


Attached: roastie btfo.webm (1920x1080, 2.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:


For me? It's seeing Dany's head on a fucking spike. My dying wish is to see based Jon chain Dany up, murder all of her followers, Daario, and her dragon in front of her, then slowly torture her to death. I hate cunts like her. I genuinely do

EVERYONE loves based Jon. The wildlings, the northmen. They all follow him. They don't care about his height. Dany on the other hand? No one likes her. She's a cunt. She has no personality. She has no friends. And yet she still has the audacity to talk shit about Jon. He's the only person who even genuinely likes you, you stupid whore.

I genuinely hope not only Dany, but Emilia Clarke herself, dies an extremely painful death. How based would it be to turn on the news one day and hear Emilia Clarke burned alive in her house. No Kit Harington to save her. I bet Kit hates that bitch. He only likes her because he gets paid for it. Jon could do leagues better. She hit the wall 5 years ago. Jon's just entering his prime. Stupid bitch thinks she can be picky with men when she's got the face of an AARP member. Fuck you whore. Wait a second, Dany already died BWAHAHAHHAHAHA

I reiterate, fuck Dany, fuck Danyfags, fuck Emilia Clarke, fuck all roasties and fuck anyone who doubts based Jon.

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Which one is the worst leader of the war of the five kings?

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Dead general show was trash fuck off

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What's his best work?

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Easily Balon, the guy attack the weak North but not so rich and cold North when he could have attacked the fertile (and weak) south and west at Casaterly Rock "we do not sow" my ass, even an ingrate can see the writing on the wall, the lannisters had far to many enemies at one point but Balon got dead set on getting revenge against the Starks.

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Reminder that Ned is a targaryen supporter

why does Sansa have to emasculate Edmure Tully?

>Tolkien assumed because a king js good they'll be a good leader
>Inhuman prescient ruler

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literally for the bants
Nah Ned fought to overthrow the Mad King

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Have seat, uncel.

Have rape, niece.

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Why wasn't the man who killed Tywin mentioned in A song of ice and fire?

post /got/ actors that will still have a career now that the show is over
I'll start: pilou and niko

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Needed to save more pages for Arya

>the man who killed Tywin

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Dragon Fire can't melt Night Kings


Why did GRRM have both dragons and wyvern in his story?

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What was that Sandor?

I cant hear you after I punched you off a cliff despite you having a knife and i was unarmed

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Who had a higher power level in season 1, Ned Stark or Jaime Lannister?

Jaime. But Ned isn't bad to be quite honest.

Ramsey's 20 good men

Cast them

Idris Elba

Ned would defeat Jamie in a bench press contest, his power level is much higher from spending his whole life fighting

Already done


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>Jon and Dany spend years learning how to rule
>a 10-year-old, who is hijacked by an old tree wizard, ends up on the throne
Keep on writing Winds of Winter in your cabin, George. We all know your ending is shit and you have no idea how to get to it.

What if he trolled d&d and season 5-8 was bullshit

Hi there /got/

Today I told GRRM to change the winds of winter
This will mean the book is delayed, however it wont be shit

The following changes I told him to put in
More Theon Chapters
More Brienne Chapters
More Stannis Chapters
More Jaime Chapters
Sansa and Arya get killed off
Brienne and Jaime sex scene
Brienne and Jaime get married and live happily ever after
Stannis kills Roose Bolton and Ramsay
Stannis kills Melly after she tries to burn Shireen
Jaime is Azor Ahai and forges Lightbringer by killing Cersei

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Hound was shitting when she came. because of the bite he was infected and weak and didn't have any stamina. That's why she beat him. he was sick

lol no darkies silly

>and season 5-8 was bullshit
He doesn't have to troll them to make D&D accomplish that and if he does, he is either the biggest asshole ever or the most based madman ever walk depending on how you see it.

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Balon went full retard.
>Norf offers up alliance
>"hurr durr we do not sow"
>they're having hard time with it
>"m-mastah tywin, pls send help"
>"lol no"
It's funny because he didn't have to ally himself with the Starks at all if he was so butthurt, but he could have offered up his navy and raiders to Tywin's services in exchange for aid and money. Instead he picked the most retarded route possible. To commit himself to fighting Tywin's enemies for him without any expectation of an alliance, protection, or reward.

What does Stannis do? Does he kneel to dany or snow?

Stannis does not kneel to Jon, he has no claim to the throne. Even if he was a Targ, who would believe that?

>Reading 'A World of Ice and Fire'
>Reach the Ironborn parts
>It's a bunch of retarded assholes just going on and on about past glory while doing the most absurd, stupid evil act imaginable.
>Stupid priests and their stupid religion of sadists teachings
>Sadistic psychos who got glorified as heroes.
Why aren't these assholes get exterminated immediately are beyond me.

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Iron Born are just Dothraki with boats. The Dothraki at least have an excuse, because they don't branch out and experience other cultures. Iron Born are cunts for the sake of it.

they exist in a dramatic continuity. in a real historic one it'd be a different story

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It's just annoying. They keep going on and on about 'muh old ways' then took to the sea to kill, rape and enslave peoples as they wish. At least the other 'villains' in the series has some sort of charm, logical reasoning or just plain creepy. These guys are like what Jaime said in the show: 'vicious, angry little peoples, who are good for nothing'

If I remember rightly what he said was actually better ("unattractive, angry little people").

Dany has to wrap up all the bullshit in Essos, go to Westeros, take care of fAegon, meet Jon, fall in love, fight the Others and win, blow up King's Landing and then get stabbed by Jon and die. Jon has to come back to life first and foremost. Maybe Stannis takes care of the Boltons and Freys, but that would leave Stannis as a problem for Dany, too.

GRRM knew his ending was shit, which is why he is taking too long to finish the books. The fanbase fucking hate almost all aspects of this King Bran bullshit, and GRRM knows it.

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The 'unattractive' part is said by Euron I think, as a joke to Cersei.

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Just imagine them as being black and their behavior will make more sense.

to my mind the really interesting thing about the kingsmoot is how much it does to get across that the "old way" isn't the entire story with 'em and not every ironborn is a regressive idiot
just most of 'em

>fight the Others and win, blow up King's Landing
Is this actually confirmed? I mean the order of events. George did say he wants to give the ending similar to the scouring of Shire from LOTR.

