Any movies about a generation that siphoned the wealth and opportunities away from the proceeding 3 generations just so...

Any movies about a generation that siphoned the wealth and opportunities away from the proceeding 3 generations just so they could have a bigger lawn, cheap products and advance israel?

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Check out Society (1989)

Jesus is coming back any time soon, we just need to give them more shekels!

is he a prison guard? what's up with all the guns and keys?

Attached: 3AD1CCA200000578-3978214-image-m-117_1480332273273.jpg (634x892, 130K)

Is that Mel Gibson?

No it's the 1800s wealthy Londoner businessman Gel Mibson

I honestly hate boomers, but it's more like a hatred of an animal you don't like. You know you dislike them immensely, but you know they are just acting on nature so you forgive them to some extent, but can never get over the intense dislike of them.

this. the photo has been colorized

How can you pity pure evil

my parents are basically like if boomers evolved and became superhuman boomers. They stole my inheritance when I was a little kid and used it to travel across Europe.

When I found out, they said "prove it lol" and wrote me out of the will until I apologized and put in writing that "they never stole anything from me ever and are great parents" and had a paralegal and a signatory sign it and forwarded it to their lawyer

Bill clinton gave our manufacturing jobs to the chinese the democrats are to blame really

Yup, three revolvers, that outta do it. Show those commie liberals we ain't afraid to defend Israel!!

Attached: 1559875766985.jpg (538x538, 54K)

Easy Rider

three revolvers, lets say 6 shots per gun. 18 dead commies.

Might not end a war, but it would send a message.

There is no pity, just an acknowledgement that they got the most out of life that they could, most people would do the same, but the ignorance of how it would effect further generations is unforgivable. I'm just a misanthrope to be honest, people are shit and refuse to acknowledge that their actions effect other people down the line out of pure selfishness. We are all fucked.

Lol, I actually thought I was back on /k/ again.

that guy killed his ass


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As if this dude doesn't have two ankle holsters

You're parents are pieces of shit as are many boomers, they only think they are alive to live as well as they can, but I think its just the generation they grew up in promised them that. It will get much worse.

there is literally no reason for anyone to own a fully automatic assault revolver

I bet he voted for Drumpf. kek.

Your* sorry I'm fairly drunk

All good dude. They've actually told me a few times that the only reason I was alive was to make them look good, nothing more. I'm literally walking social capital

Serious question, do many of you fags never stop thinking about Jews? For many here, it seems to be the single thought you anons have.

There was no ignorance. They said on the nightly news and Sunday morning shows for years that we where borrowing from the future and stealing from their grandchildren

see someone like that is just looking for someone to murder

the jew shit now is just a meme just to troll. pre 2016 /pol/ we actually had a slew of creative anti kike memes from Ben Garrison edits, rubbing hands alt arts etc. you could actually feel some true jewish hate. but ever since their dear leader won and sucked Israel's cock so much, antikike has been kept minimum (compared to previous times) and the JIDF boogeyman has been replaced with discord trannies.

really makes you think

Just kill them lol.

I carry a gun daily, open carrying is fine but open carrying 3 guns, one in a huge blind spot it just asking for some teenage nig to try to snatch it and rob you for the rest.


This knee only bends for the lord
And Israel
Gone fishing

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I'm of two minds about this pic. For one, the right to carry is an intrinsic human right that cannot be denied, but on the other hand the odds that anyone would need three guns whilst walking into a walmart in the middle of the day is just astronomical, I would liken it to the odds of being attacked by a flying shark. All or nothing though I guess, and if it's all or nothing I prefer all over nothing.

Wait for one of them to die and then smother the other with a pillow

Boomers are all about looking normal, It's a shame you got some of the worst of the crop, I hope you are okay, being raised by such people will effect someone very badly. Their generation was raised to be "rebels" while also making sure in their later years that they conformed in their "good" communities. There has never been a more hypocritical generation.

Stop telling me to kill my parents, this isn't 1920 where I can just throw them down a well and feign ignorance

Literally just steal money from them constantly
They deserve it

>but ever since their dear leader won and sucked Israel's cock so much, antikike has been kept minimum (compared to previous times) and the JIDF boogeyman has been replaced with discord trannies.
was it autism?

I don't know about that, but if it was, that is truly unforgivable and they truly are pure evil.

