Started watching Historical Roasts on Netflix last night...

Started watching Historical Roasts on Netflix last night. I should have known better than to watch a Netflix Original and not expect liberal propaganda, but I was blown away by how blatant it was, to the point where I'm convinced the show only exists for propaganda purposes and only selected its historical figures based on what liberal talking points it could attach to them.

Episode 1, Abe Lincoln. Takes a few jabs at Trump and encourages the viewers to vote against him next election, then sassy Harriet Tubman comes on stage to remind everyone how she was the real hero and just spoke about herself like the writers forgot or didn't care that this was supposed to be "a roast of Abe Lincoln."

Episode 2, Freddie Mercury. Starts out much funnier than the Abe Lincoln episode, but towards the end it becomes clear that they chose Freddie to push an LGBTQ message and the last quarter of the roast turns into just telling the audience to be gay and embrace promiscuous sex, have no kids, and avoid any sort of stability or responsibility to instead "do whatever makes you happy"

Episode 3 was Anne Frank, and I had to stop the episode at the very beginning because he ended his intro by mentioning that "many genocides are happening today, like the denial of refugees and asylum seekers who just want a better life." After hearing him compare immigration laws to the holocaust, I was done with the show.

This morning I looked up who the other episodes are about. Martin Luther King Jr, Cleopatra, and Muhammed Ali. I can guess what MLK and Muhammed Ali's roasts highlight, but I was curious about Cleopatra, so I opened that episode just to check.

Less than a minute in, Jeff Ross starts saying "the history books don't talk enough about the many strong, powerful women" and I turned the show off again.

I thought it would be something like Epic Rap Battles of History in roast form, but it was just liberal brainwashing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>watching Netflix

there's your problem

How is this fat bald fuck getting more jobs?

>I thought it would be something like Epic Rap Battles of History in roast form

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>watched not one, not two but THREE episodes of a Netflix Original

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>History is liberal brainwashing no
>Stopped Anne Frank episode before Gilbert Gottfried as Hitler

OP is a total snowflake. How fucking embarrassing.

In some ways it's useful because it helps you filter crappy shows/movies. The netflix label means "gay hiv positive cum shooting at you from the screen" - so you can save time and avoid it. Regardless of the premise or the genre, it's going to be 80% blatant propaganda, 20% story.

In fact, I'm starting to more and more seek out stuff produced by non-English speaking countries. There is still some pozz in there but it's way dialed down.

>>History is liberal brainwashing no
Are you having a stroke?

Really just 2. Like I said, I stopped at the beginning of Episode 3.

Episode 1 was more cringey than preachy, so I suffered through it to see if the show got better. Episode 2 was actually funny until they exploded at the end with LGBTQ stuff.

Dunno why you're so upset about it. You can't help it. None of us can. People who still deny existence of extreme left agenda in media are either clinically retarded or lie as they gain something from it whether it's work, normalisation of their degeneracy, ego boost or sex from their gender studying girlfriend. There is no debate to be had, no minds to change. That's why American politics are so extreme and divided, all that's left are people who gain or lose on the current push for progressiveness. Your only choice is to be consumed by hatred or avoid the pointless anger and disappointment that you will inevitably face when watching Netflix.

I found this one foreign flick called PLA-045, vurry vurry good.

Oh look, another lefty who doesn't understand what a "snowflake" is.

everytime you watch netflix a jew takes a dump on your soul

I'd ask "What did you expect," but you willingly chose to watch this garbage knowing full well exactly what it would be.

user, I...

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It's not "history" that's brainwashing, it's the show's selection of specific people solely for the purpose of linking them to a political message that they can then preach while dropping the pretense of the show being a "roast"

shut-up, incel.

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OP you are unironically a fucking cancer on this world.

1. You should have known it was garbage propaganda from the start. The fact you chose to watch not 1 but at least 3 fucking episodes is pathetic.

2. Then you come here to bitch about the smell of the shit you willingly wallow in.

You're both a dummy and a bitch.

>After hearing him compare immigration laws to the holocaust, I was done with the show.

The US literally refused to let in a boat full of Jewish refugees escaping persecution from Germany during WW2, you ignorant retard.

I'm so happy I'm a monogamous gay. I hate liberals and don't have to have anything to do with a woman. Finding other gays who aren't sluts is hard though.

But you're still going to pay for Netflix and watch this shit so shut the hell up.
I unsubscribed around the Bill Nye era.

Not letting in not loads of Jews isn’t the same as wanting to turn away welfare seeking criminals flooding the border to give Democrats votes and billionaires labor. Oh no, how dare we protect ourselves.

>It's not a roast despite them making jokes because I get offended by politics!

The show really should have had a trigger warning that it's not for thin skinned alt-righters.

And that’s a good thing!

I'm curious for anyone who's watched this, do they play up the "Cleopatra as an African woman/WoC" angle?

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>abandons all pretense of morality when proven wrong
Lmao, what a fag.

Denying entry from refugees back then is the same as denying refugees entry today. It's immoral and cruel, yet all you care about it being smarmy bigot.