I tend to assume Stannis would have taken it further and had Balon's head off. God knows what he'd have done to the general population but being himself he'd certainly have taken the methodical approach.

Ending the apocalypse seems to be more important than the politics of Westeros. It would be strange if Dany blew up King's Landing, ended the apocalypse, and then was stabbed by Jon, unless the the Azor Ahai prophecy comes into play. The show ending is too specific to merely dismiss it.

>tfw you'll never be bros with NCW
I tend to think that Aegon will take on Cersei's role from the show. As in, agree to help, but stay back and watch, hoping that Dany will win but lose a considerable amount of her forces. It would make more sense for Dany and Jon to need Aegon's help, seeing as he's bound to gain more support from the south than fucking Cersei ever could.

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He would’ve gone full Carthage on their asses. He’d do population transfers and turn the Iron Islands into a royal naval base. Probably even support the Farwynds of Lonely Light to explore what’s west of the Sunset Sea.

Well at least GRRM had free beta testing thanks to D&D which he got paid for.

Even so, it's still weird to think the climax will be just KL got sacked after they just stop the winter apocalypse. It also still not explain evil-Dany twist, assuming that's really the path George is aiming.

Daenerys has a dream where she’s at the Trident and will melt an army covered in ice. Either she fights the Others who’ve taken over the North and have Zombie Jon and Stannis at the helm or she’s facing an army of Northerners.

I just assume it to be the Others/white walkers, but now that you said it, I guess it's possible that Dany might turn against the NORF as well.

Why not?

In the books, I HIGHLY doubt Daenerys will meet up with Jon and fall in love with him. Don’t forget Fake Aegon is already in Westeros with the Golden Company and the support of Dorne.

To Book Daenerys, Starks are the Usurper’s Dogs and the show really whitewashed her. Everyone who reads the books knows she’s going full Targ insanity. The show did a great job of making people butthurt as fuck.

Book Daenerys seems far less likely to agree to an armistice with fAegon in the first place. She already had visions about the mummer's dragon, so I doubt she will tolerate aegon's bullshit.

I just wish that the Others make it to King's Landing, because that would at least give Dany a reason to burn it down. Tyrion might also want it to go up in flames.

Based fucking picture

>In the books, I HIGHLY doubt Daenerys will meet up with Jon and fall in love with him. Don’t forget Fake Aegon is already in Westeros with the Golden Company and the support of Dorne.
Jon and Daenerys dream about each other (shifting shadow), have parallel journeys, and GRRM said that the story is about them at the end of the day. Dany also has that vision of the Winter Rose in the wall of ice.

They are definitely supposed to meet and fall and love. It just sucks that it's supposed to happen in the span of two books and lead to Jon killing Dany.

>she’s going full Targ insanity.
And the books are poorer for it. George's legacy is a lie

storm of swords

Yeah, by book 5 I can sorta, kinda buy that she is going to be an antagonist (a rather sympathetic one at least). The show try to go to this path since S4/5, even if they don't fully commit to it.
I honestly don't mind if they don't fall in love. But I think a meeting is inevitable.

>Yeen, a gigantic city in the jungle of Sothoryos built with oily black stone
>People trying to re-settle it vanished without trace
>Even jungle doesn't creep inside despite the city being abandoned for millennia
>Every drawing of the city has it consumed with plant life like Angkor Wat

Attached: Yeen.jpg (1920x1080, 604K)

>I just wish that the Others make it to King's Landing
They fucking should. I still remember that season 2 version of the vision when we see the Red Keep in ruins and ice & snow everywhere. But no lol, it's actually ashes.
The white walkers presence should have been felt by at least most of the peoples of Westeros.

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The show omitted Val whose described as god-tier beautiful and bangers with Jon a lot. Jon will encounter Daenerys but it’s doubtful he’ll fall for her since he already has a superior wildling waifu.

>The show try to go to this path since S4/5, even if they don't fully commit to it.
Outside of burning the Tarlys (which I don't have a problem with), the show went the complete opposite direction of Mad Queen Dany in season 7, which is why many people hate the ending. The last two seasons had her do the right thing (or what her advisors think is the right thing) over and over to her detriment.

Either have Dany join forces with Jon die fighting the good fight, of have her refuse and die. Don't have her do the right thing, win, and then die anyway. That's just lame.

>silver blonde
>purple eyes
They must have the crazies, kill now!

>it's actually ashes
No, it was snow. A flake melted on Dany's face, you can see the snow and how it looks when she touches the throne and the subtitles say snow crunching when they're walking on it. Don't trust that vision though, George only told them everyone's journey and destination after season 3, so that vision is just OC

You just ignored my entire post. I have no idea what Val is supposed to do, but don't just brush off Jon and Dany's relationship just because you don't like it.

The TV show for all its flaws rightfully pointed out that Daenerys is an invader. She has an army of slaves that worship her and will do every command like slaughter mercilessly. She had Dothraki who are known for pillage and rape. Victarion’s Ironborn are known for pillage and rape too. And she had sellswords who will also fuck up people.

She’s not going to be a liberator queen but a fucking psychopath just like the TV series presented.

Dany can do no wrong.
How can a woman be so perfect?

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The TV show for all its flaws rightfully pointed out that Jon is an invader. He has an army of wildlings that worship him and will do every command like slaughter mercilessly. He had wildlings who are known for pillage and rape. Victarion’s Ironborn are known for pillage and rape too. And he has vassals who will also fuck up people.

He’s not going to be a liberator king but a fucking psychopath just like the TV series presented.

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That actually would have been kino if George manages to get to the part when Dany starts invading and pillaging.
I still don't get why don't she just put them both on chains. Could have been useful as hostage, who cares if Randyll doesn't want to be chained, he is a fucking prisoner.
Why did it take so long for them to discuss the overall story arc though? And why D&D choose to not adapting AFFC & ADWD properly? I wish we can get a full story of this someday. Maybe a documentary or something.

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She just walked up a mountain and around 20 miles

She was out of stamina too

Where's the nuance and grey by playing that straight though and proving everyone who feared her, slandered her or called her and her family crazy right?

