Is Me Before You a romcom or a drama

Is Me Before You a romcom or a drama

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Fuck off spammerfag

Im not the spammerfag my dude

I'd say its more romantic drama than romcom but one thing i know for sure is that girl is very CUTE and CHARMING

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You sure about that, Satan?

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Oh wow you think the main actress is cute aswell? I thought I was the only one

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its this but worse

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It's pioneering a new genre of cutedram

Cutest psycho!

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i aint no psycho

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*rolls into thread*

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This just in lads, emilia is cute!

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lel I love gag reels

No fuck off this is not a romcom people don't die in romcoms man fuck

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>long brunette hair coming back
Absolutely based
Extremely redpilled

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me on the right

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this has been hypothesized investigated and now CONFIRMED!!

>Even fucking buses are trans now

What does it think it is, a train?

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god i wish that were me on the right

I think of all the shitty things going on in my life, and then I think, well at least I'm better than the creeper that took this pic.

Very, very cute!

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>150 days until elfkino >Paul Feig
>infinite days until trailer trash kino

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Is Solo worth watching?

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yes it's pretty comfy especially near the end

Isnt Above Suspicion coming out in 9 days
Its better than tlj and r1

Thanks fren

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Not if your a star wars fag, then you will probably fall victim of your own autism

>enter your bedroom
>see this
>wat do?

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Jump in the middle

How's it going bros?

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>tfw just want to see emilia and maul have adventures round the galaxy

Actual spoiler there if you haven't seen solo emilia-frens

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Fuck you, I liked it.

Ah yes, i remember this /ecg/ meet up, such a coincidence that Emilia was in the same Starbucks as us.
Me on the right

why did Letterboxd hate this movie?

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tell the thot on the right to piss off so i can have a multi hour conversation with the qt on the left about fashion and movies and her hopes and dreams

I actually can somewhat understand why the guy did what he did. I could live without my legs I think but not without arms

>Oi, is this where the gangbang is?

Attached: gangbang.png (1499x783, 2.53M)

>tfw going to London in a couple of weeks

What do you think my chances are lads?

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It's honestly one of the worst things I've ever seen

0% to never

Jesus fucking Christ, how can normal people even compete?

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me with the blue coat
kinda glad they didnt put the gangbang rape scene in the movie

Why so many posts about a movie that came out three years ago? Is it one autist spamming?

Don't forget to get the white horse and tell her to hop up

It's gotta be more than 0%, I'll be in the same city at the same time, including some major transport hubs where statistically in more likely to bump into a qt.

Admittedly is probably still less than 1% but it's more chance than the rest of you.

I'll think of you all when I have an emilia gf

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2:30 onwards is the pinnacle of filmmaking prove me wrong

Just be yourself bro, it works for me every time

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Zero. I've lived there for over twenty years and have never seen Emilia, Maisie, Sophie or anyone famous ever wandering around the streets.