Star Wars 9 Was Being Edited On Set, Says Film’s Editor

>Any film is a massive undertaking to produce, but a Star Wars movie is a tremendous undertaking. Due to the big-budget, spectacle-driven nature of these projects, post-production can take a long time to complete, considering the sheer amount of visual effects shots that need to be rendered before the final picture is locked. Episode IX has been on course for a Christmas 2019 premiere since the fall of 2017 (the film was pushed back after J.J. Abrams took over as director), so the team had to figure out how they were going to get everything done on time. And they found a way to expedite the post-production process

>While speaking at the Script to Screen series at the Carsey-Wolf Center earlier this month (hat tip ComingSoon), Brandon discussed what she did on Star Wars 9. Since the schedule was shorter than what she worked with on The Force Awakens, she had to get creative making up for lost time:

>“When we did The Force Awakens, we started in May and we finished shooting in October, and we were out [the following] Christmas. For this film, we didn’t start until August, so we weren’t done until February shooting – so we have four months less time, and it’s a very big film. So I convinced J.J. to let me cut on the set. He was like, ‘No, we never do that’.”



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Other urls found in this thread:

How long does it really take to get a rough cut of a movie done? Feels like something you could do in a week.

>Thinking Star Wars will still be good

You people have more hope than Luke fucking Skywalker

This is going to be a real shit show.

Everyone is expecting the worst actually

It would be incredible if it flopped, then the MCU alone would be the only thing supporting the entirety of Hollywood

With everything being digital nowadays, this doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. Plus they basically have an unlimited budget so that helps.
Real filmmakers probably think it’s retarded as fuck tho so who knows.

Just hire a couple more third world post production CG effects houses. Problem solved.

Fucking Shyamalan made his own capeshit franchise, too bad he dicked the third movie

You mean Luke «old grumpy nephew attempted murderer» Skywalker? Doesn’t seem to be a hopeful guy to me, he a bleak mf

I can't wait

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anything between rogue one and solo and these guys will be very, very happy.

that said, i doubt, the hype around it is zero.

>Everyone thought Kylo was going to take Rey's place and save her from falling to the darkside.
>Rian wasn't willing to do that because it would be (((problematic)))

This is the guy that put together the kino that was looper. What the fuck went wrong?

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I can't wait to see him finally getting what he deserves. Where's your mystery box now, fuckface?

It takes longer than you might think to edit a feature. Theoretically, a transcoded film would only take a few days at most to get a rough cut, but that's assuming you've already sifted through all the good takes, have well-organized metadata files, and know exactly how to structure the movie (which you should know going in, but with these kinds of tentpole movies that's not always the case). Even then, you almost never use the first cut of the movie for the same reason you don't produce the first draft of a screenplay, so you're constantly recutting the movie. After that, you're applying color grading, speed-ramping, SFX, VFX, leveling audio, applying foley, etc. Rendering all that alone can take between days to weeks on end. Source: working editor.

wow a team of cca 50 editors manages to do things fast. impressive

Wat? Looper is terribly written. When I heared Disney hired Rian to not only fix TFA but also provide a good movie by itself *and* set up events to a proper ending I knew this was going to be shit.

This post seems too professional for Yea Forums random board of memes.

Please leave

Reminder that cutting a bloated blockbuster is as worse as any other production aspect. It takes month. Why? Because everyone has an opinion.

Auteurs like Cameron or Tarantula do it in a couple of weeks. Why? Because they already know their movie before shooting one frame.

>This is the guy that put together the kino that was looper.
You mean the flick that is ok at first but if you try to rewatch is pure garbage.

>and know exactly how to structure the movie (which you should know going in, but with these kinds of tentpole movies that's not always the case)

This is the most crucial part. Nu-Wars is a carefully designed PRODUCT. Not art. So obviously every jew in production is gonna mess with the editing.

Compared to an indie flick shot on 16mm by some stoner who lives with his dad.

>you almost never use the first cut of the movie for the same reason you don't produce the first draft of a screenplay
>you don't produce the first draft of a screenplay
>laughs in manchildren

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>This is the guy that put together the kino that was looper.
There is no saving for you retards.

>S U B V E R T E D

You'd be surprised how many industry professionals lurk here.

It's the TV series meme.
They targeted the movies at people that binge watch tv series and therefore hired le ebin GoT Emila for Solo (say) or le ebin guy that directed le ebin episode of Breaking Bad.
Even the movies are made like tv series episode.
"We will make so many movies they will forget the inconsistencies"> And many retards defend it.

Reminder that the editors on force awakens and episode 9 are a couple of jewesses that worked for JJ Abrams previously. Lucasfilm didn't want them but JJ insisted to give them the job because they're from the tribe and ever since he was hired by Kunthleen he's been pushing his jew friends, it's good and easy money. The editing in TFA is absolutely embarrassing, there's a lot of chopping there's even a shot where Snoke is heard talking before the scene has switched to him.
So this pair of cunts are saying that they are on set editing the movie live and shooting stuff behind green screen just in case. WTF is that?? This film really looks like it will be worse than TLJ. Even "that" movie didn't go through a hellish prodcution it's just that the script was a pile of poop

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Oh whatever, you old manchildren just hate it because he shitted up star wars.

