What a fucking disappointment.
Spoken like a tried and true cocksucker.
kill yourself
It felt like a reunion episode which was fun, but it didn't conclude anything which was not.
It was fucking shit and you fags have no argument
Funny how trixi tells some girl that she was "tricked" into thinking she should be a whore. As if a girl travelling with no pimp is being turned out?
It's like they wanted to apologize for the original series basic reality.
Sorry young girls don't always have j ew hotel owners to marry you hypocrite
>posts thread with no argument
>you guys have no argument
brain problems?
>Last chance to wrap up the series and drama between Hearst, Bullock and Al.
>Spend half of the runtime with loopy cunt and dyke drama
They aged up some character way too much, other characters simply aged like shit, it was fucking deprrssing and the most baffling thing about this entire production is how the fuck did they get Merrick back on the set given his history and the #MeToo/Time's Up movement? HBO just released a 2 part documentary about Michael Jackson and they brought back Merrick? What in the fuck.
They gave you a pile of shit and you fags ate it up because it was Deadwood, pathetic. At least admit it was fucking trash
Yeah it sucked desu
There's a hundred different scenarios it could have gone and we got an auction scene. It was still good
Freelance whoring was not a thing back then. Also she said she was tricked into thinking that's all she was fit for. This makes sense coming from Trixie because she is a whore who managed to improve her lot and become something more.
Deadwood threads are the only good thing we have left on this board. Please stop shitting it up, Mr. /pol/tard.
I would've rather had a Carnivale ending, but you should've known better after the Dead Like Me fiasco. Man, that was such trash.
>49-year-old whore
>has a baby
>brain problems?
no, just american posting hours
They would have fucked that up too.
>t. hooplehead
This man has the Midas touch, though.
Overall I liked it. Acting and writing were great and it looked spectacular. Only one major complaint.
>inserting flashbacks
Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? This is like LOST inserting them into the finale all over again. Who do they think is watching this that isn't a fan? It's a streaming service, just put a three minute recap in that people could skip over if they needed it.
i watched the first episode of the show last night and it was beyond shit, does it ever get good?
why do people like this show?
>muh ugly dyke jane
>muh funny drunk jane
Fuck whoever was maker of this show.
This dumb bitch had so many scenes and a story of her own meanwhile E.B Farnum one of the best character was only in 2 scenes with at best 3 lines.
>why do people like this show?
no idea...i really tried to ge into it.
the only likable character was the smooth talking yet stuttery lawyer guy that owned the other hotel
Those of you who agree with OP suck cocks by choice
should've been an hour longer but better than nuthin
Fucking pagan. Tell your gods to ready for blood.
lol why is Pepe reaction so funny.
She should be in thirties according to the show.
>At least admit it was fucking trash
It wasnt and you have no proof it was dumbfuck.
My favorite part was how they had to shove the dyke relationship in our faces when it was just implied in the series. Thanks hbo. They didn’t even call the nigger general nigger general anymore
Jeffrey Jones is a nobody and the CP stuff happened before he was even cast. MJ was the biggest pop star in the world and making a documentary based on renewed allegations means guaranteed views. Networks don't care about twitter hashtags, they only care about generating views.
Bullock was the best part of the film. Prove me wrong Al fags
This, a damn shame it happened after boothe passed away as well
I hope you die on the street.
Hey it's the guy!
It was great though, the fuck you on about?