So Joker is gonna be a huge flop

No confidently positive reviews after the test screening. Regular capeshit viewers hate that sort of nasty things in comicbook movies so audience scores are gonna be low. Critics will hate this because of toxic masculinity and weak script. Even Joaquin acting won't save this. It will become Dark Phoenix 2.0.

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This is always going to happen when casual idiots that think Capeshit is the height of high art watch actual films
>ooo bad things happen so this film is bad

>hated by audiences and critics alike
So basically it's going to become Yea Forumss new favourite film?

>film not owned by disney getting poor reviews
Imagine my shock

Because Marvel doesnt have an actual villains. They are not used to the killings that cant be canceled by time travel or something.

Stop being so delusional


>This is always going to happen when casual idiots that think Capeshit is the height of high art watch actual films
I like the lack of self-awareness in this sentence.

>everyone that watches movies is being paid by Disney to dislike shitty ones.
Why are foreign gooks so psychotic?

>No confidently positive reviews
>posts a positive review

I mean i'm sure its gonna be anothrr BvS situation but hell post a review thats up to date and not positive

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Oh no a bad DC movie those NEVER happen! What's next is The Kitchen going to be bad? What about Birds of Prey? Please don't tell me Wonder Woman 2 might not be the greatest movie ever made

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They are pretty crazy to make a high budget 'bad things happen' movie and market it to capeshit crowd. If that's your angle make it cheap to make money off more niche audiences or market it probably so you don't get people wondering 'why the fuck did I watch this I just wanted some quips'

Are they any critics reviewing it that aren’t walking parodies of leftardism though?

I like capeshit but I crave darker, edgier characters and plots. It’s frustrating seeing big budgets and beautiful actors reduced to time travel.

are you a teenage girl and is it 2007?

Totes like uber fail

Lol, this.

isn't the budget like 50 million . Its obviously going to be slammed because its about a white male getting his revenge on society even if its portrayed as a negative.

>kike calling a kike a kike

oh sorry didn't realize you were a Russian shill lol. Post pictures of your office kike.

>hated by braindead retards and paid shills
So it’s going to be a good movie? Nice to know.

Where did you find a positive in that review? ViewerAnon just says that only specific audience will like that movie. It’s not a positive thing. Only good thing in this review is a Joaquin’s acting, and we are already new that he will be amazing in this role so...

>watching capeshit

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>we are already new that he will be amazing in this role so
Genuinely amazed how this board gets dumber and dumber

Disney controls the media and it's a fact

>not knowing how business works

>the media
can you explain what you think "the media" is?

Unless my reading comprehension is shit, he says that he is a fan of movies that are of Joker's style, hence thr (I am). And there are lots of movies that are nothing but punches to the gut that are viewed well. Not to say that this will be one since this is Todd Phillips but I'm sure he's just saying that this isn't a happy capeshit movie that'll attract people who go for lighthearted fun.

joker doesn't really have 'super powers' and does make for a genuine and complex villain in the batman story though

So it's confirmed kino, then?

I don't give a shit if it flops. I care if it's a good film.

I feel sorry for Joaquin now. He doesn’t deserve all hate that critics will put on him after the premier. It would be better if he never agreed to star in this. I’m sure Todd Phillips could find another actor for his shitty movie easily

Joker is gonna make back its budget on its opening weekend alone due to low budget (50 million)

Genuine idiot.

oh no no no

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keep your opinions to yourself in the future.
people will laugh at you

>doesn’t believe that Joaquin can play any role like a pro
Are you a retard?

You’re the one that’s delusional

That IS a positive review, though. He says he's into it. You're a fucking idiot.

>he says that he is a fan of movies that are of Joker's style
Where did he says that, lol. If he thought that this movie was good, he, ummm i dont know, would have written something good about it. Like things that he liked in a movie, without spoilers of course. Something about cinematography, script, music, dialogues, ets. But he didnt do that, he wrote just some neutral and controversial stuff. So its obvious that movie was just ok at best, but he didnt want to offend anyone.

translation pls

>Some Spanish acc without blue checkmark
And what am i suppose to do with this information? They are just translate that shit from english-speaking twitter

The Jews.


>it’s different, mom! This is for ADULTS! It’s MATURE!

Some people like it mostly deniro and phoenix it might get some awards probably razzies

so no. You literally cannot even define what you think "the media" is. It's just all le spoopy jew boogieman. Is it the jews fault you're a virgin?

>not a single word about LACK OF CRINGE CGI
This is the main selling point lol, who the fuck cares about plot in damn superhero flick?

As opposed to Capeshit, it's an actual movie.
Capeshitters won't like it, regular movie goers will.

Who's the superhero in the flick?

I m talking about comic book based movies anyway.

I thought that he has a small role. I dont think that this is enough for any awards

I knew it. My boy Joaquin would never agree to do some generic capeshit.
The movie is going to be wicked smart, twisted and nihilistic, just like me.

