ITT, Movies with a completely unbelievable and unrealistic premise

Pic very much related

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>female beats up all males then saves the world

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I watched this the other day, fast-forwarded most of it, the premise could've been done but with a better cast. Alice Eve doesn't have the range to pull of her character and the guy is a completely unlikable dweeb. If they had cast a better actress and a more lovable loser it could've been kino


That’s it chief.

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Cringe and racistpilled



you suck dude
this is the movie that made me fall in love with alice eve and her multicolored eyes


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Ummm, hello? Yikes department?

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Yeah, she's never a 10.

I can't imagine having absolutely no life, what is it like? Honestly curious

I can't imagine thinking that you'll ever be a woman

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>Weak Jew creature gets Aryan archetype female

Quintessential Heebcore.

buttmad and kikepilled



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I actually love this movie, it's really funny and comfy.

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most nazi's were trannys m8

yeah their entire army were filled with homosexual trannys

Do you creatures ever get bored REEEEing about jews all day?


this but unironically

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Does that make trannies evil or nazis tolerant?

>look at these faggot nazi;s
so is this transphobia from the left?

Whatever you onions addict bitch

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obsessed incel


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He's pulling out the big guns now!

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oy vey

Maybe people will listen to the words of Hitler now that they know how diverse the Nazi party was

He found a treasure trove of cross-dressing nazis in only “hundreds” of WW2 photos? I’ve probably seen “hundreds” of WW2 pics over the course of my life and education and never saw any cross dressing. Was he looking specifically for cross dressing Nazis?

It isn’t unrealistic at all, you’ve never met a woman who is attractive that is fanatically attached to some fucking loser? Women are fucking stupid.

>even trannies hated kikes and their lies
Hmm seems the world would be better off without you jew creatures

what's it like thinking about nothing but jews 24/7?

Reminder that they show this shit to young school children as if it was fact.

Feels good man

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oy vey

wtf I love trannys now

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Notice how all the shills rush to defend their fantasy flick kek

seething tranny

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notice how all the pol trannys try to defend their degenerate lifestyle

I didn't know Yea Forums was so bigoted since most threads are just worshiping attractive men

This is what they look like...

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Is that statistic wrong? About slave owners being jewish? That's weird, every movie I've seen it's some white dude

glad you dont see yourself as white

Why do you struggle with the plural in one of the simplest languages on this planet so much, user?

Do you think I'm the jew? I'm confused. I'm not the one posting men in drag

I didn't deny that she is a 10/10, she's just a terrible actress

It's like that one A. Wyatt Mann meme

It's accurate. And it's why incels are so angsty about jews all the time.

Because they had the ability to make movies about their most unrealistic fantasies

>getting this mad over the fact most nazis were trannys

Attached: Amon Goeth, commandant of the Plaszow camp. Plaszow, Poland, between February 1943 and September 194 (552x370, 46K)

Who's mad?

>still no proof

lots of proof based on this thread, you trannys just REEEE that it's all an evil conspiracy and think nobody notices your degeneracy

So should we hate trannies or love Nazis now?

Wait you think everyone else is REEEing as you rush to spam the same 5 pics that have come from dubious sources at best?

Why are Americans so obsessed with race?

>tfw dating ugly chubby girl when I'd normally be way out of her league
You may mock me initially, but do you know what it feels like to be worshiped? She will do anything I ask of her immediately. Sucks me when told to and she even pays my bills. Just for a small bit of acknowledgement. She even told me she'd forgive me if I cheat but I don't play like that.

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>do you know what it feels like to be worshiped?
It's an extremely lonely feeling and you never feel like you connect with your partner.

With great power comes great responsibility.

>tranny-hating nazis vs. nazi-hating trannies

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yep im thinkin cringe. Brie is based

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Cursed thread

>yep im thinking cringe

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>muh dubious source!!! it's FFAAAAAKE
lmao seething tranny

No argument




Congrats on being an attentionwhore that uses IMDB images!

How tight is her pussy?

She's a 7/10 at best though

I liked this movie. Chad is a state of mind. Good message.

As opposed to having a loving feeling being with some dumb broad that has no independent thought? The only chick I've truly ever connected with was this short and slightly overweight Filipino girl, even if I wasn't initially attracted to her it developed over time and now I have even more discipline to keep myself fit in the hopes she'll talk to me again.

This. The only 10/10 is my wife Sophia Lillis

no I didn't

>"She's a 7/10 at best though"

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I love it when ugly effeminate leftist faggots co-opt memes, in a way it's like they are mocking themselves

but the hot chick isn't a state of mind. kek

Fun Fact; Molly's parents in the movie are actually Alice Eve's irl parents

God I wish I was him

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>Dressing that way in front of her father

Western women truly have no shame or honor

It's based on fact.


They also turned jews into lampshades and soap, also hitler had a micropenis and was secretly gay.

t. seething NEET incel

>getting this mad that most nazis were trannies


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thread got completely derailed

>she is a 10/10

she is a womanlet,user

close to pents

cringe and sexistpilled


She is 5'5", hardly a womanlet