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Other urls found in this thread:

oh great, another jew in this world

Did the rabbi suck its dick yet?

Oh look, she gave birth to a rat. A Jewish rat birthing another Jewish rat.

>one chance at life
>born jewish

Attached: look at the baby's face.jpg (1200x823, 125K)


Beautiful pic. So much joy!

I won't argue against your anti Jewish sentiments because they have wronged me very much throughout my life but it is not right to act this hateful towards a child.


ITT: Dirty Rasheeds

Does she have veneers? Looks like it

God damn, she looks exhausted.

>because they have wronged me
Delusional incel rat, you’re just as bad as they are

>Hooknose calling others rats

Filthy kikes. Fuck jidf fuck adl and fuck these rats

give the baby at least a year, I felt my daughter looked kinda off as a newborn but she got super cute real fast.

The sins of the father taint the seed. Jews are evil/flawed on a biological level.

Try squeezing five pounds of flesh out of your peehole.

Sucks that they had a boy, really wish they weren't into mutilating infant genitals

>just like every whitoid is in on repressing the black man
>just like every nigger is in on raping and killing your women
>just like every nip is plotting pearl harbor II

So if you saw a viper’s nest in your backyard surely you’d spare the children

Yes, and it's so tiny it would fit perfectly in a regular household oven.

So which image board did your dad shitpost on?

This. inherited sin is part of the reason sin is such a big deal and why it should be avoided. What better deterrent than the fact that your actions doom not only yourself but the innocent? including making the fruit of your loins come out rotten.

Who are you quoting?

>Try squeezing five pounds of flesh out of your peehole.
I rather not, already had to have scopes up there multiple times as well as catheters.


>haha jews are evil not us pure christians
>fucking kill all kikes, fucking drown that infant!

The Sims of the father taint the seed you said

Are you threatening a baby??!?

Incels on /pol/ obviously

How badly did I fuck up my future kids because I jerk off to solo trap porn cumming videos? Seriously asking btw


Right. It's a biblical saying. Posting on an imageboard isn't a sin...I'm failing to see your point.

t. triggered incel

Are you collecting data to see how much people hate your kind!?!?


I had an UTI a couple of years ago.

Wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.


>ywn have a loving wife that gave birth to your child
>ywn experience this joy

Attached: 1545456465614.webm (1920x796, 1.89M)

Nah, just pointing out how tiny and cute it is. Calm down, dude, why do you assume the worst? Are you some kind of anti-semite?

So confirmed superior IQ

>Incels on /pol/ obviously

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men unironically think women give birth out of their urethra...literally have sex incel

t. seething /pol/cels

holy fuck imagine your father being Ethan from h3h3


Attached: B25267E7-1701-45BA-8239-6BDA3E7654CB.png (399x384, 145K)

What is a joke?

oh no, most men do believe this and it's hilarious.

as i said, literally have sex incel

The Bible also repeatedly states that sins aren't inherited:

“Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin."

“Yet you say, ‘Why should not the son suffer for the iniquity of the father?’ When the son has done what is just and right, and has been careful to observe all my statutes, he shall surely live. The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself."

The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son."

"In those days they shall no longer say: “‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.’ But everyone shall die for his own sin. Each man who eats sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge. “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. ..."
In terms of the third or fourth generation, this refers only to those who hate God: "You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me,"

i dont even know who she is

>Admitting to being a femoid on Yea Forums
But y tho

Wow. Just wow. I'm all for having fun and shitposting but this is ridiculous. This is the thread that finally convinces me to leave this place. I can't in good conscious stay and discuss movies knowing the psychopaths that inhabit this place. Here's a little helpful tip, turn off the computer and take a good long look at yourself in the mirror. You're talking about killing a child, you're saying horrible insults. Think about the kind of person you wanted to be and now look at the reflection in the mirror. I guarantee none of you wanted to spend your time so full of hate.

>but it is not right to act this hateful towards a child.
who says so?

Where's the enraged Palestinians when you need them?

It's a metaphor. If you set an example of sin, or live a life of sin, then you are exposing your child to sin and that child is tainted by your sin. If a child grows up around sin, they will likely become sinful.

