jesus christ almighty this movie is shit
Jesus christ almighty this movie is shit
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No, it's powerful material, powerfully rendered, a moviemaker's tour de force.
A veritable triumph of the will and a testament to the imagination of the human spirit.
i remember downloading this and turning it off after the very first scene. what a meme of a movie, unwatchable.
t. Nazi
have sex
you first, incel
oh no, im a commiebro just like you, i love brown dick in my face and want to remove the penis from every white man in existence. its just not a very good movie
Lose weight you fat fucks.
no thanks
maybe if you clean your room first
commie beauty standards
>clean your room
wash your penis
least i have one
*the shit
And it's still just poor man's Ivanovo Dyetstvo
Yeah, in your ass.
I wonder who could be behind these posts...
>poor man's
explains why you like it
did your discord buddies come up with that one tranny
>Jews promoting a movie that takes the holy victim status from them
nice try fatso
It clearly says
learn to read
It must be amazing to blame absolutely everything on the Jews. You've absolved yourself and the world around you of all responsibility. You've created a closed circuit wherein anything you don't like or can't answer is Jewish and that's reason enough to dismiss it in itself.
Toast burnt? Probably the Jews.
Bad grade on your finals? The Jews strike again.
A girl you like turns you down? You better believe that's the Jews.
Grass slightly too tall? Jews.
Why analyse or even begin to think about anything difficult when you can just blame the Jews?
I am a proud heterosexual male. Now pull that dick out of your ass, thunder thighs.
it portrays everyone as bad you dum dum
>ywn fuck her
I guarantee most NatSocs become the way they are when want to get a girl like pic related but they can’t bc they’re ugly spergs so they get angry and blame it on the jews
Imagine being this much of a plebeian.
Why do NPCs think with their genitals all the time?
Imagine being this easily triggered
The boy from Come and See growing up to be the Stalker (from the 1979 movie) is my headcanon.
Delete this
Literally the definition of incel/white genocide theories
>Taking my meme post this seriously
Topkek, but no jews are the absolute worst offenders among the bourgeoise as they have been historical diaspora middle men since the destruction of the second temple. Worse than anglos. Worse than Germans.
>Tfw castizo and have banged both jew girls and Aryan princess girls before
Stay mad
>A Tour de Force
Also, not a natsoc by any means. Not even white, I just don't like Jews in much the same way Muslims don't like Jews.
Assad ftw , fuck Israel
That's from India in 1943 you tard
I mean it's more about powerful oligarchs deracinating different populations through globalization in order to spur profits through making labor more easily transferable along with other resources.
It's not even just white people who are affected by this , and much of this theory comes from a more left wing analysis. I miss old /pol/ where I could just discuss actual politics and not just shriek at retards all day. Fuck gg for ruining everything
Exactly, there is absolutely nothing in the world that warrants a bad rep for jews. Only positive stuff.
based plot point fortnite mental midget
>it's a bad movie because the nazis were gud bois that dindu nffins
Who actually thinks this way?
Chad's who understand that communists and Jews aren't people anyways
Those are Indians starved by Britain, tard
I don't know who is inceling whom.
>random Slavic peasants deserve to die by the millions because Germans are autistic
You moron at thend you are presented with an image of lil Hitler, as to say we are not inherently evil but circumstances and shit makes us kill 6 gazillion people.
Fast and the Furious 7, now thats a kickass movie.
>Random Slavic peasants
Weren't fed anymore by the Soviets and the Germans mainly just seized goods from jews instead. Also, Croats, Ukranians, and Slovaks loved the Germans for awhile. Croats especially considering the Germans helped them kill Serbs.
It's not that the nazis dindu nuffin, it's just that to deny the Nazis did anything good is a beta mentality
every thread
Nothing you said has anything to do with the Nazi strategy of murdering entire Belarusian villages, women and children included, because the partisans put up resistance in the general area.
Dirlegang did nothing wrong. Fuck commie partisans
Those people deserved to die for being communists and going against the Großdeutsches Reich liberating them, cuck. Pic related is you
based fortnite mental midgets
yeah random slav villagers who are barely aware of anything beyond their village deserve to die le epic troll my guys
>Nazi's had a whole unit of homosexuals led by an openly gay man
I wonder why...
The only shit part is when he doesn't rape the dying nazi babe.
Nazi's were literally brownophiles and trannys to boot
david lynch
"white genocide" is literally "I can't get laid and it's genocide"
anything else is damage control.
>I just that "it's not the Nazis dindu nuffin" it's just that what they did do makes up for their faults
this non sentence has to be written either by a 12 year old or a literal pajeet
why can't you goatfucking creatures go back to your own countries instead of leeching off the first world?
Like I said, it would be nice not having to talk with shit flinging retards every now and then about politics.
Damn you really DABBED in us evil Nazis didn't you? Upvoted!
based fellow castizo. blonde girls love our med looks and latino spiciness
If you want to masturbate to hitler without shitposters/trolls maybe do it on pol or something
Not Arab , not Muslim
Yeah I'm fucking mobile posting like a pleb. I'll fix it.
> It's not that the Nazis dindu nuffin, it's just that what they accomplished makes up for their failures. Like killing every jew in Poland. Based.
There you go
The future is ours, brother
I like how the s oyboy meme was succesful "people" petitioned for it to be filtered and then s oyboys started doing an entire
>N-No you! Campaign
Out of sheer unrelenting butthurt.
Why is it that when Stalin killed millions of innocent Slavic civilians you complain, but when the nazis do the same thing you claims "dindu nuffins"?
It's clearly explained in the film why they deserve to die.
Did you just make that now amidst dumping your Arab meme folder? Kek
I was telling you that the one thing Nazis did wrong was killing slavs tho...
Have sex
be white
You're not supposed to say that, tranny.
las creaturas.....
i'm pretty sure the guy who sold me a piece of shit toaster that broke after a week was jewish