>*watches the Matrix once*
Why do some things like The Matrix, Sonic, Ponies, Star Wars attract so many autists that model their lives around them? What’s the autism-factor?
*watches the Matrix once*
have cybersex
She is hot as fuck. You know OP, there are people that don't give a shit about other opinions. If they are happy with the "autistic" choices they make, you can go fuck yourself.
>autist detected
What's your franchise of choice?
>defending furries
Who's more foolish the autist or the normalfag who follows?
Lord of the rings. I am immune.
Pet play can be hot.
You are just a hot mess aren't you. Be honest, it's not just lotr and furry, bet you got other shit going on.
legs too skinny/10
imagine if bella raped you
Your lame and frustrated, aren't you? Come to terms with yourself, or keep making assumptions on an anonym chinese imageboard. I will take my green coat, holster my short sword and take a hit from my pipe. After that I will proceed not giving a fuck.
She’s a horse girl, so she definitely jerked off a horse against his will (they have to do that to keep the horses healthy).
wowww go on
Fight Club belongs in this discussion. Most unlikable fans in cinema.
Autists are very attracted to fantastical, escapist worlds of magic and wonder which are also very rigidly structured and easy to self-insert into
The horses need to cum a LOT, but they can’t fap and it’s dangerous to let them fuck. Also, horse breeding is srs bsns and there actually a massive horse semen trade.
and she always swallows
It's crazy to remember how huge matrix was .
Why don't modern films have any cultural impact
>bbbbut thanos snap!!' Those memes!!
Already forgotten bro.
more pls
What roles would she be good in?
Something with lots of leather and boots.
I can't stand that either, that's why I only watch anime like a normal person.
Loyalty and devotion are not new things. We used to have these for our kin, for our flag, for religeon, for other things we believed in.
Now we have no kin because our parents kick us out at 18 and our kids are too busy working to talk to us, we have no flag because flags are offensive and why would you ever want a nation you evil nazi, and we have no religeon because religeon is unironically ironic bla bla something about church and state bla bla tard wrangling.
Basically, everything we've ever had to believe in has been deconstructed because all of these things divide people into "us" and "not us" and we've decided that the very concept of people being not like us is offensive.
That leaves us with products and shows and characters and fictional concepts to foist loyalty and devotion on. Its a cheap, consumerist way to invest emotions that are a deeply ingrained part of the human psyche in a way that won't piss off muh open borders crowd.
As an added benefit, it funnels even more money into the hands of IP owners as people buy the merch and the clothes and shit trying to emulate this or that character they like.