Attached: Superfriends.gif (540x245, 2.99M)

where did they get the budget for that?

I see captain America, hawkeye, iron man, ant-man, Storm, Supergirl, the flash, emma frost and I don't know the others.

looks better than anything whedon directed

where is the guy that fuses with a nigger

is that a new supergirl?

Brandon Routh
Dominic Purcell
Wentworth Miller
Stephen Amell

mr terrific
wild dog (???)
white canary
green arrow
the atom
captain cold

From the left bottom row:
>Can't see enough of them to know
>Mr Terrific
>Wild Dog
>White Canary
>The Flash
>Citizen Steel?
>Felicity's bf
>The Atom
>Capt Cold
>Black Canary?
Back row:
>Killer Frost

rory and snart you fool

golden glider? I dont really watch the show. I figured it was Ice or Killer Frost

whats with WildDog's outfit???? He looked better in his original costume

Attached: iu.png (1280x720, 647K)

I see flash ant man Emma Frost supergirl Frozone/Elsa something that looks like cap America and green arrow

oh idk who the slut is I just wanted to make sure the best prison bre---- I mean superheroes got named

Cpt. America, Hawkeye, Brand?, Ant-man, Flash I think, and that girl from Fantastic Four
the rest I don't give a fuck about desu
fuck your nu-canon

Firestorm? By that point the old white dude had died and the young black dude had left.

Attached: Jax & Stein.jpg (1920x1079, 511K)

I have given up on DC. Too many flops.

they were a fun duo but the circumstances to split them up for added drama just kept getting more and more ridiculous.

Budget cuts hit the show pretty hard, they barely fight, wear costumes and use their powers anymore.

I think I got them all

Attached: fedgfeh.jpg (1620x735, 326K)

>jackie chan

my guy vanilla ice on the right

They are somehow unable to properly direct anything. Which blows my fucking mind, because Marvel comes in and half-asses the majority of their products and still manages to put out something that's less awful than DC.

Front row
>The Niggler
>Green Card
>The Gimp
>The Stepford Wife
>The Flash
>The T100
>Green Arrow
>The Atom
>The Neck
>The Laundry Folder
Back row
>The Aryan Angle
>Ice Woman

The real question is why does some angry spic in a hockey mask get to stand next to the Flash?

Quickie... My sides

This was the episode where he died IIRC or just the episode before. They were a fun duo.

I loved that episode where they switched bodies.

Sure, left to right:
Elaine from Seinfeld in a kink outfit
Man In The Iron Mask But With Lightsabers
Mental Ward Orderly #3
The Flash
Jason Voorhees, Varsity Edition
Green Arrow
Robocop / Captain America
Literally A Regular Bald Guy
Aqakuktuk (common Inuit name)
Random White Ho

Flying Golden Night King and Daenerys on an invisible dragon in the back, plus Supergirl

Regular Widow. Kek.

I miss Vixen. The shapeshifter just doesn't measure up.

Attached: Vixen.jpg (510x612, 27K)

>Man In The Iron Mask But With Lightsabers


Too bad she's gay irl

me too, buddy