Didn't buzzfeed do their research? How could they do this to him

Didn't buzzfeed do their research? How could they do this to him.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Mate they don't even know what that means. They'll probably think it's because you lost your keys for a 2nd time and you have to re-search for them

That subtle pause he makes while he's reading it...

did his puppy die, or something?

what's wrong with this

wink wink

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his sister killed his wife after commiting suicide

what does this have to do with puppies?

"Germany in the 1930s sounds like a lovely place"

*camera lingers on him



>after commiting suicide

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>killed his wife after commiting suicide
I'd pause too, motherfucker.

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after the wife committed suicide his sister killed her.


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user... That's the same thing you posted above...

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based esl poster

>commits suicide
>gets killed afterwards

Let this be a lesson to all of you thinking of committing suicide, it leaves you open to attack.

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learn English

That's not what happened, you dingus

other dingus, i'm pretty sure that's not a thing that can happen

>If you could choose any superhero or villain to play in the marvel or dc comics universe, who would it be and why?
>I always wanted to play Wolverine
absolutely based

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It's beautiful watching the ESLs trip themselves up over the wording. It's like art.

I think he's using a translator...

does suffering make you immortal?
is this hell?


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They're asking for an historical time you fucking brainlet, not a period of his life

EXCELLENT!! *plays air guitar for three hours*

Why the fuck is everyone pretending he's so amazing all of the sudden. He was a joke throughout the 90s and hasnt been in anything good in the past 10 years

>hasnt been in anything good in the past 10 years

not saying they are good, but the john wick movies have become extremely popular.

also after having such a long, successful career you kinda become an 'institution' or whatever.

and he seems like a genuinely good guy w no major blemishes in his history like a lot of scumbags in hollywood.

>pretending he's so amazing all of the sudden
wew, haters gonna hate

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He's like the last pure thing from the 90's that survived. Leave him be.

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haha what a fag

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Being immortal is suffering.

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>please don't sue me

Attached: Keanu slip.webm (720x546, 2.44M)

Based retard

It sucks that people take it this way. Maybe the guy doesn't like to be touched and he extends the same courtesy.

>"Dude just be a millionaire lmao"

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welp .. that's another $200,000 reshoot .. thanks keanu

>all of the sudden

ok so what's the actual answer and what happened with his sister?

I'm not gonna Google it

He is just goofing around as they pose for a picture idiot.
This is why people like Keanu and not you.

Based amerimutts

His gf died with his unborn kid. He sister died of leukemia. He even donated like 70% of his Matrix earnings to leukemia treatment charity or something

Feel free to reply when you’ve given millions to pay for poor families’ children with bone marrow cancer, and blood poisoning

she dies.

>He even donated like 70% of his Matrix earnings to leukemia treatment charity or something
Wait, didn't he also take a pay cut just so the Matrix could be made? Did he do it for free?

>implying the metoo joke isn't prevalent
It's just going to force him to deal with that and make everything awkward. Literally no one except vindictive people could interpret it that, so thanks for agreeing with me?

funny. i use this as an opener in online dating and it always works wonders, but one time this girl said before her father died. awlward.

>not telling her you were here daddy now


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Keanu hasn't been in anything good ever and he's probably the worst A-list actor in history. Everyone used to be in agreement with this. I don't know what happened. Is it because his latest dumb movie series is about a dog? I'm don't understand his newly found heartthrob status either. He's ugly. All the Keanu bandwagoners will seethe at this post and call me a zoomer, a tranny and/or a nigger because they know I'm right, and they hate me for it.

No he took a pay cut for the Devil's Advocate


isn't this just a reference to Bill & Ted?

>I don't know what happened
The pastas were too good. Once he was memed, there was no stopping him. Seriously, though, Keanu always enjoyed a cult of personality status precisely because he couldn't act. It's part of the charm. When he tries, he really tries. Just like Arnie.

>every one used to be in agreement on this
>calls people now bandwagoners
You were on the bandwagon back then, the difference is, every one else jumped off it 20 years ago.

you don't have to be a millionaire to do these things. if you're struggling to put food on the table why the fuck would you go on dates.

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Women can just get free food by going on dates though

Why would his manager let him go on Buzzfeed?

Remember when Buzzfeed reported that Mueller had the information that would guarantee impeachment but he was sitting on it for now and when people dismissed it as Buzzfeed fantasy others told them that they were stupid and that Buzzfeed writers were genuine journalists and that dismissing them was a form of establishment censorship and then Mueller had to come out and say that it was bullshit and Buzzfeed ran away with their tails between their legs. Good times.

keanu seems like a nice guy and I'm glad he's getting consistent work

he can't act though

sorry, what?

