It's over. press F to pay respect.
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>four fucking avengers movie on the top 10 list, as well as one other marvel flick
yeah, it's over
the real question is: will Avatar 2 do it?
it's endgame you idiots
it'll have another run at the theaters in a year for fun, just like Avatar
at the very least they're gonna have IW Endgame double features for fans
fuck no. Unless Cameron actually has been timing the release of the sequel to coincide with the next globaleconomic collapse caused by the United States. He nailed it in 2009 pumping out pro-gook propaganda the year after the US destroyed the economy, and 6 years after the US invaded Iraq as a joke. If it wasn't for foreigners going bananas about about the Anti-American propaganda with the neat gimmick the movie wouldn't have made $2 billion in the gook markets.
>doesnt account for inflation
Gone with the wind is still king
Avatar 2 will probably get into the top 10, perhaps even the top 5. After that, the series' numbers will likely die down.
Yes Avatar, well done, well done. However....
>Infinity war re release with 10 minutes of additional footage
This does put a smile on my face.
adjust it for inflation, bitch
its getting played in theatres for another year atleast
how far do you have to move the goalposts to make 'the second highest grossing film of all time' somehow a bad thing
>Furious 7
>not on the 7th place
>6 of the top 10 movies are Disney
Truly it is over for cinema
Avatar 2 is to be the first movie ever to be in 3D but without glasses.
its going to blow $3 billion out of the water
Avatar made over a billion in Europe and around 500 million in Asia
>gone with the wind
It was also rereleased in theaters in 1940, 1941, 1942, 1947, 1954, 1961, 1967, 1971, 1974, 1989, 1998, 2013 (UK), and 2014.
>surpassed by 57 dollars and 4 cents
Wow, what a feat
Doing a re-release just to beat Avatar is pathetic. Jim's already won.
flop of the century
yeah Europeans were buttmad that about America and the story was built around pandering to that sentiment.
its 57 million dollars, not 57 dollars you massive brainlet.
Avatar is a fucking meme. It's sequel will underperform (nobody I know even cares about it).
It's obviously b&
It flopped
Rerelease endgame and no one will see it
Honestly. Nah. After the 2nd flops they'll probably cancel the fuckload of sequels they have planned.
So? No one would watch Endgame if it is re-released in 10 years.
>cancel the fuckload of sequels
They are filming Avatar 2 and 3 together and 4 and 5 together. Even if 2 underperforms it wouldn't make sense to just not release 3.
If they did some kind of big campaign and rereleased a movie every week or something they'd get a good amount of nerds all jazzed up about it. How much did the Star War special edition rereleases get? When the 5 year olds now are 20 they'd be pretty stoked to go see their childhood moobies in a theater.
And the Infinity War snap is one of the biggest pop culture events in the last decade. People are going to be talking about the "golden age" of capeshit movies that we're leaving for decades.
>pro-gook propaganda
Avatar destroyed Endcringe in White Europe while Endtrash made a LOT more in the United States of Wakanda and China. Avatar is the white man's movie, the other shit is just toy advertising for söys and shitskins
MCU fanbase is loyal and absolutely massive. So if in 10 years the MCU is still satisfying them, a anniversary re release of Endgame would definitely make good money.
It ain't over till the Flat Lady sings.
Not American=Gook. Europeans were the most buttblasted by the US lighting the world on fire. They're the ones that had to cope with the refugee crisis that US chaos created, and all their economies tanked because the US is gambled on housing debt.
>Avatar is the white man's movie,
the protagonist is literally a man broken by "the white man's system" that literally turns into a blue gook. The message of the story is fundamentally a rejection of "the white man's" imperialism. The only other good humans shown in the movie are women and women POC.
Avatar is like the perfect Reddit movie though.
Star Wars despite what 4channel will tell you are beloved film classics that generations of people enjoy
MCU is basically a shittier fast and furious
People forget about the movie as soon as the next one comes out.
The movies MIGHT do okay if they did a special "one night only" release. Otherwise forget it. Rerelease endgame in a year and zero people will go see it
Because there was no dvd or vhs back in those days little zoomie
>culturally relevant
Kek. It's already forgotten boy
>Not American=Gook
You don't expect to keep reading after this dumb shit, do you my shitskin capeshitter friend?
Just add a end credits scene
>t. Reddit trying to deflect
Reddit hates it you mongoloid
and Yea Forums is easily the most reddit board
All of those movies are objectively bad.
