What did Yea Forums think about this underrated SciFi?
What did Yea Forums think about this underrated SciFi?
it was alright
It was a trip and a half and I'm pretty sure I didn't understand the ending
What were you expecting? It's way better than his previous film Free fire
Pretty decent adaption of the novel, it holds back from some of the more brutal scenes but tells the story nonetheless
I think the casting and the design are impeccable, but the script probably needed another rewrite
Really enjoyed FAQ About Time Travel.
Also can now never take a piss at a pub without singing Total Eclipse of the Heart.
>Ballard shit
Brits can't write scifi.
Free Fire is literally his second best after Kill List
Wheatley is a hack
I still haven't seen kill list, everyone goes on about it. But high rise blew my mind. Free fire is alright but they really drew that plot out
His new film was alright.
Just be warned the ending is shit, don't get your hopes up and enjoy the movie as it goes
Boring slog that thinks it's more than it is.
I too think it's a pleb filter
Wait... I don't remember this scene. Or any nudity.
Pretty much a slapstick denounce to classism, It was good, but the message was to shallow. Anyway I enjoyed it because I love architecture porn.
What was the message again? Because I'm pretty sure it just ended with the tower on the brink of destruction
Long story short "classism is bad and will drive society to destruction", also you can read related tv tropes page to refresh your memory
it was ok but some parts were just too much.
Its easily one of his best films
That scene when Hiddleston is sunbathing naked, fuck dude is /fit/ as fuck!
its not. Still its ok
It was a good movie, but his apex was in Only lovers left alive by Jarmusch
All I remember is a pool scene with a fuck ton of dogs.
Sightseers is massively underrated.
Felt like Snowpiercer but instead of a train it's a building. Hell, it even had a meme actor from the mcu as the main character
I have to watch that vampire movie too. But had a better impact than Snowpiercer
average dr who plot idea way over stretched. I was entertained but would probably never watch it again
Funfact, I had a dream where I was in my city, living in a surface metro in perpetral movement something like a year before I watched the movie, and I never eard about it.
>that vampire movie too
Being vampires for the protagonist is just a MacGuffin to kick in the plot.
Very sick kino
Lol remember this scene, that character was a pussy all the time
me, personally? I prefer A Field In England
Unironically looked like a comfy place to live
Now that is objectively Wheatley's best
Wheatley is currently working on a remake of Rebecca, should be totally his thing
Kristin Scott-Thomas is playing Mrs Danvers which is some fucking brilliant casting
Dont know if his it's best, but I think we all agree Free Fire was his worst
Pretentious trash, like most British movies.
Where is 11?
Visually High-Rise is amazing but it's otherwise a boring pretentious snore that drags. Besides, David Cronenberg did it better with Shivers, released the same year as J.G. Ballards novel High-Rise!!!FACT!!!
Creepy thin man always coming in with facts. I want to watch all of Cronenbergs films before I die
Oh and Cronenberg's Crash, based on Ballard's novel, is a masterpiece!!!FACT!!!
>Creepy thin man always coming in with facts. I want to watch all of Cronenbergs films before I die
His top three....
you don't know what fit means, liftlet
Nice. You should watch maps to the stars
>David Cronenberg did it better
>Cronenberg did it better than Wheatley
Tell me something I don't know