/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

muffled Slavic suffering noises

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is he ok in the end?

Not sure if this has been answered yet, but if you grab a piece of graphite like that guy in episode one did, can that really happen to your hand? How much radiation is needed?

yeah he's fine

Going to watch this with my normie family tonight.
Do you think they'll like it?

Did your normie family/friends like it, Yea Forums?

He did get his hand burned IIRC. But that most likely saved his life because he went back to the trucks and didn't stay too long in the most irradiated parts of the debris.

I serve the Soviet Union!

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>that doesn't mean marx was right and it doesn't mean that adam smith was wrong
try critically thinking for once instead of parroting what you learned in college
Why don't you? Marxism isn't even taught in colleges you moron.

Absolutely. My parents binged it, so did my best friend's after we watched it together. Everyone unanimously agreed it was kino.


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What a slut amirite


Yeah, its been inside the core and is highly radioactive. Touching it is probably similar to standing above the core or right next to it.

marxism is most definitely taught in american institutions of higher learning

my parents loved it. Also hope the guy who directed the series go on to direct some horror movies. The first 3 episodes are amazing.

why did Soviet Union officials wear suits instead of those funny Mao costumes that are less bourgeois


>its been inside the core

I can only get so hard comrade

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Jesus Christ how horrifying. I remember hearing a story about a couple Japanese lads that mixed the wrong compound in the wrong container (and were standing above it) and both received very lethal doses of radiation. The kicker is one of them was kept alive for a week or two after the fact, and parts of his body were held apart with wires.

It isn't. Watered down marxism that fits within capitalism is, but not real marxism. I'll just let Lenin say it:

"During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the “consolation” of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it. Today, the bourgeoisie and the opportunists within the labor movement concur in this doctoring of Marxism. They omit, obscure, or distort the revolutionary side of this theory, its revolutionary soul. They push to the foreground and extol what is or seems acceptable to the bourgeoisie. All the social-chauvinists are now “Marxists” (don’t laugh!)."

Das Kapital features in every upperclassman economics course, and The Communist Manifesto is required reading in basic philosophy and advanced political science courses.

Some of the visible and immediate effects of radiation exposure that were shown (such as the guy bleeding after touching the door of the reactor room) are extremely exaggerated and does not happen in reality. I don't remember the scene you're referring to though

Hisashi Ouchi. They wouldn't let him die because they wanted to see what happens.

Should I watch the director commentary at the end of each episode or wait until I've seen all 5 then watch them?

its one of the first scenes when the firemen arrive. One of the firemen pick ups a graphite block, while wearing gloves, wondering what it is. After putting it down, he feels a burn in his hand, and after a while you see scenes of his hand decaying/burning.

virgin minister vs CHAD miner

He's hanging there.

Thinking of Vasily. What a legend. R.I.P.

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>it's not REAL marxism

sweetie, revolutionary theories never remain so, the biggest reason being the slow march of time, not professors "undermining" the thing they are teaching in earnest

I want to lick him

Rank the episodes.

did we really not see a single scene of either the iconic ferris wheel, radio cars or pool.

Well its not real marxism if it doesn't actually advocate anything marx did or use any of his theory.


>contaminated sneed water


The carnival shit is overplayed and would be cheesy and we did see the pool in the intro of episode 5.

Requesting the Scherbina PLEDGE TO PROTECT edit

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3 is still a 10/10 tho

how does sand and boron stop the radiation leak?

>is he ok in the end?
Not great. Not terrible.

I read an article where two nuclear physicists went over what the show got right and wrong. According to them these things wouldn't happen

>can that really happen to your hand?

> How much radiation is needed?
3.6 roentgens

It was to put the fire out. They built a concrete enclosure later to try to deal with the radiation.

>putting 4 first
based and bachopilled

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I'm more of a 3828pilled myself

I would literally stick graphite from Chernobyl up my urethra if Legasov told me to do it.

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link pls?

Yes, but im an user, so you should trust me instead of some science nerds

is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1559619812308.webm

Comrade soldier post yfw you are done.

This is a good post. why do you have a geigar counter though? Out of hobby?

Same but I'd be begging for that bullet

Incredibly, 10 Chernobyl-type RBMK reactors are still in service.

How was the pump room destroyed enough that we get pictures of the big yellow pumps exposed when it's on the other side of the control room from the reactor, but the control room and hallways were fine?

they fixed them though

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>Was Medvedev right? Was Dyatlov a cunt?
>Are testimonies of Toptunov and Akimov declassified?
>Are there any testimonies from control room operators?
>What do other Dyatlov's coworkers think of him?


