More like BORE Ragnarok, am I right?

More like BORE Ragnarok, am I right?

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Why does everyone pretend this movie is good? It’s the worst of the Thor trilogy

it was like watching a fucking sitcom, cringe from start to finish

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More like CHORE ToWatchnarok

bro, because it was funny like guardians of the galaxy, do you hate fun?

Are you forget the dark world? Or you are just delusional?

>Thought we were going tp get a Gladiator movie with Hulk and Thor team up.
>Got some shitty drunk bitch in a spaceship that was black washed.
Good thing I didnt pay to see this

It’s a good movie actually. Best from Thor trilogy

The dark world might be the worst of all the MCU movies dude. I just rewatched all of them leading up to Endgame and it sparked the least joy. Oddly I think it had the best potential of being one of the best McU movies but execution on a number of fronts was poor.

Dark World was unironically better

It's the best of a mediocre trilogy

unironically no

nah, Thor 1 was good, Thor 2 is mediocre and forgettable, Thor 3 is just bad overall

It's the best one, although the other two were complete garbage so that's not saying much. At the very least is has Cate Blanchett and Karl Urban.

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Rick and MOrty? More like Rick and Microphone!

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Cate's performance was good but her character was written terribly (so is the whole movie). Karl Urban's character was just cringe humour the whole movie and then it laughably tried to get emotional when he died

>Hey there friends, my name's Kevin and we're playing some shit

It's good. Liked it much better second watch. Comfy movie when watched at home


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In the first Avengers movie Banner says his secret is that he always stays angry. In this stupid fucking movie, while in Hulk form the Hulk laughs and some slapstick comedy that Thor.

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i only watched for the scenes with luscious mommy.

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