/trek/ - living dead edition

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go on..

What, you want me post the entire comic?

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I see posters regularly complain about Voyager featuring holodeck episodes about a small Irish village called Fair Haven

But it's literally only in two episodes. What the fuck, /trek/?

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That episode really lives rent free doesn't it?

It's an awful premise for a sci-fi show to feature such cheap paraphernalia that was obviously collecting dust in the studio's lot, but go off.

>watched the first episode of enterprise
>it’s shit
I appreciate the eye candy but it felt forced

A lot of people who complain about Voyager either haven't seen it since it first aired or have never watched it at all. I re-watched it recently and while I still think it's basically just a less good TNG with worse characters I also don't think it's as bad as people say.

it's just seething
you don't see complain about DS9 meme characters wasting time with Cuck Fontaine

Computer begin program, "Big Fat Baby Riker with a Big Fat Stinky Diaper." Release security lockouts.

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>not appreciating ENT
truly a trash viewer

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truly soi

>can only operate by screaming meme words
Sad. Sorry that Enterprise is a bit too intelligent for you.

Imagine being so small brained that you don't understand ENT.

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>the rick & morty defense
truly soi


Voyager and Enterprise are criminally underrated. I think the fanbase just needs something to hate or something. If you like TNG and DS9, there is literally no reason you wouldn't like VOY and ENT. I'm not saying they have to be your favorites, but they're still good Star Trek.

It seems you're on the wrong website, friend. Perhaps Reddit would be better suited to your tastes.

>realistic characters
>interesting deconstruction of the Trek mythos
>grey morality used in a smart way

>dude reset button!
>dude moralfagging when it makes no sense!
>literally no interesting character

>dude I am too cool for the other Treks!
>dude I hate Trek so I love this rip off of SG-1
>rehashed themes and plots

yeah dude, literally no reason to like DS9 while not liking the others.

>Author, Author
This is a great Voyager episode. Yes, it resembles The Measure of Man, but it still has a lot going for it and I actually think the trial portion is a lot more thoughtful than Data's trial. It also has a lot more to it than just the similarities to The Measure of a Man. Plus, didn't Julian Bashir try to prove that augments deserved rights in one of the episodes featuring the retards? I don't see anyone calling that a TNG ripoff. Anyway, Author, Author is legitimately one of the better Star Trek episodes out there and I suggest that any Voyager haters give it a chance.

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it was terrible and another reason to hate the EMH

>realistic characters
>interesting deconstruction of the Trek mythos
>grey morality used in a smart way
DS9 is straight up goofy at so many points and yet none of you want to admit it. Remember when Dukat casually called Kira in the middle of the night to tell Kira he fugged her mom and then Kira goes to orb or whatever in order to travel back in time just to confirm it? DS9 is full of shit like this.

>dude reset button!
Just like TNG and TOS.
>dude moralfagging when it makes no sense!
>literally no interesting character
Spicy opinion, but it's bullshit.

>dude I hate Trek so I love this rip off of SG-1
Are you the Babylon 5 guy, too?

It's pretty clear that you're not going to get an honest discussion about Voyager. It's just going to be Voyager fans explaining what they like about Voyager while a stupid troll just regurgitates the same tired shitposts and baseless insults.

VOY is a post DS9 show
It shouldn't have a reset button
TNG and TOS are product of their times and barely watchable anyway.

Voyager was breddy gud. They had fun with it sometimes, and were serious as Hell other times.
Don't feed the trolls, user.

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ENT is based.

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>cry all the time
>act like victims constantly
>baww ignore the criticism they are just mad!
Grow up.

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Fine. I'll be the one to say it. ToS is the worst Trek. The movies are good though.

But STD exists?

>another dead trekfred
do I really have to post bashirfaggot?

>remove any discussion
>create a safe space of no criticism
>the thread dies
what a twist

No one did any of that though.

Yet no one ever bitches about the Doctor's family. I really hate that we never got a follow-up to that or that nobody called the Doctor out on how ridiculously weak it was to just delete the program when things got too tough.

>calling out the doctor

What if I love Voyager AND think that it's the most-flawed of the 24th-century Treks?

Can someone post Bashirfaggot pics? It's not a /trek/ thread without them.

Got you covered senpai.

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>I really hate that we never got a follow-up to that or that nobody called the Doctor out on how ridiculously weak it was to just delete the program when things got too tough
Low quality bait. They literally tell him to go finish the program when his daughter is about to die.