George can't even say "but Essos kibd if likes her" cause she massively fucked up there, is also feared, hated and slandered and no one gives a shit about the other characters there

>The TV show for all its flaws rightfully pointed out that Jon is a bastid usurper. He has an army of wildlings that worship him and will do every command like slaughter mercilessly. He had northerners who are known for pillage and rape. The Night's Watch men are also former rapist and murderers as well. And he has a giant who will also fuck up people.
Fixed your pasta

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>Why did it take so long for them to discuss the overall story arc though?
They were waiting on George to release a new book and when it became obvious the show was gonna surpass George, they needed to find d out where he was going with this, the ending and everyone's endpoint

>I still don't get why don't she just put them both on chains.
Nkt that user but there's no gain in that. If you just lock up any soldier or general who refuses to bend the knee while also refusing to take the black, you'll wind up with hundreds or thousands of mouths to feed and people who when they see fit will break out and attack your soldiers. Tarly has no more men than the ones Dany just defeated and no title but what Cersei would give except Dany doesn't recognize Cersei's authority. Pretty simple rules, bend the knee or die, everyone does it and it's always implied

There's also no reason to keep the Tarlys hostage, because nobody cares about them and Dany beat their army already.

>could have asked for Gregor and Amory Lorch's heads
>could have sided with the Norf in the War of 5 Kings to destroy the Lannisters and even gain independence
>chose to wait 15 years until everyone he wanted revenge against dies of completely unrelated causes and support the comeback of the family that cucked Elia so badly

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Dany, are you OK?
So, Dany, are you OK?
Are you OK, Dany?
Dany, are you OK?
So, Dany, are you OK?
Are you OK, Dany?
You've been hit by

clap clap

You've been stabbed by

clap clap

a boozed homuncule

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>My brother, Viseyrs, was a coward, but he was correct on one count, Jon. He spoke about it often, he called it The Valyrian's Burden. I call it the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>The Andals, the Dothraki, the Summer Islanders and even those hook-nosed child molesters in Braavos...it's our responsibility to civilize them, Jon. The Day of the Dracarys is near, my love. We'll have every Westerosi house bend the knee or I swear by the gods I'll fill the ranks of my Unsullied with their circumsised cocks, and may you stab me in the heart if I'm wrong.
>looks directly at camera May the one true God Jesus Christ bless Americos, and its president Donald of House Trump First of his Name.
I can't believe D&D got Raimi to co-write the final episode!

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/ecg/ gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until image limit. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children, unless it's with based EMILIA. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die by my shitpost. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher in the /ecg/ threads.. EMILIA is the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of anons. I pledge my life and honor to the /ecg/ watch, for this thread and all the threads to come.

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I saw Emilia Clarke at a Tesco express in London yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “It's fine! I don't mind at all!”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she cut me off and laughed and pulled me in for a selfie. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her laugh and turned round to see her wave at me as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Oi luv, you need to pay for those first.” She turned around and said "I'm so sorry! I'm so scatterbrained, I didn't mean to!"

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she realized she had forgotten her credit card in her car. I offered to pay for the Milky Ways and she said "Wow, you're so sweet!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I will never wash my face again.

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Emilia, Emilia
Thou hair does so naturally set
Like a bursting gentle wave lapping on the shore
Power hidden in interwoven locks
Refracted in a face like the gently placed silk stones
How many generations of beauty can you see when you look in her eyes
Her charisma is naturally becoming
Electrying the roots of the ground.
REBELLION WILL gestures with his hand NOT BE TOLERATED
FIRE gestures with his hand AND gestures with his hand BLOOD

gestures with his hand

gestures with his hand THERE gestures with his hand WILL gestures with his hand BE gestures with his hand NO gestures with his hand PEACE gestures with his hand

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>Daenerys Targaryen A Queen

>The Cast Remembers: Emilia Clarke on Playing Daenerys Targaryen | Game of Thrones: Season 8 (HBO)

>Emilia Clarke Tries 9 Things She's Never Done Before | Allure

>Emilia Clarke Has Lost Her Dragons and Her Spanx l Cover Stars l Glamour

>They asked for it lads

>Emilia Clarke Re-Creates Stock Photos | Vanity Fair

>The First Time with Emilia Clarke | Rolling Stone

>Emilia Clarke Pranks Times Square as Undercover Jon Snow (Game of Thrones) // Omaze

>Emilia Clarke Reads 'Game of Thrones' Fan Theories | ELLE

>Emilia Clarke's Valley Girl Voice

>How To Be Charming Without Trying

>Tour the Game of Thrones Set with Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) // Omaze


>(GoT) Daenerys Targaryen | Fallen Queen

>Watch: A to Z with Emilia Clarke for Vogue Australia May 2016

>7 years to love

Attached: 1560145286785.jpg (600x600, 228K)

Daenerys "Arsonyst" Targaryen

Daenerys "Hell's Belle" Targaryen

Daenerys "Ten Ton Terror" Targaryen

Daenerys "Westerner Wrecker" Targaryen

Daenerys "Peasant Accelerant" Targaryen

Daenerys "Commoner Combustor" Targaryen

Daenerys "Valyrian Pyromaniac" Targaryen

Daenerys "Stay Calm, Eat Napalm" Targaryen

Daenerys "Set the knights alight" Targaryen

Daenerys "Try to outrun my Drogon" Targaryen

Daenerys "See a town? Burn it down" Targaryen

Daenerys "Red Keep into Black Keep" Targaryen

Daenerys "Unburnt city? What a pity!" Targaryen

Daenerys "Crownlands into Wastelands" Targaryen

Daenerys "Your Queen demands kerosene" Targaryen

Daenerys "King's Landing into Kindling" Targaryen

Daenerys "Kingslander Killing Khaleesi" Targaryen

Daenerys "Making candles of the Andals" Targaryen

Daenerys "You better flee from Flea Bottom" Targaryen

Daenerys "Breaker of Chains, Baker of Brains" Targaryen

Daenerys "De-housing civilians by the millions" Targaryen

Daenerys "Clog up my streets, become ash heaps" Targaryen

Daenerys "Queen of Meeereen here 2 make u scream" Targaryen

Daenerys "Seeing a white flag makes me want to frag" Targaryen

Daenerys "Dropping canisters on every single Lannister" Targaryen

Daenerys "Shower me with praise or your city I will raze" Targaryen

Daenerys "Ring the bells, I'll send them to the Seven Hells" Targaryen

Daenerys "All these children must burn because it's my turn" Targaryen

Daenerys "After seeing Rhaegal crash this city needs to be ash" Targaryen

Daenerys "If the crowds dare to jeer then their skin needs to sear" Targaryen

Daenerys "The show's down to the wire so I need to go crazy with fire" Targaryen

Daenerys "After they see all the flame they'll be some babies to rename" Targaryen

Daenerys "Surrender in desperation, you'll get nothing but conflagration" Targaryen

Daenerys "Don't have to read the last book to know that King's Landing will cook" Targaryen

The only acceptable ending.

