*still hasn't been debunked in your path*

*still hasn't been debunked in your path*

Attached: Patterson–Gimlin_film_frame_352.jpg (238x267, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Every time they try to debunk it all they end up doing is discovering some new odd detail about that makes it uncertain again. Gotta love the good old scientific community.

A thread died so you can make this stupid thread.

It's a fucking man in a suit.

I had sex with Bigfoot, don't AMA

>They can't find the body of D.B. Cooper
>Big Foot skeptics expect to find the body of a big foot just randomly

hurf, durf

>in b4 "b-but Sasquatch can't into REAL!"

Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.

Attached: bigfoot_skullc.jpg (390x355, 36K)

Yeah all 400 of them in 240 years in a country of 350 million people. Impressive

I bet you could find 400 people RIGHT NOW who think their toaster is the antichrist or some stupid shit

The moon being made of cheese still hasn't been debunked.

Prove DB Cooper died.

My mom saw bigfoot once.

Mirrors aren't proof.

that's what some bitch used to call me when I pounded her from behind.

>don't AMA
no problem dude I respect your privacy

Hah good one

Attached: b2149a9d94ac8cc6da507730030e37db.jpg (736x492, 45K)

I hit a bigfoot with my car outside of El Paso on I-10 driving to Arizona one night. Scary as shit. Jumped right out of the darkness and tried to attack my front quarter panel. I was too scared to stop so I just kept going.

This is a perfect comeback. I wish I could fistbump you in real life.

We have way more people around and almost every single person you see around has a phone with a camera and yet not 1 single other credible video of bigfoot?

Just pure odds lead me the believe the footage is fake

RIP in piece Jesus

>Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.

People are liars.

What does Bigfoot smell like?

dude you killed an immigrant probably on late stages of dehydration

>Big Foot skeptics expect to find the body of a big foot just randomly
How about just some bigfoot shit?
>Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.
I'm sure Elvis had at least this many after he died

Its a highschool basketball player in a gorilla suit which was really popular back then.

>Very obviously a guy in a suit
>People still think it's real

I despair. I really fucking despair.

It's painfully obivous once stabilized

Attached: bigfootstabilized.webm (1070x216, 313K)

They literally found DB Cooper, he was a Vietnam vet, it's just that the statute of limitations ran out

The suit also has big tits for some reason

Nah, it was a bigfoot alright. Wasn't a California mountain bigfoot though, it was what's called a "little desert bigfoot". It's a smaller subspecies than the CMB, though, and this one was only about 150-160 lbs max, and 5, maybe 5 and half feet tall. I could tell this one had been eating at the dump before it tried to attack my car, and it had some obvious mange issues.

High profile anatomists have done studies on it and conclusively shown that no human can have those proportions. Additionally, the movement is extremely peculiar and they haven't been able to replicate it so far. Either the guy who did it was an extremely unnaturally proportioned individual with a highly elaborate costume that not even Hollywood had at that time and he was an expert motion actor or the footage is real. That's a lot of highly unlikely IFs for a definitive debunk.

How do you prove something doesn't exist?

This is simply a load of shit.

lmfao they weren't even trying

Boston Bombing?

Attached: Boston-Bigfoot.jpg (482x345, 25K)

Bigfoots are not real but weird sounds deep in the woods of various North American forests with no obvious explanation are.

This is widely accepted and has been discussed amongst hikers, park rangers and people who live in remote areas since forever.

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Why don't we have any awesome shows about exploring what these sounds could be? I'm sick of ghost bullshit.

Why does it make city folk seethe that our lives are more interesting than theirs?

Evidence is pretty solid that Bigfoot is a Muslim

Attached: Troof.jpg (600x800, 157K)

guys a bigfoot just flew over my house.

I remember a show on sci-fi channel in the early 2000s that said you could see a zipper here?

There's way more than 400, don't know why the pasta has that number. The percentage that are credible is much smaller though.

It's all on the Wiki page. Even the scientists who are sceptical claim that it's an extremely good fake. One doctor who studied the film says his stance depends on the film speed. If it was shot at 16FPS then it would be impossible to fake, if it were shot over 18FPS then it's a human in a suit. A bunch of other biomechanics experts claim that the movement and the gait is just too good to be a human and the suit is literally on pair with something ILM or James Cameron would have in a film made today. Go look at ape costumes in high budget films of that period. Not even a notorious autist like Kubrick had as good a suit

jesus christ america what did you do to landcruisers with that bumper?