It's not a roast because most of the time they just delivered monologues about themselves and what progressive thing they did, rather than... ROAST... the ROASTEE.

Mutts amuse me.

So it's the same shit as a typical roast.

No, actually, quite the opposite. Typically during a roast, a guest would come up to the mic and begin roasting the person, talking about things in their past that they aren't proud of, not praise the roastee or just ignore them altogether to talk about their own accomplishments.

>facts are liberal propaganda

>monogamous gay
No such thing, sad LARP

And what about the well being of our own citizens? How is it more cruel to deny entry to people we don't know while our very own people are living miserably under poverty or worse, homelessness? Why do liberals conveniently ignore all these people? Are they not considered people? Is that not immoral and cruel?

Cuck. Don't even @ me, I know what weasel arguments you'll use.


>thin skinned alt-righters.
what would happen if the show had a right-wing, politically incorrect spin? Oh, that's right, if it didn't get shutdown as it was being produced, it'd get banned off every platform and everyone involved would never work again and there would be article after article written trying to conflate the show's content with physical violence against muh precious minorities. It'd get cited by the splc at congress hearings when they petition the government to ban freedom of expression.

Why do you get so triggered by people on the right criticizing media? Because that's how liberals control the narrative; overreacting and getting everything banned limits people's exposure to dissenting opinions. You're just butthurt the right might employ the same tactic - which it totally should

Ah equating having children with stability and responsibility if it wasn't already in your life.

The mentality that has created more single mothers than any amount of liberalism.

>liberalwashed history
>not brainwashing
"Abe Lincoln freed the slaves because he was a great guy who knew PoC were no different from wh*te people! :)"

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I don't care how infuriating it is, you made a choice to watch it. Don't fucking /pol/bait here, we have enough of that shit

I don't know what you mean by facts. The thing OP's complaining about are political opinions hamfisted into each episode.

>not expecting the Freddie Mercury episode to be gay as fuck

>denying entry of migrants = holocausting them

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I'm not surprised the Abe Lincoln episode avoids its own subject, if they actually told the truth about him their entire worldview would unravel.

Did they make Cleopatra black despite undeniable evidence that she was an inbred Macedonian?

He's not describing facts. No, Harriet Tubman was not the protagonist ot the civil war and making contemporary political jabs has nothing to do with history.

Yeah, that's on you as much as the filthy kikes. I could smell the shit coming off this from across the galaxy with one look.

If Greeks aren't white then you're not allowed to take credit for what they've done.

shit, meant to reply to

The nuleft is nothing but projection.

>Abraham Lincoln (fuck Trump) wrote the (Black Lives Matter end police brutality) Emancipation Proclamation (FUCK WHITE PEOPLE)
>Lmao what's the matter it's just history amd facts

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Nailed it, man.

>Why can't we have a super racist show that spews lies and misinformation
Haha you retarded incels have such a victim complex.

(((Jeff Ross)))

What were you expecting?

lol, did the same, just jumped to gilbert gottfried and nexted the episode after his set.

Fuck, that's based

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>super racist

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You sure showed that strawman.

2/10 b8

They shouldn't have let in any jews, ever. Except Einstein.

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>Not having billionaires exploit the poor is the exact same thing as denying jews entry after fleeing from the Holocaust (which no one at the time even knew was happening)
No, you're just retarded

Based Henry living in kike heads rent free.

There's some good ones, some incredibly important Jews. It's just they get dragged down by the subversive globalist shitkikes.

>Why can't we have a super racist show that spews lies and misinformation
But that's exactly what this show is.

>Harriet Tubman calls Abe Lincoln a "lanky cracker"
>that's fine though, it's only racist if a white person's talking
Imagine, even in character, Abe Lincoln calling Harriet Tubman a thieving nigger.

Look at all these triggered incels mad about facts. Lmao.

>implying i give a shit either way
Worship your pedos away.

pretty much this, especially considering how just a few days ago they tried to purge right wingers from online media because of a single fag from Vox getting his feelings hurt

Which facts specifically?

Have sex

>doubles down on being a bad faith faggot

The best jews are the ones that expose their own kind

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le epin trole!! got me!!!!!

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Does Netflix make anything that isn't blatant propaganda?

haha accurate description

Not only am I not the person you were just talking to, you don't even know what "bad faith" means.

Read a book, zoomer. Your false equivalency is ridiculous

>waaaaaah my fee fees got hurt by facts

Stranger Things is still pretty fine

>waaah waah waah whataboutism

So the greatest nation on the Earth cannot do basic vetting processes? And I get a heart laugh at you whining about poverty and homelessness and blaming liberals when it's the party across the aisle that's always hounding over how social programs devised to solve those problems should be get rid off and minimum wages shouldn't be raised.