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*rolls at your tiny image*

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Cutest psycho!

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Yikes, you are retarded falseflagging and samefagging mentally ill anti-Dany/Emilia retard, fuck off.

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>giving a shit about any lore autism outside of westeros
why it's so vague and boring


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check the catalog and you will find all these threads

Idris Elba

Stop posting about a dead tv show


Absolutely delusional

>Stark is to Baratheon
>what Clegane is to Lannister
i like it

>posting the /ecg/ pastebin in /got/ in an effort to encourage the /got/ ban

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>I apologise niece, but I did not rot in a Frey dungeon for 4 years after trying my best to make up for your fool brother's mistakes just to be told to sit down by a barren Bolton-Lannister whore. By what authority do you speak? The North is in ruins. You sit in power purely by virtue of our mutual allies in the Vale, on which your hold is tenuous at best. By what rights do you command your elder and better to sit?


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i looked for you in the catalog

this he's also spamming the roll image over and over

>tfw Stannis Solid Snakes into Winterfell after the battle of ice


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/got/ probably should get banned though, this thread has the most substantive discussion I've seen in the last week

Why is the king always portrayed as distracted, insane or weak, while the hand of the king is always wise, intelligent, strong and a much more worthy ruler?

guess there's a vested interest in keeping someone competent as hand?

Because nearly all kings were inbred retards

Season 1, Ned doesn't get killed, but instead he gets sent to the nights watch.

What happens with Ned? He's kinda old, he has a leg injury, he doesn't seem to believe in the white walkers, mormont is already Lord commander, what would he do at the wall?

>He's kinda old
Was he ever given an age in the show? Guy was supposed to be 35.

Go meet Jon Snow, have some father and son discussion. Help leading the men of the wall and if he survives the great ranging or stay in the wall and survive the wildling invasions, he will certainly be the new lord commander.

Why are some of the Great Houses so small?

Lannister has several branches including Lannisport and plenty of Lannisters at Casterly Rock. Tyrells have plenty of branches and Tyrells around Highgarden. Arryn has other distant branches, most poor, some uncouth. Yet Tully is down to Edmure, Starks only have the one branch unless you count Karstark, and have no other Starks just running around Winterfell. Targaryens have the one branch and no other since even Blackfyres are deceased in the male line and Aegor if he had any line wasn't expanded on and neither were Aegon Unworthy's other legitimized male bastards. Martells at least have some kind of cousin who's a castellan but otherwise just those three kids of which only two are alive in the books. Greyjoys are down to one branch and Euron has no trueborns.

its still banned

Some of the kings are quite competent or at least acceptable, according to the lore (A World of Ice and Fire). The legit awful ones are the some of the previous Targaryen rulers like Maegor the cruel, Aegon the unworthy and Aerys the mad king. I guess Show-Cersei is almost as awful as those peoples as well. Joffrey and Tommen are just boys who lack experience, the former in particular however might end up as awful as the previously psycho-targ rulers.

There really is no good explanation for this other than plot convenience. I don't blame gurm tbqh, story would probably be massively bloated if he had to include a frey-sized family for every single great house.

Did you think for a month about this comeback, incel? Have sex and a seat.

Joffrey is easily as bad as the Targs. He started everything.

Yeah awful only for the sparrows.

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Balon, for going for literally the worst route possible
Renly as a close second for ruining the chances the Baratheons ever had

Can we all agree that you can kinda "feel" the impact of the kick in the Webm in the OP?

Yeah, come to think about it that kid pretty much start the war of the five kings by trying to assassinate Bran in the books. Its a bit of shame the show doesn't include this. Granted Jaime and Littlefinger are responsible as well.

Yes. That is the from the time when even the show OC still have soul to it. Honestly if they adapt Jaime's confession, season 4 would be a 10/10.

Doesn't have to be Frey sized, just look at the Lannisters and Tyrells. Yet for some reason it's like every other Stark, Greyjoy, Arryn, Targaryen and Martell just dies off and so do their kids. According to the family tree at some point Starks had several sons in one generation same with Targaryens, all fucking died or one had just the one son

It's a very well executed stunt. That whole fight is really well done, maybe the best in the entire show.

>Iron Islands into a royal naval base.
>no trees
>shitty, inbred, vindictive, retarded and violent people
>on the western side of westeros where there are no naval threats
naval base should be dragonstone

Actually there does seem to be a tradition in certain houses to send non-vital sons off to the wall, citadel, or some other order where they won't marry. Way of preventing inheritance conflicts down the line maybe? But yeah you'd still think having some spare heir branches would be a more pressing concern.

if it was really a fair fight where was her necrotizing leg wound

Dornish master plan is coming user. Trust in Doran, he’s going to cuck both the Targs and the Lannisters by supporting a Blackfyre claimant

it’s not even that, it’s that the hand doesn’t have to worry as much about pr. they can act openly and do things the king might not be able to get away with. guys like aerys and robert were downright unable to rule, but other monarchs were pretty competent - they just had to filter policy down through the hand in order to maintain stability. see: bloodraven and maekar

Starks and Arryns would both have a variety of nieces/nephews on hand to inherit if not for Robert’s Rebellion, which killed all of Jon Arryn’s heirs at the time and eradicated Ned’s immediate family. It’s not reasonable to expect Ned and Jon to repopulate their houses all by themselves over the course of a single generation, especially since they’re both honorfags who refuse to pump out forty bastards for the good of their bloodline

Not to mention that vision of the flower in the wall of ice is accompanied with the “Mother of Dragons, bride of Fire chant.” They have very obviously parallel arcs as well, I don’t know how anyone can deny they’ll meet and fall in love


