Best documentaries about the genius of Da Vinci?

Best documentaries about the genius of Da Vinci?

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>chooses a 1/10 non qt foot

always knew he was a fag

What's his take on armpits and tummies?

>appreciating an extra part of the female form makes you a fag

Is Tarantino dare I say Da Vinci of our time?


> genetic and morphological adaptation
> engineering

>Wow, some vaguely parallel lines superimposed in this picture of a foot means that science rulz XD

Face it, Da Vinci was the Neil Degrasse Tyson of his day

- Leonardo da Vinci 1470

he literally was a fag though

>Da Vinci was the Neil Degrasse Tyson of his day

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Back to redit. You fags probably think you're more intelligent than anyone who lived before 1950

thats a pretty shit looking foot
wouldnt rub

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Imagine having this saved on your phone
Footfags are mentally fucked in the head

imagine getting so angry at people liking a part of the human body

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For real, why is this shit treated like pure gold by the """art""" crowd? It's just a fucking well painted portrait. Since when does brush skill count as art? I thought these guys were all about meaning and shit? That gay nigger who chopped his ear off deserves far more praise.

>wubba lubba dub dub

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its different seeing a painting in person and looking at a jpg

Because context. That painting was something new and incredible at this time and it was so realistic some people believed Da Vinci used sorcery to make it.

the problem arises when you start liking it more than the breasts

the butt and feet are more important than the tits

Feet are for standing on. They are literally deformed hands. They aren't a fucking erotic part like genitals or tits, so it's weird when footfag weirdos go BRO LOOK AT THOSE ARCHES MMM TASTY SOLES ON THOSE FEET HNNNG I NEED TO SMELL THEM

Fuck you weird faggots, be normal

he wasnt.

and ass is for shitting, yet its fine to want to fuck that

>>reddit seriously
you do not belong here

Legs are more aesthetic than feet

that is true, but if the legs are nice and the feet are big and long it ruins the entire thing

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A pedofag. I don't know why people keep whitewashing this.

Germanic and Celtic foot shapes aren't real

pointy legs are the final redpill

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>da vinci was the original wikifeet poster/Tarantino

haha wouldn't it be super funny if there was hentai of pointy leg girls like that sounding futa horsecock girls haha what a gag that would be lol

tfw roommate starts wearing cute sandals as summer is approaching

you clearly haven't seen it in person

Da Vinci was a footfag??

You gay or what?

Everyone was a fag back then

Maybe they used to be but nobody bred with those ugly fucks so they died out

>erotic part

Breasts are not a reproductive organ, why are you attracted to them? You fucking weirdo, be normal.

someone skipped sex ed class I see

>imagine not having number 3

>majority likes breasts
>hey let's all agree that it's ok to like breasts because we all do even though they are unrelated to sex just as much as feet

Hey wasn’t he a boy fucker

please refer to

ain't we all?

I’ve got some dirty ass shit but I have a literally never thought about fucking a boy ever

i live with a femoid

Holy shit you are lucky as fuck
How did you get her to agree?
Fuuuuck I have to live with fellow Slav guys...

>he doesn't browse /ic/
you need loomis

>the organ that grows in response to pregnancy and is used to feed a newly birthed child isn't a reproductive organ

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>They are literally deformed hands
spot the ape

Hands and feet both develop from limb buds, the hands twist in one direction and the feet in the opposite direction

>he doesn't worship women's feet
spotted the incel

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Da vincis sketches are really cool but I never liked his paintings that much. Overrated imo

actually she asked me to live here. you're better off living with men anyway. women make a fucking mess everywhere and i have to listen to a lot of nagging about her work and stuff

What the fuck why would a woman ask a random guy to live with her?


post more of her

Human foot is slap dash adaptation of our ancestors walking on two legs. It has 26 bones and 33 joins it's a fucking mess.

>slap dash adaptation
>a fucking mess
Sounds like engineering alright.

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>feet are for standing on
>the ass is for shitting
>the breasts are for feeding the newborn

That's fucking disgusting, delete this post

I've got Egyptian

My GFs soles were dirty and I licked them clean last night. Used my wet saliva as a lube then proceeded to massage her soles while she watched her shows.

>having a longer "pointer toe" than your big toe
What the fuck? Is this what meds look like?

>titfags actually get triggered when someone doesn’t prioritize boobies like they do


>breast size directly linked to milk output
>more milk is healthier baby
>more chance that baby survives, ergo woman with big boobie gives a better chance of your genes surviving
Same goes for hips. Wider hips means less complications during birth. Same goes for symmetrical faces. A symmetrical face indicates less defective genes in a woman.
People attracted to feet don't have a fetish- their brain is literally wired differently so that the attraction usually associated with primary and secondary sexual organs (which, to your probable surprise, are things like breasts) is linked to feet instead.


Tabbing and scrolling through macro spreadsheets
Us wagies work hard for AOC's feet
One of her toes, for the senses a feast
Her fans click cash by keyboards very greased
Alexandria ascendant, on their quest
Fueled by craved femdom, taboos unaddressed
Soaking her peds in citrus, soft and dainty
Her heels emit orange and lime, faintly
Even Heaven favors her feet by a thread
AOC's tootsies reek with dank street cred
Leading to Interns and pages to boast
Spied in her gym shoe locker, Seth Rich's ghost
Mouthfuls of socks, a mask of her Asics
Seth's ghost lurked in that sweaty oasis
Living on AOCs feet puff by puff
Heavesent there to balance an end so rough
Her sole's odors linger long, like fromage
Hence her Bikram nickname, a "Cheesey" homage
Titsguys, Assmen oughta get the drone
Footsexuals tug their fastest while prone
AOC's feet forge dark shops and stores
Vending her shavings, sebum from pores
A dash of her dried skin into my latte
Brews her flavors strong with nary decay
Daydreaming all throughout brunch
About AOCs milky tea soles' scrunch
Her tootsies so hot, she's never to gloat
Often overhead to fight 'Rican bloat
Her yoga feet flex with supple finesse
AOC dons her Chuiquita Headdress
Along with her LGBT serape
Footsexuals sing podal agape
Enduring all abuse, every henpeck
Even cock mileage measured by Parsec
Dutifully reminded without pain
The universe dispenses such scarce gain
Beads perspired form on her toe's tips
Our mouths open wide to catch errant drips

I thought he was just a narcissist? Is it gay to only be gay for yourself?