Does this mean the movie is being rushed to shit because the mouse absolutely demands a December 2019 release?

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>there's even a shot where Snoke is heard talking before the scene has switched to him.

That was clearly intentional

No, it's just like TLJ. An assault to logic and reason.

>That was clearly intentional
I know and it's embarrassing because I can't recall when I've seen this sort of editing but I'm sure it wasn't only in crappy TV movies from the 80s!
Did you notice the choppy editing when Kylo ren tortures Rey.?

It was already rushed to shit

It was pushed back when Trevorrow was fired and JJ came back but even with 5 extra months there was no script.

They've started shooting just after a script was done and i doubt that had many revisions and what ones they are are also on set

Why is it always like this? The corporations always jump the gun when they try to re-boot a big money franchise.

>film was pushed back
>so the team had to figure out how they were going to get everything done on time

>you don't produce the first draft of a screenplay

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Shots are already being sent in for compositing so I imagine they already at least have a rough cut

Most movies do this these days but of course tv wouldn't knoe about it because no one here makes movies lmao. What surprises me is isn't this supposed to be shot on film? Don't they have to develop and digitize it first, how can they edit it on set if they shoot on film. Maybe JJ just gave up and jusy went digital

>Last Jedi and Force Awakens did better than Rogue One

why the fuck would you write it all in one of those tiny ones those are such a pain to write in I own one and have used it for practically nothing I'd rather use 6x9 paper

There's no actual script, they've been doing improv on the set. The whole thing is a shit show.


Just saw it last night (being a big fan of
Unbreakable) and I thought it was decent. Not as good as the first two, but i liked that Shyalamabab didn't go full MCU, which was the point of the first two. The twist with the superhero killers was bad, but that was mostly in the way it was executed. Overall 6/10

Shyalamyan is a hack. He's only good movie is 6th sense and it still had flaws, the mother was a fucking miscast. All his other mothers are complete crap. Glass was unbearable with that faggot who alternates between being a woman and a retard. WTF was he thinking it was a pain in the ass. But then again Split was garabge and normies loved it!

*jiggling ay bewbs*

your opinion is shit

TFA rode solely on not being the prequels.
TLJ was massively front loaded due to having the return of Luke.
9 will have neither

I was going to say it sounds like it's going to be shit, but I can't think of any reason why it would not be shit before I heard how rushed the project is. AND THAT'S A GOOD THING!

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How the fuck is Disney allowing STAR WARS to be made without a script?

Are they retarded?

It's an absolute embarrassment that Disney bought Star Wars for four billion shekels and had no plan for making the sequels. Why the hell didn't they just sign JJ to direct all three of them? Why was there no story planned for the three films? Why did they hire a talentless runt like Rian Johnson and let him do whatever he wanted?

Even better, with all the money they have why didn't they at least open the checkbook and bring in a proven and talented director like David Fincher to make the films?

>Edited on set
So it's gonna be an overbloated mess

It's simple in 2012 they bought LFM and Bob Iger said they have 3 years to realease 7 and then 8 and 9 every two years. They gave free reign to KK who isn't a producer, she just married one who credited her on all his movies. For the first time she was producing something on her own. Being a total cunt she tried to inject her ideology in these movies instead of hiring competent writers.

>Why the hell didn't they just sign JJ to direct all three of them?
WOW, the question is why they signed this kike in the first place. the moron couldn't even write one movie, you think he could make 3 of them? What would it be like a reboot shot for shot of ESB and ROTJ except you have lots of wemen and niggers

If I had to guess? They just ran parts of the movie through test audiences, and they absolutely despised a loadbearing part of it that requires a major rework to fix.
Expect 9 to be even more bland than 9

I don't disagree that JJ is a hack but it makes exactly 0 sense for him to direct 1 and 3, why didn't he direct 2?

>why didn't they at least open the checkbook and bring in a proven and talented director like David Fincher to make the films?

Fincher is too cynical and, more importantly, demands creative control

Only Soderbergh does that, and just because he's his own editor, knows exactly what he wants, likes to work in long shots, uses only one camera and only shoots what he needs.

All this really means is that they're less likely to do re-shoots later, since the editor could ask for reshoots while they were still doing regular shoots. They'll write an article about literally anything, and you'll misunderstand it and make a thread, promoting it FOR FREE.

blessed and movie-pilled

>reading comprehension

He was only supposed to direct 1 because he's got an absurdly inflated reputation, can shit out mystery boxes for fans to speculate over and generate free marketing for, but he also can't land an ending to save his life.
Having him direct the last one is a move of absolute desperation, that could only hope to work if someone who knows what they're doing is doing the writing.

So from what im gathering leading to this release the big reason as to why this won't bomb is because people are going to watch this because it's the third film in a trilogy they saw the first two parts of and they may as well see it to the end and the future is going to be on thin ice afterwards. That close?

