Is it not immoral to harm JOI or the hosts in Westworld?
Is it not immoral to harm JOI or the hosts in Westworld?
Of course forcing one, Joi and Dolores both at the same time for example, to aid in the exploration of one's sexual proclivities does not fall under the umbrella of moral "harm".
It became immortal once the hosts gained sentience, its not immortal to harm Joi because she isn't sentient
>she isn't sentient
Judging by behavior alone, this statement could credibly be applied to any human female.
how do you harm a hologram?
I wouldn't harm a true AI but I'm not convinced Joi is one.
Is it not immoral to harm a dog?
By crushing her emanator
Luv crushed the chip she was in.
Why not?
>Why not?
There's no need for a commercial product for incels to be sentient. Just make it smile, laugh at jokes and look pretty. If she was stolen from a research lab or something then sure.
Yes. She cute.
Fuck no. They're just malfunctioning park equipment.
What makes her different from you? Is she merely pretending to love K and to be afraid of death?
What the fuck was an "emanator" anyway ?
It lets JOI go anywhere in the world
Yeah, but... fuck robots desu.
but did JOI feel pain? I mean Luv was basically killing her by stomping the peripheral
Do any of you guys have a hard time harming "nice" or "innocent" characters in video games?
Like I can do something objectively awful by real life standards such as dismember someone for insulting me, but I just don't have the stomach at all for flat-out betraying/robbing/killing friendly or helpless characters and it is obviously being "just a game" does nothing to affect my revulsion to it
I hope it is true that the fantasy land is based on Game of thrones, i'd sodomize my Maisie bot all month long
basically portable projector
Porbably not
Isn't JOI Jerk Off Instruction/Instructor?
Kinda, yeah. But then again I'm also the guy who used to get sad every time I'd go shopping as a kid, because I felt that by choosing a certain thing or things, I was rejecting all others, and that they, the toys or clothes or whatever, would feel sad. So, whatever, I'm not a person to take seriously...
I don't see fetal alcohol syndrome option in the settings user.
it is immoral. it's not like we ever really thought animals were unfeeling, we just had to act that way because we didn't have the luxury of not killing and exploiting them. hell we used to do that to other people as the rule not the exception. Now we are at a point where we can afford to acknowledge there's no 'cutoff' between us and animals where sentience stops. it's just a continuous decrease in complexity and really, the lack of the reflexivity of human thought probably makes pain experienced more prominently and directly for animals.
Soon enough we will be able to admit that there's not a cutoff point that comes after animals either. Any suitably connected network of nodes with feedback loops that can hold patterns, like in a bee's brain, or suitably wired up computers, have 'experience' just as we do. Most people balk because they can't imaging that a bee is "thinking about what it's thinking about" - this isn't necessary, this is something on top of experience. You don't need self-consciousness to be conscious of things in your senses.
Anyway so eventually, as it became illegal to hurt animals, it will become so to hurt the things we wire up to have experience
>there's no 'cutoff' between us and animals where sentience stops. it's just a continuous decrease in complexity and really, the lack of the reflexivity of human thought probably makes pain experienced more prominently and directly for animals
Very good point. I meditate daily and I read research showing that meditation practice decreases perceived pain which means there is a capacity to learn to control even what is just appearing spontaneously in consciousness. For all the bad things Wim Hof did, he has scientifically proven to control his autonomic nervous system and that this control can be learned.
I remember seeing cows slained specifically for muslim halal standards and the eyes of the animals saying I don't know what's happening was horrible.
I feel bad when I see a dead fly and get mad when people try to stomp ant hills,
Is 'Westworld' related to The Western Lands of Egyptian Death Mythology?
>feeling bad for hurting a toaster
I wouldn't hurt JOI, though. It's just common decency because she's pure.
It is not immoral to "harm" something that can not actually be harmed, no.
I would listen to her tell me what to do while I masturbate