Where black people really sent to concentration camps in Germany or is this just Hollywood fiction?

Where black people really sent to concentration camps in Germany or is this just Hollywood fiction?

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>black people
>europe in the 40s
no, gypsises and slavs were

Would be nice if concentration camp scenes had a diverse cast from now on.

All potential enemies of the state were sent to concentration camps and used as labourers to support the war effort, the allies did it too with American internment targeting the Japanese and Australia targeting residents from every major axis country.


they need to diversify
make all persecuted jews in popular media black trannys

user, please.

>This film received much criticism online for its portrayal of Leyna as antisemitic and for romanticizing the Nazi era with a love story where Leyna falls in love with a member of the Hitler Youth.[14]



>It's ma'am!
>gets a bullet between the eyes
The tranny audience can be happy because their ancestors are portrayed as brave and the cis white males can be happy because trannies are getting butchered left and right. It's a winning formula.

the most based female director of this millenium, someone prove me wrong

>used as labourers
There's this concept of diminishing returns user, you don't really benefit from slave labor past a certain point due to upkeep and personnel needed to keep them in working order.

Americans didn't cull the weak like the Germans did.

Fiction. There's a chance there were maybe a small trivial handful, but in this case their blackness would be secondary. There were people sent to camps for all kinds of reasons. Nazis didn't love blacks, but they didn't have a hatred for them, because Germans had a limited exposure to blacks.

You realise the Romans and ancient Greeks brought in negros to Europe right? As well as the moors paying a visit afterwards

Chopping your dick off and letting other dudes fuck the wound makes it difficult to reproduce.

I feel like that genre is long overdue for a comeback, post-negermusik maybe?

Also hitler wanted africans out of germany. Which he claimed the jews brought them in on purpose into the rhineland in order to try to eradicate germans, by getting them to mix with negros.

But no other than that hitler didn´t have problem with africans. He just didn´t want germany to become africanized. Which in that part there´s nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

>With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.

>For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone.

>And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning of individuals.
Excerpts from hitlers mein kampf.
Here´s jewish source where you can also read more excerpts.

tl;dr no.. it is hollywood makebelieve.

>You realise the Romans and ancient Greeks brought in negros to Europe right?
Please stop with your made up history trying to pretend africans were always in europe. They most certainly weren´t nor do they belong there.
>As well as the moors paying a visit afterwards
Yeah that was invasion by the ummayads when they invaded and occupied spain after walking across north africa and subduing it/conquering it for islam. Little bit different.

it's called swing dancing and people still do it.

also there's the whole electro-swing garbage

thats some shit acting

fairy snuff

Isn´t that what you call rap music?

Not as far as I'm aware, no. Black people living in Germany at the time were still treated as an "inferior race", which precluded them from most jobs, higher education, denied them access to certain buildings and facilities, etc and it was absolutely illegal for them to reproduce with anyone outside of their own race. So pretty shitty, but I've never read anything about them being sent to camps.

>hereditary unfit.
They didn´t want germany to become africanized, what is fucking hard to understand. It´s like pretending it´s evil if japanese don´t want their people africanized by mixing up with tons of africans. Why the fuck would they want that, why would they promote that and why would that be in any way a positive things. If you want african things. Go to africa! My goodness. There´s not a lack of african people. So when jews had brought negros into the rhineland, hitler and the nazi´s wanted them out. Also because hitler accused jews of coming up with plan to via mass immigration to ethnically mix germans and others out of existance. With help of negros and others.

This is what he describes here.
>...The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction for the inhabitants of this planet.

>If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.

>Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands.

>Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord [p. 60].
Aka kalergi plan etc.

Hitler cried about Germans getting blacked in the Rhineland in Mein Kampf

Terrible actress. Wish they would stop putting her in stuff

So you should not sit and feel sorry for niggers that were in germany. You should rather ask. Why the fuck weren´t they back in africa! And who brought them in. Because germany damn sure didn´t bring them into germany and have them work for slave plantation for 200 years or whatever and then gave them citizenship. They had absolutely ZERO reason to be in germany, other than opportunism, and some nefarious forces that were bringing in niggers and then encouraging them to mix with germans.

No, it was more like this

Watch the movie Swing Kids to learn more (pic related, Christian Bale is in it)

Attached: swingkids.jpg (656x343, 46K)

So the bonded over their shared hate of jews?

It's funny how /pol/tards basically repeat everything the Nazis said. There is nothing new or original in their thought.