He reluctantly accepted to make TFA, and it was a poduction disaster, I guess he didn't want to do more. Forcing him into SW was KK and Spielberg's doing, they didn't want anyone else to do it, they wanted to keep SW in the (((family))) because it's a cash cow. They'll move away when SW stops making money and they'll come back if it's profitable again. kind of like Simon Kinberg came back to X-men after the success of 1st Class and DOFP. of course the kike ruined it all, he directed part of Apocalypse and now Dark Phoenix. They'll wait for a goy to fix it again.

This shit has actually been going on for a while now. Lucas did Episode 1 in one draft and Episodes 2 & 3 didn't have a finished script as they began shooting. Writing a story is considered a minor detail now, but Disney takes it to a whole new level. At least George had an idea of where he wanted the story to go, Disney could fucking care less.

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If test audiences don't like it they will reshoot

Pretty much.
It's a flawed assumption, because RoTS actually had a very poor opening due to AoTC giving Star Wars' reputation a mauling. It only did well due to positive word of mouth, which Star Wars simply won't have.
I'm sure it will have its fair share of shills, but that ship sailed with TLJ.

I don't think Rian produced the first draft of the screenplay.

I think you mean
>disney couldn’t care less

Rogue One wasn't actually that good. You might have good feelings about it because the last half hour was decent but there was a LOT of vaguely irritating filler nonsense in that movie.

Pic heavily related

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Imagine being this guy coming to Yea Forums for the first time, thinking other people will know about movies and talk about them as well. Talk about being overqualified. Of course he works as an editor in real life and is qualified for that.

Is it not feasible to have someone who's job it is through the day's takes and have them sort everything into a "Usable" and "Unusable" pile to make the process of editing easier later

I loved Looper sure it was a goofy concept but it was entertaining as hell. Shame TLJ is literally the worst movie ive ever seen.

If Lucas had done this on AotC, we would have been spared Ewan's awful fake wig and beard in all the pickup shots done months after principal photography ended. The worse part was where he tells Anakin, "this weapon is your life". It almost looks like someone in a Ewan McGregor mask.

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after disney so obviously bought bought tickets for captain cunt and super nigger starting to doubt the numbers for the sequels too. i literally dont know a single person whos seen them in real life. they either said they didnt see it or never talked about it

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>How the fuck is Disney allowing STAR WARS to be made without a script?
But it's not?
Do you have autism?

I've filled one of the moleskines he has (it was a gift) and it wasn't a pain for me at all

>promoting it FOR FREE.
Oh yeah imagine the promo they're getting on /tv . Do you think Disney will send us a pass for their new amusement park?

You hit the nail on the head.

If Battle of the Five Armies didn't flop, neither will Ep 9.

Rogue One is the athlete turns up drunk and has to stop halfway through to throw up, but wins anyway simply because his competitors went to the wrong competition and started insulting the judges when they tried to guide them back.

I said less likely, you illiterate fuck. They're talking about pickup shots in this article, not re-writing scenes on the fly. That's what they did on TFA, though.

>i literally dont know a single person whos seen them in real life.

That's because you live inside an echo chamber. It's common.

This movie is gonna be such a monumental failure I can’t wait. There is no coming back from how bad TLJ was and how bad Solo flopped. Literally no one cares anymore. They actually killed Star Wars. It’s so awesome.

Damn handsum tho

Oh man it's going to be a disaster; it's so CGI-laden that everything else has taken a back seat.

Star Wars will never die. Petulant fa/tv/irgins will make sure of that.

Exactly, if Disney did this for an insignificant movie like CM they surely will save 9 from a public disgrace. They'll brag about making $1.5B when in reality they won't make more than $700M

If they did compensate you with tickets, then it wouldn't be FOR FREE, you dense mongoloid.

Severe lack of it, Yea Forums has.

A J-cut for a mysterious character reveal is commonplace. We don't know what the editing challenges were for TFA, I'm not convinced that they are talentless

This won't bomb but the movies after 9 will be a harrowing wake-up call


>and how bad Solo flopped
The others are shit, but Solo is kino, I'm serious.


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>I literally don't know a single person in real life


Not sure what this is referring to, the fact that Gareth Edwards got demoted from his own movie?

You're full of shit. The total lack of impact the new Star Wars movies had is galling. Nobody talks about it except to talk indirectly about how badly the brand is being damaged. Nobody buys the toys, or the video games, or the comics.

A Star Wars movie ALREADY flopped. Even the most pessimistic (or hopeful) of people were thinking "Man Solo might be total shit but it's gonna make half a billion dollars anyway just for being Star Wars." We were wrong, it just legitimately irrevocably tanked. The invincibility is gone.

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>there's even a shot where Snoke is heard talking before the scene has switched to him.
Timing cuts on dialogue is common procedure. You sound like you've seen maybe 5 films in your entire life, so what are you doing on Yea Forums - Television and Film?

If this is true, post a kino grid immédiatement

Reminder that Matt Smith has been cut

It's a mess

>Star Wars will never die.
RIP Star Wars 1976-2005

That explains all the plebs on this board

writing a movie script?