That's because aside from the flaws, they were decent reactors. The flaws have been fixed and now they are great reactor designs that output a ton of power for the fuel input

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After the Chernobyl accident, some RBMK reactors were retrofitted with a partial containment structure (in lieu of a full containment building), which surround the fuel channels with water jackets in order to capture any radioactive particles released.

>mfw they only shoot dogs

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charred concrete

They were decent reactors BECAUSE of the flaws. They could generate twice or three times the amount the Americans could, but at the cost of highly dangerous compromises.

but why? they can't explode

depends on the source, there was one interview done in Japanese (never translated, to my knowledge) where one of the doctors said it was the family that insisted they resescitate Ouchi after his heart had stopped (the first time). Beyond that I don't think there was much they could legally do as far as ending it for him.

Mainly for fun and memes. But I sell online and a couple times things have been rejected by the shipping center as radiological hazards so it pays to have one.

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In Norwegian, unfortunately.

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chrome translates it just fine, thanks

is INSAG-7 accurate?

Basically it's too expensive. These reactors are very tall and building a full containment vessel for them was deemed too expensive.


its cause when the core exploded the top went flying way up into the air, reports say 500-1000 feet, and it came back down on the other side of the control room to land on the pump room and crush it

Because this is 1980s, not 30's. The fact that people even use the word Comrade in that decade is dumb as fuck, no one did that anymore in 80's USSR, although officials still wore hats

but why build protection at all if an rbmk reactor can't explode???

way more accurate than the first report because they simulated the data in a much more comprehensive way and did more research into what was and wasn't a violation of plant operation. the premise remains the same though, they ran the reactor at low power for far too long, went head with the test despite the reactor being poisoned, and removed far too many control rods.


They use it ironically in the show. Like to remind people of the good old days.

easier target. cats don't make noise, are smaller and sneakier. they hide in the trees and on rooftops, not where everyone can find them.

what about this tho

I don't know who to believe

>The fact that people even use the word Comrade in that decade is dumb as fuck, no one did that anymore in 80's USSR
For real? I hear Russians say that even now.

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>the premise remains the same though, they ran the reactor at low power for far too long, went head with the test despite the reactor being poisoned, and removed far too many control rods.
Sure, but they realized the issue was inherent to the design and security protocols rather than being primarily operator failure.

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that doesnt sound right but i dont know enough about chernobyl to dispute it

Wait, what do you sell online? Why is your laptop radioactive?

I believe the problem was when you start to insert the control rods the reaction temporarily gets hotter not cooler. It was a design flaw with this reactor type. When they started to insert the rods to cool the reaction it went supercritical.

>I don't know who to believe
all you really have to take away is that whatever happened in the control room by the time they pressed az-5 the pressure channels were so warped that the control rods wouldn't have made a difference to shut down the excursion since they couldn't travel the required distance anyways. did the graphite tips make it worse? yes. if the rods were all boron would the small depth they were able to travel into the reactor have been enough to stop the excursion? we can only theorize but the reactor was likely doomed either way.

Let them all go to hell except Hospital Number 6.

do you think dyatlov made himself vomit on purpose so sitnikov would have to go look into the reactor? maybe dyatlov knew it was fucked up and wanted to pretend to be sick so he didnt die

based and catpilled

>What about the fire?
>Call the fire brigade.

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>makes one mistake
>suddenly you are the villain

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to be honest Dyatlov did a few things wrong

he was genuinely sick

thank you user

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>reading the book midnight in chernobyl
>they made 2 firefighters stay on duty in front of the reactor to do firewatch all night in case more fires started

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>one mistake
ignore the alarm
ignore the computer
don't do a full shut down, get me back to 700 mgw
we're at 200 and it's not going any higher? fuck it do the test anyway
it'll be safe, pic related

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Also, I imagine a lot of the cats suffered the same fate as the chickens when the dogs started to run out of food.

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I serve the /RBMK/

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Anyone have those "if only you knew how bad things really are" images of Legasov
Or suffering Legasov in general

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You're really going to believe fucking Dyatlov? The man is a BRAIN MELTED MORON.

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t. Medvedev

There's a lot of people pushing this narrative recently that Dyatlov was basically a scapegoat and did nothing wrong, and that the test completed perfectly fine and the only problem was the AZ-5 button. That everything went according to plan and there was no indication of any problem prior to shutting down the reactor using the AZ-5 button (which they claim was done just as normal shutdown)

It's bullshit and contradicts lots of testimony and reports from multiple nations

what would you do in this situation

We don't know that. Assuming each control was inserted manually and one at the time or simply not introduced at all it is possible that a meltdown event would occur instead of a steam explosion because all those 193 control rods dissipating all the water and increasing reactivity at the same time was going to surge power A LOT more if they just tried to control the damn thing (even if they failed). I'm not blaming them though. They did what they were supposed to.

