Dude wtf you can't censor that! censor ship indirectly hurts the democratic values of our country!

>dude wtf you can't censor that! censor ship indirectly hurts the democratic values of our country!

Attached: 1547506585942.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/动态网自由门 天安門 天安门/

t. fascist retard

I have literally never heard a good excuse for censorship of any kind.

based fascist
fuck anti-censorship pussies, they can whine all they want but they can't stop me from cutting out shit i find disgusting
Fuck "i disagree with u but i die for ur right to say it"
thats cuck shit

Every board is getting raided

>Yea Forums hates free speech now
what happened?

This but unironically

I agree the n-word and all of its kind should be censored.

You'll whine when they do it to you, one side doesn't stay in power forever. There is no right side of history

Attached: Winnie_The_Pooh.png (887x1536, 1011K)

it's edgy to be a mormon now or something.

nazis are not very smart and play directly into the hands of the jews and chinese.

To be honest Nigger is a trigger for you why exactly? You must see other black people do awful stuff and it reminds you that you are black?

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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a single term president made the world this mad
how pathetic is that

When conservatives were in power they censored liberals (remember when people gave a shit about film/game/tv child safety ratings?)
When liberals got into power they started censoring conservatives

I don't fault either side for wanting to censor what they consider dangerous, it's natural to dislike the advocation of something you oppose because you want to save your fellow man from evil
Only libertarians who are essentially nihilists are totally pro-free speech everywhere since they only care about their own benefit and not society

>archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/动态网自由门 天安門 天安门/

Seek help.

Free speech is only useful to spread your ideology, it is a detriment otherwise

yeah freethinking is dangerous tho
imagine if people would politically disagree with you
how horrifying

That's because you're extremely stupid.

>yeah freethinking is dangerous tho

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>Stop noticing patterns! stop talking about your interactions with oppressed groups! treat everyone equally and certain people extra equally!!

I'm just speaking from a statesman point of view.
Why the fuck would you want your enemies to spread their politics and ideas? That brings disunity, unpredictability and instability
Look at China, they crush free speech and rose to be a superpower in 20 years

>i win if my opponent isn't able to state his opinion

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The Gulf of Tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and Taliban Brazil 1964 Argentina 1976 Greece 1967 Haiti 1915 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in Latin America War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo Bay CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president

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while their entire population is a bunch of emotionless insectoids with no regards to life

Ok but they're still extremely powerful and growing stronger every day
Russia is still traditional because they don't give gays free speech
Look at Singapore, it's a great country to live in and has Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims living peacefully. The government controls everything and crushes any thought which would disrupt order, and so its one of the best places for business in the world

fuck free speech
>5 social credits have been added to your account

The difference is that you can publicly say that in the US congress without any consequences on your life
While if you state any of these even in private in China you while be in the best "reeducated"

>The difference is that you can publicly say that in the US congress without any consequences on your life
>While if you state any of these @116518880 even in private in China you while be in the best "reeducated"

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This thread needs to be reeducated

Because civilized countries can be strong and have free speech at the same time

Yeah, free speech is fucking awful

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same soibois that want censorship when there is a naked little girl in a movie

When you let your enemies speak, you are letting your supporters dwindle and your enemies grow in number
Human beings are emotional so there will always be commies and alt-rightists and religious extremists
To maintain order you have to clamp down on that shit

It keeps fag shit away from children, retard


thats not even a real thing, everyone is fucking altright to you people. You gotta be a literal boomer or something? who isn't altright that is under 40?

>There is no right side of history
There is. It's the left side.

what if the government is leftist and encourages it and you will have no choice but to accept it or be reeducated?

I'm talking about people who go out and march like the tiki torch guys
In Singapore they'd all be jailed since it disturbs the social order
Same with Antifa and Identitarians and other groups

Every time with these tranny fag comics its words words words words words, like fucking Buckley wasn't even this bad and he literally killed a babby

>your freedoms shouldn't infringe on the rights of others
>except for freedom of speech which should be absolutely unlimited, you should be able to say whatever you want, if it was illegal to advocate for mass murder or other toxic speech we would literally become a dictatorship overnight

USA is brainlets: the country.

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>advocating for censorship
The only people that should ever be swiflty hanged is your kind, you are more dangerous to the human race than a giant meteor of the size of a planet directed towards us.

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

Mosque shooting. Who the fuck needs to see that? polniggers who are virgins need not reply.

yeah i don't give a fuck about free speech either. Every idpol progressive quasi-Marxist ought to be turned into soap.

>Taiwan Formosa
That's it, with that you passed the line. To the gulags with this guy!

>Who the fuck needs to see that?
How else would you know it actually happened?
You're just going to have blind faith in your government like North Korea?