>Star Wars despite what 4channel will tell you are beloved film classics that generations of people enjoy
A: it's scifi popcorn schlock and literally always has been.
B: the MCU has out Star Wars'd Star Wars for this decade. GotG is more this generation of kids' Star Wars than the ST is.
>MCU is basically a shittier fast and furious
despite what 4channel will tell you Infinity War and Endgame are this generation's "Luke I am you father." They're the biggest event films in decades. Everyone was talking about them for years. There will be people craving this circlejerk for the rest of their lives, just like kids that saw Star Wars in the 70s.
>People forget about the movie as soon as the next one comes out.
And then public discourse shifts to continuing to talk about MCU movies. Millions of consumers are obsessed about this shit.
>The movies MIGHT do okay if they did a special "one night only" release. Otherwise forget it. Rerelease endgame in a year and zero people will go see it
Why would you rerelease it in a year? Maybe if you rereleased both IW and Endgame, but in 10, 20, 30 years after the capeshit bubble has burst and then there are attempts at revivals and shit it'd probably make enough money to bother.
you open reddit and look at /r/all for 1 minute and these fucking things are still all over the place.
And we're talking about it literally right now. And it's like you're assuming that everyone was still circlejerking about "Luke I am your father" as much a year later as they were when it came out. Doesn't matter if you think something is "forgotten" it occupied hundreds of millions of people's attention for significant amounts of time.
>you open reddit
go back
Been here longer nufaggot website wars cunt. If you literally only get your perception of "reality" from Yea Forums you're in a cult.
>it'll have another run at the theaters in a year for fun, just like Avatar
No it won't. They didn't even rerelease Infinity War before Endgame.
(I know there was like a very very limited rerelease for all the Marvel movies for people to watch them for 24 hours straight in two theaters or whatever; that doesn't count.)
I really wish it would but there's no way. It might do well (even that's questionable) but it won't become one of the highest grossing movies of all time, probably won't even make it into the top 5 of the year.
Avatar was also rereleased. Pretty sure that Endgame's initial run has already beaten Avatar's.
Not that I really care. Gone with the Wind is still actually #1.
>its 57 million dollars, not 57 dollars you massive brainlet.
Adjusted for disinflation it is actually only $57.
this strengthens the argument against GWTD
nice projection invader. Been on Yea Forums since it was a trial board.
Star Wars is on the AFI's top 100 films of a 100 years. Legit critics write about it and it spawned an empire that lasted until Disney turned it into MCU
No one gives a shit about Redditors of the Galaxy as soon as the next film comes out
Not one single kid or man child owns a GotG tee shirt or toy or dresses up like meme lord for Halloween
You have no idea what your talking about. It's fucking embarrassing
Hahaha. It's over dude. MCU has zero cultural impact because the movies are not well made. They are all forgotten about
Harry Potter was more important. N
But what if your remove advertizing?
Yes. First 3D movie you will be able to watch without wearing the shitty glasses. It will break $4b easy and revolutionize all audiovisual media.
Avatar 2 is the most anticipated movie in China and China movie industry is 10x bigger now
>Everyone was talking about them for years.
I don't know where you live buddy but here in the first world everybody was talking about Game of Thrones
If I was a MCU faggot I'd be absolutely seething. Not because you lost but because you all actually thought it was gonnna beat it 100% but it fucking stops 50 million away fucking kek!
Collective capekek suicide when?
Disney owns both so they win in this war no matter what side you're on
>Avatar was also rereleased.
Not in a petty attempt to overtake another movie.
The Mouse owns Avatar too, dumbshit.
>Star Wars is on the AFI's top 100 films of a 100 years.
A list that was made in 2007.
>Legit critics write about it
and there were a lot of legit critics in 1977 that wrote about it too, and a lot of them just saw it as popcorn schlock.
>No one gives a shit about Redditors of the Galaxy as soon as the next film comes out
lol nice meme website nigger.
>Not one single kid or man child owns a GotG tee shirt or toy or dresses up like meme lord for Halloween
Star Lord is one of the most popular cosplays at cons. there were at least 3 adults and a handful of kids dressed like him at a comicon I worked at a few weeks ago. WAY more MCU characters than Star War characters.
>You have no idea what your talking about.