>Hey fellas, you missed a spot

I'm pretty sure them pressing the AZ-5 button in the event of the power surge was based on many testimonies. Dyatlov claims it was pushed because the test was completed - but I'm sure they asked Toptunov, Akimov, Boris and other people who were in the control room that night and pretty much all of them said that it were do power raising uncontrollably and no control rods being in place to prevent a meltdown.

Yea, reddit has this big hardon now spreading this fake facts from Dyatlov about it all being fine. Saying that the Chernobyl show got it completely wrong.

So was the test successfully? and I mean before it blew up.

Redditors are a bunch of retards who take everything at face value.

Laugh at them and ignore them.

I don't think it was meant to be the radiation that made him bleed, not directly. It looked like the door was trying to shut and he was using his body to force it open and keep it that way. With the radiation burns weakening and destroying his tissue, it looked like his skin ruptured from the force of holding the door open.

We need more nuclear soviet kino

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There is only one nuclear film that is kino
"that gauge says the water is low"
"this one says its high"

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youtu.be/_4siRRMN4Nk?t=220 Why does the real control room look so small to what is on TV? Did they make the TV one bigger for filming space or is something fucked up about the real one after building the sarcophagus? This video is in reactor 4 CR before NSC

This was the most horrific portion of the show
>goes to certain death for no reason
>comes back with clear radiation symptoms
>gets yelled at by his idiot superiors while contemplating his impending illness and death

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Yeah, soviet and Russian kino is honestly a breath of fresh air. I don't even care if it's propaganda filled, I need me some content.

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And yet happened


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>reactors 1-3 were still operational after the disaster
Wait, is this true?

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>but I'm sure they asked Toptunov, Akimov, Boris and other people who were in the control room
Well do you have their testimonies or not?

btw Recently there was a video with interview with Boris, does anyone have it?

now he look like minister of coal

i guess so
so I assume the site was still manned 24/7, but I guess other parts of the plant were safe enough?

yup, weren't shut down until relatively recently. Reactor 2 went out in 91 due to a turbine fire, reactor 1 operated until 96, 3 until 2000.

This is a nuclear physicist that have reviewed the episodes and their accuracy. But I feel she is wrong or didn't get the point at some of her remarks. This is for episode 4.


Turns out that nuclear power plants have pretty good shielding.


The soldiers miles away were wearing lead jockstraps, couldn't have been safe long term.

Weren't they afraid of the fire spreading to other reactors or something?

Yes. Unlike much of the other effects, he probably experienced high levels of alpha/beta radiation, most likely the latter.


I've seen Chernobyl on Yea Forums a lot but ignored it for no real reason so I know nothing about it.
Is this show actually good? Why?

Yup, locals were quite happy for it. When capitalism came and shit got fucked the plants were still there and provided electricity and more importantly cushy jobs.

yes its good.

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tfw you used to know all about the different types of radiation and could talk about them in depth but you dropped out of college and now you're a fat drunk who can only take about the history of Baneposting and how it relates to Sneedposting

>Wait, what do you sell online?
Sometimes camera lenses. In the old days they'd sometimes use thorium glass for its optical properties.

>Why is your laptop radioactive
It's not the laptop. It's the lump of cesium I glued to it.

this really was kinomatography if I've ever seen it.

What fire. The turbine fire? It wasn't that big of a deal they just had to shut down the reactor while putting it out and never started it back up again due to costs I presume. It was in the turbine hall which is on the other side of the golden hall from the reactors and really didnt threaten anything. By then everything about unit 4 was wrapped in the sarcophagus anyway. Remember that finished building November 1986 which sectioned off everything from the radioactive and destroyed parts from the rest of the plant

Top UCLA Doctor Denounces HBO's "Chernobyl" As Wrong And "Dangerous":

>“First, as discussed, none of the victims were radioactive; their exposures were almost exclusively external, not internal,” writes Gale. “More importantly, risk to a fetus from an exposure like this is infinitesimally small.”

>Even high levels of radiation result in few birth defects, Gale notes. “For example, amongst the several hundred pregnant women exposed to high-dose radiation from the A-bombs, there were only 29 children with attributable developmental defects. All were exposed in the second trimester, when cells are migrating to the brain from the neural crest.”

>In HBO’s “Chernobyl,” the radiation victims look terrifying — more like monsters, or zombies, than human. Gale writes, “the effects are portrayed as something horrendous, unimaginable. This is inaccurate.

Everybody needs to rate the show a 1-star on IMDB now.