>finish the program
Your life doesn't end after the death of a loved one. You have to go on and keep living it. Keep living with your wife, keep living with your son, keep living in your house, keep on keeping on.

>They literally tell him to go finish the program when his daughter is about to die.
Except at the end of the episode he deletes the program so he never has to deal with the repercussions of her death. He can just fuck off back to sickbay like it never happened.

Oh you

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The program was only supposed to be a temporary experiment, not a life long endeavor. Are you literally too dumb to keep up with basic plot explained at the start of an episode? Holy shiiiiiit

>they called him out once, this makes it ok
Hologram apologists are the worst

What's the line of dialogue where he says that it's only a temporary experiment?

>DS9 is straight up goofy at so many points and yet none of you want to admit it. Remember when Dukat casually called Kira in the middle of the night to tell Kira he fugged her mom and then Kira goes to orb or whatever in order to travel back in time just to confirm it? DS9 is full of shit like this.

The dark truth no one wants to admit

>only supposed to be a temporary experiment
Yes, I am aware, but it obviously changed and had a much greater effect on the Doctor than originally intended. You don't think that warranted some follow-up?

I imagine Dukat buzzing Kira every night at random times just to remind her.

I fucked your mothers whilst you were slaving away down here, that includes you Kira...
That is all.

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>"May-jore, pleeease, why does this upset you so? I just want to be your friend. And as your friend, we should talk about the things which we have in common. Like Meru."

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From a narrative point of view, I don't really why it warranted a follow up. The episodes completed its theme of the doctor learning to face the good and bad of having a family.

I just watched this episode it was hilarious

>ready to ditch Voyager and his friend because he was getting some attention from total strangers
>put everyone at risk by forcing the captain to bring a sentient bomb on the ship
>literally betrays the ship and reveals a ship's weakness to the bad guy who almost makes the entire ship explode
>writes an holonovel which paints his friends as scum and terrible people
>tortures people multiple times
and he never gets punished
Paris blew up something to save and entire planet and got demoted and forced in prison in total isolation for a month

You're not facing the bad if you ride off into the sunset and never see them again.

Paris was the resident redpilled crew member so of course he got cucked at every opportunity and ended up racemixing.

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To be fair, they were more lenient on the doctor because he was basically just a kid in terms of actual life experience. Janeway even mentioned during Author, Author that he had done things that would have normally warranted severe action but she let it go because he was a hologram that was learning how to become more than just his programming and was bound to make errors in judgment because of his feelings, a human trait.

Also, it was the same deal with 7of9. Janeway gave her a lot of leeway because of her Borg autism.

being punished for the wrong actions is an important part of raising a child

Learning your lesson is the goal. Anyway, you're just doing some inane nitpicking that really doesn't matter.

>learning to face the good and bad
But did he really? By deleting the program he just learned he can skip out when things get tough.

it's not nitpicking, we are talking about putting the entire crew in danger and getting away whit it
with that logic Paris shouldn't have been punished because he was actually right in doing what he did

>btfo so hard they leave the thread

suck my tranny cock
t. bf

>keeps spamming shitposts
>gets ignored
>makes another desperate attempt and start replying to himself to generate more shitposting

>discussing about Voyager is shitposting
>he doesn't agree with me so he is shitposting

>having follow up episodes
Remember that time where they adopted members of the equinox crew? The writers didn't

B'elanna is lowkey the best Voyager character. Best personifies the initial concept of the show and has the only development that actually sticks.

I am fine with this post.

I don't remember Enterprise being anything like SG1.

>rematch generations
>picard's kids generate feels
>tear up
i'm not crying you pussy

Remember that time Geordi was tortured and brainwashed by the Romulans that would have lasting repercussions on his psyche? What was the name of the follow up episode?

not every person is a weak bitch

What ever happened to Dukat's baby that he had with his cultist? What was the follow up episode?


Counselor S-Stacey and Doctor Veronica have been d-d-d-denying us our holo-privileges FOR T-TOO LONG!

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Why not just fuck Counsellor Stacey?
That's what Riker would do.

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Wow I had no idea that there were people this gay in the world. TOS has some genuinely good episodes even for today’s television and didn’t need entire season long arcs to create interesting stories teir is obviously

TNG>DS9>TOS>ENT=VOY>TAS>>>>>>>there are no other Star Trek shows

Movies are
2>6>4>1>3>Beyond>First Contact>5>Star Trek>Nemesis>Generations>Insurrection>literal shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Into Darkness

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lumping the TOS movies, the TNG movies, and the JJ movies all together seems silly. they're all so different from eachother

>watching TNG, trying to avoid too many spoilers
>hear about real shit episodes
>next episode is Sub Rosa
Oh, no.