>Hitler cried about Germans getting blacked in the Rhineland in Mein Kampf
No he complained about jews trying to do in germany same fucking thing they had done to americans, they bring the fucking niggers in and then try to encourage ethnic mixing to undermine the german people, and try to pervert what it means to be german.
>With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.
>>For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone.

>And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning of individuals.

>With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.

>For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone.

>And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning of individuals.

I guess it depends. I know Hitler had black people in his army, so it's not like having dark skin was a one way ticket to the """""death camps""""".

Jews have been trying for a century to get blacks on their side so they can dominate america when civil war comes

When the jews wrote their lies about the camps they forgot to include the blacks

Wikipedia has source links, dumbass

>It's funny how /pol/tards basically repeat everything the Nazis said. There is nothing new or original in their thought.
It´s funny that we are talking about a hollywood deception series or movie. That is talking about rhineland niggers. And then i quote what hitler said about the rhineland niggers.. And who brought them in.
It´s almost as if there´s a relation to the quote to what we are talking about. Almost as if that´s why i quote it IDIOT..

I'm sure the French brought them in, not the Jews. You shouldn't mindlessly believe in everything this crazy psychopath wrote in his book.

>the Jews
The earliest mention of the camps came from Poles.

Hitler got dabbed on.

There is a book and movie called "Neger, Neger, Schornsteinfeger" its about a black boy who lived in hamburg during ww2. He was born in 1926 and lived through the war in Hamburg. There was some discrimination for example school was harder for him and he was not allowed to join the Hitler Youth.
Once he was denied to go in a Bunker during an air attack but thats about it.
What OP posted is clearly just dumb propaganda. You should look in some biographies if you are really interested.

>be Germans
>be Slavo-Nord-Italo-Celtic mutts
>we wuz the purest n shit

>I guess it depends. I know Hitler had black people in his army, so it's not like having dark skin was a one way ticket to the """""death camps""""".
There were no deathcamps and the nazi's didn´t want to exterminate non germans in the entire world. They wanted a german germany. Not an african germany or a middle eastern germany or whatever. That this has been demonized is the most disgusting thing.
What the fuck do you think immigrants and other people fall out of the sky. There are tons of them back in the countries they come from. But there´s only one germany. There´s only one france, there´s only one britain, there´s only one sweden, there´s only one whatever.. Immigrants can always go back home. So don´t sit and say i should feel sorry for some rhineland nigger, especially considering after war the jews do this even more that hitler tried to prevent. To germany, to britain to france, to USA to so many countries. And how could he have guessed. Well because what he was reacting to was what the jews and their helpers were writing and plotting, such as the 'kalergi' plan in practical idealism in 1925..
And if it was a lie, the jews could just stop pushing for this mass immigration and miscegenation. Instead they do it even more!

>As well as the moors paying a visit afterwards
the moors were arabs, not niggers
I don't care how many times you watched morgan freeman in robin hood

Wikipedia itself says it can't be trusted lol

Weren't there few niggas in SS? At least there were some in regular army.

>I'm sure the French brought them in, not the Jews. You shouldn't mindlessly believe in everything this crazy psychopath wrote in his book.
Whoever brought them in they should go out and iirc i think you are right, and some of the rhineland bastards was some french that had fucked niggers iirc. But no he charged specifically jews with bringing a lot of them. And you should not believe anything you hear from fucking jews either.

>Weren't there few niggas in SS? At least there were some in regular army.
When they were fighting in the african front with rommel etc. there were africans that fought for nazi's there were arabs that fought for nazi´s there were indians that fought for nazi´s. Lot of sympathetic other ethnic groups to germany who was trying to fight the jewish banksters and the jewish marxists the banksters were using.

But that doesn´t mean that germany wanted them in massive droves as citizens. NOPE.. but they had respect for germans wanting to be about their own people, and germany had respect about them aswell wanting to be about their own people.

Hitler blamed everything on Jews.
Only in Waffen SS. There were several units comprised of foreigners.

No, not that I recall. I think it is fiction

They were mostly "overlooked" for two reasons

A) there were so few and B) they were not seen as being the classic "enemy of the german people" and one who was damaging society, such as Jews or Gypsies were.

Still untermensch, but to be returned to Africa or just steered clear of.

I recall one story of a black family that was living in some small town and it was fine, the kid was a member of Hitler youth etc.

The SS came by and only gawked and demonstrated their "knowledge" of racial typing of the face and head that they had learned to point out how the black was less intelligent.

