>tfw no ENTJ daddy like Tywin to take care of me
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Tywin is INTJ according to this, so does CHAOSH man and me
intp master race reporting in
They're just wrong. Agree with chaosh man though.
>master race
lol enjoy not getting anything done and boasting about how smart you are all day long.
accomplishments are for try hard attention whores who are too afraid to explore the deepest recesses of their mind and to stare directly into the face of the abyss
>me so smart intp. I fap to knowledge.
Tywin strikes me as more of an ENTJ, with Littlefinger it makes more sense he's an INTJ because he's on his own but Tywin has his whole house backing in up
Are all intj's psychopaths or just most? asking for a frend
Usually sociopaths are entps, estps and istps. Intj's are just edgy kids.
I said psychopath, and neither sociopaths or psychopaths can ever be E's since they lack empathy
Ok no, your right Empathy is part of the T-F axis, you can be extravert and empathyless
Some of the least empathetic people in the world are Es. They're incapable of perceving emotion unless it's being directly telegraphed to them.
Littlefinger strikes me as a INTP more than INTJ, with the whole "seeing all the possibilities" thing. also seems more playful and relaxed, less ego invested than a J.
Tywin is not an ENTJ. Can you imagine doing extroverted activities with him and do you think he would do extroverted activities for his family? No, he wouldn't, but if he did it would be for personal reasons like strengthening HIS reputation.
intps lack ambition. littlefinger was constantly scheming and weaving webs of deceit for his own personal ambitions.
Yea Forums you shall marry/ r/movies and that will be the end of it. I will not hear another word.
what's this obsession with identifying and labeling everything? these personality classifications are absolute shite
Notice me, father, and give me fucking Casterly Rock already.
Categorizing has helped us understand the world around and has become an instinctual need.
I said obsession, not just regular categorisation. How does this arbitrary shit help us in any way? Personality is such an extremely complex subject and can't be summarised with four letters.
Jaime you will marry the elephant's foot to join our houses with RBMK, I will not hear another word
Who else /ESTP/ Chad here?
Jaime Lannister, Trump, the list goes on
its not as complex as you think and yes it can. Your entire being can be described with 4 letters. Your nostalgic thoughts and feelings toward whatever mundane bullshit you did every day as a child don't matter. You aren't that complex and you absolutely can be summarized easily.
>ENTP since forever
>Every since i started disciplining myself 2 years ago, suddenly became ENTJ
This test is zodiac tier
>tfw ESTP
common sense and a general lack of egomania
ah, so no source then
You are literally some combination of these traits. Myers-Briggs attempts to gauge and classify that combination and does it fairly well. You aren't interesting or special, you are just like everyone else.
Hmm, I'm supposed to be intj but I'm fairly sure I've said something similar once.
>personality traits
>this is enough to summarize your entire personality
holy fuck you're retarded. this doesn't support the pseudoscience bs that is 16 personalities at all
>you aren't interesting or special
when the fuck did I claim I was?
If none of them are INTJs, what are some good examples of INTJ characters (not necesarily in GoT)
INTP here. It's a curse if you do nothing with your life, but finding what you want to do in life and not letting anything stopping you from doing it and the greatest gift will be others liking what you do. Not for the satisfaction of attention but for the pride of knowing you're making people happy by simply doing something that makes you happy.
Maybe I'm just speaking more for myself here but I ain't given up on my dreams!
Never give up!
Usually ENTPs are "degenerates with hearts of gold". ENTJ is more properly sociopathic and predatory towards their fellow humans. ESTPs can be a mix; they can sometimes become predatory if they become too "far gone".
>believing in this horoscope 2.0 crap
Extroversion merely means you get energy from the external world. In the traditional sense, it means you get energy by socializing with people.
Psychopathy has nothing to do with whether or not someone enjoys socializing with people or not
>He doesn't
What do you believe in, huh? What do you believe in?
>it's true because it has a Wikipedia page
are you 9 years old?
This shit is literally astrology for guys, fucking stop it I'm cringing to death here
Ikr? Sick and tired of everyone obsessing over whether I'm a male or female. Lile fuck off maybe I'm neither? Or both? What's it to you shitlord?
They're all just cringey autists desu.
what do you think 16 personalities is? it gauges your response to questions and maps them using the big five and then categorizes you into one of a range of relatively broad but nonetheless fairly accurate personalities
I understand having doubts, especially if it comes from that meme 16personalities page and it has many flaws, but comparing it to a horoscope is just retarded.
I didn't link Myers-Briggs, genius.
>How dare you compare Myers Briggs to astrology
>m-muh psychology is a science
Hmu when you can reproduce a single experimental result lmao
Entire field of brainlets. Myers Briggs is a fucking joke just like the rest of it.
which has never been confirmed to work, see it's the same shit
epic falseflag my dude
>it's the same shit
No it isn't. Not even close, actually. Don't talk about things you don't know about.
