I know people like to shit on modern Family Guy but honestly...

I know people like to shit on modern Family Guy but honestly, the new episodes are pretty good and certainly no worse than the older ones.


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why do they have to lie and make Trump orange

next you'll be complaining that his hair isn't 10 feet long and he can use it as a lasso. it's almost like it's...a joke.

Trump is known for spray tanning. Hence the orange man thing

Attached: 1492533282-trump-scale2.jpg (4000x2000, 1.02M)

>he new episodes are pretty good and certainly no worse than the older ones.
Hi Seth, will you move on with hating your own mother?

>slowly gets rid of his spray tan after being mocked for it
What an insecure baby lol. Bet he even got hand surgery.

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Why is making fun of Trumps skin colour okay but anyone else's is bad?

Try watching the commentary episode, I dare you

>Seth McCocksucker
>Seth McShitface

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hi lois

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No. Freaking. Way.

God has abandoned us


Family Guy presidential depictions ranked:

1. Obama as Conrad Birdie
2. Naked Bill Clinton
3. Orange Donald Trump
4. Baby Dubbya

idk, I personally think the quality has gone downhill: youtube.com/watch?v=0AwLjNpN_aU

American Dad's bush was kino tho.

Why aren't there any negative depictions of Obama? He's done so many bad things that it would be fairly easy to make fun of him.


Part 1 was kino but part 2 sucked. Also isn't Trudeau a beta cuck? Remember the time when he wanted to talk to Trump but Trump was too busy?

Literal strawman

Never heard of the first one, and the second one isn't necessarily Obama, just a black guy. Also, why was Rick so powerful there but got cucked by the female superhero in that other episode? Women always ruin everything.


>peter loses and uses electricity to cheat win, suddenly has strength.
>they didn't all punch the leaf

real Americans hate Canada

It would have been kino if he and Trump stopped fighting to beat up Trudeau.
>how's that for a trade agreement?


>Fox get bought by Disney
>Family Guy immediately attacks Trump

that trump makes me itchy

Rick gets cucked all the time, not just by women, that's what makes the show interesting.

Oh look the same tired fightscene joke we've already seen a million times before
Family Guy is a single Sneed away from being modern Simpsons

where are the jokes?

>cheeto man bad

And then they made fun of gays and trannies a bunch right after that but hey not like you triggered babies would know.

>trump has spray tan
>trump has small hands
>trump does trump hand gestures
>trump has marital problems
>trump talks about his money
>tax returns
>melania is a foreign whore
i mean its comedy genius but to be fair you need a very high IQ to understand family guy

have fun

I do when I watch Family Guy.

oh and dont forget they are fighting with golf clubs because trump is always golfing... heh

Yeah that's totally negatively. For fuck's sake, Seth practically has Obama's big black cock in his fat Chinese mouth.

Was that supposed to be negative?

>ll you move on with hating your own mother?
What happened ?

Because it's not his skin colour it's the fake tan he uses

This. Every episode has to have someone being hit or getting hurt as a joke. The episodes where there is a 5 min long fight sequence are awful. It's not entertaining and it's not funny, I don't know why the do it so often. Maybe to pad out run time


Haha you idiot