Bears walking on their hind legs


>Pattinson died only a few years after shooting this footage
>spent his remaining years looking into Bigfoot related stuff
>Gimlin has never admitted to being part of a hoax despite never making any real money
Not saying it wasn’t a hoax but if it was, they’ve kept it up for over 50 years now.


i don't remember any animal that has that much hair on tits
yes, not even my mom

like the Holocaust

How can an entire race of bipedal ape creatures be so elusive?

Tiny population, big continent.

They arent though. Bigfoot history goes back centuries with early settlers and even the Indians talking about them

incels are shut-ins and communicate only in memes

God, amerifarts are retarded.

The Survivorman series about bigfoot was pretty kino, I need to watch them again.

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The Loch Ness Monster is arguably the most famous cryptid ever and that’s not from America.

That god i live in Europe so i don't have to deal with that shit

The podcast Astonishing Legends just did a 6 part series on this film. Interesting stuff. It's long form and a fairly informal, but it's worth a listen even if you don't believe, and I don't.

fake af, no butt muscles movements

Attached: bigfoot.webm (1070x216, 2.14M)

There are. Same dude that made that stabilization shot did zooms and there's muscle movement.

*still hasn’t been debunked in your path*

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I remember watching a show and they had an episode about a community of bigfoot type creatures living out in the boonies in Northern California. They interviewed some hikers and hunters who all said the same thing. I don't remember what the show was called.

This. Bigfoot is a red herring like the ufology/contactee 'movement' in the 60s and 70s was, though that was pretty mundane and was just to cover up cases where burgers had long-term after effects of having the CIA drug them for MKULTRA testing. Who the fuck knows what Bigfoot is distracting from, could just be from sekrit government drug manufacturing in remote areas.

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I'm a bigfoot who regularly Nairs his face and body. People just think I'm ugly and have Marfan syndrome. AMA

*still hasn't been debunked in your path*

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*Never Forget*

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*still hasn’t been debunked in your path*

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*still hasn’t been debunked in your path*

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Is it just mountain lions?

*still hasn’t been debunked in your path*

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It's cause scientists equate this thing with the average retarded shit-flinging ape at their local zoo.

Pic related... who?

Holocaust couldn't possibly have been a hoax. No one ever made a penny from it. Plus there's all that mountains of physical evidence, like the frequent mention of it in absolutely any Nazi documents. How could anyone possibly think the Holocaust didn't happen? It just doesn't make sense; have they not seen Schindler's List?

That isn't a guy in a suit. You niggas are blind

How come no one has been able to make a suit that looks like that as of 2019?

It was some dude in a costume and he kept looking back to make sure his mate didn't blast him

take the interdimensional pill

Big cats, deer, elk, meece, goats - they all make much weirder sounds than people are used to hearing and it gets amplified by the valleys, carries across lakes, etc. The only weird-ass abnormal undiscovered things living in the wilds of the US are hillbillies..

Imagine that I posted that webm of the Brazilian man-monkey that kinda dances around. Bigfoor confirmed I just BTFO of you.

David Paulides: Missing 411. Thank me later.


This might literally be the most retarded thing I've ever seen. Anyone ITT actually buy this shit? Explain yourselves.

>How come no one has been able to make a suit that looks like that as of 2019?
There were suits that looked pretty similar in King Kong vs Godzilla and King Kong Escapes

Post evidences

Attached: aquafresh.png (496x378, 96K)

>How come no one has been able to make a suit that looks like that as of 2019?
Give me two weeks and a thousand dollars and I will make that suit in my shed.

>rangers and people who live out in the woods don’t know what those animals sound like

cool dude

Wrong. Those suits look like shit

>No one ever made a penny from it.
The Jews were literally given Israel you fucking idiot.

Do it then dude. Become the guy to finally debunk this video. I'd love to see you try where so many have failed

>it's just that the statute of limitations ran out
ACKSHUALLY it didn't. he was indicted in absentia by grand jury as 'John Doe aka Dan Cooper' for air piracy and violation of the Hobbs Act in November 1978 which means the prosecution can continue at any point in the future with no limitation.

Looks like it's jacking it.

Attached: a51.gif (320x240, 832K)

Exactly like this shitty looking suit in the bigfoot footage

Ok can you throw a 12 foot tree 20 yards?

>No one ever made a penny from it.


Attached: dc567y2-c5236632-994d-471b-9436-754e288f1f13.jpg (400x400, 23K)

stop it now

Try again retard.

Attached: kong.gif (500x207, 966K)

bigfoot is the biggest boomer meme please rollover and die

>there are people out there who have such a lack of self esteem, that they are willing to believe in something as stupid as bigfoot. Attempting to be contrarian doesn't make up for your lack of personality, fools.