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>Is this show actually good?
Great acting, kino cinematography, a nerve-shredding soundtrack.

If you can find a Vienna transcript, I'm sure it's mentioned by there by Legasov.

No idea about the interview, sorry. RT channel might have it though.

That's why they called the fire brigade. The fire was affecting the coolant systems of reactor unit 3.

Well I meant the fire and the explosion from the reactor 4. I'd guess the common sense of just anybody in case of explosion like this would be to "just shut the fuck down everything", but seems like it wasn't the case with Soviets

So everyone's account of the some fireman and npp control room visual are fake, same for Lyudmilla?

>top UCLA doctor
guy is a nuclear shill. I like nuclear energy, and the show was very clearly not painting it as some dangerous boogeyman, unlike their accurate depiction of the USSR. It's the most efficient form of clean energy we have, but radioactive materials are still dangerous as fuck.

The radioactivity of a material is inversely proportional to the half-life. In other words, the longer the material is radioactive for, the less deadly it is. The worst stuff in Chernobyl had a half-life of around (IIRC) 130 days correction: it's actually only 8 days, and the stuff that remains today is mostly Caesium-137 and Strontium-90, both of which have a half life of about 30 years, therefore the amount of those elements (ignoring liquidation) is now half of what it was back then, and in another 30 years will be halved again.

We constantly hear "Chernobyl's radioactive elements will remain radioactive for 10s of thousands of years", but it's my understanding that those are wholly the elements with very long half lives, which in small concentrations do not increase the background radiation enough to affect us.

With that being said, shouldn't Chernobyl be inhabitable within a century? Why is the exclusion zone not already being shrunk?

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That fire didnt really last long, only a night. The fire brigade put it out, and the sand/boron put the core out to stop it smoking everywhere. The show covers all of this, just watch the show and while you see it, remember that there are still shifts of people working in the reactors next to it because they still have work to do. Taking big doses of radiation but about as much as Legasov/Boris

Yup, radiation victims definitely don't look like that
Oh wait they do and this guy is just a shill trying to blow off the negatives of nuclear power

Those soldiers were uneducated idiots, those jockstraps were probably little more than safety blankets.

>is the show good

What the fuck do you think user? Why do you think we've had 24/7 threads for over a month? I mean holy shit that's a stupid question.

Do you think we've just had these threads for fun? That we all collectively just post In these threads to lure anons like yourself into watching this "obviously" bad show??

I mean overwhelming posts is simply not enough for you. Oh no, you're pretending to be delusional because you know the answer you'll get!! But I don't think you're pretending, you have to be trolling at best and being fucking stupid at worst.
You really need to rethink your life and the choice that made you enter our thread and ask a question so stupid there is not even a word for that level of stupidation. Actually, if you look up in the dictionary an example of a stupid question a picture of your post is what should be found.

Just like the graphite that isn't there, your reading comprehension isn't there either. Like did your internal brain reactor explode? Because unlike an RBMK reactor that can't explode yours certainly fucking could.

Jesus fucking christ user. This is such a dumb question that I'm honestly shocked. You should be taken away and I hope I never ever see you ask this again. Go watch the show, and then and ONLY then you'll be welcomed back. Except we probably won't be around in such force as we once were and still partially is. Because you had to wait for so long and instead of downloading the episode you choose to ask YOUR FUCKING RETARDED IDOTIC STUPID ASS QUESTION.

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Alita autists kept making threads and that movie was mediocre at best.

This guy is an idiot. Nowhere in the show does it describe the dangers of nuclear power (aside from the obvious radiation poisoning.) Everything was attributed to outside laziness, corruption, and user error. Nuclear power is based as fuck, and all this show does is present the level of respect and precaution to such easy power. Yet here we are, some boomer retard missing the entire point of the show skipping over government corruption and just shilling his paycheck.

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Probably Alita paid shills. The generals started before the movie came out and will continue until the home video releases are done.

they can still melt down, or potentially a secondary explosion could breach the reactor.

They didn't build Western style containment vessels for their reactors because they lacked the capability; there were only two places in the world at the time that could produce vessels akin to the one that managed to contain the meltdown at Three Mile Island. One was in Chicago and the other was in Japan, only the Japanese facility still exists. It's one of the several reasons the Soviets decided to go with the RBMK reactor in the first place

You might say he got an ouchi

based and redpilled. Never back down, user.

If you put the 3828 episode last then you deserve 20.000 roentgens

1=2=5 > 3=4

It's kino and has the best memes on Yea Forums right now

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Why does this jew have such a vested interest in Chernobyl? And why does he keep talking about shit he doesn't understand?