Alright later dude

Attached: jimbo.png (636x606, 207K)

>Wow. Just wow. I'm all for having fun and shitposting but this is ridiculous. This is the thread that finally convinces me to leave this place. I can't in good conscious stay and discuss movies knowing the psychopaths that inhabit this place. Here's a little helpful tip, turn off the computer and take a good long look at yourself in the mirror. You're talking about killing a child, you're saying horrible insults. Think about the kind of person you wanted to be and now look at the reflection in the mirror. I guarantee none of you wanted to spend your time so full of hate.

Attached: 1526039313772.jpg (785x731, 101K)

>This is the thread that finally convinces me to leave this place.
See you tomorrow.

Try and explain to me how the image justifies wanting to murder a completely innocent baby.

Chill out midge.


>wanting to murder a completely innocent baby
Literally no one has said that. You must be Jewish the way you're "embellishing" the truth. It just shouldn't be trusted, the same way Jews should never be trusted.

There are no female women on Yea Forums, only men (male) and some women (male)
And the very rare occasional man (female)

>wronged me very much throughout my life
no they haven't
no one in real life is allowed to say anything bad about you jewy jewman
doing so is the top sin in american culture
you've got it so good you don't even know what bad is

>what is original sin

I'll give you a minute to look through the thread so you can see why you're wrong. I find it helps letting people figure out for themselves instead of having me just explain everything because you don't learn that way.

you know exactly that this site is filled with incels so why do you come here to get offended by the dumb shit edgy teenager post? are you retarded?


it's not a metaphor. God curses your descendants for your actions.

Fuck off schizo kike.

>good conscious

Attached: hyde.gif (200x200, 2.44M)

I hate Jews so damn much. Get this literal shit out of here

If you had any semblance of a brain you'd know that any new people coming here will take it seriously until eventually this type of behavior is actually genuine. I assume you don't want to spend your time in a place where baby killing is considered okay as long as they're on "the other team".

only ironically.

Yep, of course you won't directly respond. You just realized that the image you posted and your hatred of Jews doesn't explain or justify your want to murder the innocent.

Give me one post or admit you're just peddling your usual Jewish lies.

You're so right, I feel ashamed of myself. Pic unrelated.

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Noone wants to kill the fucking baby you retard. Fuck off

There is not one single on-topic thread on Yea Forums right now.
I usually give the mods the benefit of the doubt, but this is fucking ridiculous.
The entire front page is off-topic threads. Why even have mods?

Something that's clearly different to the sins described in the quotes I have provided.
If it's a metaphor, then why blame an infant for actions they haven't yet taken?
This is demonstrably wrong though. See (). You are only cursed with your father's sins if you consciously decide to hate God.


>implying ethan is the father

She looks like my sister on that pic

There’s definitely some pol/incel moderators

I'm not talking about killing anyone
if it was a muslim child you wouldn't care you hypocrite

evil jewish baby

imagine hating jews, the most persecuted people in the world

grow up

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Not even to mention the vile insults. Go ahead, I can't wait to see you try to talk your way out of this one because you won't admit that you are acting like savages.

or else this place would look like everywhere else on the internet

They need to make a new Yea Forums that doesn't allow porn.

>Why even have mods?
So we can dab on their grave.

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>cut kraut penis
the jewish corruption runs deep

>the most persecuted people in the world
stop lying fag
just don't speak it's the only way that will happen

because there's nothing to be ashamed of when the people you're talking to have no understanding of basic biology. i bet you think the dick goes inside the "peehole" too rofl

>ywn be jewish
>ywn have a part of your cock removed
feels good man

Attached: 1559648385511.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

even if this thread is off-topic, the fact people on here are talking about killing a innocent jewish baby is disgusting

You aren't even human.


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i'm not even gonna search for the wojak crying jpeg to post here, you don't deserve it

cus its jewish retard

>tfw even kike babies get the succ and you don't

>you don't want innocent babies murdered hahaha let me show you a picture of you crying

these are the things you think about muslims
>kill the children!
you're a hypocrite
that's all there is too it


I knew you wouldn't be able to answer my question. The extent of your argument is just baseless projection that only amounts to "n-no y-you!".

nobody here wants any baby to be murdered, it's all ironic, just like your post. i know you're just baiting.

