Attached: chad.jpg (750x450, 32K)

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friendly reminder jussie literally did nothing wrong.

His name sounds faggoty.

Chadwick Sneedman


Attached: warwick-davis-t.jpg (820x492, 75K)

Are you 17 years old?


I like him just fine as BP it's just that weird as shit nonexistent african accent they made him speak in that weighed the whole thing down. The fuck is up with that anyways?

Hanging Chadwick?

Attached: asian lady.jpg (1350x760, 75K)

I like him in that movie about the CLeeland Browns

Are you racist?

Not that user but I am. Fucking hate blacks and spics

You're a horrible person. My gf is a "spic" and she's an angel from heaven both physically and as a person.

Attached: Concerned.jpg (250x215, 5K)

She's a mud angel from dirtville you fucking faggot. Kys and I hope when you're gone your beaner wife gets deported

Have you never met "spics" who are genuinely good people? If not, I am sorry for you.
PS: I can't get deported If I am from here.

you must be 18 to use this site

>Have you never met "spics" who are genuinely good people?
No, but I've never met a unicorn either so don't hold it against me, faggot.

But I have, so what do you think other than "lolz faggot"?

I think this is Trump Country and you should take your spic wife over to reddit

Cope more incel.

Nice meme response beaner lover. Good luck teaching your third world savage to use the toilet and wash her greasy hands



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Cringe. Post pictures of Tacolita, I want to see her mustache and imagine her rancid corn breath

What a hideous slope

Nah the bait has become obvious.

Top fucking kek

You take that back

what a thread boys

ikr. Impact with little words, this is a laconian thread if i see one.