>Although radiation doses to a fetus tend to be lower than the dose to the mother, due to protection from the uterus and surrounding tissues, the human embryo and fetus are sensitive to ionizing radiation at doses greater than 0.1 gray (Gy). Depending on the stage of fetal development, the health consequences of exposure at doses greater than 0.5 Gy can be severe, even if such a dose is too low to cause an immediate effect for the mother. The health consequences can include growth restriction, malformations, impaired brain function, and cancer.

I don't know what levels of radiation were measured in Pripyat right after the accident, but bionerd23 posted a video about five years ago measuring 17 mSv/hour of a fragment fuel found in the city which would give Ignatenko less than 6 hours (or in the most extreme case, 30 hours) to get out of Pripyat before that baby was exposed to critical radiation. Roll back to almost 30 years ago and imagine that radiation levels were far higher and you can figure out what happened in that utero.

I thought a meltdown could only result from a reactor explosion
what happens in a meltdown, the fuel isn't cooled fast enough and it melts through the pipes or whatever?

What's sad I want to get into the nuclear engineering field but I don't want to be some dipshit shill like these guys. I'm a software engineer currently and sadly to get anywhere near a nuke plant I'd have to actually go back to undergrad to a nuclear engineering school because my SE degree doesn't really carry much weight in that field :(

I see there is a colored version of this according to your webm
could you share it with a comrade down on his luck

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Don't forget the "throw of the helicopter" scene being misinterpreted. I've seen only one site with actual info because they listened to the podcast, oddly enough is a site that I hate which surprised me.

Is RBMK the ultimate Chad reactor?

>can be refueled continuously without shutting down and wasting valuable time
>can run on un and low-enriched uranium
>inexpensive and quick to build
>more powerful than most other reactors
>looks cool in an industrial chic kind of way, bold red and white chimney color scheme
>only partial containment unlike reactors for western sissies (even after Chernobyl full containment had rightfully been seen as a ridiculous waste of money and not considered seriously), limited safety features that can still be disabled by the operator (basically it’s the manual transmission/stick shift of nuclear power plants)
>moderated by penetrating graphite rods, not just water

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If you check the following video you can also see one of the best radiologists doctors in Japan describing that one of the first organ that is affected by radiation is.. you guess it.. the liver.


You'll probably find it interesting because it's also about Ouchi.

Yes. An explosion is usually some failure of the pressure vessel the fuel is contained in, a meltdown is when the fuel gets too hot and melts into one giant blob.

Uranium fuel rods are basically a bunch of tiny pellets kept in square rods. When you don't have a lot of it, it can be said the uranium is "sub-critical". This means there isn't enough nuclear fission going on to cause a chain reaction. When you have too much, this is called super critical. This means there is so many neutrons being released, the fission causes even more and the reaction gets stronger and stronger without any external influence. In a reactor, we aim to keep the fuel at the "critical" state, which is between the two. Just enough neutrons going around to keep the reaction going, not enough to make it grow beyond what we want. We do this with control rods. You can only go super critical with a specific amount of fuel in a specific distance. Reactors have this much fuel, but using the control rods we keep it critical.

However if the control rods are removed, now we have enough neutrons flying around to expand the reaction and get stronger. This builds more heat and more heat until.... well... uranium is metal. The containers are metal. Everything has a melting point. Eventually those pellets melt, the containers melt and it all blobs into a giant mass like you put some iron in a furnace. This is the meltdown state. At this point putting control rods back in would do nothing because the fuel has already fallen out of form (the pellets in rods) so we could never get the control rods in a position that they would reduce enough neutron release to go back sub critical and slow down the fission reactions.

Based Dyatlov defending good sense.

What station is that in the photo?

Opinion ignored

>>moderated by penetrating graphite rods, not just water

not disagreeing with you really but I'd like to point out that there's some contention about whether the images shown in that link are really Ouchi, because of various descrepencies between them and the recorded descriptions of his injuries. It's actually kind of difficult to get any really well sourced info or images about him, I think possibly because the incident shined a light on a lot of the cronyism and corner cutting that was taking place in the Japanese nuclear industry at the time. Japan seemed eager to forget that shit happened.

It's on rule34

i mean to be fair prior to the fix up they were like half graphite :^)

>basically it’s the manual transmission/stick shift of nuclear power plants

dsg boxes are quicker and better.

oh r34...

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Why do people seem to forget that Stellan Skarsgard was the villain in The Hunt for Red October?

When *he* went to 105% on the reactor, everything went okay.

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It's been suggested that victim is actually from Chernobyl. Seemingly to do with the descriptions of the Moscow Hospital No. 6, most of the equipment predating the 80's and the foot amputation most likely linked to one of the firefighters boot having melted off because he was too close to the graphite. This is not hard proof though so take that as you will.