My programming has been rewired due to anons shock humor. Beep boop.

there isn't any question to answer
you would have just never replied to another thread if it wasn't about
>the joooz!
you need to come here and be the great defender or some shit because of that
blow me little man

im not joking jidf

Right now the most persecuted group in the world are White Christain Males going by the algorithm. Objectively speaking.

>creating more jews
why are JEWS so EVIL

Is his kid black or beaner?

Attached: 1560311836215.jpg (736x918, 116K)

>nobody here wants any baby to be murdered
neither did the passive german citizens during nazi germany.

Yes there is a question. I want to know how the image in this post makes it okay to say and want the things said in this thread.

I didn't know you were a Communist.

another nail in the coffin of the white race

6 quintillion


Shia Muslims and Yazidi and Middle Eastern Christians aren't far behind

90 terabytes of our people!!!!!! 9381 kilometers!!!!!!

who is that she looks so familiar

that's your mom bro, happy 13th birthday Ethan Klein Jr!

>be born with hundreds of genetic defects

>Middle Eastern Christians
Are those like unicorns?

Wow, time flies.

Lebanese people if I'm remembering correctly. They are predominantly Christian

Yes, because Muslims literally genocide any Christian populations in the region over the past 50 years. There used to be millions of them. There is still a Christian genocide in the Middle East the news refuses to talk about.

they would say it about anyone they hated dude
if it's on the list of hate de jour it would happen
it just so happens that you have a group of loser wanna be nazis here crying out for death of a child which is pretty much indefensible
however, to not come to all such threads with such fervor about it but just to the one with the jewish kid makes it highly suspect
and most people are hateful so I bet you've wished death on other people
so the lesson would be don't be a dick wishing death on other people in the future
since it's so personal this time
not hard to get

It true, holy shit.

>Ethan has a kid with a member of his own race
>Sam Hyde is still childless with a dick that is permanently ruined from excessive masturbation and steroids
>Black Pigeon is still childless living out some expat colonial fantasy in Japan
>Weev is still childless and has resorted to demanding an artificial womb
>Alternative Hypothesis is still childless and most likely homosexual
Why does the far right always practice the opposite of what it preaches? Serious question.

Yep, now you understand why Muslims shouldn't be allowed in Western countries.

Thanks for this article. It drives me up a wall anytime someone smugly says how christians aren't persecuted. This is ridiculous.

No, now I realize this world is clownshoes retarded.

but trump! and stuff...


What does that have to do with this? God damn you political adl agents are pathetic. This whole thread is adl baiting and posting over the top responses to fit a narrative. No doubt the data is being collected to say "look how extreme these people are".

The guardian is a Jewish newspaper just so you know. They hate muslims more than anybody. Of course they would like Christians to feel the same way.

Also not clicking and the responses to this post are canned in attempt to get more clicks. So what I'm saying is... get out shill

Why does Yea Forums hate Jon Stewart again?

>Far right
I laff

its filled with people that are caught in the phase of not judging people as individuals. They only look at him as a Jew so in their mind he can't do anything right, when life is much more complex.

Fuck off Muslim scum. You are no better than a Jew. I spit on you and your people.

which newspaper isn't jewish

None of that changes the fact that it's still happening.

That kid will control whatever moves our kids will make. Duck him fuck you fuck this world

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>Jewish youtubers have a baby and an entire board starts seething

Rent free is no fucking joke lmao.

Impressed by the trigger discipline


Are you retarded? I'm saying the others are far right and he's not. Yet he's the only one of that list who has actually fathered a child with a member of his own race.

yeah why does every thread about jooz bring out the massive defense force
everytime some indian is told to poo in the loo there isn't a massive influx of posters on the defense
why is that

Does anybody have the picture of the baby with a jewish hook nose?

>Yes those joowz are evil? Also, fuck white people! Niggers should also hang as well senpai.

Attached: 1327188613046.gif (333x250, 796K)

>hating jews does it
>not the CP threads
Wonder whose behind this one.

American's are jewish golems bound to their master's will

If anyone believes anti-semitism shouldn't be criminalized, they just need to look at this thread

born into a network of connections to finance, academia and the arts where it's impossible to fail? i'd take that

hey newfag. This isn't like a couple years ago where they were everywhere. They get deleted fast now.