The Mother of Dragons and bride of fire is obviously meant to be Lyanna, especially with the blue rose, which is consistently associated with Lyanna
>mother of dragons - gave birth to a Targ, “”Jon”” “”Snow””
>bride of fire - secretly married to Rhaegar

According to DnD in the after episode thing they were even, and half way through “Jaime realizes he is fighting for his life”

Because the “dragons” are also wyverns

the high sparrow is unironically right

Ned was never a great swordsman. Jaime was already amazing during the Targ Kingsguard era and got better over time. Ned was competent but not exceptional.

dragons are wyverns that have been altered to be larger and breathe fire. they’re the product of valyrian blood magic

Show Ned has always been hyped to be a top tier fighter since the pilot where he gives a speech to Jaime about how the people that compete in tourneys are faggots that don't fight for real and when he tells Bobby that he is better with a lance than him

yeah, the show is dumb. who knew

This is something pretty small and inconsequential but something that D&D clearly didn't understand about Ned's character; his whole thing with being the mediocre second son living in his dead brother's shadow. They even added that weird OC T&A scene where LF describes Ned as "an even more impressive specimen".
But I supposed Sean Bean doesn't really fit well into a non-chad role, so fair enough.

Fuck you incel
I won't bump your dead general in the future

The Lord of Life is the one true god.
High Sparrow is a heretic anyway.

have sex, wench

Have seat, uncel.

lord of light isn’t real, he’s blood magic. old gods are ancient ancestors larping as deities. bow to the seven or be destroyed

Reminder Jon is as good as dead in the books and all of Jon's scenes with Dany in the show are actually with Aegon in the books.

everyone snarks about how Drogon is a dragon named Drogon, except that Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion are actually WYVERNS—they're quadrupeds, not hexapods, a distinction even a casual student of draconology could tell you so ha ha ha who's lame now,

this is a theme in the books as well, and the primary reason why vale >>>>>> reach
that said, jaime is definitely a better swordsman than ned

I’m not arguing, just pointing out that it’s the showcanon

>Stannis goes to the iron bank to ask for a loan
>Stannis asks "who do you think holds the power in Kings landing?"
>Iron Bank guy replies "do you like riddles?"

Rate my fan fiction OC

Wyverns do actually exist in Ice and Fire. I'm pretty sure they are what caused the mines to blow up too in Valyria when the slave revolt happened. They did mention seeing some sort of fire worm. Now I'm curious what the hell Tyrion saw on the Shy Maid right before he nearly drowned in the same chapter I think. It reminded me a lot of that Bran chapter back in Winterfell after Theon's assault where he sees a snake like creature flying north

Maybe. There are theories about some of the crazy shit that infests Sothoryos being he result of the Valyrians on Goggossos doing their weird blood magic shit

Didn't they use this dialogue for Davos on S4 except for the riddles part?
2/10 you rip-off from the show. Not to mention you made Stannis looks like a bigger autist than he already is.

Bro those are all different. Tyrion saw the Shrouded Lord. The firewyrms may have been used to create the basis for dragons via Valyrian blood genesplicing magic. The other wyverns are in southern sothoryos

Yeah, no. Dany is not going to have a romance with Aegon after the stuff in ADWD

user I think his point is that he made Tycho Nestoris Varys/faceless man or aligned with Varys

this man is mostly correct, except wyverns weren’t complicit in the destruction of valyria (probably - we still don’t know exactly what happened).
wyverns still exist in sothoryos. they look a lot like their valyrian counterparts except they’re much smaller, hunt in packs, have no magical abilities, and can’t breathe fire. the theory of how dragons came to exist is that the valyrians captured some wyverns and did horrible blood-magic experiments on them to turn them into giant fire breathing monsters. the asoiaf definition of “dragon” doesn’t mandate that they have four legs. the type of dragon you’re describing doesn’t exist in this setting

They seem to have been crossed with the firewyrms

Dragons are not natural creatures while Wyvers and Firewyrms are. Dragons are a magical combination of those two, creating a flying lizard with fire powers.
During the Doom all the Valyrian magic went wonky, which is why the "worms with faces" that infested Balerion when he returned from Valyria were Firewyrms somehow mixed with humans.

>ywn be the shrouded lord hanging out in the ruins of the smoking sea with your greyscale posse

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The visions are all supposed to connect with Dany. The first vision in that sequence is her silver horse trotting to a stream under the stars, it’s meant to invoke her wedding night with Drogo. It’s a strong indication that she’s going to marry Jon

FUCK valyrians unequivocally. who does this shit
>oh we found cool flying lizards
>let’s tamper with powers beyond our understanding and cross them with demonic flame-creatures
>surely this will not backfire

Pussy demon is coming for your soul user.

There's five people in a room.
A king.
A priest.
A wealthy man.
A common sell sword.
And the sell sword's 8 year old daughter.

Who has the real power in this room?

Anyone have that pasta of all those book Jon quotes where he feels like an actual character instead of a gormless charisma vacuum?

Yet they all happened to die. Ned dad was an only child, his mom had no brothers despite being from a different Stark branch, and you have to go back several years to fibd some Stark daughters married off. Even with sending spare sons to the Wall other Houses seem to have more, Karstarks have cousins and uncles running around in Karhold, why not Starks too?

>only had one
What did user mean by this?

>"When I was a boy, I dreamt that I could fly," he announced. "When I woke, I couldn't... or so the maester said. But what if he lied?"

Was Euron mentally molested just like Bran?

So dragons are more like a chimera creature of sorts created by blood magic. I'm curious what the ice equivalent to them would be or creatures of ice being used for a similar experiment.

>why not Starks too?