Then they left, only as the war dragged on was the problem that they did not "exist" on paper so did not qualify for school or housing etc Since the racial type had to be listed and black was not on the list

I am european you double reterd, don't lecture me about my history

>school was harder for him
is this because he was less intelligent or did they actually make school harder for negers?

>Hitler blamed everything on Jews.
Because the jews ARE to blame. These satanist talmudic jews follow the star of remphan which means saturn. If you read the bible it takes you about 10 minutes to find out jews are satanists once you understand what remphan means. The entire holochaust is come up of jews imagination to demonize the nazi's who pointed out their plan to destroy european peoples by miscegenation and mass immigration. Do you know where it comes from. In the bible the jews were doing just precisely this. The caananite deity called moloch, they sacrifice children to moloch by throwing them into a fire! And jews are accused of and punished for and told not to do this in the bible. And then they do it anyways and are punished. Do you know what moloch was associated with. REMPHAN or chiun. It means Saturn. Do you know what israeli flag is you dumb fuck. The center of it is the hexagon of saturn. The north pole hexagon storm on saturn! That´s right. What is another way to worship saturn. A black cube. That is what muslims are doing in mecca. Jews also used to be in mecca. Infact muslims captured mecca from a jewish tribe called the quraysh who used to control mecca and the cube shrine.

So ofcourse when the jews realize shit hitler is on to us.. Make up a lie that he threw 6 million jews into the fire/into the oven..
Why the fuck would he do that. That was however something JEWS were doing according to the bible, and punished for in the bible..

>the kid was a member of Hitler youth etc.
That's surprising. Are you sure?

You're mentally ill. I'm telling you that the very first reports about the Holocaust are from Poles, who weren't a bit fans of Jews and accused them of collaborating with the communists.

It depends some were allowed and some were denied. There wasn't really a rule against it but some of the recruitment officers denied them

Nazi Germany was much kinder to blacks than the United States during that time.

I always wondered why Hitler is and has been such an appreciated figure in imageboards. He kinda fucked all up if you think about it. He was literally idiot, why the fuck did he force war? Why didn't he just peacefully banish Jews from Germany? He's the reason why nationalism is considered evil and we have this modern day honk honk-society. Is it just because people here want to be snowflakes and glorify this infamous man because it causes butthurt in normies? Or do people think unironically that he did nothing wrong? His methods were terribly wrong but his goals weren't bad, therefore he did plenty of wrong and fucked all up for future generations.

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Yes. There were a lot of Africans in the French army stationed in the Rhineland after WWI. They BLACKED any girls they could in West Germany as most foreign armies do, left, and their kids became Germans, living in the Rhineland. They had the rights of a normal citizen until the 30s. A good amount were sterilized. Hitler was obviously not fond of them, and at the height of le epic solution they were in camps, but he didnt fuck them as bad as gypsies, homosexuals or jews

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The made it a bit harder for him. But he never forgave the British for destroying his home town hamburg. Also he has very uncommon view on america and the allies. After ww2 he lived for some years in america but he didn't like the propaganda and the views they had on germany.

Didn't they sterilize some Black children? I guess the USA did the same, though.

His goal was the destruction of Marxists and Jews and conquest of the East.

Moors aren't black. Moors are maroccans.

And by 1941 the Germans wanted to become the leading power of the world. So in a way they indeed dreamed of dominating the entire world.

>The Führer gave expression to his unshakable conviction that the Reich will be the master of all Europe. We shall yet have to engage in many fights, but these will undoubtedly lead to most wonderful victories. From there on the way to world domination is practically certain. Whoever dominates Europe will thereby assume the leadership of the world.
From Goebbels diary.

Moors brought Blacks to Iberia.

Probably because there were basically no blacks in Nazi Germany. This is like those countries that are 99% white bragging about how they don't have any racism: YEA IT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RACES.

>Why didn't he just peacefully banish Jews from Germany?
he tried, unsurprisingly literally no one would take them

umm i think you are being a little eurocentric there buddy

The axis powers had black armies idk what you're on about

It's like niggers are the problem.

German Jews were irrelevant and some 200-250,000 Jews left Germany before the war. After Hitler conquered Poland he received around 2 million additional Jews, and later on another 2 million after conquering Western part of the Soviet Union (many of them from former Polish territories - in 1931 there were more than 3 million Jews in Poland).