That's obviously some kind of machine that's disguised as a bigfoot

Tell us what the zoomer equivalent of bigfoot is

>there are people out there that get so angry at bigfoot on the internet that they forget how to greentext

Based >They can't find the body of D.B. Cooper
>Big Foot skeptics expect to find the body of a big foot just randomly poster

Why do you hate fun and why does the idea of Bigfoot trigger you so?

I've spent months out in NZ's forests and still hear weird stuff I've never heard previously. Excluding the hidden Moa tribes and Wetas Of Unusual Size that prey on them there's not really much in NZ that could be making those noises other than deer, goats, pigs, opossums, and all the varieties of birdlife here. It's all jsut ordinary sounds distorted by the landscape and/or weather.

Attached: Giant Weta.webm (640x352, 1011K)

I actually lol'd


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*still hasn't been proven*

Jesus christ how horrifying

t. Bigfoot
You can't hide forever, forest nigger. I'm going to find you eventually. Your days are numbered.

>not getting sarcasm this fucking obvious
Don't breed, lads.

No, but if you give me a monetized YouTube channel and Patreon bux I could certainly make something that looks like it could.

We know Slendy's not real - /x/ invented him.

>this thread

Attached: 201906112107.png (296x170, 38K)

They already solved DB Cooper, he didn't die and didn't jump out of the plane where they thought he did so they always searched the wrong area. He jumped out over the desert near Reno, Nevada. He was a Canadian man who worked for Boeing in a factory making cathode tubes. Dude got away with it.

get a grip

perhaps he's wondering why someone would work for boeing, before jumping out of a plane

Go on /x/ right now and you will find a dozen grown men who were there at the character's inception who still believe Slenderman is real.

Except they found some of the marked money, so clearly they did have the right area somewhat.

Big lad, was he?

I have been obsessed with the idea of Bigfoot since I was a kid. But honestly, as much as I want to believe, I don't think there's any real basis in reality for it to exist since something like this should never be a matter of belief anyway. It either exists or it doesn't and there is no evidence that it does.

He was a pretty sharp guy. It wouldn't be unreasonable at all to believe that he threw a handful of bills out of the plane where he wanted them to look.

high five

>He was a pretty sharp guy
for you

That's /x/ for ya. Visit for the memes, stay for the self-delusional insanity.

There was also a really old guy who died around 1998-2002, that told his family he was DB Cooper right before he died.

Killer clowns

No Bigfoot bodies ever found, case closed. People do go missing and are never seen again but dead bodies of animals and even sometimes humans are still found all the time. Not one single Bigfoot body ever? No wrecks with cars and Bigfoot? No attacks, none shot by a hunter. If anything at all happened to the witnesses they definitely saw a huge bear in bad light or maybe something crazier like an escaped zoo gorilla or some shit, gorillas aren’t even as tall as Bigfoot is supposed to be so even that crazy idea doesent make sense. Hardy and Henderson’s though is an amazing movie and I highly recommend it to anyone with a soul

Who's underrated/overrated?

Attached: hog_island_press_monsters_in_america-1-680x517.jpg (680x517, 107K)

from outer space?


>No Hodag
What a shit list.

Pope Lick is cringe and fakepilled

A man moth?

Like how is he even a problem like nigga turn off your flash light lmao

Fake and made up to sell beer. But the Beast of Bray Road on the other hand...

like how those islanders near the indian coast are still unmolested. They killed that missionary kid trying to evangelize them, remember? Nobody knows their customs and shit.


Oh shit, I had forgotten about that. My Uncle scared the shit out of me after he told me that story when I was little

>tfw you will never be an early 20th century lumberjack and make up blatantly fake monsters with your lumberbros to spook city slickers

Attached: p3mcp.jpg (412x351, 21K)

It's still going to eat your clothes

it's so painfully clear that's a dude in a suit i don't even know what the debate is

Before my grandfather died he told everyone he was the second JFK shooter. You can't trust old people. Shit, when I die I might just tell my family Hitler was my grandfather and I grew up in South America in a nazi refuge before changing my name to keep the family secret hidden.

Looks exactly the same

the human doesn't have the proportions, the suit does.

Hey cool where did you find this new bigfoot pic?

It's funny how divisive this video is. Some people see man in suit others see big hairy living creature.