The shadow in the wall

Any hope for a season 9?

i don’t have the pasta but here is my favorite jon passage
>He could feel the despair all around him. “There must be a hundred thousand,” Satin wailed. “How can we stop so many?”
>“The Wall will stop them,” Jon heard himself say. He turned and said it again, louder. “The Wall will stop them. The Wall defends itself.” Hollow words, but he needed to say them, almost as much as his brothers needed to hear them. “Mance wants to unman us with his numbers. Does he think we’re stupid?” He was shouting now, his leg forgotten, and every man was listening. “The chariots, the horsemen, all those fools on foot . . . what are they going to do to us up here? Any of you ever see a mammoth climb a wall?” He laughed, and Pyp and Owen and half a dozen more laughed with him. “They’re nothing , they’re less use than our straw brothers here, they can’t reach us, they can’t hurt us, and they don’t frighten us, do they?”
>“NO!” Grenn shouted.
>“They’re down there and we’re up here,” Jon said, “and so long as we hold the gate they cannot pass. They cannot pass! ” They were all shouting then, roaring his own words back at him, waving swords and longbows in the air as their cheeks flushed red. Jon saw Kegs standing there with a warhorn slung beneath his arm. “Brother,” he told him, “sound for battle. “
>Grinning, Kegs lifted the horn to his lips, and blew the two long blasts that meant wildlings. Other horns took up the call until the Wall itself seemed to shudder, and the echo of those great deep-throated moans drowned all other sound.

City of the Winged Men

euron is a warg user

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Winged Men sound really cool just a shame we're never going to get to see them in the novels according to George.

Sure, but so is Bran. If we're to believe that 3EC is pulling the strings all along in order to take the throne, wouldn't it make sense that he's fucking with the dude most likely to bring down the wall?

start a family

does bloodraven’s power extend beyond the reach of the weirwoods? i don’t think there’s any weirwoods in the iron islands


Nah. 3EC seems to suggest to Bran that the Weirwoods are a temporary limitation, though.

the driftwood throne is actually made of weirwood

jesus christ how do you go from that to I DOON WUNT IT

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the seastone chair is made of rocks and i don’t think it’s mentioned what wood the driftwood crown is made from.
besides, any weirwood they use to build a crown or a chair would be dead. if bloodraven can use his powers on dead weirwood then he could conceivably be warging sweetrobin

the power of dabid. book jon is still a boring classic hero in some respects but moments like this are pretty based
also the bit where he threatens to murder gilly’s incest-baby

the seastone chair is made of oily black stone like the five forts and the ruins in sothoryos
there's something fishy going on

I personally like K'Dath the most.
>The inhabitants of K'Dath claim the city is the first and oldest in the world.[2] It is said that K'Dath is the site of unspeakable rites performed to slake the hunger of mad gods and that even the Shrykes that dwell in the lands south of the city fear it.

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>seastone chair
>five forts
>the foundations of hightower
>cities and statues in sothoryos
it’s all the same type of stone. is it dragonglass, or some kind of special drowned god material we haven’t heard about yet? i don’t think i remember dragonglass being described as oily but i might have missed it

I would certainly agree

The amount of cuts ruins it slightly, but you can feel the weight and impact of every blow

he has my permission to die before releasing dream as long as he finishes d&e/gives us more yi ti lore

No, the base of the Hightower and the Five Forts are “fused black stone” that seems to have Valyrian origins/made with dragon fire. It’s different from the “oily black stone” that is found in the Seastone Chair that just fucking washed ashore, Yeen, the giant toad statue on the Isle of Toads, and Asshai.

No, the Seastone Chair, the toad statue, the cities of Yeen and Asshai are built from oily black stone, while the foundation of the Hightower and the Five Forts are made of fused black stone, presumably, with dragon fire.

I thought this too. This also explains why cersei had nothing to do for the past two seasons. They cut aegon out, so every character that has/will have interaction with him, is streamlined for the show

I'd rather have that than disney bullshit ending

Kys. Also, they should either write an entire story set in those locations or just don't bother with lore in general. I hate it when people do shit like this. Tryhards trying to make everything spoopy and mysterious

It’s called world building you faggot

Did anyone here remember the Inside the Episode of Jamie's dragon charge? They hoped that the audience would see the darker side of dany at this point but all we got was plebs cheering at the tv. Still, i don't deny that the show has been inconsistent and indecisive about its characters, but people are really dumb as fuck anyway. Even if you build up season 7 to be dany going mad queen in season 8, people will still be mad that it happened because those people basically watch their favourite team get disqualified before the final match lmao.

You seem like a fun person

>season 8 bad
>me want series to end in another 9 years

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so the drowned god exists in his own right, but is less powerful in westeros than he is in essos based on where his special stone ended up. we also know that he’s at odds with rhllor because of what melisandre says about patchface, but not working with euron because of the vision victorian has of the drowned god impaled on the iron throne. so what the fuck is his endgame here



You're welcome

>Also, they should either write an entire story set in those locations or just don't bother with lore in general. I hate it when people do shit like this. Tryhards trying to make everything spoopy and mysterious
You're like autists complaining about Martin's naming conventions.

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>thread going well with on topic posting and good discussion
>danyshitters wake up and thread quality immediately tanks
imagine my shock

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They probably realized that jamie and Tarly betrayed her political ally, their army sacked and destroyed highgarden and committed war crimes to get all that gold and food, it just happened off screen for the sake of time management

Daily reminder that nobody making this shit gave a fuck anymore.

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Season 8 was fucking great and the show ended at a high point instead of going on forever
D&D have always been geniuses. I'm personally excited to see what they have in store with Star Wars

>Its an established trope!
Yea and i hate it

I just realized there's not even a way up to the platform. BRAVO DABID

nobody needs to be reminded of this. nobody needs to be reminded of anything in the show after season 4.

>i hate world building and fleshed out settings
i don’t think this series is for you

Ah, I see another intellectual still browses the Eternal /got/ general.

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You're talking to the ghost of Harrenhal m8.

Well the chair ended up in the Iron Isles, but literally all other examples of it, including whole cities, are in Essos or Sothoroyos

What? I'm ok with the actual story. But what is the point of building up places that we will never see? If you're gonna flesh out settings, the story should also have something to do with those settings.

World building isn’t a trope you drooling retard


>But what is the point of building up places that we will never see?
To make it feel like a real fucking world.

I watched an episode of season 8 and thought it was amazing, action packed and exciting
Then I watched season 1 and it was boring as fuck, it's just talking soap opera tier drama

Anyways, my question is, when does the show start to get good? Should I bother with season 2?

Once or twice maybe, but what is point of shit like Fire and Blood?

