Can you identify just by looking what film franchise this particular picture is from?

Can you identify just by looking what film franchise this particular picture is from?

Attached: chronicles of narnia.jpg (1107x753, 109K)


>do something different than the empire
>nevermind not that

>don't worry Finn, I'll take care of those tiefighters in no time with my bow!

I love how woke companies are until it might actually impact their bottom line.
>shill the black guy to high heaven in all the promo shit
>In the actual movies, he's an irrelevant bumbling idiot whos scenes could be removed and not impact the plot in any way.
>Have to invent a love interest in the third movie for him because you'd lose that sweet sweet china money if you shipped him with Rey or the chink.

It's basically more racist than just not making him black.


Game of Thrones.

I call it Schrodinger's Nigger.

Everyone in the world has to pretend to love them when everyone actually hates them.

Well, there's people who will defend to the death shit like "space milk" so space horses should be fine too.

>two blacks
>riding uncreative horse-like creatures
>the apparent female is using a bow
You can at the very least identify it as an (((american))) production.

no, I legit can't
I know it's star wars, but the the clothes, weapons, and aliens (the mounts, you raycises) aren't star wars-y enough to tell at a glance

>bow is literally two modern bows (left and right handed) stuck together
>stupid leg over pommel pose because fuck practicality amirite
>what the fuck do those animals eat?
>also their steeds wouldn’t be able to reach food with those stupid tusks

Planet of the Apes

Why has the quality of CG gone downhill in the past ten years?


These are just fucked up

So is this supposed to be a Wookie origin story?

Stargate SG-1

No aliens allowed!

If you removed the blaster from Finn and have him a coffee cup, my guess would be game of thrones.

i can't unsee this and i don't even watch naruto

Attached: Forehead_Protector.png (1440x1080, 1.25M)


0/10 effort on that animal design


Where do their jeans get manufactured?