Don't say that only retards think the video is compelling either. Reputable people have analyzed it and belief it to be authentic

Joke's on him, I've been lightly dusting random areas of my clothes with lead powder for years in preparation for this very eventuality.

it's. a. dude. in. a. suit.

t. clueless on the scientific literature surrounding the film

They aren't, which is why Bigfoot doesn't exist. Instead of taking the occam's razor pill, the Bigfoot fanatics continue to make up increasingly absurd and insane theories about how they can teleport, are interdimensional beings, spirits, aliens, etc to keep their desperate hope alive.

Reputable people also believe in ghosts, demons, and the actual devil. You can be wildly intellectual and still a silly bastard; the two aren't mutually exclusive.

Still pretty rural up here in the north, it can get pretty spooky at night. Camera phones kinda ruin everything though.

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Saying 'scientific literature' doesn't make it any less a man in a suit. Who are the scientists and what else have they been involved in - that's the question.

>implying that isn't the true redpill. Humans have been interacting with supernatural creatures since recording history. They're just that supernatural. Beyond the natural, not entirely flesh and blood. Elves are real user

the conversation is so fucking fake

>Elves are real

Keebler or shoemaker?

>Pope Lick Monster
>half man
>half goat
>half sheep
It's the ultimate killing machine.

This. Never underestimate some people's deep and psychological need for there to be more to life.

Why don't you read up on the reaction to the film.

Would be a good entry point

>what is caber tossing

I understand that they keep discovering new things deep in the ocean or far into the rainforests, but whats the most recent large sized animal found for the fist time?

>Why don't you read up on the reaction to the film.
Same reason I don't read the scientific literature behind flat earth theory. Overwhelming unlikelihood of something like this existing without a shred of evidence aside, I know a dude in a suit when I see one.

name one reputable person that buys this shit.

shaquille o'neal

Jane Goodall is open to it.

There's also a bunch of European and former Soviet scientists who found the film authentic

>How come no one has been able to make a suit that looks like that as of 2019?

Attached: dog-soldiers-practical-effects.jpg.jpg (1440x953, 256K)

David Icke

How do you account for all the learned people who don't think it's a man in a suit?

Reminder that ape suits of that quality did not exist back then

That's a werewolf.

>the movement is extremely peculiar and they haven't been able to replicate it so far
Not put him in a fluffy suit with padding on the back and shoulders and film him from a couple hundred yards away.

>How do you account for all the learned people who don't think it's a man in a suit?
There are learned people who legit believe in poltergeists.

ITT: Joe Rogan trying to convince people not to believe in the PGF

Looks good, though, doesn't it?

K so because your untrained eye sees a gorilla costume you're not going to consider anything else

>a bunch of no names and a literal monkey fucker

not impressed

>10 seconds

>El Paso
Most likely was an undocumented chupacabras

Sure is lucky they brought a camera in to the mothering fucking woods in 1967 when it certainly wasn't commonplace and happened across a one in a trillion chance Bigfoot stroll, yep, totally on the up n up.

Attached: srrrsly.gif (322x317, 1.4M)

No, I just don't buy the existence of something that has been looked for extensively without turning up a single shred of evidence - repeat: not a single shred of reputable evidence; no bones, no feces, nothing - purely on the basis that some 'learned people' couldn't explain a grainy video. As I said, there are learned people who believe in poltergeists, that doesn't do away with the mountains of logic and evidence that suggests they very likely don't exist.

Cope? What the fuck am I coping with? I just said this footage is fake - how is that coping?

Nah, bigfoot is more likely because my inability to settle for reality says so.

Dogmen are also real.

>What the fuck am I coping with?
Being capable of logical thought. Don't expect an intelligent argument, user. You're arguing with people who believe a mythical being existing in modern day America without a hint of evidence to support its existence is more likely than two guys putting together an impressively realistic suit for the time out of bear hides and fucking about for a laugh.

where can i get trained to not see dudes in suits when dudes wear suits?

How is the existance of a big animal reality altering? You're talking about it like they're out to prove the existance of God or the afterlife

Reminder that they didn't make any money off of the film, both have stuck to the story, no suit was found, and no one has been able to replicate the suit or footage.

Also small reminder that much of North America is still uninhabited wilderness

Confirmation of one mystery leads to an open possibility of another. People who ignore all evidence and believe in shit like this whilst fighting tooth and nail against logical arguments to support their beliefs do so because they fear the idea that there isn't more to life than what we already know because ultimately they fear nothingness when they die. There's actually a word for this state of willing delusion but it escapes me. Look it up, it's quite interesting.

god guns and beer and anything the fuck else we want commie scum

There’s also thousands of people who claim to have been beamed up and anal probed by little green men from mars. Do you believe that too?

shitposters don't make any money either, some men just want to watch the world burn

Holy fuck, that is a BURN!!!

