I had a really long day and need your comfiest movies to watch while a i smoke a joint, any suggestions?

Attached: ab1.gif (400x400, 24K)

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The Mask

john hughes ferris buellers day off commentary


Simpsons episode 5 season 11

>kekek hey Yea Forums......i'm gonna smoke...a JOINT lmaooooooooooooo i wnana get cOMFY hahaha im gonna get buhlaaaaaaaaaaaaazed see you potheads on the moooon cuz im gonna be in SPACE kekekek xdxdxdxD

Considering it
Seen it
Hmm maybe

anything with Nick Cage

Attached: wild at heart on the road.webm (1280x544, 2.92M)

wish i had a joint right now.
love watching 70's movies while high and eating sushi.

user you’re getting primo movies suggestions and frankly I don’t think you’re being grateful.

Cage's The Wicker Man is pretty damn comfy. It's on my watch agains list for this week

Attached: wicker-man-bar.jpg (1366x561, 94K)

Goofy Movie

Im just waiting for better ones

Half Baked is a good one

Attached: maxresdefault-4.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Attached: MV5BMTIzNTQ0MjI0Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMDg4NTU3._V1_.jpg (485x323, 87K)


bill & ted's comfy adventure


Love it + love "how high" too, sadly saw both about 5 times each

Find your own movie then ya faggot

whats this? wicker man?

yeah the 2006 one. I really enjoyed it

>while a i smoke a joint
proven that smoking weed makes you regress into a retard

go to bed grandpa

lucky you then, you can smoke all you want!

Good Burger