Words don't infringe on anyone's rights, retard.

Lol that kind of shit doesn't work with anrgy anglos you silly bugman. Why do you think they have been able to go to the deepest darkest places and set up colonies. They are nuts and will die for causes and ideas that are beyond friend rice and dumplings

>what is social credit
Hello, Ching Chong. We are immune to your totalitarian bullshit here.

It was pretty kino and if you can't understand that your utterly plebian perspective should seek refuge on another board. Perhaps lgbt (the bored for dumb gay faggots) is more to your liking.

Read Plato's Republic

If nobody heard about the Christchurch shooting it would be better
Look at what happened to New Zealand, they banned guns and became uber-leftist
Accelerationism doesn't work
Everytime a white guy shoots up a place in America leftists never shut the fuck up about it and blame all white people for one incel's act

>Hello, Ching Chong. We are immune to your totalitarian bullshit here.

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Yes, because the 50 families + friends who interacted with the victims, plus news stations who interviewed them are all lying, and everything you have every been told is a lie, unless you can factually see it from up close and personal. I don’t insult in arguments, as hominems are a fallacy, but you’re a complete retard and I’m surprised you went in this direction.
You have no sympathy nor empathy for other people, got it.

>people feel bad so it's not okay
So breaking up in relationships or cheating should be illegal to, uh?


But I'm not a burger, retard. I'm actually free.

>You have no sympathy nor empathy for other people

Look I would if they didn't do so much nasty shit, I like sihks and other brown people but muslims are rude as shit. You hate me? I don't care if you die.
They aren't any relation to me whatsoever and they hate the west so fuck them

Other people sure, but fucking Islams aren't people, you'd know that if you weren't a gay retard lol. Even the insectoid Chinese understand this, hence why they burn them with flamethrowers.

The thing about the Christchurch shooting is that he literally filmed it in first person, so everytime anyone tries to defend white people not being cucks the leftists have video evidence of "white terror"
this doesn't exist for the Islamist terrorists because they don't video themselves (except ISIS)
If we had a right-wing state that banned leftism it would be based

Copkillers are heroes

Literally never in the history of civilization was it allowed for any nobody citizen to own weapons for no good reason (weapons were completely banned from entering the city of Rome). Only Ameritards believe this is a good idea for some reason.

Dude I'm Indian and China is literally supporting our enemy Pakistan. The Chinese Muslim camp thing is American propaganda. Even the Saudi prince said its bullshit

How much are they paying to be here? this isn't the designated shitting street you know.

>dude just believe it haha a rich person saids so, so it must be true!

>because the 50 families + friends who interacted with the victims
You don't know them, you're just assuming they exist. That assumption is based in reality because we can verify the thing as we all saw that it happened. But if we didn't, it's based on nothing, you don't know any of the families, you're just blindly assuming they exist.
>news stations who interviewed them are all lying
news stations lying? what a craaazy thought.
>everything you have every been told is a lie, unless you can factually see it from up close and personal
Yes, that is a solid outlook. You don't know shit unless you see it working.
Just believe what they tell you like an npc sheep, don't question anything. Fucking pathetic. You're exactly what they want, a good puppet, easily manipulated.

America was pro-gun from the start, there are way too many guns here and in Mexico and surrounding states, banning them would be a mistake
I agree a lot of gun owners are retarded but we need sane people to own guns and gun shops to counter this instead of disarming ourselves

The Saudi prince is basically the leader of Muslims and is friends with our PM, if China was really putting Muslims in camps he would be the first to talk about it

Why does it matter if other people see it, faggot?

And never in the history of civilization has a country been so free and prosperous until Ameritardland.
>for some reason
If you don't know why something is, then you should learn why before you start trying to change shit, because most likely it is that way for good reason.

Lol saudis don't care about muslims they care about saudis. They don't even like dudes from qatar

>50 cents has been deposited into your account

Leftists can use it as propaganda, like how they virtue signalled in NZ and banned guns

>the Saudi prince is basically the leader of muslims
You realize the vast majority of muslims oppose him and consider him an American puppet? (Which he is)

I don't even understand what the point of this comic is.

Intel agencies have always sought out having people inside news agencies
there are multiple reasons for this
tell me why I should trust the news
and no, I had these thought before trump the fag showed up and the whole fake news horseshit

>he didin't see the biggest kino of 2019 just when it came out
A big yikes from me

there are more restrictions in America than in 3rd world countries
John McAfee was a fucking king in Belize and did what he wanted

I'd say monthly school shootings have proven people aren't responsible enough for this freedom, so it should be taken away from them.