>what we do is speech
>what you do is hate speech and fake news
>oh, what is hate speech, you ask?
>it's an amorphous category that me and my faggoty friends made up
>also, by pure coincidence, we've appointed ourselves the arbiters of what is normal speech and what is hate speech
>define precisely what constitutes hate-speech?
>no, we can't do that. You might be still be able to get your message out there while strictly complying with the rules
>instead, we will keep everything nice and ambiguous so that we can arbitrarily ban anything that even slightly challenges our worldview

>gets so bootyblasted he stops (You)ing

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>waaaaah people don't consider my propoganda to be factual
>quick, someone ban them :((((

>Just because I advocate for the genocide of non whites and the enslavement of women doesn't make it hate speech

>What if we did fake news and alternative facts show that was full of hate and bigotry?! I bet you wouldn't like that! HYPOCRITES!


He's part of the tribe silly. It's so easy for him.

>they actually did
I’d hate to be the father that walked out on you.

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Lmao what the fuck is this.

He says in a thread that has OP crying about a historical comedy show featuring Harriet Tubman.

if you had sex you'd be less angsty about jews

>When asserting that biological determinism is a fair method of judging populations and that sexual dimorphism merely exists is misconstrued as genocidal intent by hysterical bourgie liberals on the internet
Yes, I'm sure everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi. Fuck, how could I be so blind?

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Like Jesus


100% Based

Nazis look like such faggots when they lie about this stuff. I prefer you to be honest. But they know they'll get pwnd in debate so hard if they're honest, so they FREN WORLD HONK HONK OK SIGN

Fuck off retards.

You want some true historical revision Orwellian kino watch the ted talk history vs cleopatra video on youtube. They claim the roman republic collapsed because Rome couldnt handle a woman in charge

Revisionist history and tying leftist ideals to historical figures through false equivalence are brainwashing, and that's all this is. They are twisting history to serve them and that is not how history should ever be used or treated.

>I'll pretend I'm NOT a Nazi
>heh, that'll fool them
Just makes you look like a coward, tbqhfamalamadingdong

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You're directly comparing modern immigration policies with past genocides and saying that I'm "arguing in bad faith" by telling you a rule they tell you to abide by in a 101 history class in uni

Well it's good to know that every belief has it's retards I guess

What facts?

>Just cos I hate Jews and praise Hitler doesn't mean I'm a nazi

>Gun control at the very end
Bourgie liberals get the bullet too.

T. Actual left winger and not liberal idpol moron

Seems like they have Jeff Ross on a short leash or he became a faggot. The most tame and apologetic roast sessions I've ever seen.

>epic rap battles of history

faggot alert

You're the left wing equivalent of that boomer libertarian who thinks that everyone he disagrees with is a commie btw

Hitler should've been assassinated towards the end of the war so that the old guard prussians like Ernst Junger could negotiate a truce with the Western Europeans and Americans to push back communims from creeping into Eastearn Europe more.

>But you don't like Jews
Neither do most Muslims but they're not national socialist are they?

>Pwned in debate
Or maybe you're just a sheltered moron and can't think outside of the a priori?

Denying refugees sanctuary now is the same thing as back in WW2. You are condemning desperate people to almost certain death out of personal bias and bigotry. It's the very definition of immorality.

what kind of cuckold doesn't like hitler, fuck off leftist shill

Everyone in the world hates jews. It's the only thing that unites all peoples.

>almost certain death

I’m not doing anything, seething cuck. Your claim was wrong, someone told you so and presented evidence to refute that claim, and you’re still crying.

I don't get it. They walk through several countries that offer them refuge but refuse it in order to make their way into white countries. How exactly are they refugees? Don't you, once you've rejected refuge for the 5th time, technically become a tourist or something?

>desperate people
Kek. Please educate yourself on economic refugees. It's getting embarrassing.

Same reason Goebbels got a job. He's a capable propagandist with no shame.

You know (((why)))

>You are condemning desperate people to almost certain death out of personal bias and bigotry
If living in their own country that they created is "condeming them to almost certain death" then I don't want to bring them into my country. It's not out of bias and bigotry, but self preservation.

>lmao fuck le morality xD
Bad faith cuckery all around.

>Denying refugees sanctuary now is the same thing as back in WW2
... That's so uninformed I'm not sure where to begin. Okay, for starters there is no world war, second of all most illegal immigrants are not fleeing from immediate danger and refugees are, by decree of the UN, meant to see asylum in their immediate neighboring countries not flee to 1st world countries to enjoy all the benefits of their social contracts without having to participate in their respective societies. Only the most disconnected bourgie morons think we can easily accommodate all these new people.

The majority of "refugees" are just economic migrants, most of who are adult males looking for money who have repeatedly lied about their ages and nations of origin.

We're calling you immoral you moron

... Surely you meant to post this to someone else or are you just that high that you can't keep track of the conversation? I've made no claims, i've refuted a false equivalency comparing modern issues with immigration and genocides during periods of great warfare.

I don't know which refugees you're talking about specifically, but the ones coming to Italy/Europe through the Mediterranean are not fleeing war. They cross through peaceful country, then put themselves in danger by paying someone to crowd them on a ship or raft to cross the sea and illegally enter. You are eating up propaganda and it's extremely sad. They should have a shoot on sight policy for them, sink their boats and drown them. They are rodents and leeches. Fuck them hard up the ass.