>If they did compensate you with tickets, then it wouldn't be FOR FREE, you dense mongoloid.
If we did it for free in the first place, nothing prevents them for rewarding us, you stupid cunt.
Hey mouseboy, DM me to arrange this.

TLJ didn't have a cliffhanger, though, which reduces the need to see the last one.

>anecdotal evidence
I can't believe a movie that is supposedly successful has numerous occasions of empty theatres, this changes everything.

They don't do test audiences for Star Warses.


Because it can be photographed. And it gives you a flair of mystique in public.
I have had several over the years, but it would never cross my mind to EVER use it for "long" text.

I goddamn guarantee you that you fell for clickbait.

Nah, it's that despite being bad it's still recognisable in theme as a star wars movie, which is why it wins by default.
TFA is a doppleganger wearing the skin of one, TLJ rejected it utterly, and Solo was a clusterfuck that actually came closest after R1

I have one I keep in my car for notes but I always just pull out my phone's notes app instead.

Avatar didn't have any "impact" either, lol.

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Dads gwere I but my gar ad nighd:DDDD

This board is filled with idiots don't bother

His involvement was never even officially confirmed. He is likely in it, but for whatever reason it is supposed to be a secret.

The funniest thing about that graph is that TLJ starts off almost as well as TFA but almost immediately drops as word of mouth spreads.

well i assume a number of them have but are not happy about it and ive been suprised by the type of people (boomer self described "nerds"/bazingas) who straight up said they didnt see it because it looked bad

with any othet movie, good or bad, people like to talk about the movies they see at work and stuff

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its gonna be a dumpster fire and itll be the final nail in the coffin holding the beaten and desecrated body of star wars

After careful consideration, I have conclusively determined that Emilia Clarke is FUCKING CUTE.

>A J-cut for a mysterious character reveal is commonplace
It was totally inapprpriate for a character like Snoke who is supposed to be mysterious and composed, not a buffon who screams so loud you can hear him in a different scene. They suck, that's why they only worked for JJ Abrams and Lucasfilm didn't want them. But these movies are so bad, the editing is the least of the problems.

I know a Transformer fan who didn't see 4 because there was no reason for the Bayverse story to continue after the trilogy.

Yet 4 made like +1 Billion dollars. Don't underestimate general audiences. How many Spiderman fans didn't go see Venom because it looked like absolute dogshit? Yet it was a smash hit, because of dumb retards who will see everything big studios present them.

>I'm not actually a NEET
Sir, I'm going to have ask you and your none-NEET kind to leave

Zoomers barely watch any movies at all for some reason. And the bulk of Yea Forums these days is Zoomers.

>Star Wars is as shit as Avatar now
That's a spirited defense for sure


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Transformers will always have to advantage of big dumb action, which is why capeshit will probably stick around for a bit longer. If they do it well there's always an audience for it.
Star Wars could survive past a trilogy, but so far it's not playing to its strengths, so there's no reason to actually see it. Maybe one final hurrah in for a "at least it's not Kennedy" movie.

That's actually a fair comparison - the Transformers trilogy left people with enough positive feelings to turn out for part 4. And part 4 ended the franchise, Transformers was totally poison from then on out.

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Why would they put a shutter in a hard drive storage facility?
Why would they put the panels for the antenna 100 FEET AWAY from the broadcasting controls?

>implying Cameron isn’t going to swoop in next year and annihilate the box office with Avatar 2.

Its dance with the wolf in space or pocahontas in space .No masterpiece here.

Avatar 2 is going to be the Alice in Wonderland 2 of our generation

Which is a shame because Bumblebee was surprisingly good imho. It leaned a bit too heavily on the inspirations it took from E.T., but Hailee Steinfeld is a qt and the setting was comfy also.

I wouldn't call it kino, but at least it was far more entertaining than Rogue One.

This was the day of the premiere. At the same time that people on twitter and media outlet were claiming it was the second coming of Christ.

0/10 or just trolling

Theoretically you can do it in a week. But a great cut in a week? No chance.

People expecting the movie to be legitimately bad are delusional. JewJew is the definition of safe and competent. Even his worst movie is aggressively mediocre, not a garbage fire.

>pull out my phone's notes app instead.
I hate those things. Virtual typing is not typing, for me. Also, I prefer not to rely on batteries, but good old-fashioned pen and paper. Also, handwriting allows for more reflection.
But again, to each his own.

I think we need a third metric to determine what makes a film successful. You certainly don't need "quality" and all the "hype" in the world doesn't actually guarantee you money, but whatever that mystery element is, Venom had it.

"Crowd pleasing"? Everybody who went in got exactly what they wanted and have been hyped up for ever since the '90s cartoons.

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counter argument:
>blue tits

>t it was far more entertaining than Rogue One.
Understatement of the year. RO can be considered punishment.

>not a buffon who screams so loud you can hear him in a different scene
Sometimes they do this in movies to give a semblance of voice-over. Then you see the character speaking. Are you sure that it was not intentional? It must be one or two sentences long to make sense.