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women can also have free dates for food, just ask any tree.

>Clothes and make up are free

>can't act
Yet by acting, as an actor, in acting roles, in mostly action films with acts in them, he has earned hundreds of millions.

never reply to my posts again you fucking redditor

As a girl, I can tell you that clothes and make-up are free most of the time. I receive gifts from my viewers all the time.

post bobs


>The wife comes back to life from her suicide only to be killed by his sister
>The sister comes back to life after her suicide to kill the wife
Which is the better scnario?

Men have almost no standards these days.

Stop acting like a cretinous faggot, your actions are clearly the result of your aids medication interfering with your HRT.

Sure thing sweetie, as soon as you join my channel fan club.

Arnie has charisma though, which is half of acting anyway. Keanu is simply in the wrong profession. Do people seriously like the John Wick series? I tried to watch the first one and I turned it off. No substance.

"y-you can make your own puzzles"

hello, reddit

Liberal news outlets never do research

t. bored neckbeard pretending to be a girl for the attention

It isn't supposed to be a melodrama about teenage pregnancy and divorce you pansy.
It's shooting as an art form, directed by a stuntman.

He has such an actor aura about him.

He's literally redpilled

Aw, you want me to reply to you so you have some kind of female contact in your life. How cute.

big true

Men also wear clothes dumbfuck
And it is your choice to wear makeup, don't blame us because you're a pig that needs to lie in order to attract men

>look at me I'm unfulfilled in life

>It's shooting as an art form
Don't make me laugh. This is a moronic flick for the lowest common denominator.

They actually used it, didn't they? They just cut out the falling part.

It's a stunt film, full of quality stunt work, keanu doing 90% of his own.
Don't worry darling, women aren't expected to watch it.

there is a 2 hour documentary on how they reconstructed the pillar exactly as it was, piece by piece to allow for a second take.
they had 40-50 archeological pottery experts solving it like a jigsaw. there's a photo with them in a warehouse will all the fragments spread out across the floor with labels on them, like an air crash investigation.

o i am laffin

Go on, tell me about the majestic quality of Tom Cruise's films then. Not only does he do his own stunts, he actually has charisma.

>likes tom cruise
Roastie confirmed.

Brainlet confirmed.
My point was that an actor doing their own stunts does not automatically make a film good. Admittedly, Tom Cruise is better at it than Keanu, but that doesn't stop the fact that all of his films (except Eyes Wide Shut) are garbage as well.

>why are we here just to suffer...

It's soi boy shit. Redditors jerking off to their favorite shitty actor.

He's avoiding answering almost all questions that would give a deeper insight into his personality.

Buzzfeed only exists to make people unhappy.

I don't think anyone is saying he is an amazing actor. People just like him as a person and are also sympathetic with him because of a bunch of crap that happened in his personal life. It's just there are a bunch of random stories, clips, pictures, his charity work that have been constantly popping up that show him as being a very down to earth and somewhat withdrawn person and people love that shit for celebrities.
John Wick is kind of becoming a cult classic at this point and this is where all the new buzz is coming from.
Not sure why you have to fucking reeeeeeeee over this.

this was intentional


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what is up with you ESL gooks and your obsession with being inbred?

How closely related is your mom to your dad? How "purebred" are you?

He's a nice guy

Don't need a scientific reason to like him bro

>everyone's favorite actor is reddit

His fiancee had a stillborn and killed herself

reddit hate brigade here in force. you guys get tired of spamming have sex and incel?

They're virtue signaling myspace retards. Yea Forums used to shit on nice people.

Apparently the Matrix wasn't a pay cut, he just recognised how much the movie relied on the special effects team and stunt men. The man can't get any more humble and wholesome.
>For the first film in the trilogy, Reeves made $10 million up front, which, when combined with his back-end deal, upped his salary to $35 million. Amazingly, when it came time to negotiate his back-end profit sharing deal for the second and third "Matrix" films, Keanu insisted on handing over a significant portion of his back-end points to the films' special effects and costume design teams. Reeves felt (and rightly so) that the men and women who created the effects and costumes for the franchise were the true heroes of the movie.
>So how'd this work out for the FX and costume teams? The second and third Matrix movies earned more than $1.2 billion at the worldwide box office. When it was all said and done, Keanu reportedly ended up giving away an estimated $75 million dollars. Each member of these teams received $1 million dollars per person, instantly making them all millionaires. But Keanu didn't stop at just the special effects and costume teams. He also gave the entire stunt team on the "Matrix" sequels Harley Davidson motorcycles.

