Justin bieber is challenging /ourguy/ based Tom Cruise for a fight
is this how you treat fake depression
Tom is a maniac. He would train 18 hours a day.
That's rich coming from a dude who starts to puke when he has to perform in front of teen girls with dripping panties.
Cast Justin Bieber and Dana White in the inevitable adaptation in which Cruise will play himself
What's Justin even been up to recently? It seems like he just faded away the last few years.
Spotted the keanu worshipper redditor
What does keanu have to do with anything?
You are just a gibberish spouting moron.
>wants to beat up a delusional old man
wtf is wrong with this kid
>Man in his prime vs old dude
Woah what a fight that'd be!!
>washed up drugged post wall sóyboy popstar vs old man who trains hard everyday
Tom Cruise would kill him
are they even on the same weight tier. Biebs looks like featherweight and Tom middle weight
What a sad sight. You can't get any dumber than this guy.
Isn't Tom Cruise almost 60..?
Don't get me wrong he'd probably win but what the fuck.
>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
Tom cruise is like 60, Bieber would kick his ass.. you’re delusional
Tom Cruise is not /ourguy/ HE IS NOT
doubt Bieber can even beat a girl up
get lost reddit
Google says hes 56, would still be serving in rome. He can probably hang.
Bieber is a christian and outright supports Trump. Crusie is a scientologist and probably voted for some gay third party candidate like Jill Stein or something.
oh wow, i bet bieber praises jesus while he snorts lines of ketamine and votes for trump, what a based ourguy!
>he thinks Yea Forums is Christian
Bieber is /ourguy/. Go back to >>>/reddit/
>I wanna challenge
So he's not really challenging Tom?
Hello users of Yea Forums/tv/
Tom Cruise here. Should I do it?
Any apolitical actor is right wing