I know this kind of cuts you moron, it was totlly inappropriate in that scene and in a SW film in general. They usually do it when someone is doing a speech to an assembly, not 2 characters arguing. And it's oldfashioned and uncool, but not surprising coming from these old cunts

Oh boy.

I just love how they can't stop from fucking this up. Every time you think, "It can't get worse", they find a way.

This. Don’t know why people can’t see that without the old cast & the nostalgia it just does not hold up as a series. Solo didn’t bomb because of a boycott. It bombed because that’s Star Wars without Jedi’s & Skywalkers. I still can’t believe that they were stupid enough to kill of Luke. I mean that’s their Iron Man, they could have milked 5+ movies out of that. Instead they gave him some scraps & killed him off.

>Avatar 2 is going to be the Alice in Wonderland 2 of our generation
Of this decade, I'd say. You probably were a kid when either of them came out.

>Oh boy.
>I just love how they can't stop from fucking this up. Every time you think, "It can't get worse", they find a way.
Next time they'll do the CGI on set too. And after that, Craft Services will accidentally make it into the films for cross promotion. Then ..

That sounds like it's what JJ's editor was asking to do on episode 9, but no, it's generally not feasible. Typically the director won't know which shot is best/ how much of a shot to use until he sees it in context of the scene. Plus the director has more than enough to do during production that the idea of editing at the same time is like asking a chef to wait tables while he cooks thirty steaks in the back.

Its by far and away the best nu wars movie. And its not even close.

Directors don’t want to do Star Wars. Only some nobody like Johnson would be stupid enough to take it. JJ got away with it because he was able to bring back things from the OT & remade A New Hope. Lucas offered Star Wars to multiple people & they said no. And that’s when they weren’t having to abide by the strict corporate structure Disney puts on directors.

>it's oldfashioned and uncool
You mean like wipe transitions? I think it'd be for the best if you went back to watching capeshit if traditional, old-fashioned editing upsets you that much.

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What computer programs do you use?
Have you ever edited celluloid?

My normie co workers said they hated TLJ

Digital has nothing to do with it it. They're committing to footage, and if anything changes later, they're fucked.

That edit was fine. See Kylo attacking Rey in the jungle for some real bad editing.

He did the same awful wig thing in TPM as well. It’s so noticeably awful.

2/3 of Rogue One is as bad as anything Disney Wars has produced. It’s saved by a decent fight at the end with lots of nostalgic call backs & a 15 second cameo by Vader. That Vader cameo at the end is the smartest thing Disney have done, made people overlook the other 120+ mins of messy story & shallow characters.

Tarantino doesn't edit his own movies, dummy. He hires really talented ones. He worked with Sally Menke until she died - she was a big part of his success. His latest was edited by Fred Raskin, who's edited movies like Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Director =/= editor. Directors work with editors, and some edit, like Cameron, but Tarantino isn't one of them.

They had to kill luke that was a priority from KK. Remember the force is female AND diverse.


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The orginial movies are shot entirely in an old fashioned western like way. Static shots and very few close ups, no shaky cam, no moving cameras. The new movies are shot like any modern blockbusters, and then you have this old fashioned thing in the middle of nowhere. It's like the editors were just playing.

never done celluloid, extremely rare these days. Typically I've had to use Premiere, which is a bit of a double-edged sword; it fries your graphics card but puts out a very professional video.

>i literally dont know a single person
That's why you should leave the house often instead living on your computer browsing a Korean basket weaving forum every day.

You can actually see how much Tarantino relied on Menke because his films without her disappear even further up their own assholes into long pointless digressions

Do you use SFX to mean something other than practical effects where you're from?
Why and how would you be adding these?

Other than that, the little experience I have had been on the "weeks" end of the spectrum, but they've been incredibly small editing/VFX teams.


Has been delated again
2021 my fren

Reluctant, my ass. He was jerking himself off leading up to TFA, because he wanted to build a Falcon so he could take selfies in it.
He lost interest when the fanbase started hissing like a balloon leaking air. He's doing IX for the paycheck, just like he always does.

Focus and actual writing is hard work for autists, I guess. So is reading, because they fall on their fainting couches here if you post more than a sentence.

The story is that he refused because after Star Trek he wanted vacation with his family and there had already been a backlash after Khan, so he said no. But KK sent Spielberg to guilt trip him and his wife was okay. His wife is certainly the greedy type, she knows SW is big money, fuck those vacations we're buying a new house. He's back for a bigger paycheck and to say fuck you to the fans.

Yes, they do. They have on all of them, up through Solo.

It helps that he's aware that unless he makes a real fuck up, most of any backlash will be directed at Johnson. He also knows how not to be a retard on social media and make it worse.

Solo is a spin off

Made even longer by shooting on film meaning lab.

I've never seen anyone post the phrase "fainting couch" without being a massive, unbelievable megafaggot

Avid is the de-facto industry standard. But hey, you tried. If you're claiming Premiere is your go-to editing platform, and you're not lying, you've never been near a feature film, you're in indy land or doing student films.
One of my good friends from college edits professionally at the pro level, and he's never touched Premiere.

This means John Williams wont have enough time AGAIN, and he will deliver more subpar melodies

Doesn't Fincher's crew use premiere?

