What race is Alita supposed to be?
What race is Alita supposed to be?
100% aryan
dead general
not a general, im genuinely curious if she's supposed to be white or latina
The most powerful race in the world: hapa
where is the alita non cam torrent
probably a fortnite away brotha
None, she's actually a tumor.
I watched this other night. Was expecting cyberpunk adventure. Got a teenage basketball movie wtf?
Rosa is French-Canadian/Peruvian. Alita is a Martian cyborg.
German, Martian colonist, genocidal nazi
I'm not even kidding
What is a good flick about a bunch of autistic faggots who got their general NUKED so hard they are now posting in the /trash/can?
Why does it take so long for a bluray rip to come out?
that scene was kino wtf are you talking about
It wasn't tho
creepy shit
'Get your paws off me, mestizo heathen.'
Asian-German iirc
master race
50% white 25% canadian 25% korean
The motorball scene paled to Speed Racer, but was okay.
>is from the movie
what is your endgame?
is that suppposed to be attractive or cute?
>Alita kicking the nigger and sending him flying wasn't kino
Get the fuck outta my board.
rollerderby is not kino
Cute mainly, but also attractive.
Alita is NOT a tumor baby!
she's actually half jewish, but didn't inherit the nose
How does Alita, a CGI character look more human than the hapa that plays her?
July is gonna be fun
>el goblina de robotica
you have shit taste in women. a fucking dude is more attractive than that bug eyed freak.
That's a videogame
Fortnight is a unit of time.
that was an intensional misspelling for memeing's sake
What meme?
yes that's right. a fucking trap is more attractive then a post wall beaner.
Le healz XXD alita a cute!! Le kissu XXDDD
SUCK my dick you fucking faggots. Your general is deeeeeaaaaad lmao
>you'll never taste a burrito for the first time again
>you have shit taste in women
>a fucking dude is more attractive
Says more about your taste than his you testicle pirate
le ebin robo-dicksucker
So based bro. Really showed them!
Back to the /trash/bin ugly fucking faggot
Hispanic but if she broke a law then she's definitely a white male
oh no no no how embarssining
Ahh damn dude you are so cool for obsessing over a bugeyed shitskin. I would fucking rape you if I had the chance
She so cute!
Holy fucking yikes
Have sex
Come find me ;)
Imagine ragging on people for socializing and having a good time. Youd have to be so sad and pathetic. Luckily nobody here is like that though. Were all friends in a Alita thread.
She looks colombian
Im ragging on you for being extremely cringey and acting like a bunch of bronies actually. You guys are an embarrassment to all of Yea Forums and thats saying alot considering how fucking gay this board is
>Le healz xdddd le frens UwU
Kill yourself retard
The actress herself is castiza and has multiple classification threads up on apricity
I forgot the name of her phenotype so you have to look for yourself
Oh no! Did I just your feeling by making fun of the extremely gay ass shit you faggots used to say in your dead general? Maybe you can cry and hold each other in the/trash/can where you belong stupid fucking brony
>What race is Alita supposed to be?
Sci-fi malignant tumor.
>It's real.
Yeah it's just us trannies who hate a bunch of faggot bronies sperging out over their ugly shitskin waifu and treating/tv/ like a tranny discord. You're a fucking embarrassment m8
Yeah it's just us trannies who hate a bunch of faggot bronies sperging out over their ugly shitskin waifu and treating/tv/ like a tranny discord. Your a fucking embarrassment m8
based reposting brother
Based as fuck
Have sex
Rose the shitskin will never fuck you
why does she eat with her mouth open like a child... oh wait
she metastasized straight to out hears ;3
Based Cameron shitting on ugly autists
She's very cute :3
literally the correct canonical answer
My wife.
Idk if it's posted but all of the.m
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
Who is she? I want to cum on that belly
>in the anime everyone looks like a cartoon
>in the movie only alta looks like a cartoon
Honestly, seek help. You're all mentally ill. I was once in one of your degenerate generals out of curiosity, i swear you're all either hard shills or mentally unstable. I'm a fucking loser, but atleast i'm not an alitaposter
nice forehead
checked and kek'd
She formerly he
>he fell for the 3dpd meme
Formula 1
Have sex
Not with him.
>F1 in current year
>turn left
Bow down to your king
pretty much this. the fun part about the manga was seeing alita be innocent and happy in an environment that screamed danger and decadence. the films misses that completely.
The film did exactly that.
I suggest actually watching the movie next time you want to try and point out supposed flaws.
The film is a snoozefest and not menacning at all
That’s literally the motorball act
It's obvious he didn't even watch the movie and is pulling shit out of his ass, so it's honestly not worth giving him any sort of attention.
>br release July 23
I literally cannot contain my elation, bros
the point is the environment of the movie did not scream violence or decadence at any point. It was all super sanitary and clean. Like a theme park. Like The theme park think they made.
>no hips
>Clearly a man’s face
His race?
high caste poo in loo
Go back to being lonely faggots.
Yeah the lonely faggots are the ones who ARENT obsessing over a big eyed shitskin on Yea Forums
I'm not lonely. I'm surrounded by my brothers trying to keep you off this board.
Have you been tested for autism?
Or Aasimar.