That is why we have procedures in place to confirm people have a legitimate claim to asylum. While the government is actively trying to narrow the criteria down as much as possible that they can reject most claims, which is abhorrent.

You’re so fucking mad lmao.

Lol, nothing more to say then eh?

yes. I am white and I have a preference for whites and I concern myself primarily with the well-being of whites. Cuckery is being white and putting the interests of every other race ahead of your own when they, in return, don't give a fuck about you. You do realize that the majority of the planet, with the exception of white, brainwashed, bougie liberals, is ethnocentric?

>They should have a shoot on sight policy for them, sink their boats and drown them.
I nearly missed the "should" part of this sentence and almost got excited. Damnit.

>actively trying to narrow the criteria down
It's the opposite. How fucking hard is it to read from time to time?

Cringe retard

based retard

>We should just start murdering people

I'm just glad you dropped all pretenses of being a decent human being. It's better to be honest than a disengenuous bigot, cleanses the soul. Even if only slightly.

>While the government is actively trying to narrow the criteria down as much as possible that they can reject most claims
Due to abuse of the system...
>Which is abhorrent
It's more abhorrent to let such despicable people into your midst and siphon off resources that are meant to go to the actually sick and suffering. These are measures put in place for major emergencies, not for people to attempt a get rich quick scheme because their own lands are over populated

>get invaded by foreign militia army
>this is fine, don't be a bigot

>Create a crisis by intentionally meddling in foreign nations' affairs for decades, overthrowing governments, funding and supporting drug traffickers and terrorists
>Wtf, why should I do anything to clean up the mess I personally had a hand in creating and help people in need? Not my problem!

Americans, everybody.

They have drowned some, you can look up Youtube videos of them drowning. We have gotten a lot more strict and they don't come as much.
You reek of a fucking pussy vagina. You don't understand how the world works at all. Animals do not care about being "a decent human being" and they will not reward you for it, but rather eat you when the opportunity comes. These people will use you then steal and kill you and eat your dog. They don't know how to read and have a 60 IQ. They contribute nothing at all and are here because they think they can rape and steal and get away with it. They suck up money and throw trash everywhere. Keep masturbating at what a good person you are, just fuck off and let the real people, the real men, do what is necessary to keep you comfortable in the sissy life without whining. Fuck sake. Loser.

>your country should suffer tremendously for some shit the government did 30 years ago

Retards, everybody.


You’re making a patriotic argument that somehow the US can provide indefinite resources to people who would be better served in a nation nearby where they know the language. The people who come here are deceived into selling property and moving for mostly economic reasons. Actual refugees are pretty rare and even then, most who come to the US don’t have the skills to find good jobs nor do they possess a knowledge of US culture or the language to be comfortable here. Many end up homeless or as criminals unless they come here with jobs lined up already and have a network to support them which 99/100 they don’t have. You can grandstand about being a super wealthy nation but in reality the average US citizen is Not particularly well off; many are in debt and have jobs that are barely twice the rent of an apartment in a city. Your average American under 40 has roommates and a savings account less then $50k. We can’t afford more people

>The cold war was only fought between Americans
>As if NATO was only America
>As if the Russians, Chinese, Turks, Indians, and Israelis had nothing to do with messing in Central Asia , Africa, and the Middle East
I like how you never once consider each if these different groups having their own agency for even a second either, as if western powers are gods and arbiters of the fate of all other people. They made their own choices as do we all, and no westerners are not the origins for every single issue people around the world face.

This Chinese word was made especially for uneducated westerners like you. Learn some fucking history that doesn't come from a Twitter feed.

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>pwned in debate
>shitlibs whine and bitch and use second hand rhetoric until their opponents get too irritated to continue the discussion
>haha owned

>Denying entry from refugees back then is the same as denying refugees entry today.
Who cares.
>It's immoral and cruel
Having them stay in their country and live with their own people is cruel? Based on what? Why should they be admitted here in our country if they have failed to develop their country into one that's a nice place to live in? Why don't we have any agency in determining who we admit and from where? And if their country is shit due to the constant acts of them and their countrymen, does admitting them here not run the potential of them dragging down the averages here?

And I thought morality was an "outdated concept" of conservatives and that everything is relative based on the culture of the groups in question. Definitions are clearly always malleable and then firm again whenever it's convenient for pushing a liberal agenda.
Muh Ad Hominem

Decent human beings care. Clearly you aren't one.

Being decent only works when it will be reciprocated you fucking dumb moron.

Have any logical argument to offer?

>No True Scotsman
How many dollars have you personally donated to charity? How much time do you personally spend improving your local community?
Leftists are always infinitely benevolent with money that isn't theirs, and pious about things they personally never contributed to.

Decent human beings don’t sell out their country and dole out citizenship for Good Boy Points™ and social credibility

>I can dehumanize my political opponents all I want as long as I delude myself into thinking I'm the epitome of morality!
I know you're just trolling but lots of SJW retards actually have this mentality.

Christ, don’t you fags ever get tired of writing whiny essays about your personal politics?