>focus is hard for autists
>so is reading
If you're going to use that word as an insult at least try it to use it in a context that makes sense

It's a Star Wars movie, you goalpost moving retard. You're wrong, sit down and shut the fuck up.

So was Logan and Deadpool

Uh what?

Tell me, Yea Forums. Is there ANY shred of hope that they will use Duel of Fates for the final battle, or a modernized version of it?
Or at least use the Imperial March as Kylo's theme once he goes full darkness?

Every goddamn good franchise knows that you can tastefully appeal to nostalgia to please your fans. Using those 2 songs would be so easy and so hype, they have NO reason not to do it.. .but they haven't. It's a 20 or so years old franchise and they aren't using the most iconic music? This is their final chance to make something worthwhile.

All the normies will eat it up and say JJ saved the Franchise because of big loud explosions and more Mary Sue shit.

>WOW, the question is why they signed this kike in the first place.
Spielberg told Kennedy to, just like he told her to go with Ehrenreich as Solo.

She was horrible in Solo. Still cute tho

I despise any article ends with "why that's a good thing"

You're right about Avid, and yes, I am in Indy land doing mostly documentary features. We all start somewhere.

I feel like Disney is still trying to erase and ignore the prequels as much as possible and that goes for its music. I remember going to Tomorrowland at Disneyland last year, inside what used to be Innoventions and was turned into the new Star Wars exhibit, and there was barely any prequel stuff in it.

Just loking forward to E;R's review, that's all.

our guy

Well I hate it. Those ancient chantings and imperial space music are synonym with Star Wars for half the planet, and so far I haven't been motivated to go to youtube to listen any of the new music so they did something wrong.
Talking about stuff that people relate with Star Wars... there's also the incredible light saber duels full of backflips and action. Disney too is trying to ignore that side of the prequels, while that's how people see Star Wars.
I mean it even became a sport or something, people buy light sabers and do theatrical fights yet there's nothing like that in the sequels.

About the music... of course, the new movies suck so even if there was good music there aren't any good scenes to relate, but still.

>Box office: 1.127 billion USD

Mauler is much more entertaining desu
the way he goes into such an autistic amount of depth into the tiniest things is just so amazing

He's great to listen to, but E;R keeps my eyes on the video the whole time. Just funnier

JJ wasn't supposed to direct 3. That was supposed to be done by Colin Trevorrow. He was pushed off the project when he wanted Luke to be alive for Episode 9.

I thought Kennedy picked Ehrenreich and then refused to audition anyone else

The dude was literally given the job at a Bat Mitzvah

Yeah, by Spielberg

Are you shitting me? They fired the guy who was trying to CORRECT this mess of a story? Why would they do that, they should be well aware that The Last Jedi was a disaster with no remarkable scenes and both TLJ and TFA have destroyed old well-established characters...
Serioulsy why fire the guy trying to make sense out of it and deliver something good?

And yes I see it's just rumors, but I believe them. Also it's true that he was fired over disagreements over the script, and that usually means the story was really bad.

Yeah we'll just ignore the actor who literally played young Harrison Ford and has already perfected his voice and mannerisms, let's go with the kid from that Bat Mitzvah video

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I wish people wouldn't spoiler things that aren't porn, it's always disappointing.

I heard Herzog edits quickly too.

stop watching porn

>not remaking a movie 6 times before you actually release it

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Can we make bring in less money than SOLO.


Make the entire movie about Kylo killing people and forget the main characters.

blood > talent

why wouldnt you use final draft or something, no way that idiot could keep it all together

>Alice in Wonderland 2
Did this happen? Like a second Tim Burton one? Wtf bros

Sorry, how's this?

Attached: Spanish Inquisition Tits.gif (320x240, 699K)

I did not expect that.

Yep. Burton, Depp and Carter all came back yet somehow it still fell $700 million short of its predecessor.

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doa? for me it's dead already, no way I'm gonna give them a dollar more after tlj

Hence the suspicion that Disney was inflating those numbers.

He was fired before TLJ was out, so they didn't know how the audience would react to it yet.

And there was one time where Trevorrow did a tweet that was kind of a dig at how TLJ disrespected Luke and Hamill responded to it adding a slight at TLJ, himself.

>He was pushed off the project when he wanted Luke to be alive for Episode 9.
Sounds like the Disney execs really wanted our favorite OT characters dead. Fuck.

That seals the rumor then. If he thinks TLJ disrespected Luke, it obviously means he planned to respect him and other characters, which would have been good for us longtime fans.
Screw Disney execs or whoever is deciding the path for the story.

I use them for writing/quick doodles for work projects and also brainstorming DnD story/character ideas. Motherfucker is crazy to write a script in one though.

I think the bigger question is why the fuck the first one scored a billion.

>edited on set


>Disney execs
You misspelled Kennedy. She's wanted to make Leia the star since the OT. Oops.

Guys, I've got a bad feeling about this.