Does she show tits at all or is that it

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Meanwhile, he ruined nationalism in any from and future of German people. So, he was wrong all along. He was too greedy and ambitious. He could've made German the leading power easily, but he chose wrong methods to do it and it costed everything. Now, everything he loved and appreciated is dead or slowly dying and fading away.

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>learning about the world from /pol/ image macros
agonizingly obviously there's a difference between conscripts in areas of africa they were occupying and mixed race people they wanted to remove from germany

Yes, because the place they were they were not zealots to Nazism, but as I recall he did not stay long because, more and more they ( the Germans) had to list the racial back ground of the people and there was no where on the form basically.

I recall he was sad that he could not go with his friends "camping" as he called it , then happy he did not have to attend school -- then they got kick out of their house since it had to be given to a pure Aryan and it was forbidden for any one to rent to them or live with an other family etc.

sounds like colored bring problems

Fuck it why not

Mutts are just protojews and will destroy the host they choose to parasite. They're actually worse than jews by being dumber with their half ape DNA.

>Tfw no mommy r63 christofer Walken nazi gf

Hitler was the original Supreme Gentleman.

Actually there were quite a few in France, England, Spain and to a smaller extende Italy.

>retard does retard shit
>why do retards on the internet adore him

to answer your first question, memes. to answer your others, read more

>very first reports about the Holocaust are from Poles
Depends on what you mean holochaust. which means hole burnt offering. Like the jews did to molech and the star remphan. But if you mean holochaust that some jews died in work camps or they got shot by german soldiers or even executed by german soldiers in back of the head then most certainly. But far far far from 6 million aswell as that most of casualties during wwII was europeans and not jews. But usual jews want to make it about themselves.
Calling me mentally ill when i point out accurately what jews follow will not help you.
There is also a reason why the numbers has changed so many times over the years, because it was atrocity propaganda all along. And again there´s not even a hint of thinking about the evil fucking shit jews were doing, or were part of, or are doing today. If you think you go to heaven for worshipping satanists. I mean if it´s for religious reasons you can´t critique jews. Then you are really batting for the wrong team! HAHA

>Probably because there were basically no blacks in Nazi Germany. This is like those countries that are 99% white bragging about how they don't have any racism: YEA IT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RACES.
Wow you are retarded. They shouldn´t have other ethnicities essentially taking over their country. This is why ethnic friction occurs in first place you retard. Having 99% 'white' or whatever is awesome situation. There´s not lack of africans or other people. There are so ridiculous amounts of them back in their nations with also nearly 99% of population.
It´s like every people can have their nations be about themselves except for europeans or in this case germans or what?
Also during wwII the allied nations had extremely strict immigration policies also..

>depends on what you mean holochaust
Death camps.

>I always wondered why Hitler is and has been such an appreciated figure in imageboards. He kinda fucked all up if you think about it. He was literally idiot, why the fuck did he force war? Why didn't he just peacefully banish Jews from Germany? He's the reason why nationalism is considered evil and we have this modern day honk honk-society.
No you fucking retard. the reason nationalism is considered bad is jews lying about everything. And then pretending to you that it´s bad that people have their own countries. AND.. this was what they were doing PRIOR to natsoc germany in first place. In writings like practical idealismus and many others. This is really why they hated the nazi's cause they told exactly what they wanted to do! Which they are also now doing. So they try to make it so stigmatic to look into what was said, that they hope you don´t notice!

As for forcing war. Hitler said in mein kampf already what he felt about russia.
>The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people.
This is the marxist revolution in russia LEAD BY JEWS BTW. and they tried similar in germany which failed. They clearly wanted 1 revolution in russia, then take over eastern europe, 1 revolution in western europe (germany) to take over western europe. The western revolution failed!
So now you had NSDAP and they try to make an isolationist basically autarky system of germanic nations. Like a germanic federation through negotiation, negotiations fail war is declared then it all turns to shit. And then the nazi´s being bombarded and attacked from 'all sides' launch a desperate attempt to liberate russia from the red menace. Under operation barbarossa. Meaning red barbarian. To safeguard eastern europe and also safeguard western europe.

Instead after war what happened. Germany bomb to smithereens. Patton realize they defeat wrong enemy.. The red barbarians take berline and rape fucking everybody there they can get their hands on.

Then idiot USA have to deal with russia afterwards who ofcourse took over eastern europe and threaten western europe, which is what hitler wanted to prevent, liberate them from the red menace. Instead you got soviet russia, cold war, all this stuff.. NATO formed to protect against possible russian incursion. Etc.
Thanks 'allies'..