>implying science has everything figured out

This retarded arguement could be applied to Europeans who thought gorillas were real despite a lack of evidence at the time. Problem with mainstream scientists is they dont have an inquisitive and open mind. They're quite dogmatic when it comes to harmless fringe stuff like Bigfoot.


p sure i've seen fat hairy puerto rican guys wearing flippers walking exactly like that. actually can't confirm they weren't big feet.

Kind of. Yes.

The US gov definitely felt it warranted to investigate UFOs

>dat head turn
There's no way a costume made in the 70s could turn like that. You can see muscular definition under the fur. The gait pattern is accurate for the height and weight of a creature such as that, not of a human in a big suit (this has been proven via at least one large study).
It's for real.

Attached: WITCH OF SALZBURG8.jpg (640x632, 139K)

They were out filming a documentary, of course they would have a camera. However it was a documentary about Bigfoot, which makes it a pretty big coincidence of another kind.

>In August 1958, the Humboldt Times of Eureka, California, was the first to use the term "Bigfoot" in their story about huge footprints found by a worker of Wallace's Humboldt County construction company.[1]
>Upon Wallace's death, his son Michael revealed that Wallace was in possession of large, poorly crafted, obviously fake wooden feet.[1] According to Wallace's family, Ray's brother Wilbur Wallace and nephew Mack McKinnley used these wooden feet to stamp imprints around northern California as a prank.[1] Ray Wallace also created hair and feces samples which the family left in the woods for Bigfoot researchers to find. He created the hair samples by processing hair from the bison he kept on his wild animal farm near Toledo.[2]

None of the serial numbers of bills DB Cooper stole ever turned up in circulation. Some were found in a river bed badly disintegrated.
>In February 1980, eight-year-old Brian Ingram was vacationing with his family on the Columbia River at a beachfront known as Tina (or Tena) Bar, about 9 miles (14 km) downstream from Vancouver, Washington, and 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Ariel. He uncovered three packets of the ransom cash as he raked the sandy riverbank to build a campfire. The bills were significantly disintegrated, but still bundled in rubber bands.[81] FBI technicians confirmed that the money was indeed a portion of the ransom: two packets of 100 twenty-dollar bills each, and a third packet of 90, all arranged in the same order as when given to Cooper.[82][83] In 1986, after protracted negotiations, the recovered bills were divided equally between Ingram and Northwest Orient's insurer; the FBI retained fourteen examples as evidence.[71][84] Ingram sold fifteen of his bills at auction in 2008 for about $37,000.[85] To date, none of the 9,710 remaining bills have turned up anywhere in the world. Their serial numbers remain available online for public search.[29] The Columbia River ransom money and the airstair instruction placard remain the only confirmed physical evidence from the hijacking ever found outside the aircraft.[86]

hey guys BF here, I'm not real, don't worry about me everything's fine, stay the fuck out of my woods though, no really fuck off.

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>Leaving out the Native American legends

Bigfoot has been around long before the 50s

>You are now aware that even if Bigfoot was real the recent rash of GIGANTIC California blazes have almost certainly killed him and any Littlefeets he had

dude im just trying to ride bikes stop throwing logs at me

>However it was a documentary about Bigfoot, which makes it a pretty big coincidence of another kind.
Not really. They heard reports of sightings in that area so they went there with a camera. They didn't pick that spot randomly.

Animals are pretty good about clearing out before forest fires tear through an area.

>t. I don't actually look into anything Bigfoot to form my opinion
Do you squeeze ropes for caloric, too, fucking retard?

t. al gore

corn niggers believe a lot of stupid shit man.

Why is Bigfoot even controversial? He's a fucking ape. You can see them in the zoo.

>Reminder that they didn't make any money off of the film, both have stuck to the story, no suit was found, and no one has been able to replicate the suit or footage.
I didn't say for money, I said for a laugh (and also, no doubt, some small amount of attention). People have pulled much weirder shit for bragging rights in the local bar.

>Also small reminder that much of North America is still uninhabited wilderness
Irrelevant. Though while we're on the subject, is bigfoot immortal? Because though much of the land is uninhabited, a good deal of it is hunted and very, very few people have ever seen bigfoot and, again, no physical evidence has ever been found despite being actively looked for for a number of television shows and by random lunatic hobbyists but still, nothing found, not even by accident. Do you know how small the species would have to be for them to exist in small enough numbers for that to have legitimately happened? A species that small cannot properly reproduce - look at any endangered species in documented history - and will die out within several generations. Being generous given the number and frequency of sightings let's say there are what, 500 bigfoots in North America? A thousand? Where are they? How do they find each other to breed? Where are their young? They seem to be awfully good at avoiding being seen, particularly in a verifiable way - are they intelligent? If so, where are the tools they use? What are they hunting? If they're able to survive, stay hidden, successfully breed despite their sparsity, they must be doing well, so why are there not more of them? If I dropped not a thousand but one hundred silverback gorillas into an area of North America people would know about it and, should they thrive, the population would increase. If bigfoot is real, it would stand to reason that he is also immortal, which is physically impossible for a land mammal, but is equally as likely as a species like this existing without evidence.