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Have some dignity and don't watch this faggy trash

so she is going to fall to the dark side? thats even more kino

How can you cut non-existent shots of ships flying by and shooting lazers at each other? just use the animatics? use pictures of the story board?

sounds like a shit show

I work on set and this is embarrassing and I can't wait for JJ to kill himself on Dec 25, 2019

>yfw the Ewoks movies are grittier than the new SW tryhardery.

pic related

>wah wah wah

Attached: file.png (2260x3576, 745K)

Looper sucked.

I miss him

Attached: Kyle.jpg (1232x600, 82K)

Because his solution for all that mess was even more retarded? Luke was dead, deal with it, bringing him back was a no sense.

What the fuck did I just read, holy shit. Also, been doing other shit and don't even remember what your contention might have been. But that image, if anything, seems to validate my point of view. Sorta,

Wtf man did you do it by yourself?, I only read the last 2-3 panles with the..
> have sex
wtf man ....why did you bother?

It's a wild ride, eh.

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Somewhere out there, is a Zoomer who was mad enough to create this comic.

If it makes you feel better Bumbblenuts was actually more profitable for Hasbro than The Last Knight by virtue of having a lower budget (regardless of how much Yea Forums likes to say Bee flopped), and that they're gonna go full reboot on the Transformers movies.

Robert Rodriguez edits as he films and he always makes kino.

He doesn't just edit while he films, he composes the soundtrack on his guitar while he's editing because he's a total chad

>Using a moleskine instead of a based yellow legal pad

and this one

Attached: file.png (1128x1432, 228K)

Solo was more enjoyable than all of those
Darth Maul appearance made it worth it

this too

Attached: file.png (1128x4591, 472K)

and lastly

Attached: file.png (1128x1322, 164K)

Disney told them to make three movies and thought that Kathleen Kennedy was capable enough to organize lucasfilm to produce it. Instead they focused on making SJW wapo articles and tweeting instead of organizing/producing the movies. She then decided to make all of the movies at once without even being able to use extended universe stories as a crutch

Rogue One felt like a extended universe novel, which is better than the bad episode of Rebels/Clone Wars level crap that the rest of them felt like

it's funny because even something directed at literal 13 year olds still has better writing than capeshit


>Bethany Costentino as an example in between Bill Gates and Abraham Lincoln
nothing against her but that was a weird choice to make

Saw Gerrara is actually a really interesting character. He's one of the rare morally grey characters in Star Wars who straddles the line between terrorist and freedom fighter.

Unfortunately he didn't really get conveyed very well in Rogue One. I think some scenes showing him back before he lost his mind as he was raising Jane to fight the Empire would have been a major improvement to the film.

Attached: uwing.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

U-Wings are neat, but cool ship does not a Star Wars film make.

No one does

>drawn by Jeff Michael and composed by some tripfag
This is a joke, right?

When Lucas sold the rights it was clear that he expected that they would do the reasonable thing and adapt some of the preexisting novels and other expanded universe media that fans were already familiar with, but no...

However stupid ships can really drag a movie down even further

It helps. The shitty ship and character designs of the new trilogy have been really disappointing. Some cool designs would have at least been icing on a shit cake.

They could have just cut Fractal Sponge a check and let him go to town instead of making garbage like that flying pizza slice at the start of 8.

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Because Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson hated Luke Skywalker and they wanted him dead for good. Kathleen wants the entire Skywalker bloodline to die out except for Leia because feminism (which is why they refused to change her to dying in TLJ and kept her alive in ep 9 despite her actress being dead). The whole message of the movie is LET THE PAST DIE! KILL IT IF YOU HAVE TO!!!

The only reason they put Skywalker’s name on ep 9’s title was to trick retards that Luke may still be alive and to make people think they don’t hate/no longer hate Luke and the Skywalker bloodline. When in reality they still hate Luke and Kylo is going to die. Skywalker will be the name of the new Jedi that Rey teaches (because she is so awesome and perfect) but the name will probably be dropped in later future stories.

White Males aren’t allowed to be cool in Star Wars, user.

>It helps. The shitty ship and character designs of the new trilogy have been really disappointing. Some cool designs would have at least been icing on a shit cake.
Yeah, but even if it looked perfect, the script would ruin it. You really want delicious icing with diarrhea in the center?

This is always so confusing to me. I’ve never read any Star Wars EU, but in my experience with fan creations, particularly official fan creations, is that they are frequently excellent, and draw a devoted audience. Even if you only care about money, it’s so much less effort to adapt something that has already been written.

Then they started reusing rejected Colin Cantwell designs instead of putting any effort in at all

Correcthood and artpilled

There were dozens of Lucas-approved novels made by respected genre writers and Disney had their pick of any of them to do whatever they wanted with, but they just threw a team of people together who weren't even that familiar with Star Wars and assumed they could make something better

You remember which novels would have been adapted, had Disney stuck to the EU timeline, correct?

>Sub 100iq tard doesen't know about 4chanx
Not surprised.

I'd rather much rather the Vong than "spinless republic gets fucked in the ass by an Imperial Remnant that has better tech than the peak of the Empire somehow."

Damn, finally a poster on Yea Forums as knowledgeable as me.

