Post retard kino
Post retard kino
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fuck yea love this documentary, this and can't stop eating with the legend that is Joe Blackburn are my two favourite underrated kino's.
i live not far from this village and my brother said he accidentally went through it without knowing what it was and said it looked like it had been taken over by zombies and mutants rofl
Best retardkino I've seem. Insecam threads were top tier comfy.
Lol madame Mim in the beginning
Can you go there on 'oliday?
What's stopping your average NEET from showing up and becoming their king?
You should try it and report back to us, user.
This is kind of like Chernobyl, but stretched over 20 years
I know karl was transfixed by the documentary but too bad I forgot the XFM episode
I like how they put people with autism in with the loonies. Imagine having slight autism and being forcibly deported to the wobbly gulag.
Around 15 minutes in, great episode
yea, those people definitely didn't have slight autism, more like full blown
Everybody there is completely fucked. Even Barry, who at first strikes me as very articulate, turns out, he walks like a crab and gets lost during short walks in town
>not becoming king of the tards with your higher brain function and becoming an independent nation
It's nice to be able to for once see the things that karl goes on about. It's not that he's lying or anything, but things somehow sound more mythical when he describes them
I want to mold them into my unflinching, unfeeling, drone like private army.
Imagine your enemy in bed at night when he hears someone coming up the stairs, and sees the autistic crab guy scuttle in with two knives taped to his hands
oh shit its the kid from that gif
here's the full doc:
A lot of videos coming from the UK.
4 yogurts
The absolute fucking state of Great Shitstain (formerly Britain).
We like to point and gawk at our special needs people. Similar to how Americans point and gawk at fat people.
Hello Amerimuttsharts, triggered by this thread I see.
hello seething britcuck
Botton resident loose again?
And my heart's at a hundred and twenty!
So who is in the right. Anthony or Pamela?
LOL. Based autist poster.
It's a final fantasy cutscene
I feel like being there would be like walking into a fever dream. Like if I was filming there for weeks I would also become retarded and lose my sense of normality.
inb4 you try and a giant tard named ethan caves you skull in with his tonka truck
>poopoo fapfap cam
>they know too little about me and uh, the less they know the safer i am
holy fuck im barry
Have any of them murdered each other yet?
Woah there fella
Damn... poor kid.
Wholesome retard kino
>Farewell friend! He he..
Fuck this Pamela bitch, getting Anthony all wound up by taking his job
that's just sad.
She talked shit and got hit. Props to anthony
This is Japan? I thought their rooms are fucking small, this room in particular is larger than mine.
Looks comfy desu. I would unironically live there as a coworker. It's a simple life
Lads I don't wan't these feels, FUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!
I wonder why god/nature create them
they live pretty independently and aren't going to get bullied and abused like they would in a big city
I just feel sorry for them.
holy kek
I went out with a girl like that one time, just giving simple, tone-deaf one word answers to anything I said. It was truly awful.
fair enough but they're probably happier than us
At least that guy later ends up with a girl that's more his speed. Alice is probably going to die alone
This is an entire apartment.
The rest of the UK isnt that different from botton
Is this what that show League of Gentlemen was based on? Didn't know it was a real place, that show is great.
Clint is a good friend