Project less culture wars nigger. What are you 15? Can't see the forrest for the trees? This is the biggest pop culture event for everyone. Every sniveling kid right now is and has been internalizing and adding personal meaning to this shit that is going to reverberate through time. What the fuck else are people going to be nostalgia-bating about the 2010s? This is it. If you were you in 1978 you'd likely be saying the same shit about Star Wars that you are now about this MCU shit.
>It's fucking embarrassing
cry more m800. Learn to cope with being wrong about stuff.
Imagine going to the cinema for such a gimmick. Only murrica.
It shouldn’t even fucking count. It’s the culmination of a 20 movie story, had a shit ton of star power and talent and needed the help of being one of the most popular and culturally relevant franchises of the 20th century. Avatar was an original IP filled with literally whos
that's why it's funny.
>Hahaha. It's over dude.
time doesn't really get to stop. Just keeps burning.
>MCU has zero cultural impact
internet addicted virgins actually believe this
>because the movies are not well made.
yeah they're pretty across-the-board well made. They're certainly not poorly made. That's most of what made them so popular in the first place, they all are at worse just kind of generic and non-offensive. None of them have glaring script and editing issues. Their production standards are all more than solid.
>They are all forgotten about
You keep telling yourself for years.
>Harry Potter was more important.
I'm guessing you're like 24 or something? Were they the big moobies when you were a babby?
It's not over until september, avatarcuck
you are in denial
>the mouse owns avatar
capecucks actually believe this
>yeah they're pretty across-the-board well made. They're certainly not poorly made. That's most of what made them so popular in the first place, they all are at worse just kind of generic and non-offensive. None of them have glaring script and editing issues. Their production standards are all more than solid.
Why are you trying to hard to be a faggot?
name 1 blue person from avatar
Papa Smurf
Because I don't really care about your nigger tribalism fucking cuck. I know more than you about production and filmmaking and film history. The movies aren't "not well made." The reality is that the MCU has been innovating production technology and has had a huge influence on the entire industry. That's just historical fact. Arguing against that is just empty contrarianism and weird meme tribalism for knownothing faggots. It's the most "consistently well made" movie franchise in history by a long shot.
THat dude in the wheelchair
That blue bitch that starts with an n
Sigourney Weaver
The General dude with gray hair
The soldiers who turn into blue people along with the wheelchair dude in the matrix
Every true Yea Forumsanon has a tab of reddit open whenever they browse Yea Forums
>It's the most "consistently well made" movie franchise in history by a long shot.
that's actually true isn't it. They haven't had any X-Men:Origins:Wolverine or Justice League or Fan4tastic tier fuckups.
>extended scenes
>support group gay guy talks more
Look at this mutt. If a white man decides other white men are trash bc theyre easily impressed by mineral trinkets and not by an obviously unique and precious biological system, then he has to make a tough white choice to put lesser white men in their low IQ place. You, however, are a mutt and no amout of voting for trash like Trump will change that.
Look at the mental gymnastics of this shitskin trying to cope with the fact Avatar is not a pro-white movie. It has always been the opposite.
>Look at this mutt.
Why exactly is it ALWAYS Russian shills ITTs?
>If a white man decides other white men are trash bc theyre easily impressed by mineral trinkets and not by an obviously unique and precious biological system, then he has to make a tough white choice to put lesser white men in their low IQ place.
Or are you just schizophrenic? Hard to tell sometimes. What's your IQ Ivan? What are the odds you're dragging the statistical averages down?
>You, however, are a mutt
Yeah I guess. German and English with some French and Scandinavian mixed in there. What are you proud of being inbred? Why is it that you ESL shills think that "mutt" is a meaningful enough insult that it's like the only thing you ever think to say?
Like we get it. You're a cousinfucker. Congratulations on your life I guess. Your shithole existence is so cucked by your nigger governments that the only thing you have left to take "pride" in is that your dad is probably distantly related to your mom.
>and no amout of voting for trash like Trump will change that.
Yeah but it will probably boost ticket sales for Avatar 2 in your gook country. Avatar 1 came after 8 years of the Bush administration lighting everything on fire. Avatar 2 will come either 1 year after the Trump admin ends, or 1 year into the second Trump term. Either way you gooks will be chomping at the bit for some more pro-gook propaganda by then.
