What are your predictions for the sequel
What are your predictions for the sequel
God that film was joyless
I want to ____ that rabbit
the message will be:
take your prescription drugs, children
It was redpilled af
She was right about the superpredators all along. Nature vs nurture, Sack: Nature always wins
God this user is worthless
Fill in the blank user
Im gonna get a new judy plush, a bigger one, and cum all over it again.
putting the horns on someone is the interational symbol of infidelity, like he's fucking a cute foxxy lady on the side
a LOT of doujins
If Judy wasn't in the system and thus "had no resources" then how did she get Nick's tax returns?
Why is judy so cute? I ain't a furry btw
>I ain't a furry
Yes, you are.
No. Never been into anything related to "furries" at all. Saw the movie with my mom and thought Judy was cute, that's all. Like it's like the Jessica rabbit thing, even though she a rabbit she fine. I ain't into it but they just make 'em look hawt.
Yeah, right.
Sarcastic a**hole. Go take a nap.
chicken butt
We ain't doubting you. Stop being so paranoid, man.
This, gonna rub my balls all over her smiling face
There are specific characteristics of facial and cranial geometry that we associate with cuteness, they structure her head that way so that you like her
Interspecies children.
Probably some interracial agenda, where people are upset about their prey/predator relationship.
Shit, because Pixar jumped the gun after Toy Story 3 and Up.
What do you call the act of putting your fingers like that so that it looks someone has horns or whatever?
Bunny ears.
I don't feel so good bros
I want Judy to lean to the side and unload a gigantic, loud fart. Her bubble butt wobbling as it goes on.
You brappers need to be shot on sight, this stuff is disgusting
the sweet sting
But It'll be funny when some user winds up in jail for taking the memes too far
How do you go to jail over something like that?
Doing it in public to a stranger.
Embrace the natural functions of the body, you squeamish bitch
jajaja una vela por favor
judy and the fox try to marry but there are laws prohibiting inter species marriage and they deal with prejudice and fight for the right to marry, serves as a metaphor for interracial relationships
The motherfucking birbs declare war.
Live action starring Anzu.
never ever
God there'll be a sequel? Why?
They'll probably fuck though
More Anzu...
I'm honestly shocked how much hype was around Fox & Rabbit but not as much for other recent Disney film protagonists
Where's her ass?
full knot
Silly bune
Dare I say... more?
Ok I'll need to stop saving these. At first it was cute but now this is entering territory I don't want to enter
I want a few rabbit pellets to fall out while she rips a huge BRAAAAAAAAP
oopsie forgot one
If you're gonna get banned at least post some gud stuff
This thread has ended up exactly how I expected desu
reading this furfag mspaint comic and getting a half-chub on a hot summer evening
these are the days
Read these in rick and morty voices
"aww jeeze nick oh man"
"oh yea its a foxhole morty"
>putting the horns on someone is the interational symbol of infidelity,
Nigga wat
>everyone is horny all the time lol
Weaver has to be the biggest hack in existence
Cucks getting too wrapped up in their weird fetish rules
Pixar had no hand in zootpoia tho
Based and furpilled thread
To be disappointed. The first movie was one of those lightning-in-a-bottle kind of things for me. I doubt the sequel's gonna compare.
It WOULD be kinda cool, since the first movie was Judy mostly being a cop on her own, to see a more fully fledged buddy cop movie between Judy and Nick.
honestly... who cares.
we just want more judy footage.
The Wire Zootpoia style tv show would be better desu
>dude racism but with animals
>lightning in a bottle
this but they get lynched at the end
herbivores are the most bluepilled shits on the planet
>it’s anither furgins samefag spam their own shitty thread episode
Zootropolis is already an abortion, user
>calling this visual masterpiece "spam".
>lightning in a bottle
it's a fucking porn engine
come off it
all the things I want to do to Warwick Davis I want to do to this cartoon rabbit
Welp guess I'm a furfag now
that can be remedied
Weird crossbred abomination children.
tenderly caress
>implying they can even have children.
are you tarded?
>Making bunny ears on someone is the same as squinting your eyes and pretending to be a chink in their world
jesus christ raimi
It's a fictional movie, dude.
Don't come crying to me when there's a brood of orange bunny-foxes running around, setting up Zootopia 3.
>entire third movie is a deformed fabbit massacre
where are the cute little rabbit girls?
this dimension was a disappointment.
