Best thing of Gotham, her and Alfred second
Best thing of Gotham, her and Alfred second
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Do you still like her? All fat and butch?
Shame that hollywood scramble her brain.
Why do you blame Hollywood? She blames her mother for being an alcoholic. Why spread shitty rumors based off of hopes instead of reality?
yes, I want to marry her
what wrong with this bitch eyes
How would you cope if she keeps ballooning up.
expected after our first son
fetal alcohol syndrome
why are there no fatwoman pics in this thread
thats a huge bitch
Kill yourself autistic retard
She isn’t even among the top 15 characters
post them please
Completely forgot what she used to look like. Fucking poisoned and brainwashed.
>being dependent on your own self
>trusting a man to have your best interest in heart
didn't some rich fuck said women Independence was invented just for taxing the other half of the population?
i dont know but that makes sense from a kikes perspective
>Look up for her in 2019
>Gained 20kg
>Looks like an used up hag in mid 30s
Jesus Christ
if she had longer hair she'd be slammable
I would, she looks like a granny tho
>Do you still like her? All fat and butch?
There is literally nothing wrong with reverse traps.
am i the only one who thought she was an insufferable turbo cunt half of the time on the show? whenever she talked shit to everybody and everybody just let her do it i just wanted to knock her teeth out. i know their dynamic in the comic and whatever, but it was still painful to see how much of a doormat bruce was and how he barely stood up to all the times she abused his wealth and status to get her ass out of easily avoidable situations with not so much as an apology on her part.
She's fucking hideous and looks like the creature from Splice.
yeah but so was everyone, she was less harmful to the story than most.
like you wouldn't
Jesus christ man, keep it up
yeah, but at least the others got their asses kicked or killed for talking too much shit for too long
Yeah there was no reason whatsoever for Bruce to be in love with her, I was glad he fucked off to Tibet or wherever without even saying goodbye
there is if she gets fat enough that she starts permanently stinking and can't wipe properly
Recasting Ivy was a big mistake!
bidets exist, its amazing land of sharts doesn't accept them
I still would. Unironically and unapologetically.
mckenzie's dick was getting restless, have to feed him a steady stream of new actresses
When you realise she is still under-aged with a body like that.
she's the one girl i want to plow regardless of how fat and ugly. i dont know why. i need to just butt fuck her
The girl that replaced her was more fitting in the last episode. Tho she grew on me since she wa there for so long.
Just let it go Gothampedos. Face it, you lost. Now Swamp Thing got Gotham'd too.
You will lose EVERYTHING you love.
>calling us pedos
what is it?
A tragic young lady who hasn't realised that the real reason why there aren't a lot of overweight dancers isn't because dancing burns a lot of calories and keeps you generally fit, it's actually because nobody wants to see a chubster lurching around to music as if they have grace and form
kino but most of Yea Forums will never admit it because
>REEE capeshit
She dances for joy now, not work.
I see, I understand
But why would you set up your phone to record you dancing in a half-assed way?
if you want to dance then dance but recording it implicitly informs the observer that some amount of planning and preparation has been put in, and if you've put in some planning and preparation then dance properly, don't lie and try to convince me it's off the cuff, it is very clearly ON the cuff
why is someone recording this?
get with the times old man(s), people just have their phones on 24/7. preparation (or at least the appearance of preparation) is death.
But how did the phone get there user
She is perfectly centred in the frame
HOW did the PHONE get to be where it IS
Impressive quints
I've never seen someone so happy to be unemployed AND unemployable.
She has a fat ass
dance....Dance....DANCE!!! Yessssss
this bitch is so fucking retarded
all she does is make dancing videos in the kitchen now, none of them are sexy.
Speak for yourself faggot
She looks like a substitute teacher or a librarian from the midwest.
its an instagram video, this is the new norm.
Big Macs hit this chick pretty hard.
She only got better. Kept the looks, grew humongous tits.
>big ass
she's perfect
Unironically how did they get away with this in current year?
gotham is based and alfred is based
Camren: *turns 18*
Producers: Alright get the latex out
>Swamp Thing got Gotham'd too.
canceled before 1 season, completely unlike gotham's 7 planned
This chick is absolutely disgusting. WTF is your problem, OP?
high test problems
Liking a fat pig that look likes she is a dyke is high test?
Why are we not talking about that brown goddess? She made my dick hurt every single episode, what a fucking succubus
Not a fan of any of her anythings. I did a few webms though.
She's perfect
The söybie meme really messed this place up.
>it's a thread from that autistic sperglord obsessed with this Gotham landwhale
have sex
She got super fucking fat in the last few seasons.
>And not even THICC. Just fat.
anyone got that pic or webm of her ass in the tight suit
you have sex first
her being underage in that thing makes me rock hard
Always got time to make more gotham webms. It's a hassle skipping through looking for ultrafanservice though.
might be a pic then because i remember leaning on her hip
there's a good one where she's climbing a ladder in front of gordon
yeah, don't remember where that is, thought it was ep 01 but didn't see it.
the virgin bruce vs the Stacey Selina
Definitely. It is so go to see Fetal Alcohol Syndrome not played for laughs. Good for them for giving her something to do with her life despite her horrible condition. I'm sure she is glad she doen't have to sit in the corner with all the other Fetal Alcohol Syndrome children.
Nope, that's the older Poison Ivy. Maggie Geha (31).
but mentally she's like 9
She did look a lot younger too tbf. When it first aired my mom thought she was only 18~ 19.
Barb was so kino
there were a lot of bdsm themes in this shit i don't remember so many, shame ffmpeg is shitting its pants on some subtitles.
So, like every other woman then.
I need dom barb to molest sub barb
>BDSM themes in a movie about a man who dresses up in a rubber suit and beats the crap out of people--women included
You don't say...
seriously, fuck dvds and blurays forever. the technology is evil incarnate. not saying stream shit just... not them. not ever them.
but they have better picture quality
they're encoded into the purest feces, they're extremely evil. nobody should ever touch them.
So what's the alternative?
bluray consortium has specific licensing/technical requirements, don't know about alternatives. There aren't any non-cabal alternatives I know of to any of them.
Ah, sort of an anarcho-capitalist sort of thing then. Understood.
its just incredibly common in tech stuff, mpeg organization made sure digital audio was super shitty for decades because it let them keep control over it and mooch licensing fees on hardware. China bootlegging that garbage still perpetuated the terrible standards. Same thing's going on with hdmi, same thing happened with dvd to a lesser extent.
she's living her best life
that girl you THINK she was - wasn't her
haters going to HATE
very true
You're forgetting this qt
Gee Cee Pee Dee intensifies
fuck the poster been doing this since 2014
Professor Pyg was pretty good too.
Loli Ivy was the best.
Nope, best thing of Gotham is Zasz
second best is this thing