This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Its fine if you don't like action movies but to completely dismiss the levels of talent and production that go into making them is really shitty and close minded of you. Im not gonna sit here and over-intellectualize action kino but I will say that it pushes the visual language of film in a way that muh cerebral slow burn arthoe movies can't.What are your thoughts on Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee movies?

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same reason as tom cruise
neither has ever made a good movie but they've been consistently making movies for decades

>guys who sit by a computer or design a leather trenchcoat gets a million
>the guys risking their lives for the stunts get a Harley
t-t-thanks, Keanu.

If you are a genuinely sympathetic person, people will like you. Amazing isn't it?

Its th-thanks, say it outloud

I think they get a million and a Harley

>same reason as tom cruise
There's no way Keanu would have survived being part of a cult like Tom was, with the Oprah couch incident and all that shit. Keanu floats on the fact that he's a nice dude and exudes that quality, if he lost that quality people would be picking him apart.


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No it isn't, when you stutter you just make the sharp T sound. You don't stutter on smoothness.

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>has an absurdly high hairline in his 20s
>doesn't move a millimeter for thirty years
I don't think Kenau would be down with taking fistfuls of finn on the regular. What's his secret?

Not being bald.

That's not a secret though. The secret is how he keeps it that way.

If you're not bald your hairline doesn't recede after a certain point in your 20/30s.
And having a high hairline is completely unrelated to being bald or not anyway, he just has a long face.

the first one desu, it's ironic and darkly funny. the second one is just jesus but as a murderer



>piece of shit people are respected by everyone
>actually good person is respected by everyone

I certainly hope that was the deal.

have sex.

Not having the genes for baldness. As much as baldfags want to fool themselves there is no trick, you're either born a hairlet to varying degrees or your hairline stays the same for most your life.

>And having a high hairline is completely unrelated to being bald or not anyway
Receding is the first part of balding. You're not guaranteed to go bald if your hairline recedes but it's the first stage. The only other person I can think of that had such a receded hairline that young and had it stop almost dead for the rest of their life is Morrissey but even he hasn't fared as well as Keanu.

This fucking place is full on reddit now holy fuck. Bunch of Zoomers that know him from being the epic John Wick character from fortshite and millennials that worship whatever r/dank_memes tells them to
Can't wait for S o ylent to come out with a Keanu themed bottle for you bois

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My hairline has always been incredibly high as well. Some people just have high hairlines

Is Keanu part injun in addition to being part Asian? That would explain things.

the fact that you obsess this much over celebrity hairlines is unhealthy. I'm guessing you're a hairlet? Obsessing over hair isn't going to make you less likely to bald my man. Learn to accept your hair

>such a receded hairline
Dude he just had a large forehead ever since his teens. It didn't recede much at all, if any.

>the fact that you obsess this much over celebrity hairlines is unhealthy
But it's the favorite Yea Forums pastime.

But I'm not talking about receding, i'm talking about having a high hairline.
Look at his face, he just has a long forehead.

>You're not guaranteed to go bald if your hairline recedes but it's the first stage.

Everyone's hairline recedes to some degree, even if it's not noticeable.

very tasteful

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my sides. thank you.

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Party on, dudes.

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>Is a nigger
Checks out

>he just has a long forehead
He probably has a big brain. Keanu seems like a smart guy.

He's a staunch supporter of Israel all of a sudden and that's why everyone likes him now.

Time is an abyss... profound as a thousand nights... Centuries come and go... To be unable to grow old is terrible... Death is not the worst... Can you imagine enduring centuries, experiencing each day the same futilities...

>just ask any tree
I'm not sure if you think every tree is a date tree or that every tree that isn't a date tree knows a date tree and will be glad to hook you if you flash tiddy. I don't think either is correct.

>I'm don't understand his newly found heartthrob status either. He's ugly.
Newly found? Were you alive in the early nineties?

>a 2 hour documentary about a prop with 30 seconds of screentime
Seriously? Can I get a link?

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This is correct. Bunch of people worshipping a pretty boring guy who doesn't say much and has close to zero charisma. He's just kind of milquetoast and it's pretty sad if you adore him because you're scraping the bottom of the barrel and projecting into him imo the guy is a blank canvas

I hate all the newfound reddit fanboiery around Keanu, but that is literally a based comment

This. I also add that he seems to be genuinely passionate about his craft, he loves acting and making good/cool films (at least thats how it seems). He's not in it for the fame, he just wants to be kino.

Thats what reddit means.

His sister didn't die and his gf died after they had split up.

Damn. Now I want her to be the Corinthian in a Sandman movie.

If you sell your soul to Satan he won’t take your hair.