Mbti isn't seeking to define your entire personality. 16 types isn't nearly enough to describe everyone ever. It just describes your baseline thinking process (deciding with logic vs feeling, observing with sensing vs intuition). You have to add in a whole bunch of other shit like temperment, love style, etc.
While I agree mbti is a load of horseshit and just used by unproductive people to make themselves feel better about their behavior, there is some merit in what it's trying to achieve.
I don't know, I'm not saying it's a science, I don't give a fuck.
But it has the merit to ask questions before putting you in cases, instead of juging you based on the month of your birth, there's a difference.
And it has been proven that psychologists do help people or change them and shit, there are results.
Trump is an Entj, easily
>I don't give a fuck if it's true
Oh no no no LOL
lol yes it fucking is. if it isn't, why the fuck did you type
>Myers-Briggs attempts to gauge and classify that combination and does it fairly well.
and why did you quote that wiki page in relation to 16 personalities? you're straight up lying
which is completely fair, but the other user insisted otherwise in his statement is completely unfounded and ridiculous
Imagine unironically being so fucking stupid you actually can't follow a simple conversation.
>no argument
you're at that point where you've given up but you just need the last word. I literally quoted you lying and asked you to explain it
No I'm not it's 3:40 am here and I don't have the energy or the patience to spoon feed you
are you fucking retarded
>get called out on your bs and asked to explain yourself
>"u dumb"
so you're the TARD personality, got it
Let's be literal:
The MBTI cannot perfectly define a person, but it is not completely inaccurate. I have regularly recieved INTJ as my personality type and when I don't I am either choosing to deviate from my common behavior or I have been compromised. Does this mean I am not an INTJ? In the grand scheme of things, I'd say most of the time yes but on a few occassions no, because people change, and some people probably change often enough that it makes them difficult to define.
Being a lead E type doesn't necessarily mean you're sociable. It just means your lead function performs externally. Te (extroverted thinking) and Fe (extroverted feeling) means their decisions are based on the tribe (what works best for the tribe), where as Ti (introverted thinking) and Fi (introverted feeling) means their decisions are based on their own internal framework (what works best for me).
I believe that what doesn’t kill you simply makes you...cringier
>Get ENTJ all the time
>Am not a successful business leader
I reckon this mbti shit is nonsense
I'm INFP :(
I'm an ISTP what does this mean?
Same desu
Things get really difficult reading so many genuinely lonely and depressive posts on Yea Forums.
Been coming here for years thinking I would become a hateful monster but just learned that even hateful people are strugglers on their own and deserve our compassion all the same.
Reinvigorate your childhood obsession and find it's most practical application. ISTPs may be prone to high-functioning autism, daydreaming or even sociopathy. Finding something where objects are more prominent than people. They'll probably bore you out anyway.
Primary function: Ti (decisions based on internal reasons)
Secondary function: Se (gathers information and facts in the external world)
Tertiary function: Ni (organizes information into patterns internally)
Weakest function: Fe (decisions based on externally based values)
I disagree, he should be working on his weaker functions to become a more well rounded person.
IxxPs are single deciders, meaning they either rely strictly on logic or feeling. He needs to develop his values through the tribe, see what people like, etc. This is especially helpful if he wishes to start a business. He 100% needs to feed his strong internal logic with tribe validation, otherwise he will end up spending years developing a product or service that people won't be attracted to purchasing.
I'd say you like your hobbies and enjoy getting new ones, and you don't like being forced to do things you have no interest in.
I never really had a childhood obsession growing up besides videogames and dicking around. Wish I could have found one. Every social circle I enter, I'm first accepted with open arms but I always tend to lie and manipulate and be cast out. Idk why I'm like this honestly, I care for kind people but I hate dishonest people. I'm also really selfish at times but also very empathetic. I tend to fake emotions pretty well too and manipulate my loved ones without me thinking about it. For some reason when it comes to extremely stressful situations like fighting or police encounters, I'm a lot more confident and calm, which is ironic because I'm antisocial with people.
Should I just interact with normies more then? My dad was exactly like this. He spent years working on a product/business by himself that no one cared about and it led us to financial ruin.
Delete this right now
Or he can do what he wants, and what he will most likely do, ignoring your advice for better or worse. The way I see it, I can learn from his faults.
if youre posting here its already too late
Definitely interact more with people. You want to gauge and see what people want and like to compliment your internal reasoning. You cam learn from your dad's mistakes and get a sense of what people desire most. Pouring in all your energy to make something that makes sense to you will come easy for you, the hard part will be interacting witb normalfaggots but in the longrun it will help you immensely
Tywin does not come off as an extrovert at all.