>but they just threw a team of people together who weren't even that familiar with Star Wars and assumed they could make something better
Black wahmin literally destroyed Star Wars.

Must be the saddest joke ever

But user, the whole Vong arc is "spineless Republic gets fucked in the ass by a technophobic alien cult that is immune to the Force somehow".

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I wasn't aware they were considering any of the EU novels in the first place but the Thrawn trilogy makes the most sense

>user despises any article ends with "why that's a good thing"
>Here's why that's a good thing

>Lucas did Episode 1 in one draft
Any source for this? There's a video of Lucas beginning to write Episode 1 years before they even started production.

Pretty much. It could have been a soft reboot in order to explain the main trio's advanced age.

Set it in 30 ABY instead of 10 ABY. Thrawn took his sweet time returning from the Unknown Regions that's all.

And if they really insisted on playing the "new generation rises to occasion" angle they could have simply aged Jacen and Jaina up as well, feature them in supporting roles. They even had a pretty good "strong women" type in Jaina, ready to go.


Solo was not that bad

It's actually amazing just how shit literally all the new ships of the new trilogy look. Like you said, Fractal Sponge's work is top notch. They could have just imported his fucking 3d models of the as yet unseen old EU ships and colored them Edgelord Black and they'd have looked vastly superior to everything we got.

He says he shot 6-8 hours of footage for "Into the Abyss"

Not so fast

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>saying bye to the baby sitter

How dare you say that, I'll have you know that those women's grandmothers personally met Dr. Mengele and they survived over 6,00,000 attempts in the gas chambers of Buchenwald.

Except that George Lucas made a bloated blockbuster and editors turned it into a classic.

>Theoretically, a transcoded film would only take a few days at most to get a rough cut, but that's assuming you've already sifted through all the good takes

That's why Clint Eastwood is one of the GOAT directors.

One take and boom time to move on to another scene.

>that pic
Are all the criticisms that RLM levied against the prequels nothing more than a card castle of lies and half-truths?

Why do all these websites use the exact same headlines?

The EU is a huge amount of baggage and they didn't want to have to restrict their creative freedom by adhering, even if only loosely, to a preexisting canon. Notice how the new movies have done almost no world building at all. There is a reason for that; they want new movies to be able to have complete freedom and not have to worry about contradicting the lore of the setting.

Of course it turns out they didn't have anything up their sleeves capable of matching the quality of the best EU stories, but that doesn't matter to them because they think the brand alone has more than enough power to compensate.

To be fair, The Dark Knight Rises was edited on set too (don't know about the other Batman Nolan movies).

Why don't they do animatics since they are with disney now, since disney main thing was ANIMATION!

>they think the brand alone has more than enough power to compensate.
I wonder if they still think that.

Not that guy but RLM's criticisms are massive pseudo intellectual bullshit. They're smart enough to know that guns kill people but too dumb to point the gun away from themselves before firing. Over half their criticisms expose their inability to understand films Alex Jones can explain in under ten minutes. The prequels aren't some overly deep arthouse films. Yet they can't even do a good job at criticizing it.

>OT song
>PT song
>no ST song
What does this mean?

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Who cares if the fake baby looks like shit

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

I meant SFX as in it being another deliverable for the editing team to ingest and make a composite for, ie chroma keying.

Attached: Satele vs Malgus.webm (854x480, 2.38M)

not to mention
>words words words
He might as well have commissioned some Malay on Fiverr to draw an entire fucking graphic novel series for all the God damned text in those "comics."


That explaing the cunny threads.

They would have been better off casting one of the 1,000 people that Lord and Miller had auditioned and then letting them direct it with creative input from George and a sweaty, cheeto stained nerd that played a lot of Star Wars: Galaxies back in the day. I available at the time, and my sole input would be that the films have not had enough Transdoshan characters in them and lizard men are always cool, except when they are on the Vatican Throne or at Bildeberg meetings.

>So I convinced J.J. to let me cut on the set. He was like, ‘No, we never do that’.”

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Stop shilling yourself E;R you faggot loser

>next year
>he doesnt know

Thats literally the point of the rlm videos.

I appreciated this post.

I thought they were out for attention and money.

if you think IX will be DOA you are clueless. it won't make as much as TFA, but it will make more than TLJ.

They are.

That was the joke.

All the replies to this is gold.

>Looper system is in place to prevent murders being traced back to the mafia, you can easily be identified if you shoot someone
>Bruce Willis' would-be-assassins bring guns and accidentally shoot his wife

Attached: 1560109652945.jpg (480x615, 58K)

>comes to Yea Forums to test market ideas
>gets shit pushed in
And another failure created. A deed well done

Attached: Blur Studios The Old Republic Cinematic.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

>Keep talking about subverting expectations
>Rey is hinted at possibly being on the darkside and making Ren have second thoughts about his choice to serve the darkside
>Infallible hero that can do no wrong, ever
>Ren is evil mcbadguy
>Never changes

surely, they mean they're basically bookmarking desirable takes and timings. with a movie like this the real editing can't happen before all the CGI is done - which is many months after shooting.