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You got me there

Whew, lad

>an entire thread without trannies

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They're still here

We haven’t even hit 100 posts yet, they’ll come down

I’m posting in Trek this place has been nothing but retarded for the last year or so, maybe I’ll get a trip, hows “Hawaiian Trip” sound?

Yeah but I didn’t want to make three lists, I just wish that TNG got one really good movie and not one decent flick and three sad first drafts that somehow made it to theatres

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Why are you faggots posting in another lame /trek/ thread when you should be fighting to save Yea Forums?

What’s happenin to b? Everytime I try to go there I end up seeing a video of someone dying so I’m not gonna go there, though I enjoy knowing it’s there I suppose

>wearing that to pick up aliens on risa
What was Trip thinking?
>making starfleets presence known
Was Malcolm a chad?

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They both were in there own ways, trip getting pregnant from a one night stand and Malcolm telling T’pol to her face that he wants a piece of her stinky bum. Chads all around,

Aliens can't resist BHD

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>What was Trip thinking?
That shirt is a pussy magnet.

ill take holodeck episodes over borg kids any day

>what was trip thinking
You have to be seen to be noticed.

>Trip I’ll only cure your risian herpes if you promise to fuck my wife

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Voyager's problems were bad casting to start, and then lazy writing. Janeway would be extremely cautious one episode and aggressively reckless the next (maybe to save someone, or if her morals were challenged enough to ignore the prime directive), depending on which one they needed that episode. It got worse as the seasons continued. The Borg, my God the Borg. They're invincible, they're destroyed, they're killing advanced species, they can't stop inter-dimension aliens... At least seven had tits. The engineer and the pilot love life was abysmal. The doctor (who I liked the actor and most stories) still seemed a little more than recycled Data stories.

I'll still watch it though.

user who just started enterprise and got other anons arguing about the best series in this thread here. Does the doctor in Enterprise ever become less of a twat?

When shit hits the fan in the last 2 seasons.

Not really no, it has some great episodes especially when you see the ones about Andorians and it does some nice single episode adventures it just gets bogged down in peter seasons with an overarching story that’s pretty bad, but most of the space battles were solid

Dude, you suck

People say I get that way when drunk and guess what

I finished TNG and started to watch DS9 and there's a weird feel to it. There's seem to be too much focus on interpersonal relationships and that's constantly interrupting the interesting sci fi stuff. Does that stop at some point or is it like this the entire series? I seriously couldn't give less a shit about Keiko wanting to start a daycare or whatever.

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DS9 is world building and character drama.

Ds9 is less about fantastic sci-fi adventures than other star treks. It is very much a character based show, focusing on a cast of characters with flaws and has a huge cast of recurring guest characters. This is especially evident after the first two seasons.
Something you should notice right off the bat, though is that unlike tng or tos is that there is a lot of conflict among the characters. A lot of then really don't like each other at the start.

Apart from the Borg, the Ferengi, and the D7, people whining about Enterprise are just impatient fucks who didn't see the fourth season.

Season 1 and 2 of Enterprise are great, though.

The Borg are only in Enterprise because of First Contact.
The Ferengi are okay in Enterprise, not really canon breaking.

I'm 7 episodes into season 1 of tos and liking it. Does it get any better or worse from here? Which series are worth watching once I finish this and ds9?

Also at what point does it stop being completely episodic and start having an overarching plot?

>overarching plot

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Hottest girl on any star trek just showed up. Picard allows himself to be cucked. I really love Picard but this time he went too far.

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If the borg were in enterprise, it wouldn't have been a surprise to the Federation later.
First contact with the Ferengi was established as being in TNG.
The D7 battlecruiser from TOS was shown in one of the episodes (possibly the one where Trip gets pregnant) largely unmodified, which is an anachronism.

Season 2 is great. 3 has some good but a whole lot of bad. If you like the Kirk-Spock-McCoy dynamic you’ll like the rest of the show

>wouldnt have been a surprise to the federation
Who says they were?
Classified information, need to know only and they had very limited experience of what the Borg do anyway.
They didn't name themselves either.
>first contact with the ferengi
They were just a random alien species, logged as stupid pirates with big ears.
>d7 battlecruiser
Just a single ship, doesn't mean they had fleets of them.
Could very well be a prototype or just have the same hull.