for me, it's chili and sea bass
Foods from movies or tv you want to try
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I've always thought that human brains look kind of tasty if i'm being totally honest, so Ray Liotta's brain from Hannibal because I assume Lecter would know a good way to cook it.
Meh. Needs more chili
>Haha I’m going to troll Yea Forums by pretending I mis-heard something in a film
Comedy gold there, kid.
For me, it's the jelly-filled donuts from Kill! (1968)
OP strikes again.
You must be 18 mentally as well as physically to post here, child.
not even OP, just having a jape.
The food in Spirited away always made me hungry. Looks tasty
Chili and Sea Bass!
Your a newfag and should kill yourself
Dude, why are you even here?
it has been well over a decade and up to this very day I'm still looking for the steak that cypher ate.
I just can't get what it would taste like. It has to look the same, cut the same and my imagination would think that it would be so delicious. I'm thinking I'm going on an endless journey but I still go out and try steak restaurants across the states.
i was told by /ck/ it was 2 different steaks, the one that was shown was different to the one that cypher ate
giant jawbreakers
I hope your eyeballs rot and fall out
dude, the subs say "Chilean Sea Bass"
Its Chilean Seabass and it was fished to hell after the movie
That doesn't make sense. What the fuck is Chilean Sea Bass?
I'm not being edgy. It's just the truth. The cerebellum looks like the filet.
Apparently to read unfunny ‘jokes’ regurgitated for the Nth time by teenage fuckwits.
Sneed's beer from S11E5
>Chilean sea bass
Nice meme, it obviously says chilli and sea bass
Sea Bass from Chile.
Baited the hook with the most subtle of Yea Forums memes...
Oh no it's the autistic guy who doesn't like fun
Ah the old "repost spam until funny" tactic. Keep going kid, only another 10 years to go.
smart choice
Are you the fucking dickhead on /ck/ who spams the Barq's/bang's root beer bullshit as well?
pretty sure they filmed that scene in the space needle which did have a restaurant in it, think I heard theyve closed it though cus not enough patrons going for the high price menu.
Your fun is not automatically everyone else's fun.
If you weren't mentally defective and socially dysfunctional you'd realise that.
I've eaten there. It's still open.
It was pretty good but the constant motion of the floor is kind of unsettling.
if i spare no expense whats the best chili that goes with sea bass though? and beans or no beans?
Im from chile,stop this unfunnny shit please.It's embarrassing
well excuse me Mr Gucci Loafers, I didn't know that people weren't allowed to make jokes about Chili
Chilean sea bass isn't from Chile you fucking moron. The Patagonian toothfish is found in the deep sea well outside of Chilean waters.
I want to cave your fucking head in with a hammer.
Oh my fucking God it’s supposed to be Chilean, isn’t it? I’ve seen this movie so many fucking times and I never knew. I unironically have thought it was chili and sea bass this whole time.