I believe that way more than Bigfoot

I suppose that is true.


You're conflating things to this argument that have nothing to do with it. Bigfoot is more likely not to exist because it's horrendously unlikely that something like that could exist without there being evidence, not because they scientific community have closed minds. You think every wildlife nut in the world doesn't want bigfoot to exist? You think millions of dollars haven't been spent trying to find out whether it exists?

evidently not allowed to have good looking bumpers in "free"dom land. lmaoing at your socialist hell hole

>You can see muscular definition under the fur.
You can see anything in some blurry undefined pixels if you want to bad enough. I love how the "musculature under the fur" is just a microcosm of the entire bigfoot phenomenon. You can see loch monsters, aliens, and musculature as long as the footage is blurry enough.

>t. I don't actually look into anything Bigfoot to form my opinion
On the contrary, I've watched and read a great deal about it, I just don't buy it because it doesn't make sense.

>socialist hell hole
please. we elected trump and pence. government healthcare is OUT.

Back before Lucy was found in 1974, "The Missing Link" was a big controversy because scientists didn't have enough proof that humans evolved from apes to reasonably debunk creationism. This was a big part of the cultural conscience for a long time, and as a result finding the missing link in your backyard was a popular thing to lie about.

I've been squatchin' a few times and heard em hootin and hollerin in the hills. I also heard the tree knocking they do. They are out there but how they manage to stay hidden is beyond me

Lies. All lies.

ummm sweetie? The people voted for madam president clinton

>something in the woods made a noise
>it's a squatch
That's bullshit but I believe you.

>mfw people actually believe that a blurry video of a guy walking in a suit is a real animal
>mfw people still believe that the loch ness monster image is a real dinosaur and not a toy in the water

Attached: 1559559578377.png (523x536, 420K)

the jersey devil is underrated as fuck

It probably wasn't even a toy.

Attached: beast2.getty.jpg (968x681, 78K)

ur mom

It is a toy submarine with a cardboard monster neck/head affixed to the top.

>native american religions are evidence of bigfoot
is Christianity evidence of god? fuck off

What if Bigfoot is almost human intelligence and can take precautions not to be found.

i think it's legit called "mad scientist syndrome"


Its just a tourist/distraction thing honestly. When the sad fucks who say people who go into the woods got skinwalkered and bigfooted when its a much darker thing that is happening. Its politicians and powerful people hunting the ultimate sport.

Looks like it could be a piece of wood in water.

Attached: unnamed.png (512x301, 216K)

too bad redditfoot

You're in denial. There are glutes on that suit.
And its movements are not of a suit over a body.
And it sure isn't an animatronic.

Attached: WITCH OF SALZBURG.jpg (480x360, 10K)

I zoomed in and I can see musculature, faggots.

So a man in a suit?

Doesn't appear to be glutes at all, in fact there appears to be a big motionless ring around the waist like clown pants held up by suspenders.

Debunk this

We could argue until you're blue in the face and not get anywhere. The fact is that you're retarded and should be locked in a closet and left to die of thirst. I hope you fail to reproduce.

I'm sure it's just some guy running through the snow in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night


How could it be though? Every single expert who's seen the film has said that it's a better quality "suit" than what was actually possible at the time. And we're supposed to believe that some penniless hick and his buddy made it?

Literally more intricate and moves more naturally than what hollywood can do with a suit TODAY. And all other suits at that time looked like frizzy muppets with rubber faces.

Regardless of any other facts, how can you just turn a blind eye to that? You'd have to be stupid...


it wouldn't be that strange in russia


Maybe you're a little emotionally invested in the outcome? Anyway, watch for yourself. I guess you see muscles moving in the bigfoot butt? I see a big tuft of costume fur that looks like it's plastered onto a cheap costume to cove up a seem and doesn't even give the illusion of anything moving underneath. But I'm guessing by your emotional reaction it's just a religious conviction for you at this point.

Does someone remembers that tv show that was kinda like a paranormal mythbusters? I distinctly remember an episode where a dude dress in a costume and trying to recreate OP's photo.