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This is the kind of movie people will look back to year later( unless things have gotten worse than it is today) and appreciate the risks it took.

becuase its look likes its actualy going to be a worth while character study but the critics want a super hero flick

>complex villain
>super powers
superpowers are not what make capeshit capeshit and he does have powers, same powers as batman. batman who can have 5 liters of blood removed and still be fine in hours

its going to be great if you like films with depth about a character dealing with depression and loss of meaning and loved ones in life trying to find purpose, but if you want a punchy kicky flick then its not for you

it won't flop
a good 50% of the 700M Suicide Squad made was due to Joker, and he was trash and barely in it
this movie only cost 50M and will face very little competition

>And no, I am a virgin by choice.
Yeah this is just what unfuckable faggots tell themselves. That way you don't have to try and risk being embarrassed or whatever. Post pics of your hymen virg.
>There's nothing beneficial to having a relationship in 2016+3.
Particularly to a woman considering a mate and looking at some can't cope adult virgin that blames le spoopy jews for all of their problems.

And I'm not clicking your propaganda memes you nigger. You may enjoy having foreign governments building psychographic profiles on you based on the porn you look at, but I'd rather not.

When do you think you'll commit suicide btw? Some genetic dead-end NEET like (You) probably has a pretty short shelf life.

so is it ever explained why he takes care of his mother for absolutely nothing in return or are we supposed to just accept that cuckoldry is normal now?

>Joker's not complex

thanks for playing

Maybe he loves his mom :)

>I am a virgin by choice
Just not yours

he loves her and she lets chad plow her holes day and night wow what a great movie. You don't see how obviously feminist that is?


You know you automatically lose an argument when you resort to logical fallacies.

his mom is a femcel and he's a rapebaby

describe his complexity.

femcels don't exist you fucking cuck. Niether does rape.


he's supposed to represent all the guys that still live with their parents

but he doesn't just live with her, he waits on her hand and foot and takes care of her financially, all while chad plows her holes. It's feminist propaganda.

Wicked sense of humor

I'll do you one better, if you can sum up the entirety of his character in a single word like "crazy" then you aren't describing the modern day Joker, you are describing what he was in the 50s like Batman. No there are many stories that flesh out and delve into how that "crazy" came about. Case in point: The Killing Joke, about a relatively normal man receiving enough abuse from the world around him that he reached his breaking point. That's a theme resonates beyond the typical superhero/supervillian dynamic, it's a theme you can find explored in shows like Breaking Bad.

you really need to have sex

he fell into a vat of chemicals in the killing joke you moron

Remember, if (((Blue checkmarks))) hate it then there’s a 90% chance it’s good and subtly redpilled.

yes, he's supposed to represent all the guys that still live with their parents. momma's boy.

I've tried having sex. I even asked my mom if she would have sex with me since she claims to love me so much. Even she friendzoned me now she wont even say "I love you" anymore.

I been telling you guys my boy Joaquin is secretly based

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Thanks for playing

i lack it too. what are you trying to imply here?

>Directer Todd Philips
>Famous for the The Hangover 1-3, Road Trip and Starsky and Hutch.

Yeah movie is gonna flop.

Doesn't strike me as a movie I need to see in the cinema. Also its Capeshit so I'll pirate it.

you've never read the comic and you know it, retard. He falls into a vat of chemicals and becomes the joker.

>No there are many stories that flesh out and delve into how that "crazy" came about.
and thats complexity? also most if not all of those stories end with "or maybe that is not how it happened". MR freeze is more complex than the joker

Craig Mazin did shit for years too, then he did Chernobyl

You're resorting to logical fallacies you smoothbrained nigger. Saying "fallacy" and then abandoning all arguments is a fallacy.

And you didn't even have an argument in the first place. You posted some propaganda blog with a bunch of phishing links and talked about how you're a "virgin by choice" lel.

Learn to cope.

I'm willing to believe it. Other shitty movies are no worse than Disneys shitty movies and yet all Disney movies get reviewed 9/10 and other shitty movies get slated.

I am actively against Disney at this point.

all these movies are good

>le corporate wars DCvMarvel!!!
Fuck off

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>It will become Dark Phoenix 2.0.
literally no one cares about your garbage shitty x-men capeshit films, or the standards SJW legbeards hold these films to. None of these things matter you incel freak


>Joker was raped as a child
So every libtard critic should support him and his actions now because he is a victim. Otherwise they will be doing victim blaming

>55 million
>high budget

Yeah, thanks for playing goofball.

Uhh yeah, it's inherent in the theme and there are many ways you can explore the same concept. And i am aware of the many "backstories" that pop up but I think the point is to show that they could all be a valid way for a man to turn into the Joker because it can happen to anyone.

>MR freeze is more complex than the joker
Maybe he is, I wouldn't know

I mean it clearly doesn't follow the typical bare basic heroes journey. It seems more like a character study on one version of the Joker than a fucking supervillain blockbuster origin story.