>Episode 3 was Anne Frank
Did the roast involve an oven at least?

>these are the same people that laugh and gloat about whites being violently assaulted by non-whites in European countries.
>these are the same people that call you a racist for drawing attention to mass rapes committed by Islamic gangs
>these are the same people that celebrate the oncoming minority status of whites in traditionally white majority countries (ethnic cleansing)
it's suspicious how all this profound compassion you feel never ever extends to whites

Do they ever get tired of pouring millions of dollars into shitty television mangled by political pandering?

Technically it's about someone else's personal politics

You don't even understand that it's guys like you who exacerbate the problem. You're pushing people into more extreme positions by selling your unpopular worldview as common sense and then you wonder why populists get more and more traction. You have no solutions for either refugees nor the safety of the country, it's all just based on an utopian worldview or deceitful virtue signalling. Keep these people out if you want liberalism to survive.

Yeah but all white people deserve it because of something in the past that I can't explain, duh.

>I watch Netflix
you are beyond retarded anyways. stupid idiot imbecile mongoloid. All synonymous of yourself.

Jeff Ross has one shtick.

He sucks.

>Denying entry from refugees back then is the same as denying refugees entry today.
How so?
Unlike Jews who arrived via neutral boats, Mexican illegals arrive under management by the Cartels who then continue utilizing them as either conscripts or mules or organized crime labor and embezzlement labor on USA soil where most Mexicans gangs are Cartel-affiliated.

Unlike Jews during WW2, these same Mexicans genocided Chinese people and never were held accountable for it, as the Torreon Massacre showcases which is just a drop in the glass of massacres and persecutions. There's also shit like pic related, since migrants who come over are not the least bit "liberal" in the sense you wish to delude people to believe or delude yourself to believe.

There's plenty of areas we can discuss where the analogies are not equivalent. In fact, your analogy is proven False Equivalence at this point.

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you're a delusional incel with a victim complex

After global warming hits Africa and they start dying in droves, the population of Europe/America will flock to elect right-wing strongmen to keep them out. You and your kind naively believe that the response will be revenge against those who created the climate crisis, but normal people don't react from hate (like leftists), but from fear. Fear and love for their families, to whom starving Africans will be an existential threat. They won't hang the rich - they'll unite with them to defend their borders. And your only recourse will be violence, violence which you soft neoliberal white leftists have no stomach or capacity for.

The future belongs to the right - muslim, Chinese, and western. The left will die with the civilization they killed like all cancers.

>I have no argument so I'll just try to shame you into submission

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I was surprised when he had a big role on Sneaky Pete
typical gas lighting. In one breath they're talking about how wonderful it will be when whites are a minority. In the next breath, they'll call you a paranoid conspiracy theorist for pointing it out. There are countless articles out there celebrating white minority status. If you did this to any other people, it'd be called ethnic cleansing - plain and simple.

>those millions of occult human sacrifices over thousands of years? Nawwww, they learned their lesson, they're sorry, give them your country

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great post my totally not redditor faggot friend

are you actually retarded?

>anti-white, disingenuous cuck
>German filename
Checks out.

That wasn't an anti-white post. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of claiming white people and their countries deserve to be destroyed because they've done bad things in their past, ignoring all the terrible things non-whites have done and had to be taught not to do by white people.

Sorry, I'm drunk and misread half of everything.

Pre-Islamic expansion Greece where Cleopatra was from is white. It's only modern south Europeans who aren't white.

Rather than talk about civilizational termites, or born nation wreckers, I will say that Andy Samberg yas the right idea

YOu don't know what a real discussion is. You'd prefer Joe Rogan to a peer reviewed article based on citations. You lost the argument before you began it. YOu're just too stupid to even register that fact.

CuLtUrAl MaRxIsM

The list of historical figures alone should have been a tip-off.

>Abe Lincoln, Freddie Mercury, Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr, Cleopatra, Muhammad Ali

What kind of selection is that for roasting, of all the historical figures that ever lived? I'm kind of curious about the Martin Luther King Jr episode to see if they even said a single bad thing about him


the third part reminds me of how I turned off the last Chris Rock netflix special after the first line, which was something like
>these cops out here killing so many niggas, you would think every once in a while they’d shoot a white dude

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Once again your second hand rhetoric is really pathetic, did you read that argument on here or did they say that on Minority Report and it sounded good? Ffs get a brain of your own

Chris is usually pretty cool. I'm sure Netflix requires its commissions to include SJW shit to receive payment. It never feels natural.

It will be crazy when hispanics are the majority in america and the jewish media begins its propaganda campaign against the hispanic male

Hispanics are already self loathing. Their mestizo blood is also a cap on their IQ

After the hispanic majority spends 10 trillion pesos to help expand the israeli ethnostate they'll turn on the holo tv to watch a zach de la rocha type rich jew tell them about all the eternal crimes of the aztec people

>Abe Lincoln, Harriet Tubman. Freddie Mercury, Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr, Muhammed Ali
>oh and Cleopatra
don't watch myopic boomercore jewish retardation, history didn't begin in the mid 1800s.