Whenever we see him doing personal hobbies (skinning, fishing) he's always alone.
Ok thanks user I'll take this advice to heart.
>tfw boring ISTJ
>tfw doomed to be the dependable second-place guy
>tfw they will never songs, movies and stories abot you or people like you
I hate being INTP. How do I stop?
>I said obsession
That's where the instinctual need comes in.
Based and boringpilled
You don't. Keep weaving those thoughts, building those mental walls user!
Is Putin ISTP or INTN?
ENTPs are the master race
I hate this shit more than anything. First time I ever took the test I'm an INTJ, second time I'm an INTP, now I'm an INFP.
>tfw doomed to be the dependable second-place guy
Only if you want to fulfill the stereotype
Work on your Ne (extroverted intuition) to compliment your Si (introverted sensing). Embrace the external chaos and gather patterns so that you can organize it all internally.
yikes dude
Like the ISTP, your weakest function is Fe and rely too heavily on your own internal logical framework.
Work on socializing more with people and developing values and goals based on what others value. You will only be able to change if you step outside your confort zone.
16personalities is garbage. Get someone that knows you well to type you, it will be much closer to reality than your clearly mixed views of yourself.
No problemo man, I wish you the best and hope you succeed
>developing values and goals based on what others value
meant to quote
>tfw INTJ 27 year old kissless virgin who started his first ever serious relationship with a INFP woman (we both did the test, whatever)
i dunno what to make of this, she is really into me. this is the first time a person has shown this much intrest for me. i didnt even had to try. even if this goes bust it still has been very interesting experience, for some reason i dont have any pressure about this.
but yeah oh god what have i done all my life.
Tyrion is entp though
had to pick a got character who smiles, because thats me
Don't be shocked when no one wants to get on board with you
Are you lying to me boy?
>Greg House
okay you got me. im still moderately happy
Tywin is clearly an introvert (either INTJ or ISTJ), he is clearly all business with EVERYONE except his former wife and to a very limited degree Jaime (also in the show Arya).
He spends most of his time as hand drafting letters and when he meets with people he issues very curt edicts and then tells people he doesn't care how they feel about what hes saying they'll do them anyway or he can make bad things happen to them.
>believing in horoscope for nerds
no wonder you're gay
Tywin is in no way an introvert, I'm an ENTJ too and I fucking hate being around people. Not because it's hard, not because I can't interact with them, and definitely not because I've had bad experiences, but because they are annoying, frivolous, and deep as a puddle. The reason I do interact with others is mainly to stroke my own ego, and because I'm not dumb enough to think I can achieve much in life being an introverted loner faggot. They don't know though, they never notice because I'm very good at hiding it, they think I'm having a great time and I'm a great listener when I'm really about as fed up with their bullshit as I can get.
That's just me, Tywin has a lot more reasons (and likely more valid than mine) than I do to be tired of other people's bullshit, the fact that nobody lives up to his standards can't help.
This. Jungian functions speak for themselves.
Look at how shitty his kids were. They destroyed Westeros.
I'm an INTP twink, please be my daddy and lead me with a short leash
Intp twink here as well. You think we can fuck?
You sound exactly like me. Once in awhile I run into someone with something sort of interesting or intelligent to say, though, and that keeps me going.
INFP sounds just right cause your a fag
Extroverts by definition like and recharge being around other people. Robert Baratheon was clearly an extrovert.
Tywin is certainly an introvert because clearly he doesn't do this and all his interactions with people are business with supposedly the exception of his 1st wife and to a limited degree Jaime (and in the show but not the books Arya).
INTP-INTP, what's the power dynamic there?
none. They're two twinks. I bet they'll even fall in love.
ENTP here
Argumentative and imaginative
we can do more than just that
As an ISTJ there's something satisfying about seeing INTJs get bullied. Probably because they do genuinely think they're better then everyone else while simultaneously habing a victim complex.
But ISTJs are boring though. I'm an ENTP and once had an ISTJ math teacher. Hellish experience. I couldn't stop trolling the dude and he couldn't stop scolding me.
Gods you're turning me on.
>nothing personnel kid
>architects you may know
>no pierce brosnan
>user, you will marry Danaerys Targaryen. You will wed, bed her, and put an heir in her, and that will be the end of it.
h-haha oh man wouldn't you hate to be Tywin's son and have him arrange your marriage? He's such a bad father haha
At this point I don't even care. I just wish I had a strict father.
INTJs are the cancer of the earth
>chess-like maneuvering
I knew Pierce did shit like that
>user, you will marry Stacy and put an end to these disgusting rumors about you and /gif/
Stannis is INTJ.
ISTJ, even the website types him like that
Basically the ONLY istj in the world I ever liked
MBTI is a spook
He's an ISTJ. I don't see him being extroverted and intuitive.
ENFJ reporting