Is Me Before You a romcom or a drama
Is Me Before You a romcom or a drama
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Fuck off spammerfag
Im not the spammerfag my dude
I'd say its more romantic drama than romcom but one thing i know for sure is that girl is very CUTE and CHARMING
You sure about that, Satan?
Oh wow you think the main actress is cute aswell? I thought I was the only one
its this but worse
It's pioneering a new genre of cutedram
Cutest psycho!
i aint no psycho
*rolls into thread*
This just in lads, emilia is cute!
lel I love gag reels
No fuck off this is not a romcom people don't die in romcoms man fuck
>long brunette hair coming back
Absolutely based
Extremely redpilled
me on the right
this has been hypothesized investigated and now CONFIRMED!!
>Even fucking buses are trans now
What does it think it is, a train?
god i wish that were me on the right
I think of all the shitty things going on in my life, and then I think, well at least I'm better than the creeper that took this pic.
Very, very cute!
>150 days until elfkino >Paul Feig
>infinite days until trailer trash kino
Is Solo worth watching?
yes it's pretty comfy especially near the end
Isnt Above Suspicion coming out in 9 days
Its better than tlj and r1
Thanks fren
Not if your a star wars fag, then you will probably fall victim of your own autism
>enter your bedroom
>see this
>wat do?
Jump in the middle
How's it going bros?
>tfw just want to see emilia and maul have adventures round the galaxy
Actual spoiler there if you haven't seen solo emilia-frens
Fuck you, I liked it.
Ah yes, i remember this /ecg/ meet up, such a coincidence that Emilia was in the same Starbucks as us.
Me on the right
why did Letterboxd hate this movie?
tell the thot on the right to piss off so i can have a multi hour conversation with the qt on the left about fashion and movies and her hopes and dreams
I actually can somewhat understand why the guy did what he did. I could live without my legs I think but not without arms
>Oi, is this where the gangbang is?
>tfw going to London in a couple of weeks
What do you think my chances are lads?
It's honestly one of the worst things I've ever seen
0% to never
Jesus fucking Christ, how can normal people even compete?
me with the blue coat
kinda glad they didnt put the gangbang rape scene in the movie
Why so many posts about a movie that came out three years ago? Is it one autist spamming?
Don't forget to get the white horse and tell her to hop up
It's gotta be more than 0%, I'll be in the same city at the same time, including some major transport hubs where statistically in more likely to bump into a qt.
Admittedly is probably still less than 1% but it's more chance than the rest of you.
I'll think of you all when I have an emilia gf
2:30 onwards is the pinnacle of filmmaking prove me wrong
Just be yourself bro, it works for me every time
Zero. I've lived there for over twenty years and have never seen Emilia, Maisie, Sophie or anyone famous ever wandering around the streets.