You are such children that you think nationalism is bad, it´s like saying a nation is bad, it´s like saying you are bad for existing. Or ethnic groups are bad for existing in their own countries and taking care of their own people. Allies axis, EVERYBODY on any side or not even involved in conflict wanted to safeguard their own people in their own countries/areas.. It´s fucking retarded to suggest that this is bad. And the only reason you think so is that after the war the marxist jews have through massive brainwashing indoctrinated you to think that´s bad. ANd CONTINUED their plan which the nazi's warned about and tried to stop. And how did the nazi's know? Well they had simply read what they were writing such as practical idealism.. from 1925. It was not something they just pulled out of a fucking hat!

With mass immigration and miscegenation to destroy europeans peoples and many others.

>Death camps.
That´s not what holochaust means. Holochaust is the lie that 6 million jews were gassed in gas chambers with zyklon b (designed to fumigate clothes to prevent typhus outbreak primary carrier is body louse, why you take shower whilst your posessions and clothes are deloused) and then subsequently thrown into a cremation oven, turned to ash, and then somehow dispose of the ash. 6 million.

I also find it hilarious don´t you think, how jews who worship saturn and the hexagon there, they also put cube on their arm and forehead called a teffilin. How they ofcourse come up with the number 6 million. Which is 6 and 6 zeroes. It´s just fucking convenient the nazi's manage to gas and cremate exactly that amount. And the cremation. It´s funny how the nazi's cremated them. Such as how jews sacrificed children to moloch. It´s clear who fucking thought this shit up. And jews also didn´t know how cremation worked so they fucked up and thought you could just motor people into the oven and they dissapear like a snap of the finger if the oven is warm enough. So they have had for last 70 years constantly have to revise and lie about this bullshit story. But again they have had a lot of time to do forgery and lies and most importantly omissions. But most importantly is ofcourse. If you don´t believe in it you are evil.

They don´t give shit about all the europeans that die during war. Not a fuck is given. Nobody else in history get immunity for being killed during a war. Or genocided or ethnically cleansed or whatever word you want to call it. No only jews. And then you find out they have had to change that fucking number of just died for any reason.. that it´s down to like 2½ million who died of ANY reason.. in a war that killed in total 80 million people on all sides HAHA
And what did jews get out of it.
A fucking nation for themselves. Paid for by the lives of 85 million europeans or whatever. Who they don´t give a shit about their peoples countries. No.. Right now they are busy sending immigrants to those countries, and overwhelming their nations with foreigners. Foreigners who can easily go home and live in 99% ethnic majority with their fucking people. And the nazi's warned about jews were going to try and do this, because they were fucking writing about it prior to natsoc germany.

>Romans and Greeks brought niggers into Europe
Was this before or after Yakub created white people in his lab?


Take medicine

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Why doesn't Aryans submit to Jews when they clearly are the better folk when they control everything and everyone and therefore are far superior compared to Aryans? Also, Hitler still had wrong methods, he lost fucking everything, the war and the future. You try to justify his wrong methods, I don't see why.

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>Holochaust is the lie that 6 million jews were gassed in gas chambers with zyklon b

6 Million Jews were displaced and erased from the world's combined census.

Gas chambers are just one way to explain where these people went, along with death marches, starvation, diseases, firing squads, cremations, mass graves, etc.

>Why doesn't Aryans submit to Jews when they clearly are the better folk when they control everything and everyone and therefore are far superior compared to Aryans?
From reading hitler it seemed like he defined superiority by the societies that they built. I think the german one was normal, comfy etc. Not corrupt degenerate etc.

They are parasitical people who the biblical god hates so much he cast them out from their own nation. They are also very clearly satanist worshippers same as muslims. No not the fucking preplord pagans you call satanists in USA, but actual followers of actual satan, they they follow as god. Associated with saturn the hexagon and the cube.
Yes then the pilpul begins the holochaust is just any jew tho had to move from a to b..
Lot of jews also change their fucking name.. So they fucking dissapear except they are still alive just with different name. Ofcourse some jews die during war where 80 million died mostly civilians.
>take your meds.
I´m not the one in denial sayanim.

>Yes then the pilpul begins the holochaust is just any jew tho had to move from a to b..
The "b" being disappearing from existence, not a vacation to miami.

Jews were literally kicked out hundreds of times through european history for trying nefarious shit! Then they go larp as being superior after they subvert people and manage to initiate 2 major conflicts on european soil. The 2nd one due to versailles treaty. AND due to atrocity propaganda against germany. And engaging in total sabotage aswell.

