait?
>saving those cringe comics
>100% black is the only way to be 100% diverse
So everything works out.
>reposting Nazi garbage
>get to where you are through sheer determination and hard work
>accept the role as diversity deputy chief because you don't mind helping unrepresented minorities to get a fighting chance inside the tech industry
>but refuse to give handouts, and recognise that white males aren't all the same
Easy to see where she's coming from.
I've literally never heard "fuck white people" outside of Twitter, and even then most of those mentions are from people like you.
>Young Smith, who is black, apologized to her team in October after she was reported by TechCrunch and other news organizations to have told a conference that a group of “white blue-eyed blond men” could also be considered diverse based on their different life experience and perspective.
It's hard to hear things from the basement, yes.
dogs always bark around niggers they know not to relax
but you've heard plenty of "fuck black people" outside of twitter, right. we need to fight white supremacy
>Strawman: The Comic
I would actually go see Captain Marvel 2 if it was about Monica Rambeau
Is that like a personal attack or something?
true that
What happens when you say "yes"?
t. /pol/
why do Russians hate women so much? Are they just all diddled as kids or something?
Is that why they jerk off to tranny porn so much? Only attracted to women if they have a dick?
On the internet yeah. In real life that sort of thing is restricted to buzzwords.
rent free
there's something missing here
Haha epikly meme'd dood XDDD
rent free
>Praising blacks who arent dumb gas huffing niggers is a bad thing
Of course dont worship them but surely they should be models and examples sinply so we can encourage blacks to stop being such retards
I agree but I think it's mostly about the kneejerk 'based' posters
You know what's brilliant about this? She literally can't argue against it without looking like a hypocrite. Same goes for every other white celebrity leftard who says Jewywood needs more diversity.
Yes what's missing is my dick getting berried in that ass
Based fans
she can fight on my frontlines
what does that even mean? How many pictures of "antifa" boogiemen do you have saved on your computer?
And how is it "rent free" to point out that most of the "white nationalists" on these boards are shitskin LARPs being manipulated by foreign shills?
I have a litmus test for SJWs. Just ask them if they think a 100% black female workplace is more diverse than a 100% white male workplace. If their answer is anything but a resounding "no", stay away from them. Especially if they say "no" and then "but..."
no it's about magatard cuckservatives who will worship a nigger and call him "based black man" the second he says something they agree with
it means you are obsessed with /pol/ and /pol/ lives in your head rent free
Wtf, I love diversity now
Any white dude that votes left these days is the most pathetic sack of shit I can imagine
Literally voting for people who hate your guts
American education
This is legitimately scary. What she said was literally just logic, not 'controversial' at all; and the fact that a BLACK WOMAN can be eaten alive not even for saying anything remotely inflammatory but just for pointing out an obvious flaw in logic (only people of minority groups can be considered 'diversity') and taking an unbiased stance inclusive to everyone is seriously a pretty bad sign. Things are genuinely getting pretty fucking insane and we're quickly reaching a point where no one will have the balls to call it out. However this ends - literal gulags or hard shift to the far right - it will end badly for a lot of people.
>outing yourself as a newfag
Back to plebbit you go.
It is not truth though. Diversity MEANS a lack of white males. If you have a group that includes one or more white males and one without then the one without is always more diverse regardless of the rest.
> it means you are obsessed with /pol/
Again this is coming from someone that posted some antifa boogieman picture unsolicited. And as far as I'm aware /pol/ is primarily just Russian shills and their useful idiot niggers like (You). Not sure how pointing out that you're a useful idiot nigger means you live in my head rent free. It's just reality. Learn to cope virgin.
>reading comprehension
>Diversity MEANS a lack of white males.
no it doesn't.
rent free
Yes it does, that is how it is used. A group of members from every ethnic group on earth is less diverse than a group of black males. Because a group of black males has no white males.
based mommy
Stop talking about Captain Marvel. Spidrman is coming out.
This, that's how HR works. They immediately think white guys = no diversity.
That's why they specifically target minorities in their adverts.
>ethnic group
I know this might come to you as a shock but there's only one ethnic group in America, it's called "Americans". Everyone else is an immigrant. A white guy coming from Norway is much more diverse than an entire room full of american black women.