Imagine FIFA with political propaganda and their retarded Mexican soaps start showing cuckoldry as a good thing

Reality has a liberal bias, trump won't get reelected and nationalism will fail.
Deal with it you rural suburban retard

Does anyone in the world actually like Jeff Ross in the slighest?

Hes the most off putting unfunny jew ive seen

How the fuck is Anne Frank remotely comparable to the others? Like comparing world leaders to some girl who wrote a diary and her relatives published after heavily editing it for narrative prose? Even Freddie Mercury, while a dubious choice, was leagues above that as a worldwide celebrity.

It’s not the Jews fault women find you repulsive

The funny thing with posts like these is that, even after years, I still can't tell whether they're ironic humor or genuine.

You forgot your MSPaint picture dude, what happened? Hard drive crash or something?

Reality in what sense here?

reality is anything that they don't designate as hate speech

I wonder if trumps trade war will trigger a hard recession and then the weimar conditions will be fully met


It´s quite sick what they are doing today
I hope it will end soon lads

>Denying entry from refugees back then is the same as denying refugees entry today.
Cynical abuse of charity like this, will inevitably lead to the whole legal concept of refugees being abandoned.

Notice how they never respond to posts like this. They just hope nobody will notice if they disengage.

I hate Jeff Ross and this roast trend. It's like that stupid freestyle rap trend that was never really freestyle. Pre written insults just sound corny as fuck. Little girls are good at being mean.

>Pre-Islamic expansion Greece where Cleopatra was from is white. It's only modern south Europeans who aren't white.
How? The injections of Slavic and Albanian blood that Greece got in the middle ages would only make them whiter. And the Mongoloid influence from the OG Turks barely even made it to Anatolia, let alone Greece proper. Where's the non-white?

>Episode 3 was Anne Frank, and I had to stop the episode at the very beginning because he ended his intro by mentioning that "many genocides are happening today, like the denial of refugees and asylum seekers who just want a better life." After hearing him compare immigration laws to the holocaust, I was done with the show.

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You are not a part of our struggles, stupid w*ite c*nt

See you in the civil war.

>war starts in Lybia
>"why aren't you letting in Sub-Saharan Africans?"

And? What's your point, you cum guzzling cunt?

>he netflix label means "gay hiv positive cum shooting at you from the screen" - so you can save time and avoid it. Regardless of the premise or the genre, it's going to be 80% blatant propaganda, 20% story.

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This. Germany actually prevented Jews and other such groups from leaving after 1939

you’re right. I was always a fan of him back in the day. Bring the Pain is one of my favorite standup specials, too many funny bits. that’s the one with “black people vs niggers”, which is obviously an absolute classic.
but when he made that joke in the new special, it just made me feel like he was playing into such a divisive narrative that does no good for anyone and just validates the “fuck white people” mentality that a lot of his audience probably eat up.
I wish we could all stop focusing so heavily on race. it makes no sense. no one has the exact same experience or interests just because they’re both black or white or whatever, and I feel like that’s the type of dumb shit that identity politics is pushing so hard (ironically by many upper middle class “white” women who treat minorities like they’re all the same because they see them as their poor defenseless little purse puppy niggers)

god I bet that book is so gay

stop using words that you clearly don’t understand the meaning of, just because you’re mad that people keep calling you them (likely for accurate reasons). it doesn’t make sense and you just come off sounding like a retard (a bitter and angry retard to boot)

good post

They bask in the cruelty because they genuinely believe real life is like Yea Forums memes.

I’ve never been prouder to be an american

>Freddie Mercury
>Mohammad Ali

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>snowflake upset at being called a snowflake

fuck off incel

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based gaybro
fuck women, they are all awful. I would hang out with you, I like gay guys (because they aren’t women, but I can still get my fix of catty gossip from them and then go back to talking about something interesting or of actual value)

Winners write history :)

>Why do liberals conveniently ignore all these people?
because those people are all white and they hate white people. all while preaching tolerance and acceptance.

The point of Roasts is to do a bunch of insults then say something nice at the end and show admiration for the roastee. That's literally how they've been done since Dean Martin you zoomer faggot.
>waah tv show says something i don't like
grow up

have you never watched a single roast before?

cringe retard

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT? you’re arguing with a person you’ve made up. either that or you have a couple of trolls living RENT FREE in your head.

>almost 4 hours later
>still no answer
this is my shocked face

People like that went over to /pol/, got memed on and came back eternally seething and buttblasted. That's why anything remotely /pol/-related triggers their PTSD and they start gibbering about /pol/ and the strawmen they seemingly made up.

But they didn't even insult anyone. The most edgy they got was making a joke about the nature in which they died.

Attached: hereiswhy.png (1043x763, 215K)

>I’m such an ebin troll xD
>I’m totally TROLLING all these nazis LMAOOOO

They could have saved it with a 7th episode with all 6 of them interacting.

