ITT: villains who did NOTHING wrong

ITT: villains who did NOTHING wrong

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now you're MY bitch

They are not villains if they did nothing wrong

I think he means antagonist.

He was a kike.

His Tony Perkins character from Heavy Weights.

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I've often wondered if these two movies are set in the same universe and he's the same person in both.


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hmm what about happy gilmore

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White Goodman lol

The movie was supposed to end with the Cobras celebrating their victory after Vince gets hit and the Joes lose but the studio felt that ending wasn't good enough so they added in all the forced "We did it guys AND we got even more money"

Stiller references this during his fatsuit scene

Shown here

Why do 30 year old boomers love Dodgeball? It's so reddit

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How about real-life villains?

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zoom zoom's will never have a comedy movie that matches up to boomer's comedy or xener's comedy.
Your go to comedy movie is booksmart.

He just wanted the kids to be healthy

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Unironically Thanos

>inb4 capeshit

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he was a hero
those little fucking fat shits should have reevaluated their life choices instead of trying to physically hurt this man

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They're men, only chicks emotionally hurt you.

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wow not a single Hitler yet, I'm impressed

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he was a hero, not a villian.

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HOWEVER the fat suit scene could not have existed if this ending was used in the final cut.

>less Chuck Norris memes
even better

it was a different time man. it was a dark time.

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How often do you contemplate this?

Rent free

the best

dang i was just watching mad max and predicted this being posted on Yea Forums - eerie

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What's the line?

He he he, NOICE ONE (U)

not only did he not do anything wrong, he even kept Spiderman's identity a secret

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based Big Ern

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He was based in heavyweights too

Releeeaaassssssssse the monkeyyyyy

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come here to post this

what an incredibly based statement

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Hook just wanted some payback for his hand, instead he had to give Peter countless retries to catch up until he finally killed him. Hook handicapped himself even though he was obsessed with "good form"
>good form peeeetahh good form

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Made a bunch of freeloaders earn their keep.

Get on the scale... GET OFF THE SCALE!

The treasure chest says deus ex machina. They knew what they were doing.

Fuck off Fed.

Who the fuck is Bella?



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Shutup nigger

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why haven't zoomers created a single funny movie?

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No one's more illiterate than Gaston!

what a fucking mess

if you don't look like this when you're his age you've failed at living

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nice get

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Kino villain

I thought it was funny he was basically his charecter from dodgeball in that movie.

He was murdering the lost boys for years.

Louis XVI

Worst thing is that is was clear that peter knew shit about how administrate a business so the globo-average joe's gym's are going to bankrupt eventually and leave a lot of good people jobless.
White was an asshole but it looks like his employees respected him.

Point is, Peter deserved to lose more than White didn't deserved to win.

his gym was in disrepair and he was a poor excuse for an owner

One of the things that gets me about rape stats is the oft-repeated fact that most rapes are committed by people the victim knew beforehand. This leads to misinterpretation of rapes being committed by friends/acquaintances and leads to a false sense of security "in the field". What it really means is the dude that raped you probably also approached you that night in the club prior to the act.

his entire career is based around being funny about failing at living.

Such a fun movie

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The jewish people.

The only thing he did "wrong" was try to bribe Peter into quitting the tournament

No shit. To rape at random is just asking to be caught. Whose to say if the victim's navy seal buddies are on the way over or something similar? The object of desire has got to be motivating the person over time.

Killing and raping willy nilly is oddly enough not common at all. We are more inclined murder somebody we know and hate or somebody we have had the hots for.

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>being a tasteless zoomer pleb
Not even once.

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orange man bad

Wanted his son in his 20s to stop being a baby/moron, need men like this more then ever.

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McMansions are ALWAYS wrong.

your 'opinion' is a skidmark on the underpants of society