Why is nobody talking about this spaniard kino?

Why is nobody talking about this spaniard kino?

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Because they are ruining it right now with a third season

because it's trash

It might be good, who the fuck knows.

because the womens are annoying as fuck

Because it's garbage, Alejandro.

cause it's garbage maricon

porque es una puta mierda de copia de Plan Oculto de Clive Owen subnormal


y pastilla roja

because we don't know what the fuck you're talking about

Hearing the spic language makes most burgers angry

>Women ruins everything: The crime soap opera

It's awful and sucks that most people seen to love it.

t. Mutt

Is the 3rd one out already? I'm sure people will talk about it when it does.

Because it's shit. Berlin was the only good thing about it and bringing him back is retarded.

americans can't read subtitles OP

t. no one is going to know what shitty ass, paella gargling garbage of a show unless they live in Spain. Either spit out the name or get the fuck out with your garbage thread.

>Because it's garbage, Alejandro.
unlike chilli and sea bass

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I didn't even know Spain was still around desu, how they been?

pretty good man. startesd getting hotter since summer started but overall its all good.

Today is chill tho
8°c right now

get a job paco

>Bella Ciao xDDD
>"Ay dios mio lets kill those fascists fellow spics!"
i dunno OP

OP me cago en tus muertos maricon como me entere de quien eres te rajo la nuca de un machetazo hijo de puta

why mexicans always hire actors who are whiter than they actually are?

I heard it's considered meh in Spain, is this true? also 3rd season is a bad idea

It's spain not mexico user

hacer el amor

hazmelo fleto

it's chili and sea bass

OP no se pierde ni un día el Hormiguero

All A3media shows are between mediocre and embarrasingly bad, so I didnt bother.
Cocaine Coast aka Fariña is alright

HACED el amor, puto ignorante. Que no sabes ni escribir.

don't ever reply to me again or i'll break your fucking neck, bitch

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Because mexico's caste system still exists

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make me wageslave

what show?


its actually "haz el amor", castellano ruco y obsoleto

>Vosotros haz el amor
Lo que tu digas, muyayo

it looked like a 1 season thing, had decent closure, what the heck do they even do in the 2nd season and why?

dat cash amigo

practicad el coito marranos

Not interested in spic shit. Italians are sexier. Deal with it.

Who's the best girl and why is it Nairobi

it has always been shit and you're retarded if you think otherwise

>tratando de tú a usuarios anónimos en un foro de comida china

because it's fucking garbage