Right wingers can't into comedy

>Right wingers can't into comedy

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This was the bit with the demons talking to Bruce Jenner right? That was funny as fuck, user. You're autistic.

I think the idea is that he's disagreeing with his own green text

Joe Rogan said he has voted Democrat his entire life except for one time when he voted for a Libertarian because they came on his show. He has also said unironically several times that he thinks Obama was the greatest president of all time. And he's raising his wife's mixed black kid. It's pretty funny normaltons consider him an alt right racist.

these are the people bitching about liberal directors, writers, and producers in hollywood


One of the defining aspects of comedy is to look at new society and laugh at them.
Convervatives aren't able to laugh at new things, nobody wants to watch that.

>Joe Rogan is right wing

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Hes been a DUDE WEED 420 BLAZE IT FAGGOT since the 90s

Joe Rogan is a shill, and lefties are not allowed to laugh anymore unless it's to mock Jesus Christ or anything or anyone else that's wholesome and good.

Joe Rogan and American comedians in general are not funny.

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>it took joe rogan years to perfect this bit

That only because they're Nu-Comedians, they aren't supposed to be funny. They're supposed to "make us think" and to be the attack dogs for whomever the media says is a bad man.

Foxworthy is the only funny one and even he hasn't been funny since the 90's

b-but muh hunting and mma!

Americans are never funny, unless it's unintentionally. Donald Trump and Alex Jones are very funny, hilarious in fact, but it's unintentional.

Rogan leans left but didn't drink their weird progressive Kool-Aid.
OP is an ignorant faggot, poorly trying to incite something here.

Joe Rogan isn't right-wing at all. He's center-left on every issue except drugs (where he's far-left) and guns (where he's far-right). Arguably you could throw free speech in there, but I think of that as more of a neutral thing because he's happy with anyone saying anything no matter how crazy it is.

t. Guy who listens to way too many JRE episodes

>And he's raising his wife's mixed black kid.
The "kid" is an adult and was born long before he even met his wife, let alone married her. Joe has been married to his wife for about 10 years and his step-daughter is in her 30s, he's not "raising" her. He has two real daughters with his wife who he's actually raising.

Trump is funny. Jones is cringe and gatekeeperpilled.

Fuck you bud Ron White is goddamn Hilarious and was great on JRE

hey Joe


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>Convervatives aren't able to laugh at new things
Castrating kids, aborting babies after they are born and men in dresses breaking real womens faces in sports always makes me chuckle.

I'm not saying he's perfect or anything. He's a flip-flopping jackass who can't tolerate criticism of weed and challenges his overweight comedian friends to fitness contests that he knows he'll win because he's using steroids. I just think the "wife's black daughter" thing is misleading.

>it's a "joe says over and over again that he is a liberal but then spends 3 hours personally dismantling every progressive talking point with his right wing guests" episode

There it is.

>Joe, talking about a conservative who said something racist against brown people: "He's a provocateur, he's a troll, he's a comedian, it's a joke"
>Joe, talking about a liberal who said something racist about white people: "See, this is the problem with the left..."

>One of the defining aspects of comedy is to look at new society and laugh at them.
No, that's bullshit. Comedy is about making people laugh. That's it. They're not supposed to be some kind of "philosopher", and they're not supposed to be "pointing out social issues", that's just self absorbed bullshit.

>Convervatives aren't
...hired by city Jews in L.A. or NYC.

>Arguably you could throw free speech in there, but I think of that as more of a neutral thing because he's happy with anyone saying anything no matter how crazy it is.
Agreed, I don't think that is something you put on a political spectrum.


underrated. republicans are so fucking cringe

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