Already taken.

Attached: Surprised Corinthian.png (412x528, 266K)

It really isn't, we all know keanu is surrounded by an entourage and fucks a new groupie every night.

this would be a good film

Couldn't they just build another one from scratch? How hard can it be? How much money does it cost to hire 40 something archeologist?

>killed his wife
>after committing suicide

>How much money does it cost to hire 40 something archeologist?
Going off the time I toyed with the idea of becoming one and looking up job opportunities... About two bucks. A middle-aged archeologist would be gagging for work.

>The Picture of Dorian Grey was actually a semi-autobiographical

oh yay keanu's astroturfing PR team has infiltrated Yea Forums as well
guess it's time to finally pull the plug on this site
see ya later guys
it's been fun

>Dorian lived so long and experienced every carnal pleasure so many times that he came out the other side, as a zen type who takes joy in simple pleasures like eating a burger, talking to people or just being a nice guy enriching their lives
Genuinely a more interesting idea than all the media that has done a "Dorian Grey in the modern day" story where he's simply an asshole immortal.

Keanu's astroturfing PR team used to belong to Jennifer Lawrence, actually.

The "she's so down to earth and relatable" ones.

May you get hit by a car and lose the function of your legs this week for posting this trash.

they astroturf for Brie Larson too

thanks /pol/

Buzzfeed is literally the fucking bastion of clickbait and fake news. An entirely worthless organization. Humanity would improve drastically if it were gone.

This japs literally been going on since 1998 what fucking bubble have u been in

Reminder that it was this very site that started the meme of Keanu being a sad lonely guy, which resulted in his current sympathetic and likeable public image.

Attached: SadKeanu.png (848x515, 245K)

>that sarcastic and annoyed "Yeah, puppies!"

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this hurts bros, i didnt even watched the video

I have never seen anyone praise his acting here. Everyone just think the dude is really cool as a person, which he is. Some would say he's breathtaking

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seething tranny nigger zoomer

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>OMG something tragic happened to someone famous!!

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For your health

fake quote

Keanu is always dealing with this shit... do you know how many of his movies are about him losing his wife/ love interest? Seriously, count them. I don´t know if this is because Hollywood is just full of assholes or if he picks those movies himself because he is forever stuck at that moment of his life. Maybe he is afraid to let her go, maybe is his way to deal with it but it´s damn sad for sure.

it's normal to be attracted to bad boys but some freaks are genuinely turned on by decency

Hold this L, monkey.

>OMG a total nobody can't have sex!!

He didn't think about his dead gf and kid when he read this question. They're not related at all. Shitty fake Yea Forums drama as usual.

Looks like that actor who played jay Mee lannistar


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The funniest thing is that Yea Forums is going along with it

jesus fucking christ

>Its th-thanks, say it outloud
based, I was always under the impression only I noticed this

This. He's a living breathing connection to our old ways like vanilla WoW and Surge. Nobody question us.

Reminder that pic related is such a forgotten Keanukino

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I love this film

Yeah I enjoyed that Kino. A little slow but that visual effect really did it for me.

it turned out fine

lonecel cope

Holy fuck lmao

What is the issue? What happened in his life the he would want to change? I am not kidding. I don't know.

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Posting the superior version

He was circumcised as a kid and he regrets the Americn Muttilation.

user WTF haha I can't breathe, you're taking my breath away, you're breath taking...

Don't we all

Some of us don't have to.

Attached: Jeff Coupling.jpg (256x223, 21K)

Great book, amazing movie

I always felt like I’m the only person that actually linked JM and even imported a jap laserdisc to see the extended version

>buzzfeed isn't the same as buzzfeed news retard

On December 24, 1999, Reeves' girlfriend, Jennifer Syme, gave birth eight months into her pregnancy to Ava Archer Syme-Reeves, who was stillborn. The strain put on their relationship by their grief resulted in their breakup several weeks later. On April 2, 2001, Syme was driving alone on Los Angeles' Cahuenga Boulevard when she sideswiped three parked cars, rolled over several times, and was thrown from the car. Authorities believed she died instantly.

Well obviously I wasn't referring to you guys. Don't let your having a foreskin stop you from hating jews though, there's plenty of other reasons.


good taste, this is one of if not my favorite part of the movie

unchecked quads
what have we become

Keanu has always been popular especially after whole sad keanu meme back in 2010 but as newfag you would not know that.

Tune your TV to MSNBC any day of any week for the last three years.

He just has a high forehead. Traditionally, in most cultures it's seen as a sign of wisdom.


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Ponce de Leon truly discovered the Fountain of Youth but kept it quiet