I wonder who is behind this post?

It turns people into animals. Agree completely.

Too fast for you to save, rat?

Where are the fucking mods? Isn't this a SFW board? In what universe do threats on the life of a jewish infant simply for being jewish count as "Safe for work" I wonder if hiroyuki knows nazis are using his board as a gathering place. I wonder if the news knows hiroyuki is doing this.

>ban and censor things I don't like
move to china you fat niggers

>they get deleted fast
What DID he mean by this?

Nice. Insult me because I just destroyed your weak "argument". You can't think of anything else.


wow she havaing a beautefol eyes

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what time is it in Israel.. it's like 6:30 in NY though so I guess you're on the clock now huh

I've already informed several bloggers that I know.

>every nip is plotting pearl harbour 2

they are?

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Nice pasta

Are they going to bite his foreskin off?

Attached: 1533422652632.png (250x235, 60K)

Yes, it is (((their))) nature.

>have a 120+ IQ
>if you're a retard, your connections will make you succeed anyway

Attached: anne-frankly.png (497x504, 113K)

that'll do something
you wouldn't care if someone was talking shit about someone else

We are still winning
There are thousands of christian being killed, in 20 years all your countries will be muslim
There is literally nothing you can do about, you stupid animal, how does that make you feel?

Ethan is that you?

Now that is a genuine white maiden. Brown-eyed shitskins need not apply.

It brings out the seething /pol/tards and the JIDF foaming at the mouth. They're both mentally ill.

Just as much as the jew-hating burgers are their Holmes dancing to their tune of knee jerk antisemitism to give them a leg to stand on. The mention of Jews turn every simpleton on either side into a raving retard.

Are you plain evil or something? It is happening. Your peaceful brethren killed millions of your co-ethnics just because they were Christians.

yes, a jewish minority in a muslim majority world
truly a winning plan
wtf is wrong with you people

Yeah, and what will happen after we're gone. The goatfuckers are gonna exterminate you, and if they don't the Chinese sure as fuck will when they ultimately inherit the Earth.

nice off topic post there op

this is now a coon thread

Attached: 1549653420693.webm (480x270, 2.87M)

I don't believe this is a genuine post. I've been arguing against these people for targeting a child like it's nothing but this makes you no better. That is a very cruel thing to say.

We control both the muslims and the chinese, you stupid idiots

Indeed. I guess Jews are not clever after all.

fuck off janny apologist

>he does it for free

Keep on coping.

I'm almost certain h3 is behind these threads and doing it to try to make a defamation case on the chan. Some one was making this point in a previous thread saying they were talking to lawyers and what not

If you 'conquer' the west, then nobody is going to stop the Chinese from Sinicize your ass and rape you forever. And how are your Muslim brothers in China doing? I expect Saudis are going to do something any moment.



Wow, it's almost like the Jews don't actually control Muslims. You're responding to a Muslim, you stupid fuck. His ESL typing skills should have been a dead giveaway.

The saudi royal family is literally jewish

Attached: 1562758372810.webm (400x224, 1.37M)

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Jews ain't human anyway so nothing of value was lost.

How many genetic defects does it have?

I bet you're ok with abortion you hypocritical fuck.

what's with all the angry people from the middle east anyway
calm the fuck down


You should try giving an answer that isn't layered in 17 different levels of irony and be genuine for once in your life.

You’re all a bunch of faggolas. Just thought you should know that.

>this user doesn't want innocent babies to die
>he must be okay with abortion
how'd you come to that conclusion? It really bothers you doesn't it that none of my political or social beliefs can fit into a pre packaged box like you pretend everyone in the world is.

I meant what I said and said what I meant. A jew isn't human 100 percent.

"bro your dad is really cringey"

dude this pic is trolling gold
you know this thread is going to reappear in the future lol

You don't believe that for a second.

how long until one of you chuckle fucks try to pull a new zealand on a synagogue?

good bait
my compliments

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Wow. Just wow. I'm all for having fun and shitposting but this is ridiculous. This is the thread that finally convinces me to leave this place. I can't in good conscious stay and discuss movies knowing the psychopaths that inhabit this place. Here's a little helpful tip, turn off the computer and take a good long look at yourself in the mirror. You're talking about killing a child, you're saying horrible insults. Think about the kind of person you wanted to be and now look at the reflection in the mirror. I guarantee none of you wanted to spend your time so full of hate.

