No more trash movies from, Max Landis I guess.
No more trash movies from, Max Landis I guess
But... he had rainbow hair and was a woke liberal...
How could this be?
Literally who on all accounts?
is this new? the last time this type of shit came up about him it turned out all he did was tell some self-pitying and over-dramatic friend to man the fuck up.
Did his dad ever get that whirlybird back to the pad safe and sound?
>I have more to say, and will be doing so anonymously
It's not anonymous if you tell people that it's you, sweetie.
>He did things to me that were awful... just awful... I won't say what they are, but they were AWFUL
This chick realized that if she got into details she'd be another Chloe Dykstra and decided to leave it as vague as possible. So calculating and cynical.
>tfw Max Landis earned so much money from the sale of the Bright intellectual rights (he still retains a percentage of the proceeds) that he'll never have to work again and will live a life of extreme wealth and comfort
Indelible in the hippocampus
I hope he pee'd on them
She doesn't go into detail because she's lying. I'm sure that faggot is a bad person but I don't think it's because of baseless poundmetoo accusations.
This. When people talk in vague terms about abuse and refuse to elaborate, it's pretty much mental illness and their refusal is based on the face that if they did explain, they wouldn't get support or sympathy
it's probably irrational but this is the kind of shit that makes me want to never get in a relationship. piss some grill off real bad and she'll be telling everyone you psychologically abused her and you have no recourse.
Yeah, she's most likely lying. He's a dumb faggot but if she had anything on him she wouldn't be pulling this tentative attention seeking shit. She just knows that a real accusation would lead to false accusation charges against her when the police find she's full of it.
I think a couple boys helped him fly his way back.
wonder what he did
Details are for the police not the public you pathetic incels
Why dont these fucking bitches just come out and say ehat he did, Max id clearly the typical fake male feminist dude bro and has probably done some gross shit but this bitch again just doesn't say nothing. She says Max was mean to me boohoo but doesn't go into details. It could be another Aziz case or he could have legit raped someone.
Probably used his money to trade up to someone hotter if that's her
how the fuck does such a weak filthy little jew have this much emotional power over so many hot women? we would bully the shit out of someone like this in school and theyd retreat to their basements and never emerge.
so vague accusations that will sit in the public consciousness forever no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented are ok? a lie can be halfway around the world while the truth is getting its shoes on and all that
it is a bit irrational but both men and women do this. saw it for myself with my parents and my friends relationships. happens all the fucking time and it's also part of the reason why relationships are pretty uninteresting to me, dealing with that type of shit mentally exhausts me. im probably just bitter but kids and sex just aren't worth it imo.
No, it's not irrational. If you've been through a bad breakup you know how women you thought were cool, rational and ultimately kind can turn into complete maniacs after a relationship ends. Once that happens, you never feel complete security in a relationship again and you never trust the other person completely.
It's even worse if you want to have any kind of public life, because now you also have a bitter ex angry at your success wanting to destroy everything you've achieved.
The fuck does the public have to do with personal matters lol
He also honked a clown horn at some roastie during a press junket or some such event
>He did things to me that were awful... just awful... I won't say what they are, but they were AWFUL
>smash cut to her screaming in ecstasy as Landis pumps a hot load into her
wtf I love Landis now
Max was a male feminist, or pretended to be, he deserves this. He basically changed this public persona in the pst couple years when he become famous. I remember when Chronicle came out he had this frat boy vibe.
He's attractive, rich, and confident
I hate him but still
Atleast this hack is done.
No, I get you. I'm a comedian, writer and youtuber trying to build up a public career here in my country, and I'm consistently paranoid about this shit. I'm not a celebrity by any means, but I'm becoming somewhat well-known in certain circles and I've seen less popular people get accused of shit that destroyed their reputation forever, so I'm always terrified that I might be a target as well.
My reflexive defense mechanism is to just not trust women at all, for anything. I mean ever. If I fuck someone, it always has to be preceded by online interaction, and I save every single conversation. I never just pick up women at bars or events anymore, because without an online interaction beforehand they can control the narrative. When I'm talking to women I also never tell them anything bad, I don't open up about intimate problems, I'm 100% PC, I don't get them near me for work purposes, I don't become friends with them, I'm never alone with women I don't know, I just keep distance. Which sucks I guess, because the thought of picking up tons of women was probably the number #1 reason why I wanted to be in entertainment in the first place, but that's life.
>I'm a comedian, writer and youtuber trying to build up a public career here in my country,
tell us a joke right now
I'll watch one of your videos. It's time for a YouTube Hangout
Which country?
Christ women are so fucking insufferable. Fags really do have it made.
Why did sneed cross the road?
I don't have jokes, on stage I tell stories and do crowd work, I'm trying to be more like Patrice O'Neal and Big Jay Oakerson than a proper joke writer. I never have jokes on Youtube either, it's just me reading about serial killers and true crime and trying to make it funny on the spot.
I'm in South America. I don't want to be specific.
There's no way I'm revealing myself here. 1. I don't want this comment traced back to me because young audiences are super SJW, 2. I don't want to be known as a channer because people here are digitally illiterate and think chans are where nazis and pedophiles get together to plan mass shootings.
Anyway my point is women are garbage
Rob Schneider did these terrible, horrific things to me and I never went public about it until I needed money to support my crack habit. I'll never forgive him for the awful treatment and the unspecified acts of really bad stuff he that he potentially performed on me, stay away from him because he is not a good man.
go on
>he thinks people won't cancel Rob Schneider on principle alone
>I'm in South America. I don't want to be specific.
I never thought youd get metood in South America, except in either:
>Uruguay or Argentina
Which are the only remotely Europe-like countries in Zeitgeist. Given the recent developments in Argentina with abortion and feminism, Im gonna go with Argentina.
Real shame man. Them Argie slags are fucking hot. Stay safe hermano.
>hurr I’m gonna fuck up my YouTube career
Stfu you dumb spic. I bet your “comedy” sucks asshole.
>horrific, inhumane things he did to me
>doesn't name a single thing
Was he a bit mean to her at a party one time or something like that other chick? Weird that people keep saying he's a terrible person but no one actually has any specifics he did.
Brazil has loads of fucking leftist marxist trash being peddled to the youth there, I could definitely believe a leftist in Brazil getting violent over a joke.
he was using it so he could carry on being toxic and abusive like louie ck