>be ESL
>can barely read or write english
>memorize buzzwords instead
rent free
>Yes it does
>that is how it is used.
nope. You're just an easily manipulated sjw.
>A group of members from every ethnic group on earth is less diverse than a group of black males.
nope. Doesn't even make sense.
>Because a group of black males has no white males.
You really struggle with basic concepts and words and stuff huh? You doing ok? What language do you actually speak?
You're right (obviously) but in user's defense I think he's more referring to how it's used and what the hard left seem to think it means.
Or he's retarded. One of the two.
I didn't know ecological diversity meant fewer white people, not an abundance of distinct species.
>getting excited about a sequel to a mediocre movie
Honestly pretty much anyone would be an improvement so I'll take it.
I think reading internet articles and Twitter threads biases people into thinking this kind of shit isn't just isolated to a small fraction of the population. Go try to find 10 random people in a public place that have even heard Apple had a "diversity chief", or have an opinion about her. Hell, find 1 and I'll be surprised.
Many companies have put way too much stock in the power of small, loud groups of heavily-left-leaning people, and in reality if they just ignored them nothing would happen. Apple happens to be a very left-leaning company so they're much more susceptible to this.
"I'm just so damn hot, all the Avengers hit on my chiggaboo ass."
but the wasp is a woman
I agree. These companies seem afraid they'll get caught at the wrong end of the next social revolution when it turns out they and their fellow cowards are the ones handing out influence to begin with.
so, some disgusting part of you thinks a black woman has magic opinion powers as well, it seems. fool.
>Yankees tattoo
Get the noose
Not really.
>I think reading internet articles and Twitter threads biases people into thinking this kind of shit isn't just isolated to a small fraction of the population.
Yes it's skewed availability heuristics. It's what propagandists have been doing for the last 5 years to make everyone feel like "things are getting out of control." You just highlight any instance of anyone saying anything at all controversial, and then flood the life experience of people that wouldn't like it. And because it "confirms" that person's malignant feelings about The Other, they happily consume and engage with the propaganda, ensuring that it continues to get spammed into their life experience.
>Go try to find 10 random people in a public place that have even heard Apple had a "diversity chief", or have an opinion about her. Hell, find 1 and I'll be surprised.
The only people that ever know about controversial shit are the ones getting baited by it in their daily internet experience. Like with Gamergate being psychographically microtargeted at "rootless white males," it largely went months before anyone knew who the fuck Anita Sarkeesian or Zoe Quinn even were. People just get their tailored outrage scandalbait dumped into their black mirror and think that everyone else is also obsessing about the shit they're seeing. Reality is being manipulated and psychosis is being encouraged and it's truly a very fascinating time for humanity. We get to watch the end!
oh shit its this guy again
KEK, /pol/ is on full damage control for this one
It is how the term 'diversity' is used in marketing, politics and sociology.
rent free
I would DO that, if you know what I mean.
You spend most of your time interacting with eastern european shills pretending to be your friend while encouraging you to radicalize out against your culture, society, and any chance at happiness in your life. The goal is to make you as hysterical about nonsense and as bitter about the concept of women as possible, so you never "settle down" and find meaning in your own life. You'll just always be agitated and outraged about popular media and lashing out against everything near you out of spite.
You're being trained to self-destruct by people that fundamentally hate you. Cry more nigger.
On an individual basis you're right, but that's irrelevant as the vocal minority's bullshit is literally becoming legislation. Not to mention what's being pushed in the media and the education system. Children are being brought up to believe this sort of nonsense - these are the future leaders of the world; and, on a more short term but equally damaging basis, soon to be the largest demographic of voters.
nope. Let me guess, you're uneducated and you probably think that things like "university education" are just leftist brainwashing hoaxes?
Diversity in marketing, politics, and sociology has nothing to do with "no white males." That's just nonsense for reactionary knownothing virgins that get triggered by the existence of ANY characters that aren't.
The fuck are you on about you raving spastic? Regardless of her race, what she said was both reasonable and logical. The fact that she's black only serves to point out that even members of minority groups can't speak the truth without being targeted by the leftist mob.
>by the leftist mob.