And it's beautiful
>So barring a fluke, it should become the biggest movie of all time in unadjusted global grosses either by (ironically) the night the Game of Thrones finale airs or right as Walt Disney’s Aladdin is opening over Memorial Day weekend. Presuming it performs “normally” from here on out in terms of legs and screen loss, it could end up with over/under $3 billion worldwide and around $2.06 billion overseas alone.
inb4 they pull some shit re-releasing it with 30 extra mins of footage
It grossed 598,373 $ this monday.
Now its going to take 1.5-2 days to get past 1 million.
Next week will be worse.
Considered half of avatar's gross was from 3d upcharges is it that unfair?
Don't forget it's still dropping more than infinity War and the daily grosses are lower than IW's a week later
prove it
also prove Endgame doesn't get half the box office from 3D, because here it's like 75% of all screenings
Cope. It will be short of 15-20 million before it's removed from theaters.
>You only made me stronger
It was exaggeration of course considering 3d isn't double the standard ticket price thus it literally can't account for half of all gross, but
>Nearly 81 percent of Avatar's gross is from 3D presentations. Normal 3D accounts for over 64 percent of the gross, while IMAX 3D accounts for more than 16 percent. That leaves the 2D theaters with an over 19 percent share of the gross.
>45% of [Avengers Endgame's] global revenue, came from 3D screenings.
>domestic vs. global
>And the Infinity War snap is one of the biggest pop culture events in the last decade
We knew it was over two weeks ago. It's been pure delusion since then
It's only funny because they were so arrogant about it. All this "spendgame" desperation has also been hilarious
7th Monday
>Infinity War $922,933
>Endgame $598,373
IT'S OVER. You just just come to terms with it
what else is there m8? What are people going to be talking about for most of the 2010s pop culture?
It's hard to find a source, but
>Sunday, April 28, 2019
>Domestically, Avengers: Endgame registered an astonishing per-location average of $75,075 from 4,662 locations; a feat that is made even more impressive than it already is by the film’s 181-minute run time. IMAX grosses were responsible for an estimated $26.5 million (7.6%) of this weekend’s overall gross. Non-IMAX premium large format screens were responsible for 11 percent of this weekend’s overall gross, while 3D shows represented 20 percent of this weekend’s overall gross.
That was opening weekend. 3D ticket sales don't generally don't jump 60% after the first weekend.
Not a single one of these movies is actually "good". Sad.
in 2009 3D was more available in the US than in the rest of the world
nowadays (fake) 3D screenings are more prevalent overseas than in the US
Avengers peaked with Infinity war. Endgame doing good at the boxoffice and being shirty dealt a fatal blow to the MCU. There will never be a chance for Marvel capeshit to reach it's level.
dude hair sex LMAO
Ah bloo bloo
Inception memed it's existence into our minds, DiCaprio getting the oscar, Interstellar's 'love is the answer', maybe Nolan's 'Batman', some Marvel movies leading up to the 'most important moment in pop culture of the 2010's' as you call it, are utterly dogshit, I'd rather get tangled in conspiracy theories about a wedding ring than having to listen someone talk about a 400 hour experience since you can't actually sit and watch the thing unravel. Too much hype train.
top 10.. all the movies are shit
Unironically based John Wick 3 saved Avatar.
Can't find an accurate number for what percent of Avatar tickets were 3D internationally but this makes it sound like it sold more (or at least similarly) 3D tickets internationally than domestically
>[Avatar] raked in a fortune in 3D-ticket surcharges, especially in international markets.
There's also
>“Avatar” came at the height of 3D popularity
>“Avatar” came at the height of 3D popularity
Blushit. 3D was a gimmick before that.
Really, it was Avatar that made 3D (and IMAX) popular.
>four fucking avengers movie on the top 10 list
Why is this happening to us?
>Capefaggots still crying about 3D
>Ignoring that the Chinese market has grown massively over the last 10 years
>Ignoring that Avatar still sold more tickets regardless
I knew they were dumb for liking capeshit in the first place but this is just embarrassing
Inflation. Take solace in the fact that they will all be knocked off eventually and when you adjust for inflation they wont be anywhere near the top 10
I didn't like Avatar 1, but I'm going to buy a ticket for 2 just to make based Cameron some money.
Just found it. Don't know how I missed it.
>Avatar's 3D presentations have accounted for 72 percent or $1.35 billion of its total gross. Breaking that down, 3D's domestic share is 80 percent, and its foreign share is 69 percent. That's far and away the biggest 3D gross ever, and Avatar's effectively most people's first sampling of the new-fangled 3D technology.