>Abe Lincoln is outraged that MLK advocated for racial integration and equal rights for blacks
>Mohammad Ali thinks Freddie Mercury is a degenerate faggot
>Cleopatra cheers on the deaths of Anne Frank and other Jews and applauds Hitler's strong leadership

But the left thinks all these people would be on the same page and be best friends somehow

Why are you incels so upset about facts?

Have literally never heard anyone say Lincoln was a die hard abolitionist, except maybe towards to end of the Civil War.

The civil war was about slavery, because the South seceded to protect it, not because the North was from the outset determined to end it. Emancipation became government policy after it was concluded that was necessary to defeat and pacify the South. This is the accepted and standard viewpoint.

It's s fucking comedy show you autist

Do you people actually realize that Netflix is a Soros run company? You are only going to get liberal propaganda.

The fact that he signed the emancipation proclaimation and therefore ended slavery in America is about the most (common) people know about him. It's assumed by many who haven't studied him further that he was a good president and a positive figure because he gave black people freedom, which would lead them to believe that it was out of kindness and respect towards blacks.

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>be the most unfunny faggot thats ever lived.
>get a gig in a netflix """"comedy""""

Is there another qualification to get a job there than to be liberal ?

>comedy show
>isn't funny
What do you call that?

It's also ahistorical to act like he was Jefferson Davis in different circumstances, or that his views were static throughout his life.

Towards the end of the war there are strong indications of him having recognized slavery as a terrib;e wrong done to black people in moral terms. Clearest example of this is him meeting Frederick Douglass in the white house at a time where he feared he wasn't going to be re-elected for the remainder of the war, the outcome of which was still uncertain. He tasked Douglass with liasing with other abolitionists to, with support from the US government, establish a new underground railroad to get as many black people as possible out of the South before the matter was out of Lincoln's hands and risked being ended in some kind of truce by Lincoln's successors, some compromise that might have allowed the South to retain slavery. That's Lincoln seriously bending the rules and going out of his way to try and help slaves escape as a matter of humanitarianism.

Hannah gadsby

A Jeff Dunham special, but I don't see anyone harassing the guy.

get a real job incel instead of demanding affirmative action

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how is spouting a bunch of retarded leftie drivel about """"""""""""""refugees""""""""""""""""" related to anne frank?

Why don't you go widen your gash?

Lmao mods deleted a post containing nothing other than an image of Jeff Ross's wikipedia page, which contained, you guessed it:


based mods eliminating the jews

At least they didn't go after Jeanne d'Arc. She's already been roasted enough.

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>getting triggered by netflix
kys OP
no one cares about your autism

This. Just end your Netflix account like I did. Stop giving those faggots your money.

sick BURN

tldr reddit spacing

Granted, Jeanne was pretty good at banter herself.
Also, they had to burn her body three times to make sure the entire thing was ashes.

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It’s pretty fucking spineless to roast people who don’t have a right of reply. But then again, lefty faggots don’t like it when non-leftists have equal rights to free speech.

Good Christ, can we just fucking balkanize already?


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>Demand affirmative action so you can compete with jews
>cry about their problematic racism
lmao you really are just SJWs when it comes to them

I've never in my life heard a white person demand affirmative action. Keep grasping at straws, incel loser.

You think Jeff Ross and Co ever feel bad about co-opting and ruining the Friars Club roasts?

Just imagine being a /pol/tard. What a miserable fucking existence.

this is just people from history winning arguments that never happened for modern social points

My life is pretty great right now, though

>I'm not gonna respond to anyone I disagree with and risk get my retarded ass btfo'd but fug /pol/dummies!!!!!!

>he lost all arguments so now he has to just make a general ad hominem
its a better existence than being (you) that's for sure

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>I've never in my life heard a white person demand affirmative action
lmao, you disingenuous cocksucker.

>"many genocides are happening today, like the denial of refugees and asylum seekers who just want a better life."

Imma have to check this out for me own.

Sounds like they stole ERB and than to avoid of being called copycat made it a "roast" and propaganda.

Attached: ERB.png (1002x553, 999K)

Report back when you do

He's right, pajeet.

>Episode 3 was Anne Frank, and I had to stop the episode at the very beginning because he ended his intro by mentioning that "many genocides are happening today, like the denial of refugees and asylum seekers who just want a better life." After hearing him compare immigration laws to the holocaust, I was done with the show.

Reminder that Anne Frank would be nine months pregnant if the South had won the Civil War

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It's hilarious that all they can pull is this peewee 'I know you are, but what am I!' herman BS.
They can't come up with their own insults, so they try to hijack the right's and use them poorly.

They culturally appropriate the insults AND use them as their actual arguments, because "I don't have to reason with nazis!"

I wonder if he would have got invited to be on this one?

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The show feels awkward and badly planned and doesn't know what it's trying to be.

>Here's John Stamos as John Wilkes Boothe
>haha, but remember Full House? *wink wink* Ha? Remember?
>nobody even talks about Lincoln
>next episode, everybody [lightly] "roasts" Freddie while almost exclusively talking about how he's gay in a positive way, then Princess Di delivers a long speech unrelated to Freddie himself about coming out of the closet and embracing homosexuality

I doubt it since he talked shit about women and Hollywood Jews.