Settling for the next best thing I guess
I love when kids movies are unintentionally redpilled, like angry birds with the inmigrants
who on earth would want to fuck warwick davis?
Mrs. Davis, I suppose
I dunno, if Verne Troyer could pull in tail, I'm sure the dude from Willow could do as well.
I wonder how many kids are going to become furry because of this movie
I don't care as long as they receive the real message of the story.
the real message of the story is that Disney executives want children to lust after things that don't exist so they never make anything of themselves
Probably about as many as Robin Hood or Space Jam, or Rescue Rangers. You can't save flurries, they were always going to be degenerates
only the weak ones
I think the biggest problem with the furry community is that there's a big community itself so they have a place where they feel accepted.
I don't mind degenerates as long as they keep their degeneracy in their basements and furries absolutely don't do that.
being part of any community is a bad idea really
This. You somehow always get called on to answer for the weirdest people of whatever group your in.
Reproduce with
I'm here for the bunny gang bang..
more like the ones with good taste.
>your abominable uberlapine offspring will never use their supreme bodies to hunt the inferior races of Zootropolis to extinction
get me a printout of oyster smiling
where are the humans in this world? Is the animal city just a simulation that they're running?
Wtf I'm masturbating to the Zootopias now, give me that sequel with a new animal waifu to do yuri between the bunny and her. Maybe a squirrel. A HOT squirrel with big titties.
Wasnt this supposed to be a trilogy?
now Tayne is what I can get into.
talk to
Who else is into size play. cuz i know that fox is into it.
You're not redpilled. You're a schizophrenic that projects his twisted world views onto childrens cartoons. Get help.
>Manipulates genetics to have crossbreed animals
Right here man
Best I ever had was a 4 foot 10 girl from Hong Kong. Cute af and a virgin, so tight I could barely fit a finger in her, let alone my dick.
I'm 6 foot 3 btw
You guys I am so turned on right now.
Where is the comic where judy wants and abortion?
yaaaa buddy
that wasn't a comic, that actually happened
Fucking adorable, please do more like this based /trash/user
Thats Weaver user, an old drawfag that did a couple of cool quest and a lot of seasonal fandom fanart. Look him up.
Thanks man, I will. I've never considered donating to a Patron before but I have an urgent need for more of this
Why can't i find comfy porn comics / hentai written like this.
it's always rape and stupid cuck shit
tell me there's more, please
>search up this page
>this is on youtube with music for some reason
Because furries are better than weeaboos
terrible fanfiction
I still haven't seen the original. Looks like furbait, and the rabbit gives me an erection, I don't want to become a furfag
More overt propaganda instead of subtle propaganda
Gratuitous rabbit T&A.
It made me feel like a kid again. I liked it
The original script for the movie was horrible. It took so many people telling the pink hair that making a film about a racist dystopian society with animals that hit you over the head with its allegories was horrible before someone finally decided to change it.
I wish it stuck to cop and crook antics. Not hamfisted morality play
I wish the movie didn't drag once they found the panther guy
Because western writers who don't try to copy a hentai ususally come up with a plot and make characters in character
weeb dialog is pretty much "OH ONIISANS DICK IS SO IN ME THIS IS AMAZING!!~!"
FUCK I forgot I had these
How do I find more wholesome dom/sub porn like this? Any time I search "domination" or "bondage" I'm met with degenerate shit like borderline rape and assault. I just want some soft-core playful domination like this
This doesn't look like the prequel to "I will survive" comic
It wasn't a pink hair. It was just a homosexual male leftist
I know this suffering.
Shock collar script would have been kino though
I wonder how will they make Zootopia 2 without adding a romantic angle to it. They were hardly able to resist fucking in the first movie once they met for the first time.
Please tell me you've found a way around it. Do you have literally anything to offer me? I'm erect, but I don't want to jack to furries. Please give me something
Not really
no way that was unintentional. subtle, perhaps
i thought this comic was about explaining half-a presses
Its fucking bizarre dude. Like the first chapter of it is about Nick dumping Judy because she aborted their hybrid abomination without his consent because she though it would hurt her career. That lead to the author getting hounded by feminists at which point they wrote a second chapter where Nick comes crawling back to Judy begging her to take him back but she's a lesbian now and she calls him a piece of shit for being critical of her aborting their child. Its schizo as hell and managed to piss off virtually everyone.
But he sure draws the characters well.