>this isn't 1920 where I can just throw them down a well and feign ignorance
No, this is 2019 where you send your boomer parents to an old folks home and wait for the help to murder them. You'll 100% get away with it if you play the long con btw


jesus user thats terrible i dont know how they could live with themselves after something like that

Boomers aren't the problem. Entitled manchild millennials are.

you don't even need to try most of the nursing staff hate white people they'll do your job for you

>when Boomers call zoomers useless snowflakes
sure Zoomers are useless snowflakes but Boomer are literally the worst generation

Dementia is a sweet, sweet word, user. Take it everywhere with you.

This guy has all those guns and he's still holding his keys in his fist like a fucking woman walking home alone at night.

Shut the fuck up, Trump.

Millenials are no more entitled or idealistic than any other generation. The whole idea of the American Dream that boomers grew up with steeped in entitlement.

based bootlicker

Insecurity shows up a plethora of ways, son.

The US manufactoring industry has been circling the drain since the 70s, zoomer.

This is unironically what many Amer*cans believe btw. Something about the Bible saying Jesus will come back 100 years after Israel was formed.

You said it brother! Someone needs to teach these damn kids respect and work ethic! Back when I was there age I worked my ass off and bought a damn house!!


on the inside he is a woman walking home alone at night. what do you think the guns are for?

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I know this is bate, but I'm so tired of the millennial hate meme. I unironically think millennials great.

Just the one in your mania.

sharing this on my wall!!!!!
>a hundred thousand emojis chosen at random follow this text

That's what happens when you open your borders to the entire world.

Millenials are shit but only the product of what had been create by the previous generations.

>open carry
Attention whores.

And you signed it you fucking homo? You actually signed that shit?

how to make 10 minute tamales

It's funny how right wing edgelords just rehash liberal arguments against bankers, but instead blame old people.

>we’re not the problem the children we raised are!

So you were the problem you dumb faggot. Every cocksucking rainbow hair dyed retard idiot is your creation. This is the world you fucking made.

enchilada recipe

The "edgelords" you talk about blame both.

Oh yeah, right wing is notorious for supporting the (((bankers))), not at all that lefties are the ones guzzling the semen of other (((bankers))) like the ones from google and kikebook.

We hate boomer and kikes simultaneously. Are you stupid?

lel brainlet confirmed. immigration actually helps wages for the native population. without a flowing workforce employers could screw citizens with low wages and there would be no recourse.

because bankers are usually young people, right?

Attached: Supply-and-Demand-1-1024x819[1].png (1024x819, 11K)

It's not a right wing vs left wing issue. 99% of career politicians are bought by big corporations on both sides. It's about the political class vs normal people. They're not beholden to their constituents, they're beholden to their donors.

>still blaming your parents for being a complete failure
You're an adult. It's no one's fault but your own at this point.

I don't think this is a rightwing thread. Boomers are a menace in the leftist world. Young rightwingers might copy boomer-hate in order to not look square.

Yea because of Democrats; who also flooded the country with third-world garbage. Of course the Republicans also share blame in this for not stopping them.

Supply and demand doesnt work in the job market like it does in a consumer based market.

I can tell you took an econ class in grade school and never went further

No millennials didn't have a war so they're pussies

Lolwut you do realize if there aren't enough workers to do a job the wages go up to try and attract more applicants

>I’m not responsible for how my children turned out!!!
What a boomer thing to say. Accept some responsibility for the condition you left the world in.

You are a ra-tard if you think the world is this simple. Keep distilling groups and falling for identity politics you fucking mung.

When the employer is the one setting the supply and demand and employees cant exactly find another market like they can with commodities it creates a system where the employer can leverage its position as the one holding the commodity to abuse the employee

It was obviously sarcastic/bait

>wastes money on video games
>plays games instead of working
>plays games instead of getting laid
>wastes money on cell phones
>wastes life being an asshole
>learns zero valuable skills
>cries that it is old peoples fault

Typical millennials.

They had the longest running war in American history. It’s been going on for 18 years. How is that not enough war? Or are you just upset we haven’t completely steamrolled Palestine for you too you fucking kike?

From where? if there isnt sufficient qualified employees in this hypothetical where are the new employees going to come from? THEY CERTAINLY CANT IMMIGRATE.

God you dont even consider your arguments do you?

oh look another poor unimportant millenial poster

explain in economic (not muh feels) terms how boomers ruined your life. protip: global warming hasnt done that

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*gives amnesty to 3m illegals*
wow best prez ever

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Have a firm handshake

Explain why housing prices are through the roof.

>Supply and demand doesnt work in the job market like it does in a consumer based market.
>t. econ illiterate

>7 feet tall
>3 guns
>Cowboy hat
He's like a living Trigun character

Don’t forget his glownigger shenanigans. What Republican President primarily voted for by boomers has NOT been caught either breaking the law constantly?

