Pitch your script based on sequels to IRL events

Pitch your script based on sequels to IRL events

>Zombie horror movie
>The zombies attack a defenseless high school
>The students have no way to fight back
>Until the autistic kids reveal that he was planning on shooting up the school
>Open up their backpacks to show several AR-15s
>Rest of the movie is autistic guys bonding with other kids in their school over killing zombies

Columbine 2: Revenant

Attached: columbine-infamous-cctv-screenshot.jpg (900x600, 83K)

thats actually a pretty based idea ngl

yeah that's based as fuck. Could envision a sequel where the rodge saves isla vista

That's a good idea but it would never fucking get past the initial pitch. Showing a white or hapa autismo as a hero in the same movie where school shootings are made light of and gun ownership/use by American youths is pretty much weapons grade plutonium for Hollywood today. No major studio would touch it. Then again, it could only be properly done by an indie studio anyways. Also, you could have a group of feuding gang bangers with their own respective weapons stashes having to bury the hatchet in order to survive. That would account for about 90% of guns found on an American campus today, plus maybe the school resource officers' personal weapons.

I have now stolen this idea and am working on a script.

>guy travels back in time to stop JFK's assassination
>immediately caught in conspiracy and descends into insanity
>ends with him being the guy who fires the second bullet

>says the same thing over and over in an entire paragraph

Based verbose retard

Killdozer 2
A guy and his wife armor up two construction vehicles and attack a town that wronged them.

Couldn’t you just bash a zombie’s head in with just about anything laying around?

there was a movie about a time travel guy obsessed with stopping JFK assasination because he lost his brother in Nam but he ends up beign charged for the murder. Any one know the name?

Literally 11.22.63

Why would he take several AR-15s if he didn't get to bring friends?

Only faggot zoomer nu-zombies die easy.

Classic good zombies - you bash in the head which explodes into goo and your bat gets stuck its rotting torso as plodding but relentless the headless corpse continues ripping off your scrotum.

The bank robbers from the shootout in North Hollywood could provide infantry cover for them, just replace the white car with a killdozer and they'd be unstoppable

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I am not verbose! Take it back! Rescind your allegation! My posts are concise and to the point. I don't reiterate myself. I keep it short and sweet. Apologize for this mischaracterization. This will not stand, this baseless allegation you have made against me, I am in no way, shape or form a rambling poster, my posts are the very definition of brevity. I am always succinct. I can not believe, personally, that my original post would come across as redundant, or in any way, shape or form, repetitive in it's thesis. You think your smart little insult offends me? Of course not, it doesn't even occur to me to be offended because there is not a word of truth to your senseless, nonsensical accusal of longwindedness against me, the very model of terseness. I am the exemplar of briefness and compendious comments.

I've always thought these guys deserved a solid movie, I think there might have been a TV movie but a film that followed the point of view of one of the robbers and one of the cops in a sort of gritty Heat style film would be kino.

ignore this idiot, thats an idea worth pursuing op

Id prefer a Bay film based on their adventures

>it would never fucking get past the initial pitch.
No movie gets past the initial pitch anymore. Hollywood only makes capeshit and extended universes now.

Honestly, I don't know why all you wannabe filmmakers are still so obsessed with what (((Hollywood))) will think of your ideas. Learn to fund your own independent projects.

Well to be fair, OP’s script is clearly aimed at zoomers since it features faggy school shooters.

I'd set it up differently. Start it as a school shooting film that turns into a zombie action parody.

I agree. Like From Dusk Till Dawn