Weak as fuck m8

George really likes Targs as long as they're not Dany

Unless Dany is underage and getting raped by a big black man, apparently he likes that quite a bit

George wanted to flesh out the established history. Bitching that his priorities aren’t straight and bitching about worldbuilding in general are totally different things

i don’t think you necessarily have to see a place in the main narrative for it to be important or interesting. the reason yi ti is so important, for example, is that everything going on in westeros right now already happened in yi ti thousands of years ago. the kingdom was strong and united, the others attacked, azor ahai defeated them, and the kingdom fell apart. now yi ti is a collection of squabbling fiefdoms. these parallels get mentioned a lot by various characters in the setting when they’re trying to figure out how to beat the others. worldbuilding doesn’t have to have a point to be good imo, but if that’s what you need to enjoy it then it’s there

>Yes *pulls Drogo’s hand to her vag*

What is.

drogo is asian you brainlet

There are also clear parallels between the Night's King and Bloodstone emperor, allusions to kinship between children of the forest and wood walkers in Essos etc.

There are striking similarities in Westerosi and Yi Ti mythos but it's not clear how the deep ones add up in this picture, because you have their megalithic structures all over the world, and two heroes on different ends of the world ending the menace of demons (who are clearly not seaborne) independently of each other.

Destruction of Lorath mazemakers' civilization by sea people (and similarity of their names to that in the foundation of the Hightower), Thousand Islanders' dread of the sea and remnants of the underwater city. It all probably alludes to an incredibly ancient intercontinental war between the deep ones and some unknown people or peoples.

Ah yes, she enjoys her experiences with the great Khal so much that she wants to fucking die after a few weeks of it.



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>of their mazes

bloodstone emperor is definitely the nights king, and his analogue in the modern day is euron. the cycle is repeating.
it’s implied that a lot of religions are reusing the same deities under different names (maiden-made-of-light and rhllor) but i’m not sure how the drowned god fits into the overall story. he’s obviously going to be important because of how much time gurm dedicates to patchface but i have no idea how, if you have any convincing theories please share

>Season 8 was fucking great
Please elaborate.

After having to ride a horse for hundreds of miles after 14 years of sitting around doing nothing. You can’t retroactively turn consensual sex into rape because you subsequently weren’t pampered to the fullest of your expectations

She was on the streets for most her life having to deal with Viserys, she just made a pitstop with Illyrio, not exactly pampered

Yeah Dany was not raped by Drogo man, read the books. The "rape" is a show only invention and it was just so Dabid could make a hot scene to fap to with tears streaming down Emilias face as she's getting rammed lmao

Does the Warlock claimant to YiTi residing in the city of Carcosa, styling himself the Yellow Emperor have an analogue to anyone else other than being a love craft reference?

I don’t see what that has to do with 13 year old Dany doing her duty and seducing Drogo

I never said anything about priorities. I was just bitching about "worldbuilding"

she says she starts enjoying it pretty fast too, she’s just not used to it initially so it kind of hurts. it’s not uncommon for girls to have consensual sex even if it’s physically uncomfortable
what’s more worrisome is that viserys would have raped her if ilyrio hadn’t posted guards at her door the night before her wedding

yeah, tears of joy.

The ending we got is Disney you retard. Look where Starks, Tyrion, Sam, Davos, Brienne, Pod, Tormund, Jon, Bronn, Sam ended up.

That’s what I’m saying. You would have a point if you argued priorities.
You don’t have a point arguing the merits of worldbuilding in general.

did sam even have a maester's chain in the small council scene?

I don't like that either, retard. I just want dany to not be a ruler at the end of the series and die along with her dragons.

at a stretch, lord hightower? there are only three main claimants in yi ti right now (azure emperor, the orange bastard in that trading town, and the yellow emperor) and none of them have clear counterparts in contemporary westeros

Nah yeah it wasn't rape, she's just conflicted about it, I was only pointing out that one thing

The princess coming and saving everyone and being perfect is more Disney, tho

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What about Euron?

My point is that i dont like it. I know that worldbuilding gets all the drools from the fans and whatnot, it's just one of those "am i the only one here" kind of things. It annoys me, that's all.

>Disney bullshit ending
Disney endings are logical, satisfying, and not nihilistic. This one is garbage that trashes the whole series

Why's she gotta die though? She's absolutely whipped and pre-S8 Jon is no bitch, he could probably convince her to fuck off with him for good

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Ok maybe not die, but i don't like her and i dont want her to achieve her goal. I want her to see everything around her crumble and i want her to know that it was all her fault

i am certain the whole Dornish subplot is something that will turn out very differently in the books

euron is the westerosi bloodstone emperor. he’s trying to ascend to godhood, using black magic, enslaving his own people - the only thing the bloodstone emperor did that euron hasn’t done yet is marry a catgirl. the parallels there are clear, but any parallels to the orange/yellow/azure emperors aren’t solid.
it becomes even harder to compare anything to modern yi ti because we have no information about it apart from 1) there are three emperors fighting and 2) the grey plague is happening

And I said you are retarded and the world wouldn’t feel as alive without that worldbuilding

So far Dorne in the books has been just as pointless except to have Dany fuck up her Westerosi alliances before she even gets there

Well since the long night happened in the north and the east, couldn’t they both be the night king/bloodstone emperor? Like they are both mirrors of each other while being mirrors of the night king and bloodstone emperor

The two main characters got bitter endings

they still have myrcella and will probably ally themselves with faegon

Arriane is trying to marry fAegon, how is that pointless?

that makes sense. i don’t think gurm would add a second parallel long night though, he seems to be focusing more on the empire of the dawn-era than what’s going on over there now

Yeah, but that could have happened without Myrcella or Quentyn even existing

Quentyn tried to marry Dany and take a dragon. Just because he failed it was pointless?
You never want anyone to do anything in the story that ends up being unsuccessful or unimportant?

A disney ending for a series like this makes no sense tho. I want closure in an ending, not contrived "they finally got what they wanted all along" bullshit. Arya becoming a sailor is the most retarded thing ever

Jon told Tormund he wished he was coming with him to the (true) North
So he reunites with Ghost and gets to be with the free folk

>Arya becoming a sailor is the most retarded thing ever
after of course, Arya becoming Westeros' greatest assassin

this is the real issue. plenty of characters like robb or ned die without having achieved their goals, but there are wide-ranging repercussions for their deaths. if i had to sit through all those boring fucking quentyn chapters it better have meant something. it probably will, but if it doesn’t i’ll be pissed because those chapters were abject shit

It's an ultimate Stark victory which makes no sense considering Dany won KL and the Lannisters had held about half the realm since S1. Suddenly in literally the last episode the Starks control everything and make all the decisions. It didn't make any sense whatsoever.