Because houses are a lot more complicated and take a lot more work to build. There's more infrastructure.

population has boomed massively in the last 50 years and real estate has gone up in response to the fact there are more people and land isnt being made

>Supply and demand doesnt work in the job market
what does?

Typical rough tough scaredy cat boomer. Look at me I got muh 3 six shooters don't mess with me or Israel. Yeehaw.

Why are you creaturas always crying about Israel

>qualified employees

Central banking and government manipulation

Attached: why the housing market crashed.png (727x554, 155K)

If Jesus were real and magically came back, the cultists who believe in him would all go to extreme lengths to get him to notice and talk to them, such as taking hostages and demanding to see him like the episode of Black Mirror called Smithereen. Thankfully no such thing will ever happen, at least until some random charismatic asshole eventually convinces them he is Jesus and they all believe him out of desperation.

are you unable to read? i said it doesn't work like it does in consumer markets.


Houses are profitable market, why aren't they being made?

>Because houses are a lot more complicated and take a lot more work to build.
this is fucking retarded
prices for old houses are also skyrocketing
fucking economic illiterate

It's mostly central banking to blame.

Attached: house prices used to be cheap.png (893x713, 304K)

The Chinese buying up lots of investment properties

He's a millennial, he needed da MONAY! Oooh

Older houses are renovated dipshit.

leftist propaganda, not interested.

And flooding the country with beaners and Somalis is gonna some how fix that? Retard if employees need to know something then companies train them.

Shut the fuck up and learn a trade. There’s a massive shortage of electricians. Fuck college. It’s a fucking lie.

imagine being this terrified of leaving the house

the middle east isn't a war retard, lmao

Day of the Pillow needs to hurry up.

>free market
>avoiding importing shitskins that drive down wages
>leftist propaganda

Where did i use the word mexican? I said immigration creates a non stagnated work force that in turns disallows employers leaving their status in a way that fucks wages.

mexican immigration does help the us though because it keeps our agriculture cost from booming because otherwise we would have to pay farm hands MUCH MUCH more if we didn't rely on a black market of labor and it also keeps americans from being subjected to abuses that are common in this

so what does work for the job market?

They are, but rent is much more profitable than selling.

you said houses have more infrastructure nowadays, what do you mean

Houses ARE being made

>Republicans spend forty years signing free trade agreements and blaming American workers and companies for their failure to compere with foreigners
>Dumb Cuck Clinton signs NAFTA and doesn't stop China from getting into the WTO, both initiatives from Reagan and H.W.'s times
>GOP acts like they've totally been opposed to this the whole time and scapegoats the Dems

I blame the Dems for being dumb enough to take the fall, but don't pretend like the GOP isn't full of America-hating corpocucks. The only reason Trump didn't implement those Mexican tariffs was because Senate Republicans were guaranteed to vote it down.

They can't, pure snowflake seethe, all of it

>m-my dad had a good job at 22 and I don't because I'm a failure so it's his fault

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So what? This doesn't explain the massive increase in housing prices. Not to mention LAND prices.

Consumer electronics are far more advanced now but they're dramatically cheaper.
What a retard.

Boomers are inching closer to be feeble enough we can start smothering them in their beds with little to no resistance. Boomer holocaust is coming.

>hospitals can just train doctors
lol what a moron

you realize even mexico has doctors and education, it isn't just dumb farm hands immigrating from mexico, MOST of the well off population in mexico legally immigrate here

And Vietnam was? Every war your generation fought was even more pointless.

very historically accurate shoes

Not at the rate they should be

>because otherwise we would have to pay farm hands MUCH MUCH more
So we would be paying americans much more to pick vegetables?
This is good though.

go back to /r/LateStageCapitalism since you can't understand basic economics

Don't worry they hate your unproductive useless ass too.

What? Do you think if Jesus came back he would be like a celebrity walking around? When Jesus comes back that's literally the end of everything as we know it. Then Judgement Day begins. We all, dead and alive, stand before Him and get judged. What then happens to the righteous and what happens to the wicked, only God knows

More infrastructure in general. Cities are expensive.

I'm not sure you understand how houses are built. I'm not surprised, since it takes effort to build one.

You can go on /pol/ right now and see this delusional shit, even from the "redpilled".

>Guys look, I know the Jews rule our countries and own everything. But if we worship the Jew some more then he'll definitely come back and defeat the Jews!
>I know this hasn't worked in 1700 years but it'll work this time swearsies!