This means:
>72% total 3D
>80% domestic 3D
>45% total 3D
>20% domestic 3D
all this is a moot point when Endgame can't beat Avatar even without adjusting for inflation, while a 3D ticket in 2009 cost $10 and now it costs $20
>Inception memed it's existence into our minds,
>DiCaprio getting the oscar,
who the fuck cares about that in the long run? When you think of like 70s pop culture you're not thinking about which actors won oscars.
>Interstellar's 'love is the answer',
ok so you think that people are going to be talking about how Interstellar was disappointing and how they "grew up with Interstellar?"
>maybe Nolan's 'Batman'
of course Nolan's Batman, but the only one in the trilogy from the 2010s is TDKR
>some Marvel movies leading up to the 'most important moment in pop culture of the 2010's'
I didn't say important you uppity nigger. I said biggest. Most impactful to the largest group of people. Influenced the most people's lives.
>are utterly dogshit,
You're just a contrarian retard my dude.
> I'd rather get tangled in conspiracy theories about a wedding ring
idk wtf you're even talking about. I don't care about your feelings. What you'd "rather" do doesn't change the course of events.
>Too much hype train.
You're fucking retarded. What do you think Star Wars was? What do you think Avatar was? It was just mass consumer hysteria over an entertainment product that everyone remembers because it influenced all of society. You don't have to have seen Endgame to be aware of things like "fat thor" and "love you 3000" and all these other memes that normies are reciting and talking about.
> Liiterally every single of the top 30 grossing movies of all time are sequels
> except for the two last movies James Cameron made, both of which are at the very top
It's insane how successful this guy is. It's a huge shame something messed with his brain after making Avatar 1.
>>Avatar's 3D presentations have accounted for 72 percent or $1.35 billion of its total gross
That was when it was still at 1.875b, playing in 3D
It still made another 900 million after that, and it stopped playing in 3D for contratual reasons (other movies had to be played in 3D, which was one of the reasons James Cameron wanted to re-release the movie, to give more people the chance to watch it in 3D)
2010 whatever. We're 9 years out and "nobody remembers" or talks about spinning tops.
Avatar didn't have to compete with Netflix or access to $200 55" 4K TVs. The quality of entertainment viewing and access to quality home viewing has exploded in 10 years while the theater viewing experience has largely stagnated and only gotten more expensive.
>it stopped playing in 3D
When? Source?
Avatar gets better on rewatches
If you like jumbo, you should like the movie
I like to see every movie he makes as a terminator
You may not care much for the exterior (blue people, dialogue, tree hugger themes) but inside there's always a beautifully engineered machine, a perfectly crafted blockbuster destined to make billions
Perfectly shot/staged action, perfect pacing / editing, high attention to detail, great score perfectly utilized etc.
Dollar's value was really low that year tbqh
>Avatar gets better on rewatches
it doesn't though. The story is just paint by numbers, there's no comfy humor really, there's a ton of boring circlejerk parts, rewatching the cgi cartoon action isn't really worth the time investment. Other than watching a 10 year old VFX reel what's the point?
I don't need 10 more minutes of footage in a 3 hour movie.
>stealing the original where Patrick is Endgame, Spongebob is Avatar, and the top is the reminder of Avatar’s dishonest grossing
Typical Avacuck.
If Avatar was supposed to be anti-American than why did Cameron make the "villains" far more likable than the protagonists
Kek, very nice
>If Avatar was supposed to be anti-American
It literally is.
>than why did Cameron make the "villains" far more likable than the protagonists
he didn't? Scarhead guy was just a cliche armyman dick and Giobani Ribosi was just generic business dick.
And like yeah they get some of the better lines in the script, but they're competing with "boring unoffensive protagonist," "autistic gook smurfs with no sense of humor," "badass no-nonsense stronk woman of color," and "Sigourney Weaver."
They are likeable to Americans, who see them as doing nothing wrong.
Its not that complicated.
Only Cameron can beat Cameron. Can you imagine the beauty of you see Avatar and Avatar 2 at the top of the box office list?
>capeshits SEETHING
This pleases alita
>It literally is.
It isn't so much "anti-american" as it is a very shallow critique of large companies and the military from the typical hippie perspective.
>Scarhead guy was just a cliche armyman dick
Quaritch and Selfridge were the only ones who treated Sully with respect, even after he utterly failed at getting the navi to move.