>because they have wronged me very much throughout my life
you've never even met a jew before, and if you did you probably didn't even realise it

>what's with all the angry people from the middle east
Something like 75% of them are products of incestuous relationships (no I'm not joking check the statistics) and this often leads to mental disorders and rage issues.


Fuck off kike

Lel go shove a menora up you minge you oven doger

Hi Mossad lick my nuts

What did I ever do? I genuinely want you to explain it to me. My family is just regular middle class. Anytime I ask this question I get spammed with pics and texts about the federal reserve and jews in high power but that's not me, or my family. I'm a human being.

imagine if there wasn't oil
no one would give a fuck about that area
they'd probably just do whatever they pleased
which would apparently be killing each other over patches of land with no end in sight until the end of time
what a fucking mess

>the number of Islamic shills here and on reddit
Kek. I’m sure some of them are white incels tho

Nice try

Just walk away from the keyboard holy shit how can you take these people seriously son

Yea, Middle Easterners are African tier.

Unironically kill yourselves, faggots

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I'm speaking out against the genocide going on to christians throughout the world, I'm defending a completely innocent child from getting death threats, I'm against abortion in general, but I get roped in as some cartoon villain evil character and it's killing me inside. I don't know why you all generalize so much. You think just because I'm Jewish it means I don't care about christians, you think just because I'm defining a kid that's Jewish it must mean I'm some evil person pushing for death to all whites, I don't understand it.

Pretty cool thread. We can see nornals that just dislike Jews (myself included) then theres the jidf among other Jewish alphabet agencies playing both sides but trying to make things extreme. You guys are really bad at being subtle. Gets my noggin joggin

based replies

Its fucking chinks. Kill all the chinks.

How do you feel about your religion saying it's ok to rape a girl if she is over three years of age? Or the part about it being totally ok to steal from non Jews. You are basically Islam but without the goats and suicide bombing.
Don't care. Queef the sand out of your pussy.

If disliking Jews is normal then why do you have to come to 30 IQ schizo shitholes like Yea Forums to find your peers

why do I keep seeing the ugly mugs of these jewish e-celebs on youtube? I never would see them here 5 years ago. then all of a sudden, HEY GUISE, have you seen the new (((H3))) vid? Is this a zoomer thing?

Very based. I'm surprised we haven't seen any heeb filenames yet.

lol it literally looks just like Ethan...

I wonder if they've mutilated it's genitals yet? That would be SUCH A GOOF!

Jews literally never get left behind. All that white privilege shit is Jews projecting onto their enemies. When you're one of the tribe your life is worth infinitely more than that of a non-member. This is how Jews work.

They already took his foreskin.

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Do you know what's hateful? Torturing a baby by slicing it's foreskin off.

go outside and yell on a street corner

There's a difference between being ethnically Jewish and religiously Jewish. I've already told someone in this thread how cruel they were being. I don't like it at all.

Your a jew. In the end all you care about is yourself, Material possessions, and money. It's hard coded into your DNA whether you like it or not. Maybe you will reincarnate into a more pure human next time. Good luck

Knowing that Ethan already decided to mutilate it is sickening. Even before it was born he had made up his mind about it. I kind of liked H3 at one point but if they really go through with it I will despise them forever, only fucking disgusting non-human trash would do that to their own kid, regardless of religion.

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That’s not how dna works you mindless incel

No one in my family cares about any of that the way you say. Your entire worldview is based on lies.

That's a beautiful white baby.

You have the reading comprehension of an elementary school child.

they will be born black

if you had to speak out against all the evil crap that is spoken about and revealed here from peoples thoughts you couldn't keep up
it's just this thread now that you finally lose it or something
it's because this thread is god tier troll bait
this pic will show up again

You do if you think people are legit hating on a baby.


Wow you also have the argumentative skills of an elementary school child as well.

unless you're outcast from the tribe
then you're fucked
much like a cult
because it is a cult
there's no such thing as a jewish race

Also confirmed mutilated benis.