I'm putting together a team....

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It's like OP said. It's not a roast, it's not a comedy really, it's propaganda disguised as "teaching you about history"

Jefferson Davis had an adopted black son

>using logic and actual historical data on Yea Forums
You've already been defeated senpai but I applaud you nonetheless

no less than 7 guaranteed fags

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He earned everyone's chuckles for this:

Shame to see this garbage show from Jeff, he's better than this shit.

I'd kill a hundred men to use one of her bloody tampons as a tea bag.

Is he a Pig Cop from Duke Nukem 3D?

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I can't wait till we can force shitlibs to live among the refugees they profess to love so much. Bring back ostracization.

>No Wanda Sykes
Well thank god for that, there may be hope for this car crash of a show after all.


It'll look something like this.

>let millions of illegal immigrants in, you intolerant bigots!
>what? Noooo, don't put them next to me, they're supposed to go somewhere else where I can't see them!

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>watching jewflux
Really user, what did you expect?

>In fact, I'm starting to more and more seek out stuff produced by non-English speaking countries. There is still some pozz in there but it's way dialed down.
Extremely based and redpilled


>Denies the American dream to future generations of Americans
>Gives it to illegals
Typical boomer.

>jews gays and virtue signaling lefty browns
who wouldda thunk

/pol/ memes become reality

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He probably doesn't cost much

>Watch this retarded shitty show goyim!

Chosen privilege.

that look at the end made my skin crawl

>jew armband
What did they mean by this?

He is the most heinous of Jews in hwood. Absolute scum

Absolutely shameless.


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Lol kike
It's such fucking schlock. All the parody they do about how over-sentimental, schmaltzy, and hamfisted old Christian programming or Christmas movies were, yet they gush out shit like this that's basically "teacher says every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings" but buttsex and niggers

Considering this was his last post in the thread before he finally fucked off: what the fuck was this user’s problem?

Was it autism? Ironic falseflag shitposting?

>Why won't this comedy special portray a genocider with no SJW bias! This is literal whitewashing!

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>I thought it would be something like Epic Rap Battles of History in roast form
So equally retarded?

This desu

Fuck that. Just exterminate leftists

Why does discussing genocide need a sjw bias?

ERB is dumb but funny.

>Watching roasts

Well, there's your problem.

How do you highlight multiple stuff on a page?

It's not funny. It's for people who call themselves "history buffs" and think they're special for knowing who Kaiser Wilhelm was.

imagine being this butthurt about facts. No wonder you incels can't have sex.

This bait has been thrown out word for word multiple times already in this thread
At least I hope this is bait

It must be pretty sad for Black people, when libtards only value their political and sport icons for their skin color and not their talent or ideas.

This. I only watch shows and movies i like when i download them. Other than that, You Tube is the only form of entertainment people should care.

Kek, I love how Cleopatra is almost always portrayed as a noble leader, instead of the inbred whore of Rome that she actually was.

Libertards just can't meme

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I miss the days where History was secured by actual CONSERVATIVES who conserved it for the future generation. Libtards now just trying to erase it or change it in order to appease their insanity.

All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to stand by and do nothing. Apathy is death

I bet she fucked black men

Why can't gays and trannies work in office or do physical labor like any other normal centrist or conservative? Almost all of them somehow get a job in entertainment industry like comics, video games, cartoons, Star Wars. Doctor Who, Marvel, Netflix, game journalism. WTF is going on.
In the meantime there is only one right wing developer that made Kingdom Come and one fence sitting CD Projekt, while You Tube is purged from right wing and centrist blogger content thanks to Vox

>when you're a diseased faggot and you fuck another disease faggot up the ass and then forget to wash your dick afterwards so the shit on your dick dries and forms a flaky residue
>Kyle: "why does your dick taste weird"?
>Me: OMG that's just some broflake from when I fucked Chase earlier today - keep sucking.

Oh sure, deny the genocides in Middle East and Africa but fucking blame DRUMPF as second Hitler for not wanting more immigrants. This is some Clownworld shit.

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Why would a non-Jew sabotage his own fellow American people?

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Just more of that Hope and Change

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I heard BBC recently banned the word "terror" when talking about Islamist extremists killing people

someone make a webm out of the shot of the girl in the audience after Gottfried made a joke "it snowed in hell after the president was elected, not Trump, the black one'

Its fucking true

Attached: 4364636.png (621x755, 66K)

BBC will soon make a memorial day for the brave freedom fighters of 9/11

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She died a virgin, user.

Checked for jews look for in-tribe deals

Conservatives who whitewash history and go "the genocide didn't happen!" you mean.

>whitewash history
How so?

You regularly have news stories about places like Texas making changes to history textbooks where there's no mention of the KKK or the entire Jim Crow era, and they make claims like Civil War was just about states rights, instead of, you know, slavery. So literally white washing all the bad stuff away from history being taught to kids.

>changes to history textbooks where there's no mention of the KKK or the entire Jim Crow era,

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Care to share any of those stories?