Not a single argument you construed for is based on anything but your hypotheses. Your semantics based argument can be said about literally anything, so feel free to keep being quizzical and superficial about every thing ever, I’ll be having rational conversation with other anons.
Makes sense, but therefore you have no right to complain when networks tell people “All whites are racist”, or popular internet websites claim “All white people have marginalized and trivialized black people, and therefore must give back in some fashion”. You should also therefore be on board for all inclusive arguments, all men are evil, all women are good, etc.
If you disagree with my preposition, rebuke your fallacious worldview.

They're putting them in reeducation camps you absolute retard. They support the pakis because they have a common enemy

June 2019...I am forgotten

I don't think women should have rights tbqh.

Stop being a brainlet. You're embarrassing all of us

I still believe that the marketplace of ideas, and the use of free expression to keep it open, is inherently valuable. Not any person, group, or even nation has ALL good ideas and never bad ideas. To accept different viewpoints is necessary. Every instance of shutting down someone saying inane shit isn't Stalanism, but the more people feel comfortable doing that, the more comfortable they are shutting up people who are actually saying something important but also controversial to the other person.

Perhaps the worst aspect about the society of 1984, the book all free speech advocates like to cite, is how all that effort and labor is used running that society who's only function is to maintain suppression and keeping their heads down and to their work. Everything is expending all their time keeping the machine running when all the machine does is make sure everyone is doing their work without any aberration in behavior. It is a vicious cycle of maintaining this society that does not grow or develop. All that man hours wasted.

The amount of effort we waste now placating to SJW faggotry is already painful to deal with. Imagine if that shit was shrugged off and we used all our labor and tech to actually accomplishing real breakthroughs and actually developing our nation to start seriously looking at space travel again. Everything we do SHOULD be to that goal, otherwise it's just wasted effort if humanity just sits on this rock forever correcting each other's pronouns until we waste away.

They're going to use it as propaganda either way. Even if there was no video, they'd still use the event to push to ban guns. The censorship accomplishes nothing in that regard.

There has been no actual evidence, only propaganda from pro-war actors like Pompeo
It doesn't make sense for the US to want war in Iran but give a shit about Muslims in China
Its propaganda to score points against China

>"toxic speech"
>stop saying things i dont like!

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only boomers think the US government invades countries to save people.

Thank you for being one of the few to construct a good argument that is not composed of child insults.
For the simple reason of Man vs World, it is wrongful to claim quite literally everyone and everything is against you. This stems from media and massive self-centerization from a godless society. You are completely correct when you mention fake news, and how many networks historically have internationally skewed information to fit an agenda, but do you genuinely believe every single one is lying, including your local news broadcast station, about every thing you hear about?
I’m not a left leaning person. Not an argument.
Lol. Not an argument either.

not censoring certain content helps spread degenerate, harmful and unproductive ways of life.

cool. let's remove the freedom to drink alcohol and drive cars since the daily drunk driving and road accidents has proved people aren't responsible enough for those freedoms, so they should be taken away from them

When self driving cars are perfected they definitely will make it illegal to drive manually except on certain roads/areas

Sophistry will get you nowhere, fallacious world view? I have no right to dislike Muslims and don't care if they die is a fallacy?
How? Muslims are a race are they?
I literally don't care about being called names like racist

>Lol. Not an argument either.
The fact that unequivocal kino should not be banned is not an argument for this pee brains

>It doesn't make sense for the US to want war in Iran but give a shit about Muslims in China
Have you not heard about Israel?

>foreigner hates freedom of speech
imagine my shock

Everyone should you idiot. You leftists should know that most of all. You work your best at manipulation of peoples feelings.

>U guise, going to war against a Muslim country doesn't mean they care about human rights. Why would they care about the chinks being totalitarian?

Fuck off brainlet. China has been reeducating people. In a way it's a good thing considering how the Uyghurs chimped out

So instead of engaging in a discussion and proving those that oppose your views wrong and irrational you just censor them? I guess if people in power were nazis and wanted to exterminate everyone they deem as undesirable you wouldnt have a problem with them not allowing anyone to speak out against it?

Why aren't these political bait posts instantly deleted?

>Yes free speech is great but not too much and a certain segment will get to decide

>x didn't have those rights, so america shouldn't have them either!

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Pee pee poo poo lol

>Mommy govt please tell me what's right and wrong.

You do have a right, but its still sad when kids die for no reason out of the blue
Its cowardly and fucked up
Most muslims in the UK outside of london and other ghettos are alright


Again, I’m not left leaning. Funny how all you have for an argument is ad homimens, and not a single ounce of what you say is worth anything, once all the insults are stripped.

The closest you will ever get to death is when one of your 10 cats dies you insufferable faggot.