Attached: 1150872.png (1689x553, 274K)

I just want to know why I am hated. I've already stated itt that I understand why people feel the way they do about the people in high up positions of power, but why am I roped in there? Why are my brothers and sisters and parents and grandparents part of that when we did nothing? We support our community and our country. The people here are foaming at the mouth like crazy just by looking at a pic of a Jewish woman with her child. Why is your hate directed towards the innocent and not the ones up top?

Doesn't matter. If you're ethnically Jewish you need only to move to one of their strongholds and you'll be provided for, guaranteed. The in-group mentality is strong enough that they will always look after their own.


>have access to banking
>have access to hollywood
>have your own ethno state
>can't be criticized

I wish I was Jewish.

she is unironically beautiful

way too good for that fat retard

LOL at the fat greasy ugly mods here. Delete threads but leave this fucking garbage up. Get a haircut and hit the gym u fat cunts.

simply not true
any group of people works this way

Did you guys not have a family growing up?

>Wow. Just wow.

Attached: 1544064732518.png (361x691, 268K)

half jewish is GOAT
>mom not jewish, so not actually jewish and orthodox wont try to rope you in
>big IQ boost, became Dr. without issue
>from a "high jewish" line anyway (light skin, blond, blue line)
>get to say you are Jewish to normie jews, people assume you are nice jewish boy
>get to slide by normies who don't know jewish last names
>don't look jewish at all.


don't like her bulging bug eyes and her massive kike schnozz.

How old are you retard
Some people hate you for no fucking reason
how you look, what clothes you wear
there's no other mystery to it
it's like a black guy hating a white guy for no reason even though whitey was never a slave master or wasn't even in america when slavery happened
there is no fucking reason other than that's how it goes
what a sheltered as fuck life you must have lived

That's not very nice. They work hard and for free. Give them a break

Nonsense. Jewish nepotism is a real thing and they distrust outsiders. They prefer to work with their own people.
>any group of people
Maybe, except for whites. That's not okay.

no, it's an immaculate conception you're talking to Jesus 2.0

Imagine if your dad was an unfunny fat kike and your mom was a skeletal horsewoman and they used your entire existence to get more youtube and patreon shekels

I bet the kid kills itself before it hits puberty

nah it's psychology and anthropology
there are things you can do that make you a no go and result in permabannedness from the group

>Seriously asking btw

Attached: FB_IMG_1518271804159.jpg (720x694, 55K)

It has nothing to do with being sheltered. It's mandatory military service where I come from. You all want me dead and you don't even know me and I'm just suppose to brush that off?

You have absolutely awful taste. She looks like a walking skeleton with terrible posture. No tits or ass. Horse mouth big nose and dead eyes. Swarthy complexion. Im struggling to find one redeeming factor besides maybe thick hair

Of course there are ways to go too far and be entirely outcasted, like in any tribe.

imagine if youre parents are multi millionaires that dont spend your entire childhood on business trips letting a maid raise you or sending you to some boarding school.

this this is Yea Forums, one thing I noticed is that Survivior (a show that is cast, not some random election) has a preposterous number of jewish contestants (way more than 2%). Clearly there is some bias in the casting process.

I don’t hate anybody nor do I want you dead relax jerkoff

>Wow. Just wow

Attached: 1541118195687.jpg (1436x1257, 116K)

Am jew, only have access to 1/4 of those things

back to where you belong, tranny

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based virtue signaling user

>Be Russian shill
>obsess about trannies
why are you gooks such perverts?

found the trannikins. kys you demonspawns

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What Television and/or Film is this?

>all these buzzwords
your newspeak will never change the reality that you struggle with this language kike. Post pictures of your shithole hovel.

dilate, tranny

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why do you Russian gookshills love stats so much when you get btfo by every stat in existence. Why are you dealing with an AIDS epidemic LOL. Why do you jerk off to tranny porn? Why do you kill yourselves more than trannies?

Attached: russian aids epidemic.jpg (640x457, 59K)

I want to see the comments on this

Absolute top notch bait old chap! Good show!

It's just Russian IRA niggers. This board has been invaded by degenerate gook perverts

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Will he/she grow up to be a cunt like his/her father?

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