How much money did IW make the weekend that Ant Man 2 came out? Apply that the Spider-Man Far From Home release July 4th weekend.
Because you don't push for the SEC to investigate disney.
Also the single mom culture has taken off, and don't you beat my autistic child. So autism runs rampant.
Mom's read that soi calms these kids down instead of an ass beating, and now you have a giant onion audience
You sound gay.
the big bad is literally standing in front of a USA-but-future flag.The entire plot is about them invading a foreign society for resources at a time when popular opinion was turning against the Iraq war "for oil."
>as it is a very shallow critique of large companies and the military from the typical hippie perspective.
Yeah they have armyman and the have businessman. DAE military industrial complex??
>Quaritch and Selfridge were the only ones who treated Sully with respect, even after he utterly failed at getting the navi to move.
Yeah Cameron is still an American. He's not going to make the American antagonists cartoonishly evil like he does when they're arabs lol. If the stereotypes for American industry were offensive it'd have triggered Americans and the movie would have made less money. He got the best of both worlds by pandering to "foreign markets" without alienating the domestic one.
It was the 6th of July and it didn't see a bump. IW dropped another 46% from the last weekend. CM got a bump because people were tricked into thinking she would be important
Keep following the narrative that we set out goyim, oh don't look into who owns the critic sites, just repeat their opinions, you do well sheska.
Now I will deposit $1 disney dollar into your ince-- I mean bank account
easily make 57 dollars before then
Captain Marvel was also making 8M two weeks before the bump, and simply kept that number for 2 weeks more
Endgame will be making 700k, and a solo movie won't have the same effect on an Avengers movie as it does the other way around
Avatar had exactly one compelling character and it was the mercenary Colonel Quaritch. Fuck a sequel, I want a spin off movie in universe of that guy fighting in Venezuela, I hear that was some mean bush.
Avatar is the most successful cyberpunk movie
>Keep following the narrative that we set out goyim
do you ever wonder about how you reflexively flee to your imagination and attack that instead of just not being a degenerate commie faggot?
>oh don't look into who owns the critic sites
Doesn't Time Warner own RT? And RT is just a review aggregator. If there's some vast conspiracy to give positive reviews to some things why would something like BvS get a 27% on a website owned by the same people?
>just repeat their opinions,
But this is literally what you're doing. You're literally just parroting the "well you're a jew" nuspeak for no-argument niggers.
And nothing you're responding to has anything to do with review websites. Justice League and Fan4tastic are both historically "bad" by pretty much every measurable standard. They have glaring continuity problems and structural issues caused by reshoots and everything else. You don't need to look at "critic sites" to be able to identify that those movies were shit.
>Now I will deposit $1 disney dollar into your ince-- I mean bank account
I don't get it. Into my "incel?" What does that mean? Is this an ESL attempt at a meme using words you don't really understand?
>556 digits
The /k/ube has blessed my post. But who would direct it? My first pick would be John Milius, but he is unfortunately not an option.
>Cameron is an American
He's a leaf
coping this hard and have to bring in 4k tv's into the mix.
Abatap had to compete with a failing economy and obongo being reigned in.
Not only that, but the video game market was at it's peak quality on multiple fronts.
Don't move the goal post it will fuck you in the end
>canada isn't in North America
Rt is owned by fandango which has been owned by comcast since 2016.
no shit those movies were bad they were marvelised without the marvel label, that don't fly.
The joke flew past your head, cause your too butt flustered to focus.
It's okay, you can enjoy your soi latte at the new guardians of the galaxy ride and visit nu-wars galaxy edge afterwards
>white europe
I too remember the pre 2010s
>video game market was at it's peak quality on multiple fronts
The video game market is stronger today than it was in 2010, especially in terms of PC and mobile
Premise based on nothing
>Rt is owned by fandango which has been owned by comcast since 2016.
aka not disney
>no shit those movies were bad they were marvelised without the marvel label, that don't fly.
no they were bad because they were poorly produced messes that failed to do what movies do. They were almost unwatchable. It has nothing to do with "labels" the movies were fucking disasters. They just knowingly released trash because they ran out of time.
>The joke flew past your head, cause your too butt flustered to focus.
What joke? You said incel? Whatabouted to talking about review sites? Do you even watch these movies or just culture warrior shill about them?