Pretty sure their target audience isn't the capeshit crowd. Shazam and now this, it seems DC is trying out new approaches to put their franchise on screen.

are you literally 15? seriously think about killing yourself nigger

Lol, John Wick 3 is a typical capeshit with cool action and without a basic plot and still got 89% RT from critics. And its not Disney, surprise surprise


>literal who quipbait garbage aimed at greasy zoomers
yeh that sounds like every capeshit fan in existence. it's also NOT the same crowd who would be interested in this movie

>"propaganda" even though it's factual
>you're big meanie poopoohead
that's a yikes from me

>target audience isn't the capeshit
Why are you so retarded? Shazam is a typical capeshit for typical capeshit audience

>What are the Reactions? Quite Positive, the best grades for both Robert DeNiro and Joaquin Phoenix who (for those present) can appear in next year's Nominations

Anyone interested in films other than capeshit would notice the trailer. Plus they have an entire audience out there who will buy anything superhero related if they can sell a few tickets by saying it's a joker movie they will do just that. To me it never felt like that movie was really targeting the capeshiters, when I first showed the trailer to my friends they just went, uh that looks weird.

Isn't it rated R?

I meant Shazam was clearly a different direction from what DC has been doing so far. You know? in contrast to the dark Snyder stuff.


You're saying it's going to be good but critics and majority audience won't like it.

That isn't like Dark Phoenix at all. Dark Phoenix was just a steaming pile of shit.

>Zero arguments
Lol, keep living in your imaginary world

Im not saying that it's going to be good. I think that the only good thing in it will be Joaquin's acting

You're conflating "sympathetic" with "complex". That origin story is very straightforward and there's nothing at all complicated about it.
>normal man is beaten by the world to the point he becomes some bizarre criminal

That's something every person in this country who makes less than 80K a year can relate to and it is very easy to understand. It is admittedly reductionist to dismiss someone like that as "crazy", but it's not inaccurate. It just doesn't account for what makes him crazed.

You forgot his G.G. Allin film, the one that almost guarantees this will be absolute kino.

What about Marc Maron's acting, user? You don't think he'll lock the gates?

everybody LOVES Keanu, hating on him loses you fanbase. think of the angles.

>detective pikachu avatar

opinion discarded

If it's relatable by so many's struggles, doesn't that make it complex as a look into existence within modern society? Like taxi driver.

No, I would regard something that's relatable as being by its nature uncomplicated. If it's easily understood and sympathetic I fail to see how it could simultaneously be hard to understand and unrelatable, which is what complex means. Complexity is often misused in film criticism by people who want to sound smart, like "visionary" or "genre".

[Coincidence intensifies]

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Keep reading those reviews. It's now pre-confirmed Kino. What's left is the Disney damage control and the usual critic defense game.

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Who cares how much money it makes?

Libtards dont care because they're two-faced suck ups

>White leads are poison box office and here is why...

The classic DCuck tears.

Where do you read it? Do you have a link?

We knew it would flop.
The question is how memey will it be.


>Yea Forums says it's a flop
Guaranteed billion

>Needs a reason to care for relatives
How do I know you aren't white?

>if you're into that kind of thing, you'll love it
>(I am)
This means he enjoyed it. You window-licking mongoloid piece of shit. You fucking disgust me. I bet you wash down your daily Crayola lunch with a swig of Elmer's, you potato-headed doorknob fucker.

you retards tried that shit with Godzilla and remember how well that turned out?

>"propaganda" even though it's factual
literally isn't even factual. It's entirely just propaganda made for desperate idiots that want their worldview validated while they click on malignant spyware.
>you're big meanie poopoohead
no you're a degenerate nigger virgin and you're going to die alone by your own hand.
>that's a yikes from me
Just imagine what it'll be like when you hang yourself in the closet.

Joker is rated R movie with 50 million budget and virtually no action. How much do you think a movie like this can make?

>anyone that doesn't like things must be Disney
You company wars retards are so stupid. Disney is just as interested to see something like this do well as anyone else. If it does they want to be able to make their own edgy bullshit.

This idea that capeshit movie companies are rooting for other capeshit movie companies to fail is so fucking autistic. When a DC or Fox movie sucks, it hurts the numbers on the next Marvel movie. They're all generally rooting for each other to continue being successful, because otherwise it means the bubble is bursting and they're out of a job.

company wars faggots

If Joker makes Godzilla money it will be big success though. It has like 3 times smaller budget

It’s not about the box office tho, I want Joker to be a good kino with good reviews, and almost all fresh leaks from test screenings tells that its gonna be bad... Sorry Joaquin

>while ago I saw a test screening for a big upcoming franchise film and it’s been a huge fucking bummer not to be able to talk about it because boy is there a lot to talk about

Ha ha, classic