>Arys Oakheart getting killed
>Myrcella political hostage situation
>Arianne and fAegon
>San Sneks not being retards
Dorne is relevant in the books brainlet

That isn't disney when several protagonists don't like her and its clear eventually she'll dismantle their Houses and Lordships and has done very questionable tings in the past that inspire fear

Getting killed after going Hitler isn't bitter and ginger exactly where you told our Wildling friend you wanted to go isn't bitter either. Doubt Jon ever even loved dany, sure didn't act like it, plus she turned Hitler anyway so not much conflict there

>marry your older, slutty cousin who's allegiance you should have anyway if they believe you enough to try to marry you
Why go for that?

Arya becoming the greatest assassin after betraying the assassin guild that trained her but they never bother coming after her.

Because Arriane is the most attractive woman in the book and her marriage brings one of the untapped kingdoms to your side. The only other comparable option is Margaery.

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Incels starting off strong

Though I’ve had the book for about four years I’m just now about to crack open the first Wheel of Time book. I’m camping in the woods and comfy as fuck. I really want this to fill my ASoIaF needs especially with GoT over. Hopefully it doesn’t suck.

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Sounds good, it'll tide you over until Winds comes out :) any day now

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>the Reach
Undercover Sansa and fake Arya are both better choices but he’s got no way to get to them. Arianne is the best option unless he means to marry Sweetrobin

Balon was a total idiot. He was promised everything he ever wanted and more, but he rejected it because he needed to pay the iron price.

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Jon was the perfect counterbalance for Dany. The way D&D made Jon an NPC in season 8 was shameful.
I also hate how Jon became some ambitionless bum in the show.

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Tommen is going to snap and set off the wildfire in he books isn't he?

I said Dorne is untapped. Though the Reach is still in a better position than most (until Euron rapes the shit out of them) because of their retarded population advantage

>Arriane is the most attractive woman in the book
True, but as I said, as her cousin her allegiance would be assumed anyway. And if they're willing to marry Arianne to fAegon, they clearly believe enough that he's real or at least could be useful

Because he's horny and Arianne is taking her one sided sibling rivalry too far.

Going Hitler for the sole purpose of making your death feel "earned" in the space of about an hours' screentime tastes pretty fucking bitter, desu.

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>house lannister sigil is a lion
>lions in hebrew is "Arayot"
>incest in hebrew is "Giluy Arayot"

Is this some kind of pun or joke, or GRRM didn't know?

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>Undercover Sansa and fake Arya are both better choices
not really the norf is fucking useless

And then all the incompetents, schemers, and killers get comically happy endings. Nepotism wins, things become more corrupt, an inhuman king is needed because humans can't rule themselves. It's more bitter than the night king winning, it's an insult

>I am the Mother of Dragons. If they are monsters, so am I.
How did you people not see this coming? It’s hardly even a tweest

Nah, it's just tragic. I felt nothing cause they ruined her and based on how she emoted it was like putting down Old Yeller or the retard from Of Mice and Men

Unintended, lion is common heraldry when it comes to nobles and royalty

300th for stannis

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He was making a pun about a pride of lions. Nothing to jew-y.

Arianne is Azula. Quentyn is Zuko. He survived the dragon fire and soon they will fight in the final Dornish Agni Kai

>Normals like Ned or they claimed
>They hate Stannis for some reason despite him being the one who has the most claim to the throne
>Stannis was backed by Ned
>Therefore Normalfags should've liked Stannis

Is it really just because they hopped on the bandwagon at season 5 or were they not following and looking at their phones constantly while watching the episodes?

Everyone saw it coming, it was one of the most popular fan theories cause muh robert frost poem. It's easy to predict in the show because she's framed unfairly compared to every other character and has no agency. And it's shit

It is so obvious that D&D were checking the boxes in this ending that it's ridiculous. Dany has to go mad at the last second because George has her burning down King's Landing, Jon has to kill her and disappear, and the Starks rule Westeros for no reason. The ending we got was purely out of obligation, and shit like Bronn being Lord Paramount of The Reach and Sam being Grand Maester is the result of executive meddling.

So much for "A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing." Jon lost Ygritte then has to kill his secret aunt-turned-lover and live with the Wildlings for the rest of his life? Guess all that shit about Jon and Dany learning from ruling turned out to be for nothing.

It’s set up well in the books. The show is just generally shit

>Therefore Normalfags should've liked Stannis
Someone as deeply autistic as you needs to stop trying to understand normie mentality, because it's not remotely hard to understand yet you keep getting it wrong. Ned was just more openly likeable than Stannis ever was. Why is that so hard to understand? Arguments about his competence is wholly unimportant. He was more likeable. Him and Stannis share the same code of honor but Stannis is wooden and awkward. It's endearing in its own way but not something normies will appreciate, they base it on performance. Ned is a good father. His death also inspired outrage while Stannis's felt like a foregone conclusion by the time Brienne reached him.

Sandor is literally a roastie, though.

>Based Jon

He was not based. Bobby was based. Euron was based. Ned was based. Roose was based.

Jon is a brooding idiot that got played by a dwarf and his retarded fish cousin.

This twist is so obvious, the actual twist should be she's the normal, but stern queen.

>Stannis riding Melisandre


Normies don't think. They just internalize what they're told.
For instance, they will claim Samsa is smart, because Arya said she's the smartest person she knows.

renly is the true sinner lest we forget but balon is the biggest retard

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Cause dragons aren't monsters, it's all about how you use them, like nukes

It's so obvious except to all the retarded normalfags that didn't see it

Anyone who's read the books or visited a forum has seen, theorized and debated it. The thing is it's too obvious, you have a chick with dragons that burn shit, "crazy" blood and she's out to conquer shit. There's no nuance to playing that straight and only her doubting herself or not immediately going to burn everything and anything is what's "grey" or subversion or being explored

You're overestimating the normalfags. Even with the rise of all sorts of forums, people going on and arguing about what shit means and different theories is like 5% of the audience at most.