He was great in Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
he's great in everything really

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"Stellan Skarsgaard is a good actor" is hardly a controversial opinion.

*a challenger appears*

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Can someone please edit droping puppy ears on legasovs head when gorbachev asks him if his concerns stems from a description of a rock and Legasov then sits down looking like a lost puppy trying to be brave. I need this for reasons.

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it is
he's a kino actor
and a W I D E unit

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Dyatlov didn't make any mistakes. The disaster was entirely Akimov and Toptunov's fault.

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Dude I only use preview on Mac and I make memes, just do it yourself

>what happens in a meltdown, the fuel isn't cooled fast enough and it melts through the pipes or whatever?

Here's a good explanation.


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I'm the user from yesterday who wrote about how Chernobyl is about lack of choice/being unable to change your fate. Today I discovered having depression about such a thing is a psychological phenomenon. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_helplessness

He’s been paid off by PG&C. Must have a brother who works at San Onofre or something.

Fuck you, downloading Call Of Chernobyl again, time to be autistic again

Must be embarrassing to be the director at most nuclear power plants by contrast. Never really in control.

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Why does graphite spike the power?

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Right boys, I'm off to the toilet.
Don't any of you idiots touch this button while I'm gone.

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Safety first, I've been saying that for 25 years

Increases radioactivity.

I recently discovered that the pencils I used in school contained chunks of graphite. Am I going to die?

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The firefighters weren’t radioactive, but you still can’t go near their clothing in the hospital basement without a ton of protection. Ok.

graphite slows down neutrons, it is a moderator like water. Neutrons that are going slower have a greater chance of striking uranium atoms (because they dont just fly through the uranium). This gives them a better chance of causing more fission

Just go, user. Go before you wet yourself, SCRAM!

>tfw just spend 20 minutes looking for materials from Vienna conference

Anyone willing to lend a hand?

This guy is an absolute brainlet, the firefighters were inhaling radioactive dust for 5+ hours

No. They weren't there.

And its flammable for extra lulz. Putting it on control rod tips is genius ivan!

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Because I'm getting tired of this fucking shill:


>That author is a shill for nuclear power who has done everything he could do to discredit the Chernobyl series. I read his other article on it and it was absolutely absurd how far he went to portray the show as being wrong about everything, and essentially argues "the reactor did nothing wrong" and it wasn't even really a nuclear accident.

>Now this article is saying that the firefighters and plant personnel didn't really die from Acute Radiation Syndrome?

>As I noted last month, HBO’s “Chernobyl” misrepresents radiation exposure as the main or only factor behind the deaths of 29 firefighters. In reality, writes Gale, there were “synchronous injuries” that “make people more susceptible to radiation damage [and] can kill people even if you successfully reverse the radiation-induced damage.”

>First of all, 29 firefighters didn't die. I know what he probably meant was the 28 people who died of Acute Radiation Syndrome (which included just 6 firefighters, and was primarily plant personnel) , but if he is going to be a pedantic asshole about this subject, he had better get his details right.

>He alleges that because 2/3rds of the firefighters (which means 4!) also had other injuries like thermal burns, these other injuries were the actual causes of their deaths. And by flawed extrapolation, that means that the other deaths weren't really from ARS either, because reasons.

>But even if you want to argue that the firefighters also had other injuries which contributed to their deaths, and many of the plant personnel received other injuries fighting the fires inside... there is the pesky problem of the two security guards who died from ARS. They did nothing but sit outside near reactor 4 for the rest of the night; they had no other injuries whatsoever. But Yekaterina Ivanenko and Klavdia Luzganova both died.

he didn't see graphite
just burnt concrete, no biggie

Graphite is not flammable

Don’t all nuclear plants use control rods?


>While a lot of this article just quotes Dr. Robert Gale, he first discredits himself by referring to Svetlana Alexievich’s Voices from Chernobyl as a "novel", probably because it presents various oral accounts from participants and was not screened for complete scientific accuracy. Secondly, what he states in this article heavily contradicts his contemporaneous accounts of the ongoing dangers posed by the radiation victims.

>This article has Dr. Gale stating:

>First, as discussed, none of the victims were radioactive; their exposures were almost exclusively external, not internal.

>But back in 1986 when he was interviewed by the New York Times about his work in Moscow on the victims:

>Some patients were radioactive from having inhaled or swallowed contaminated particles, requiring special procedures to avoid harm to doctors, nurses and laboratory workers handling the victims, their tissue samples and body secretions and excretions. Two patients died from liver and lung failure produced by radioactive particles deposited in those organs, according to Dr. Gale.