Footfriends* if you don't mind
We all have our harmless fetishes. Yours on the other hand are outright hurtful

My goodness gracious, it's Ms. Rupi Kaur!
Whose footgame began an Indo Smut War
Igniting from Bhuj to Hoshiarpur
Riled crowds’ lusts for Rupi proper
Her pedal bloom floored millions so jealous
Archlets, stub-toed wives thrown from high trellis
Ministers pledged crisis chiropody
Besieged by footlusting scurillity
Kashmir first then Gujarat’s Feet Riots
Ascetes pledged pedis with karmic diets
No alms could sate Rupi’s lurid haunting
Toes of vert, bice, teal and rose, so flaunting
Dreams of Rupi’s ruddy duned soles, so fair
Askew expectations and blighted prayers
Vexing cities, hills, trenchant fetish thirsts
Vortical infatuations soon bursts
Statewide calamities roust refugees
Mumbai podophiles spend like bougies
None rival but one Rupi toe cranny
Not Humaima Malick, Pakistani
Nor Asin or Priya’s feet, still thrilling
Sans Rupi’s nuance they’re unfulfilling
UN relief atop Delhi’s blather
Stayed not the surging footlusts’ viscous slather
Oracles, savants dumbstruck by her feets
Women spurned, soles lacking velveteen pleats
Wrecked ruins plume smoke while fapper fists froth
Beware all counterfeit Rupi foot broth
Dissolved cities, fetishists hermetic
From one poetess’s hot aesthetic
Girls unshod, their men then struck by bathos
Rupi’s shoe slave quips, “Finna pay f’ those”
Outside India, this crux ludicrous
Cannuck Rupi bathes in Juniperus
Sudsing her soles, how bubbles slowly slide
Pumice and files, deftly her hand glides
Trimming the hairs along toes’ regal length
Wiggling and flexing, bewitching her strength
Strappy heels compress, her toes seem Grecian
But barefoot she slinks wavy, Phoenician
Thinking the riots as all a bit weird
Detoxifying her soles, charcoal smeared
On idols and shrines, foot pilgrims do weep
Recording laments after iphone’s bleep

Youre listing secondary sex charascteristics. Breasts enlarging is due to her hormones shaping her body, it isnt literally a reproductive organ. Do you want to know what else id a secondary sex characteristic? Something measurably sexually dimorphic?

Feet. A skelatons foot is enough for researchers to determine if a body is male or female. Men and womens sports shoes focus on supporting different parts of the sole because the two types of feet need different attention. Womens feet are shaped differently and have an increased level of elasticity between the tendons and bones which is why women have more feet problems in life regardless of if they where high heels or not.

Solace from old texts, The Queer Solestry
Enlightened by a sacred shoeless creed
Army convoys guard her Ped Egg shavings
From dangerous desires and cravings
Upon Caucasoid writers, her full weight
Her soles feeling their heart by skull’s pulsate
Lesser feet drove men furious, hateful
Where Rupi treads, the ground is quite grateful
Cosmetics, prosthetics, footlets juicing
Surplus silicone feet, just adducing
No peers to Rupi’s sleek sloping tarsus
Struck to the face by her, sweet catharsis
Fixate Chakras upon those phalanges
Manifest her scents until as Ganges

Pardon my lady, please halt thy soft step
Glancing at your shoes zapped me with pure pep!
From heel to toe tip how your feet slope superb
Those peds trek a tread whose aesthetics reverb
Silence no more for those tootsies do so beguile
Melting the mind’s accrued cute feet stockpile
Haunting me now your wiggly vivid feet
Painted toes and arches and sole cleavage accrete
A mouthful from your toes would hit my brain wild
Devouring all ten sates hungers most Rothchild
String up the tits-guys and for the assmen, death marches
Tiddy meat’s all plastic so give me scrunchy arches
What I will give you is so pure, a worship exquisite
Don’t you dare lend those feet to another affectionate
I shall gnaw and nourish your dirty epidermis
And lick clean your foot filth sincere and earnest

>the most popular category on porn sites is anal, including gaping and eating ass: you fags are fine with it
>but liking feet is degenerate and dirty
Makes no sense

Feet don't indicate the capacity or bear children whatsoever, though. That they are different from men's feet goes without saying. Women's hearts are also different from men. They aren't secondary sexual characterics, though, and neither are feet. You're fundamentally misunderstanding the argument. Men don't like boobs because you can put your dick in them, men like them because subconsciously they indicate aptitude for raising children.

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no one cared about this painting until it was stolen in the 1900s and recovered with great press coverage.

maybe hands are deformed feet?

Do footsexuals have a right to candid photography?

Its not. Its famous because it was stolen not because it was the best painting ever. Any art fag knows this. Only plebs think its special.

>Liking best the part of the body you sucked from your mom
>Liking feet is weird gais.

its about statues, not real people races

The only reason he didn't go to jail for sodomy is because his Medici friend was also involved and they had the case thrown out m8

If you are man and doesn't have no. 3 kys.

If you are a woman and doesn't have no. 1 kys