>Russian culture wars shills on twitter
She's right tho.
This has to be the most fascinating schizo Yea Forums has had in years
Imagine fighting a crusade over thousands of posts defending the brave, hard working patriots at the Disney Corporation from the bloodthirsty Russian shills at the Exxon Corporation
Imagine believing that any attack on the filmmaking magnificence of Captain Marvel, the finest kino of the 21st century, could only be the work of a racist terrorist suicide-bomber in training who has been brainwashed by the KGB
Hey, how come you don't tell us anymore about how you know THE TRUTH about the incel terrorists because you used to work for the Koch Brothers spreading racist agitprop online?
reminder that this is an insane leftist who goes on and on about russia, putin, the "internet research agency," and will call you a nigger and tell you to kill yourself ad nauseum if you reply to him. he's literally crazy. just ignore it
here is a selection of his derangement:
it just goes on and on like that, thread after thread
That's the whole point. The majority of people advocating for multiculturalism and diversity don't even understand the whole concept behind it. So you gather those stupids into an echo chamber on internet and you have the whole progessive shitshow of an out of control vocal minority.
racists fundamentally hate me too, so go die.
we all know that isn’t true
When will a company resist public "pressure" and find out that these twitter whingers don't actually have the purchasing power to impact anything? And if they do, they certainly don't have the fortitude to back up their moral outrage, otherwise they'd never buy Apple or Nike in the first place.
Yeah really
Cast xer.
Tell that to a social science college professor
My favorite meme is "Actually everybody would like blacks if not for Russian shills spreading anti-black propaganda online"
The number one cause of racism is having met black people in person
isn't she white jewish?
Would let her use my face as a stool after squatting.
This, it’s hysterical
“Russians have been dividing us on purpose” meanwhile everytime you see a nigger you need to look for the exits of the building
Feels good to be considered a villain desu
>This has to be the most fascinating schizo Yea Forums has had in years
one of those isn't me btw. And I'm not schizophrenic at all.
>Imagine fighting a crusade over thousands of posts defending the brave, hard working patriots at the Disney Corporation from the bloodthirsty Russian shills at the Exxon Corporation
I'm not defending shit. The IRA and other Russian shill houses are LOUSY on this board and have been for the last 5 years. Every one of these of fucking culture wars bait threads is being OPed by eurogook niggers and paid shills. I don't really give a shit about Disney, I kind of care about the psychological well-being of the being being manipulated towards psychosis by people that hate them.
>Imagine believing that any attack on the filmmaking magnificence of Captain Marvel,
It's just Captain Marvel now. It's not one thing. It's ANY thing. Anything that will trigger disaffected lonely internet addicted virgins to radicalize into themselves will work.
>could only be the work of a racist terrorist suicide-bomber in training who has been brainwashed by the KGB
Well no the KGB had been rebranded. And I like how you're self-aware enough to understand the general gist, but you just say it kind of ironically and think that's better?
>Hey, how come you don't tell us anymore about how you know THE TRUTH about the incel terrorists because you used to work for the Koch Brothers spreading racist agitprop online?
I didn't spread "racist agitprop" I mostly was turning Libertarianism into a meme, and it wasn't for the Kochs it was for a company getting funded by the Kochs. Everything is just outsourced now though. It's a lot easier and cheaper just to let arabs and russians and brazilians do it.
Not really.
More like being raised by people that encourage racism. It's taught.
t. live near Baltimore
I don't care about that. Americans are dumb, they still call themselves "African-American" or "Italian-American". Let me tell you this as an Italian, those people aren't Italian at all.
Those black don't know shit about Africa, they've never been there, they don't speak any African language and they know the name of maybe one African country. They're American, not "African-American", the quicker Americans realize this, the better their society will become.
>t. live near Baltimore
I like how you shill for me and even post links to archives and stuff. Highlighting that we've been talking about this shit since it started in 2014 is something I'm ALL about doing. It was very clear when the currently ongoing active measures war started, and I've been pretty goddamn consistent the entire time. I'm not some nigger cultist that needs to change my messaging strategy every month when my daddy's change their minds about things. You are. Which is why you think bringing up the past would be "embarrassing" or whatever. The idea of being consistent is just too much for your nigger brain to conceive of.