>This article absurdly compares the completely blackout on information by Soviet authorities to how the US handled the Three Mile Island accident and the Japanese handled the Fukushima disaster. Hell, many of us watched the Fukushima disaster unfold LIVE on TV; but the Soviets only admitted that there was anything wrong once they were caught as a result of the radioactive cloud passing over Scandinavia. Even then, the Soviet government resisted telling its own citizens about the disaster, and spent years covering up the true causes of the disaster.

I'm not prepared to explain at this time


>Dr. Gale inserted himself into the disaster, getting himself invited over through the efforts of businessman Armand Hammer, a man who had very close ties with the Soviet government. It wasn't this hunky-dory, everybody come help, international cooperation, nonsense he's trying to peddle in this article. He, and the people he brought with him, were the only Westerners asked to help with any part of the recovery efforts; and they were only invited because Hammer personally vouched for them.

>I wouldn't be surprised that Dr. Gale is just salty that 'his' movie about him and Chernobyl (in that order) wasn't nearly as well received as this miniseries [Final Warning, if you were wondering], and he wasn't invited to participate in the production of this miniseries, or included in the story.

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Even at 2500+K?

Clearly it's just burnt concrete. Only 3.6 roentgen. Slightly contaminated feed water.

>americans will give this a doctorate

Now exposed to both air and the heat from the reactor core, the graphite moderator in the reactor core caught fire, and this fire sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere and over an extensive geographical area.[3]

yes. the melting point of graphite is 6602 Farenheit. It will not burn, it will absorb heat and emit blackbody up until it reaches that point in which case it will melt

You can burn thought it with a fucking blowtorch you dum-dum.

I heard there's a podcast, is it good? is it worth listening too?

melting is burning, dipshit

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It literally by definition isn't... the fact that some elements melt instead of burn is a useful property

>melting is burning
so when ice melts it's burning?


>Melting point
>meme-units in scientific discourse

please leave.

>The fact that people even use the word Comrade in that decade is dumb as fuck, no one did that anymore in 80's USSR
literally false. They had an early script draft sent around and several folks who grew up during that time were like "why's nobody using comrade? We used that constantly as a generic honorific"

Graphite's high thermal stability and electrical and thermal conductivity facilitate its widespread use as electrodes and refractories in high temperature material processing applications. However, in oxygen-containing atmospheres graphite readily oxidizes to form carbon dioxide at temperatures of 700 °C and above.[22]

I'm not prepared to explain at this time.

a shame, to spread misinformation at a time like this

yes you fucking retard its liquefying due to heat.

>fuck you're dumb

fuck off some of us actually want to discuss physics not be retarded

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>readily oxidizes to form carbon dioxide

This is also known as burning btw

>That ending to Episode 2
That was fucked, man

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for anyone asking

>would grabbing the graphite really do that?

yes, but not over a few minutes. Going by accounts, the guy who grabbed the graphite said his hand felt numb and "fuzzy", and the really severe radiation burns showed up over a few days with the rest of his symptoms

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How does a fax machine explode?

I'm not prepared to answer that at this time.

It doesn't, you're mistaken

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thank you

He's the only redeemable part of Nyphomaniac too

>movie is about a woman who is constantly having sex but finds it boring
>movie constantly shows sex
>it's boring
Lars von Trier always succeeds in what he's going for; he just goes for dumb fucking shit sometimes.

>dat scene on the train though

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>tfw people unironically compare chernobyl with fukushima

in terms of released radioactive material, release of long lived fission products, speed of response, and magnitude of response, they're on a completely different level.

it's like comparing the japanese internment camps to the holocaust. I mean sure, it was bad, but holy fuck not even close

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well one was real, one is fiction

>In HBO’s “Chernobyl,” the radiation victims look terrifying — more like monsters, or zombies, than human. Gale writes, “the effects are portrayed as something horrendous, unimaginable. This is inaccurate.

there's *actual fucking video* of the radiation victims as their bodies were liquifying

Kill yourself


>Show ended a week ago
>Threads still outputting 3.5 posts per hour
Not great, not terrible.

well u can google street view all and their are people on porches etc, so it certainly is not great but not terrible

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KINO incoming

This show is the savoir of this god forsaken board. I don't remember the last time I saw decent posts and discussion on this level.


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Does this thread taste like metal to anyone else?

U-235 is the one that lasts forever, which was the reactor fuel. U-235 is an alpha emitter which means is mostly harmless unless you swallow it or have it touching exposed skin for long periods of time.

Had a coworker today rant about how the Japanese were "hiding something" from Fukushima and that there were probably a lot more deaths.