Its lying for fame friend.

Have you ever done it? just take the real amityville horror story for example.

Have you tried running through deep snow lately?

I believe the film to be real. God bless Bob Gimlin

Attached: download (7).jpg (225x225, 8K)

>how can you not just take some fag-on-the-internet's word for it?
because I'm not a retard that thinks bigfoot is real

>lip smacking
well that video is stupid and shit

Local nutjob where I live is on this bigfoot shit nonstop. He filed a lawsuit or some shit so that bigfoot could recognized as a protected species. He even has a documentary on netflix. Funny stuff

looked very fake

i chuckled

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>no bones
It's already been proven that Big Foot is made out of cartilage like Sharks
>no feces
Big Foot is higly intelligent and has good hygiene
You call hundreds of thousands of sightings "nothing"?

According to experts, there haven't been any mountain lions in my area of rural MA in decades. However, several members of my family have seen them several times within the past several decade and I myself have seen their tracks in the snow, and heard them in the woods.

The problem is that experts aren't out in the woods 24/7, 365. So they honestly just have to make assumptions based on what they do know. They can be wrong in making statements that are scientifically backed up. They never see them, and find no evidense, so they're "not" here. Even though they actually are.

Bigfoot isn't that simple, but it's a similar situation.
>probable endangered species
>elusive by nature
>lots of crazies making up stories that make it harder to sort out real info and zero in on their locations
>scientific comunity isn't that interested, and make decisions based on their limitrd proovable information
>all these deductions are taken as fact, because that's easier than the alternitives

I'm not saying bigfoot is absolutely real. I am saying that my own experience tells me that he might be, because science can be dead wrong. And I haven't seen enough proof either way.

>Jews somehow the only ethnic/religious group able to make up a homogeneous world controlling plan and hoax to trick the entire world and the only ones clever and perceptive enough to see the lies are dudes who never graduated college and get all their knowledge from compressed infographs

Gimlin is actually Bigfoot under an edgar suit.

Why is this making me laugh so much

Military experiment.

Zoomers and their dogman are not welcome here.

i find it genuinely distressing that so many of you can't tell a dude in a suit when you see one, imagine all the ways you could be taken advantage of

>Big Foot skeptics expect to find the body of a big foot just randomly

No but at this point i'd expect atleast a high resolution photo of giant harry ape like creature running about the Appalachian trail.

Its been decades you tinfoilfaggots. And ironically enough ever since the advances in camera technology and the internet came into fruition we've seen alot less (((Sightings))) suddenly. Its almost like people know they cant get away with it these days but go ahead and show me a photo from over 50 years ago and claim its valid proof when its literally just a guy in a suit.

Attached: CuccoKing-679573-Queen_Alt_version.png (536x800, 231K)

>man lands on the moon in 1969
>literally impossible to make a fur suit in 1967

wtf. Listening to this 6 part series on the PGF right now. Comfy thread. I believe it is real. Nobody likes to directly address the film. Its always character assassination


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The thing is that this was filmed on an analog format. What you see is real. It isn't doctored. Everyone now has digital formats and it is much more easily called into question because of that.

i'll directly address the film, it's a guy in a suit, you can tell because it looks like a guy in a suit.

They ain't green.

Everyone now has digital formats and it is much more easily called into question because of that.

Everyone would see how fake as fuck it is user.

Attached: left-hand-with-hair.jpg (1628x832, 268K)

If it's a guy in a suit why did Patterson request bloodhounds to come up to the site? Something that didn't happen only because the person with the dogs couldn't make it. Those dogs would have smelled the man all the way back to a campsite and car park.


There's at least 5 different sub-species in north America alone, and I've seen 3 of them going for all 5. That little desert bigfoot that hit my car was the first, but not the last I've encountered.

Wow a yellow arrow. Honestly how much do you know about the film and the entire circumstance around it and what was done afterwards? Your only argument is "Fake" but I really don't think you actually know a whole lot about what actually happened before and after the film was shot.

explain those massive hominid milkers then, what kind of gorilla suit comes with a pair of tits?

>those dogs that never made it woulda smelled him fer sure!


reminds me of that steel helmet that saved Kennedy's life that made it to him

the kind you make

>get some silicone fake breasts for baby feeding
>put it on the suit
>continue painting and gluing fur


Why do leftists push the round earth model so hard?

At this point saying trained professional dogs not being able to smell a man out is more fantastical than saying it's real.