>It's okay, you can enjoy your soi latte
reminder that the explosion in soi messaging strategy over the last 2 years has been actively boosted by subversive political marketing companies shilling for Trump, to keep people agitated against the very concept of soi so they wouldn't care when he tanked the soi industry with his autistic tariffs. You're literally an NPC. Escape your cult shill.
>at the new guardians of the galaxy ride and visit nu-wars galaxy edge afterwards
so your argument is that "the mcu isn't going to be seen as the biggest culturally or historically significant part of pop culture that people think about when they they think about the 2010s," and then you mock the concept that MCU-related shit is everywhere? Are you retarded?
Bluray isn't released until August. It still has time.
>the real question is: will Avatar 2 do it?
Depends on how hyped it is and what the reaction to the trailers are.
If Cameron is smart (and he is) he's should be working on the trailers as much as the movie.
>implying they're going to cancel 3-5 when they're already filming them.
>So? No one would watch Endgame if it is re-released in 10 years.
-Improved D-Box seats
-3D without glasses
-8k resolution, 60+ fps
-extra scenes added in
they could do it.
too ez
Why did anons on here actually want avatar to get beat? Disney is the fucking worst. It’s like rooting for Hitler in a timeline where Hitler is letting all the Jews into Germany.
>Why did anons on here actually want avatar to get beat?
Because it's confirmation (in their minds) that Avatar is a horrible movie.
>too ez
I'm just trying to sound busy m8 I'll have no idea when you've killed yourself. Nothing like getting so btfo that you just retreat to "haha got you!" "forced you to interact with a malignant know-nothing nigger like me egg on your face."
Post pics of your tits.
Even when it came out, my former 17 year old self said it was by no means a “good movie.” It was just enjoyable enough, but the 3D IMAX experience was seriously otherworldly. It was like spending 2 hours in super immersive VR. It actually made me want to see more movies in IMAX but nothing has held a candle to avatar since.
The Head of Security blowing shit up for 2 hours would be pretty kino for sure
>Even when it came out, my former 17 year old self said it was by no means a “good movie.”
It's good. It's not great. But generally people just want to hate it because its super successful.
>but the 3D IMAX experience was seriously otherworldly. It was like spending 2 hours in super immersive VR. It actually made me want to see more movies in IMAX but nothing has held a candle to avatar since.
Avatar in IMAX was indeed an amazing experience. It was like watching another movie. Wish I saw Avatar in IMAX the first time instead of third time through. Won't make that mistake next time.
Well he's going to be in the sequel(s) so maybe you'll get your wish.
saying something you don't like has zero cultural impact when it so clearly does is so embarrassing
turns out being a surface level contrarian doesn't get you any friends to help you cope, huh
and he invoked Harry Potter hahaha
Trying to sound busy, doesn't make you sound smart dude.
You get butt flustered this easily when some stranger doesn't agree with you.
Yes owned by a competing ISP, so now they are trying to make good with disney.
Sorry your small brain can't fathom a bigger picture outside of capeshit dude.
Consider to kys so that your parents may finally get some happiness out of the lack of investment from you.
Caring that much about the soi industry, that's a major yikes dude, and giveaway from you.
>Trying to sound busy, doesn't make you sound smart dude.
Well you're reading so I "sound" like the voice in your head.
>You get butt flustered this easily when some stranger doesn't agree with you.
Byt I don't though. I'm just replying to things. You're the one lashing out and talking about talking because you don't have an argument that you're willing or capable of talking about.
>Yes owned by a competing ISP, so now they are trying to make good with disney
So RT is shilling for Disney by aggregating hundreds of reviews from every major publication in magical ways that make Disney movies look better, because Comcast wants Disney to like them?
>Sorry your small brain can't fathom a bigger picture outside of capeshit dude.
How are you not projecting? You think there's some broad conspiracy to make critical reviews of entertainment media look better than it is, but only when it's things you don't like.
>Consider to kys
Reminder that you are unambiguously going to kill yourself in this decade
>so that your parents may finally get some happiness out of the lack of investment from you.
you're kind of parroting the shit I always say, except it's been run through your ESL shitfilter. Learn how to communicate in this language gook.
>Caring that much about the soi industry,
Yeah the success of industries is what the west is built on. The failure of industries is bad. The government having to bail out those industries, which it did, is bad.
> that's a major yikes dude,
I like how you're such an NPC that you unironically highlight why soiboi was turned into nuspeak in the first place. It's been turned into such a no-no meme for that you're happy to see the industry collapse. Thank you for demonstrating how cults work.