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you know I've never seen alita, but for the life of me I can't understand how the fuck you make *that thing* your main character. she looks like a parody of how some person from 2007 deviantart would draw an anime character

That was all over from a bunch of zoomers and millenials who wanted the own chernobyl that they could say they lived through, since most were born after chernobyl happened. They were hoping that if they kept saying it was bad it would be bad.
Nope, sorry fags, Fukushima was a cockup but not that terrible

like this?

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There have talks to redraw the lines around the outer limits of the zone. Chernobyl itself is mostly habitable right now, but it's still under protection if only to limit people running off with heavily radiated items. I don't think Pripyat will ever be habitable in our lifetimes

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my issue with your reply is that most of the area has been buried under the ground. Not buried in concrete 60 feet down but just trenched 6-10 feet down. I can't see how that would be safe to start building towns again over that.
Talk about call before you dig...

in my experience, the people who do fukushima hysteria are 9/10 those really fucking dumb vaguely hippie types who post motivational quotes on their facebook and type like a nine year old

another good one.

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>You should be taken away
to the infirmary

I'm assuming he died as its the same guy but the vid looks like he is close to dead and the 45 day picture looks like hes phucked but not on his deathbed.

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There are people living in Chernobyl right now. Mostly workers of the exclusion zone and a few that refused to leave in the first place. Plus it's a tourist attraction.

my mom liked it

One of the firefighters?

yes the workers like in chernobyl, 10 miles sse.
Pripyat and Palieski State Radioecological Reserve can not be used again.

Literally looks like a goddamn ghoul

anons, feel free to call me out if this is bullshit:
i think what's causing people to 'taste metal' when they absorb a shitload of radiation isn't from the radiation itself, but the sheer amount of it causing some very small tiny blood vessels in their tongue to start bleeding. What they're tasting is their own blood

Doubt, even people after chemo taste metal.

I think so.
it does right

Those are East Germans.

Based Jerma poster

why would you see red and hear little pops in your ears?

And those aren't Soviets?

>For example, amongst the several hundred pregnant women exposed to high-dose radiation from the A-bombs, there were only 29 children with attributable developmental defects.
29 in a few hundred seems like a lot, idk

>this movie came out a few months before TMI happened

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Who else started smoking again from this kino?

i feel like its the ionizing radiation in the air fucking with your sense of taste.

For me it was drinking vodka

>stopping in the first place

>>In HBO’s “Chernobyl,” the radiation victims look terrifying — more like monsters, or zombies, than human. Gale writes, “the effects are portrayed as something horrendous, unimaginable. This is inaccurate.
The real images are fucking horrible though. What is this guy talking about?

willem dafoe has a power to him, doesnt he

This whole scene might be the single most kino moment of any tv show I've seen.

Bacho is so fucking based

apparently the cells in your mouth/tongue are particularly sensitive to radiation. guess the metallic taste is them getting damaged and sending out a confused signal to your brain

yes, and he looks absolutely crazy to boot.

also has a penis so big it frightens people

Smoking gives you a ton of radiation bro

I would suggest not vaping reactors

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Better this than the dead gay bear desu


sun radiation on the leaves

>not building up your immunity to radiation by micro-dosing it 10-20 times a day.

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I bought two geiger counters and some radioactive material because of this show.

>One in five deaths each year in the United States are from tobacco use or secondhand smoke exposure
Damn, I didn't know it was that high. And people rarely even smoke anymore

put it on your sandwich

>needing anything more than water and fresh beautiful air
Smoking and drinking are for fucking losers.

just finished binging it
3.6/3.6 best tv show i've seen

>watch the entire series in a night
>suddenly have a craving for vodka and cheap russian cigarettes


Switched to vaping about a year ago after smoking for 7. I know there's gonna be some health risks envolved with it but can't deny that I'm breathing better.

at least you didn't just get done playing the first two stalker games and are half way though the third when this came out.

please help me /rbmk/ i am looking for a baneposting youtube video about coal miners that has been posted here some time ago. does anyone have it?

were the cigaretes in the show an actual brand or just rebranded marlboro?

that's kinda gay bro

It's how it goes bro

Slava Malamud talks about the cigarettes on the twitter threads he does about Chernobyl. One thing I remember in particular is that Bacho, the head animal control liquidator, smokes filterless Meteor.


Imagine trying to deny historical fact and testimony. "The graphite isn't there" right Shellenberger?

Fuck this guy. Someone should lock him in the room with the elephant's foot for a day or two and keep telling him over a loudspeaker "radiation is not dangerous comrade!"

>based bionerd
Would she visit Core Chan if she had the chance?

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