>who goes on and on about russia, putin, the "internet research agency,"
I mean all 3 of these things are all Russian. Are you saying the IRA isn't real?
Also are you Russian? Because if you're not, what are you fucking retarded? You a good little cuck nigger?
> and will call you a nigger and tell you to kill yourself ad nauseum if you reply to him
I only call niggers niggers, and I normally don't tell people to kill themselves. I tell them they are going to kill themselves. Which you unambiguously are.
Cry more little babby. Post picture of your tits next time.
White kids do shit like that all the time
I mean she's right. To think otherwise is to believe that something other than experience results in the differences between the races. You would truly have to believe in a biological difference if you were to say that experience is not the only thing that differentiates us as humans. Also why the fuck does diversity matter in a company like apple lol. I can understand politics because different perspectives can lead to an understanding of constituents of disparate backgrounds but for a tech company? You're making a uniform product that everyone, no matter what their background, will enjoy. This has been proven by the success of past technology.
racism is inborn, stupid.
I see you're well trained by your Russian daddies, cuck.
No they don't, schlomo.
Not an argument.
>the Russians secretly control Internet discourse and only I can stop them
>I'm not crazy, you're crazy
see this is why diversity will never work because the people behind don't actually care about it they just want to look good.
You're not a villain, you're a cuck. Russians are the most fucked people on the planet, including fucking Africans. You've been trained wrong on purpose for 100 years now. You niggers literally only know how to think like degenerate tree apes.
Post a picture of you killing yourself kike
Go try telling them that Europeans in their own countries were pretty diverse before mass migration. They already can't fathom the fact that most of these countries didn't have an official language spoken by their entire population before the 19th century. It's anglo-saxon multiculturasim in practice, they have an elusive relationship with reality.
reminder that this is an insane leftist who goes on and on about russia, putin, the "internet research agency," and will call you a nigger and tell you to kill yourself ad nauseum if you reply to him. he's literally crazy. just ignore it
here is a selection of his derangement:
it just goes on and on like that, thread after thread
So why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this woman?
>HIV down dramatically in South Africa
I don't believe that chart. How are they winning the war on AIDS when every other piece of their infrastructure is disintegrating?
Fuck, the national power grid has dropped from 50GW to 35GW, they're one of the only places on Earth that's de-electrifying
Shut up nigger, kill yourself.
Based tranny destroyer
How could you live outside of Baltimore and not hate black people after 2015
>the Russians secretly control Internet discourse
lol I thought it was le jews
and also, they pretty much do. This entire website is moderated by Russian shills. Most of the reddit circlejerk subs are moderated by Russian shills. The russian oligarchy owns a stake in twitter and facebook. They are at the forefront of psychographic microtargeting and they have the will and the resources to engage in full-scale active measures warfare. And they have been since 2014. That's just history. You can read about it really easily if you want. This shit isn't some vague conspiratorial secret.
>and only I can stop them
I can call you a faggot and a nigger, and I will. Because you are.
>I'm not crazy, you're crazy
You literally are crazy you impotent retard. You're being driven insane, on top of the reality that you likely already had a personality disorder, and likely already had mood disorder, and likely already had an intellectual disorder. You're a degenerate loser outlier that is being bullied into compliance by people that want you to kill yourself.
Because she thinks she is the Jane Fonda of her generation.
reminder that this is likely a paid Russian shill. Post proof that you're not lol.
Russia is. She's a good target to prop up as a straw womyn for disaffected virgins to radicalize against.
>thank god that most people in real life don't think the way most of those retards do
Apple is one of the largest companies on the planet, user.
reminder that this is an insane leftist who goes on and on about russia, putin, the "internet research agency," and will call you a nigger and tell you to kill yourself ad nauseum if you reply to him. he's literally crazy. just ignore it
here is a selection of his derangement:
it just goes on and on like that, thread after thread
Based black level headed smart gilf mummy
She was too good for Apple she should go work for amd and hire redpilled bbw mommies and white men
Would bleach
He's gonna be seething, keep it up
that shit is frightening
I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore.
you shills need new propaganda. Still using the same memes from 3 years ago lol.