Why would he put in a request that was received if it was a hoax? Your next argument will be more magic that he's psychic and knew the dogs wouldn't make it. This was all very soon after the filming

I wish I did

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yeah but the point is the dogs never did. it's not proof of anything
>Well gee whiz golly I was gonna call some feller up here with a pile of bloodhounds to sniff that ol' bigman out but darn gosh he just couldn't make it

therefore he's not full of shit?

Terrible bait

pretty easy desu

Attached: bigfoot.gif (1070x216, 3.76M)

Fuck man I want her back. Don't tell the others who she is

Attached: Gorrilla.jpg (1932x3200, 995K)

sorry dude but i zoomed in and saw musculature and also legions of nameless experts something something and the truth is out there man wake up

>>get some silicone fake breasts for baby feeding
they didn't exists back then

you can literally see the white soles of his shoes in the vid

yeah it would have been impossible to make fake furry tits except no it wouldn't they could be made of almost literally anything

You're clearly uniformed if you think it was a random dude. It was a professional team. Why would someone hoaxing it out of their own accord request this as soon as possible to occur before the scent is gone? Why? Would you do that?

How come nobody critiques that bigfoot has the same walk as the hoaxer?

Not sure where I stand when it comes go Bigfeets. I used to think there's no way they could survive in most of the stick woods in this country, but then there's shit like Washington where half the motherfucking state is deep as fuck brush that haven't even gotten a flyby survey.

Bigfoot people are their own worst enemy and a detriment to the cause though. Take the crazies out of the equation and it doesn't sound that questionable.

>Video isn't even Gimlin

Attached: bruh.jpg (433x427, 86K)

>real person
>real motives
>hundreds of testimonies describing him in the exact fashion
>he forced a landing to collect his money
>jumped out with one of the parachute's
>was an actual person that existed and got away with it
>"hey look at this guy walking in a bear suit taken from footage from 1967"
>haha checkmate atheists"

You are lucky to have gotten away with ur life

nah they don't look fake, if it's a suit there was 100% a woman inside it

to make your silly claim look more authentic. i really dont' know why you're blind, fucking watch the vid. it's so painfully a guy in a suit i'm in awe of your fanaticism


it's a dude and the tits are fake.

His ass and thighs aren't nearly as large and a suit that adds that much is going to be incredibly hard to have that same walk in especially on uneven water eroded soil. Doubt

This is exactly what I mean. Leftists shut down any debate on flat Earth instantly

Just how big are his feet?

Was skintight spandex readily available at that point in time?

that dude has a tank lmao

Bobcats and mountain lions. Literally sounds like a screaming fucking harpy.

They have the same walk.

That's not the same walk and you're banking on it being the same at face value.

Oh fuck off. If you think park rangers are gestappo you might be stupid. It's disingenuous as fuck not make any suggestions when you're Mr. godamn Bigfoot not to mention the fact that he's purely in it for monetization and claims he already made an investment on the site, which at last check was running a $5/m cardboard server.

Musty balls

Skinwalker is kino, I've had more fun reading skinwalker stories from /k/ and /x/ than I've gotten from anything Bigfoot.

Skunks, fox, yotes, and a lot of other critters can sound like demons screeching too.

I want to believe

David Paulides is a scamming hoaxer scumbag. He has been caught numerous times twisting, manipulating, and omitting evidence from the cases he uses in his books to fit his retarded agenda. Total fraud.

Equivalent of creepypasta on /x/. The man has been widely discredited and has added and omitted countless details to make the stories seem more inexplicable and mysterious than they actually are.

Enlighten me.

>Its almost like people know they cant get away with it these

Or, you know, but having much fewer people hanging out the fucking woods to begin with.

Your mountain lion comparison is interesting. My family has some land way out in the middle of nowhere in Texas, MINIMUM hundreds of miles away from where they say mountain lions are. Yet we catch them on camera every couple years creeping around. We’ve had the land for over a decade and only seen them in person once or twice, and we’re on the land 4-5x a week. They’re extremely cunning and you only see them if they show themselves to you intentionally (or you catch them on a camera they don’t see).

I’m undecided on the Bigfoot debate. But if giant cats can be clever enough to totally hoodwink the Texan Wildlife Association and stay almost entirely hidden for years on end, it doesn’t seem like such a stretch to think something with ape level intelligence could avoid detection in a place as big as the PNW almost indefinitely. The fact they haven’t found any feces or hair or footprints that aren’t a hoax casts doubt, but I suppose it’s possible.

>Prove that this thing that exists only in rumors and storys, DOESN'T exist.

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>i'd expect atleast a high resolution photo of giant harry ape like creature running about the Appalachian trail.

And you'd just say it's bunk anyways.