The only good Alita, is a LEWD Alita
what ps1 game is this from
looks like a bong phenotype
go away nambla
Have sex
Go back
go back here you mean discord.gg
ebin bumps in a dead thread friend
if you're here, please respond. I have your favorite treat.
purebred european white.
The shitty cam rip fucked up the visuals and color scheme of the movie.
>judging a movie based on a garbage tier camrip
Maybe because she has no memories and she's never eaten a burrito before and has no concept of social etiquette yet
I'm convinced most of you people have no idea what Rosa actually looks like
>post wall
more Rosa for us.
Excellent post
mios dios, la goblina!
so you're advocating we nuke Japan?
can confirm
Looks like a dude.
You are the only adequate alitard
>looks like a dude
wtf I'm gay now
El chupacabra...
I can think of a few things of hers I'd like to suck
just a quick reminder: alita is NOT cute
thankyou for your time
Casting Rosa made Alita into a Goblina mutt
Alita is also 3d you fucking moron
She has those Pete Davidson butthole eyes
wtf I'm double gay now
3dcg is not the same as 3dpd you ignorant normie,
All these roasties, mad about Rosa getting the part. When it was clearly the best choice.
>page 9 and falling
>not even close to bump limit
Your days of shitting up Yea Forums are over alitafags. Tourists like you aren't wanted around here. Get back in your discord and stay there.
>alitatard calling others retarded
>a movie screen = 3d
You don't even know what 3d is smoothbrain
She must have been a sex slave in her former life and recalls needing to keep her mouth open often probably.
Am I the only one who thought about LEXX reading it?
a rat
war criminal actually
Came here to post this. Glad I didn't have to.
You can still post it though
it won't hurt
This image is less reflective of reality than Alita.
lmao is this the real alita meetup?
yes but that pic is awkward
Her mother
Is Alita genetically identical to her or not
Looks like E.T forgot to phone home.
Yes she must be
yeah but Alita is made of ones and zeroes while 3D women are made from spite and loathing
still havent seen this movie. Why do they take so long with the DVD release
cringe Cameron enabling cryptofurries
nah nigga you gay
Fox being bought by Disney may have messed things up
Alita is a part of her body
I know but is she like a clone or does she have different genes like an apple
End your life
The rope is coming for you.
It was an incurable disease that killed the hosts. Some scientists decided to experiment on the tumors to test if they can gain sentience. None of them developed properly except for Alita. Very weird origin story
It's like Vegetative reproduction
What a mutt
>Since the reproduction is asexual, the newly created organism is a clone and is genetically identical to the parent organism.
What an ugly whore
This kind of retarded drivel is why your general was shoahed and why alita should be banned from Yea Forums like mlp was
Just as akward dumb faggot
"Big eye, bug eye, drug head, shoo fly, don't bother me"
>cute little robo-girl
>voice of a 30yr old spic roastie
what did Jim mean by this?
>Dumb faggot
Stop being so jelouse and edgy user, its not good for your health.
>thinks other fat brownies on four channel are his brothers.
bummer dude.
The race of based
So much hate. Everyone just calm down and remember that Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
Have sex, seek friends.
Have sneed. Aquire chuck
Already chucked and fucked.
Nope, you suck, but don't chuck or fuck.
Learn to spell jealous and literally have sex. It will make you realize how fucking gay obsessing over your ugly waifu is
Why make a robot goblina, when you can just make a robot that looks like a robot?
Have sex. It'll get that teenage angst right out of you.
I know you are playing the 'no u' game with me but there is LITERALLY no way you can be an Alitacel and not a virgin.
that looks like the Daredevil movie.
>when you jerk off to anime so much you start thinking they look "more human"
Cute name you made up there, but I unironically urge you to have sex.
It's the sex I've had that makes me pity you poor virgins. Trust me sex is as great as your Chinese cartoon pornos
What an epic thread. So glad the mods recognize what an on topic and relevant discussion we're having. /incel/ general is the best
Sorry to here you're alitarded. How did it happen? Your mom drop you on your head as a child?
>all that angst
Why are you alitacunts so angry and spiteful? Oh that's right. Your shitalita general got banned. Still bitter about it I see.
Why are these threads allowed on Yea Forums? There is no movie discussion happening in them. Seems like they should be confined to
Have sex
Lel I did last night ask ur mom
mods and Jannies are Russian culture wars shills. They autosage actual threads that attempt to discuss movies and filmmaking so that more identity politics and racialism threads are the only thing that internet addicted virgins have to radicalize out into.
Fucking ugly virgin. Your waifu is a bug eyed shitskin. Kill yourself
have sex
>mods and Jannies are Russian culture wars shills
Oh she's actually really pretty.
Not gorgeous but the kinda of girl that I wouldn't mind waking up to in the morning, and cuddling a little before talking about what we are doing to do this weekend.
Your damn right user.
You little shit. You infiltrated discord? You're infected now.
Please get back on your meds user.
At this point I may just apply to be a janny to get rid of this filth
Exactly the first thought I had.
Actually wanting to become a trannie, fuck me... the absolute state of Yea Forums
Your fucking pathetic. I can't imagine how ugly and autistic you must be to have a folder full of this ugly shitskin.
what happened alita bros? I thought you were going to make it to thread#999 ohnononono pftt ahah