Not that you really understand English too well huh? Real easy to say some buzzwords or post a picture isn't it?
Keep doing this this is perfect. If my goal is to derail the thread into talking about the Russian active measures war against the west and it's relationship to all the culture wars autism that is endlessly being boosted, you spamming a big wall of links directly related to it is doing me a favor.
Glad I get to live in your mind R E N T F R E E lol
What’s schizophrenia like
>Russians are the most fucked people on the planet, including fucking Africans
LMAO okay? Jesus christ you delusional leftyshill, chill the fuck out Russians are not THAT bad. They are nowhere near as bad as muslims, niggers, or mexicans and everyone knows it just stop shariablue or whatever leftwing shit company you ironically probably work for to shape people's opinions online.
Monica (the little black girl) Was Captain Marvel decades before Carol Danvers took the name. The screwed a black character out of her legacy just to give us Brie
reminder that this is an insane leftist who goes on and on about russia, putin, the "internet research agency," and will call you a nigger and tell you to kill yourself ad nauseum if you reply to him. he's literally crazy. just ignore it
here is a selection of his derangement:
it just goes on and on like that, thread after thread
Your approach is self defeating. You will not change anything. All you do is make yourself look ridiculous, along with any point you're trying to make.
You would accomplish more if you stepped away from the computer, and would probably accomplish even more if you never talk about politics again.
Just like Don Cheadle replaced Terrence Howard.
She could be replaced by literally who and everyone will be happy
Has anybody ever been convinced by anything you've ever posted?
No for real after five years and 3,000 posts exposing the dreaded Russia incel conspiracy have you ever gotten a (you) from someone saying "Oh wow, that's really interesting. I didn't know the Russians were up to such bad stuff, thanks for educating me"?
Or has literally everyone that's ever listened to you talk called you out for being a crazy delusional faggot, which in turn PROVES that everyone that's ever replied to you is just another part of the Russian conspiracy themselves?
I can only really relate what I've studied.
this is apparently pretty accurate. If you've ever been super sleep-deprived you can lapse into that kind of auditory hallucinations and delusions and stuff.
But you don't need to be schizophrenic to be delusional. Most people harbor delusions. Most people are expected to maintain and respect people's delusions. Do you ever really reflect too much on your life and your delusions? Or do you just tell yourself that people that cause you cognitive dissonance must just be crazy?
>LMAO okay?
So kill yourself idk. Why do you sniveling faggots think that virtue signaling outrage is something anyone cares about?
>Jesus christ you delusional leftyshill
Not much of a lefty. And always lapsing into fleeing to your imagination and your newspeak is literally "delusional." Whataboutism is literally "Delusional." You Russcuck niggers literally only know how to justify yourselves with delusional thought.
>chill the fuck out Russians are not THAT bad.
*jerks off to trannies
*gets AIDS
*kills self
As a culture they are full blown cancer. Fully corrupted.
>They are nowhere near as bad as muslims, niggers, or mexicans
they're way worse in pretty much every metric. And again, they're the only ones that are actively engaged in a billions dollar psychological warfare campaign against the west right now. You're just a lonely, pathetic faggot that got hoodwinked by their messaging strategy.
>and everyone knows it just stop shariablue or whatever leftwing shit company you ironically probably work for to shape people's opinions online.
LOL I LOVE IT. WHATABOUT WHATABOUT WHATABOUT. If you think there's some vast conspiracy by "leftwing" messaging companies, why do you think there wouldn't be ones shilling for the "rightwing" which has all the fucking money?
what the fuck is going on in this thr-
To be fair though, russians have been caught with their pants down trying to stir up shit on the internet. The guy you're referring to might be a schizo, a leftist, and whatever other slack-jawed insult you care to throw his way, but he's not far off point.
What I personally find really curious is how so many of you believe in a Jewish global conspiracy, but the second someone points out that Russians are behind a "culture-war" on the internet, even when presented proof of it, you are the first to immediately reject it.
the thing is what he says is at least partly true or accurate, but he's such an obsessed, abusive, crazy asshole that he immediately turns off anyone who would listen to him. that he also shills for leftist, sjw garbage also ruins whatever impact he might have
we're not rejecting it. we're rejecting him and his shitty spam. big difference