Idk where Israel stands
People point to Israel as some based kebab remover country but 20% of the country is Muslim and they're friends with the Saudis and wanted the secular Assad overthrown by Islamists

public and school shootings in the US is a good example of why news shouldn't be encouraged to publicise it.
WHen you do that, more people get the same idea and suddenly it becomes a repetitive problem. Same thing with running over people with trucks/cars in Europe.
It's better to just get rid of the problem and not talk about it.

Great post. I’ll reply with discussion later once I’m done with my eggs.

>Hurr Durr le ad hominem
Are you aware of where you are? This place is not an ideal place to have rational conversation. Go to l eddit

Is that supposed to mock what a lefty comic would look like?

We need legit patriarchy

>Its cowardly and fucked up

I think you are cowardly for having such a high preference for an out group.
What other tragedies have you bleed your heart over?

Of course they are all right in small doses but it's only a ghetto in London because they reached critical mass

>that baby alligator is so cute lol!

Go save baby zombies and let the plague victims into your home

You didn't even present an argument faggot, you just feigned disbelief at the idea that people should be allowed to see it.

They've been getting more and more retarded as of late.

Right to self defense is the only right that tangibly exists. All other rights are only just claims that can be arbitrarily squashed by violence like anything else. But with the right to self defense, the inherent nature to that right can only be suppressed or protected through violence. If you have the means to repel any aggressor, you can maintain any other right you wish, if you can't, then you lose that and any just claim you want to make. If you live in a country that doesn't allow you to have firearms frerely, you don't actually have rights, only entitlements that the state feels like honoring at the moment. If they wanted to, they can strip all those away easily, and you can nothing but protest(lol) or obey.

Ever heard of the bullshit assymmetry principle? It takes exponentially more effort to refute bullshit than create it
Imagine if all the Antifa and Kekistan and commies and Proud Boy faggots would stop wasting time and money on playground fights and actually contribute to society
You seen that video of the Chinese guy saying "HEY THIS IS RIBRARY" to the leftist protestors?
Its like that

>Mosque shooting. Who the fuck needs to see that?
Uhhh, what else am I supposed to masturbate to?

>not liking the black panther movie
10 years in prison including moral re-education

>using the word f*g in an online game
30 years and 24 lashes

>calling a woke ally st*pid on twitter

Attached: sjw-maybe.jpg (768x403, 55K)

Fuck shitskins.

Leftists need to remove those that disagree with them since leftist ideologies are based on feelings and being children that dont know how economy works

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Lol i'm not the same guy
I think its sad whether little pakis died because of brenton or Ebbas died because of trucks of peace
Thats not having a preference for out-groups

Why are Yea Forumspol/ threads so kino bros?

Where can I find the mosque shooting video btw? Never saw it.

At what point do you stop feeling sad? go pet a tiger cub. Little muslims kids go up to you and call you kaffir in the airport. Read a fucking Jean Sasson book, even as kids they are monsters

You get rid of the problem by fixing the ape infested school system.

by publicising it, you do exactly what the offender wanted in the first place: publicity.

bestgore still has it up i think

>The amount of effort we waste now placating to SJW faggotry is already painful to deal with. Imagine if that shit was shrugged off and we used all our labor and tech to actually accomplishing real breakthroughs and actually developing our nation
this is why it's so important to get the leftists out of schools, universities, newsmedia and government. you don't have to spend as much time and effort countering sjw bullshit if they're not dictating and enforcing the ruling ideology. you don't have to censor them if the majority disagrees with them and will shout down their bullshit when they hear it. that's how it was in the west before the 1960s (((culture shift)))

Lmak you're Indian? Hoooly shit! No wonder why you're so retarded lol

/Pol/ gets the juices flowing

>you get exactly what the cia wanted in the first place: publicity
Fixed that for you

the cia would know anyway. They rarely get info from the news.

>please cover up the school system funded race gang warfare training grounds.

dude kids are indoctrinated, there are a ton of exmuslims and exjews in the UK
In Northern Ireland some Catholics forbade their kids from talking to Protestant kids

This. Also the j-word, k-word, and the h-word. We should just call it Moseslam

it exists only because of publicity created in the past 20-25 years

It only became news worthy because whites were involved.

>dude kids are indoctrinated

Like you'd ever support de-indoctrination

>Dude we can't separate them from their families and their whole society!

Too many caveats, I don't care anymore.

Humans need to be ruled with an iron fist, only fags who can't get into the cool club doing the fisting are mad. Me? Yeah I'd be one of that death squad commanders... yep that's me alright

Nah the world isn’t against me because I’m nobody and I know my ability to change even my own outcome is minimal
There were some interesting posts here when the dorner cop guy went nuts
A very predictive bit of information I remember reading which is now very accurate
coincidences do happen tho

Panel 3 isn't an example of free speech, it is actually another attempt at policing the free expression of others.

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