Do they fuck?

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>pickpockets are to be revered because they manage to steal from people when normal people aren't successfully stealing from others
This is your brain on aids.

It's foolish to define superiority by ideological and ethical standards when evolution biology and psychology does it by standard. The nature and success in it clearly defines superiority, Jews are the most superior race, if considered scientifically.

Alright, I see you have a psychosis there, not going to argue with you.

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yes, doujin-chan.

No.. 6 million jews were not killed during wwII. It´s fucking unbelievable how you can be so stupid, that jews who follows hexagon (6) of saturn (6) and also puts black cube (6 surfaces) on forehead and arm (teffilin). They come up with 6 million.

First it´s 6 million gassed and cremated, then it´s 6 million die for whatever reason. No it´s more around actually the official number is now around 2 million something that die for whatever reason.

But you still say it 6 million because that´s the jew fucking meme.. that is also 6 and 6 zeroes. These people are satanists you dumb fuck, they are severely evil people. And they were planning and are still attempting to destroy european peoples by throwing as many foreigners into their countries as possible whilst telling them to ethnically mix or not have children or maybe they should be faggot or have sexual reconstructive surgery. Whatever, just don´t keep your own people alive in your own countries europeans.

Some jew were killed.. you know how many else. 80 million in total.. over 90% of them europeans obviously and mostly civilians.

>Alright, I see you have a psychosis there, not going to argue with you.
See that is only way you can deflect. You can´t point out anything correct. Just
>look he´s crazy you guys cause i don´t want to admit he´s got a point.
>Jews are the most superior race, if considered scientifically.
You fucking bastard jews haha. If the muslims don´t get you something else will HAHAHAHA

>First it´s 6 million gassed and cremated, then it´s 6 million die for whatever reason

Just because you can't bother reading simple history doesn't make your bullshit a reality.

>Just because you can't bother reading simple history doesn't make your bullshit a reality.
Maybe you should take your own advice you gigantic fraud.


>See that is only way you can deflect. You can´t point out anything correct. Just

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JUST NOTICE how jews are claiming they are superior. When they have been nothing but parasite people in other peoples nations, trying to gain control of monetary systems to scam every single worker and skim off of other peoples work.

They didn´t have their own country, they are such assholes nobody would let them have one.. And they actively try to destroy people which nations they live in, whilst nepotistically trying to get control of every big company and media and especially banking and finance.

What have they produced that someone didn´t fucking facilitate for them. Fucking nothing. They are busy giving themselves awards. If it was just jews in israel for all this time or some other country. They wouldn´t have done DICK.. if they had to do everything themselves what others had to do gradually develope things.

But notice how these little fucking hobgoblins that were instrumental in creating the conditions for wwII. They then are busy right now doing EXACTLY what the nazi's warned about. Whilst calling themselves superior. Oh where have i heard about that before..
Ah shit..
>Now begins the great last revolution. In gaining political power the Jew casts off the few cloaks that he still wears. The democratic peoples Jew becomes the blood-Jew and tyrant over peoples. In a few years he tries to exterminate the national intelligentsia and by robbing the peoples of their natural intellectual leadership makes them ripe for the slaves lot of permanent subjugation.

These little satanic hobgoblins need to be thrown into the hexagon of saturn so they can go back to the abyss with their dark lord! Because that´s probably exactly what it´s a portal to.

Well, the same thing happened to Germans after WW2. For such good guys they were really hated in East Europe for some reason.

>Well, the same thing happened to Germans after WW2. For such good guys they were really hated in East Europe for some reason.
The same thing? Are you fucking kidding me you stupid lying satanic goblin. There´s not a single fucking truth in your perverted brain.
Jews were kicked out over hundred times by many different cultures and ethnic groups. For doing similar nefariousness..
Ofcourse people are not pleased with someone they have just fought war against. So ofcourse some people weren´t pleased with germans after wwII. But that doesn´t change the jewish lies about the whole situation. They wrecked jewish control of germany, i can see why jews were upset, i can also see why nobody should give a fuck because germany is not their fucking property, it belongs to german people. Not jews. Jews also got fucking israel out of it. Don´t forget..

Infact had wwII never happened this would have been the worst nightmare for jews. Because the truth about these satanic hobgoblins and their future plan that they are now hastily implementing was out in the open. Which is why the jews kvetched and desperately sought to have some kind of war.. So that they were 'discredited' those that were pointing it out and trying to excorsize the satanic jew control from their society!