/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General:

"Did you lower the control rods or not?
"Take him to the infirmary. He's delusional. He'll be fine I've seen worse.": edition >>>youtube.com/watch?v=eckdfSzN07Y

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Other urls found in this thread:


Explain to me how a general explodes.

More and more people at my office are getting to watch this show and all they say is

>lol communism bad

shit, anons, that wasn't exactly point of the show.

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>a general explodes

and how a Cap'n Crunch

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disgraceful, really

I don’t know why but everytime I see the reactor lid and the mass of tubes I feel uneasy and my skin crawls. Very similar reaction that trypophobia images give me

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ep. 4 was fucking gay

ok commie

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No one is even talking about the real live disaster.

I miss him

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I've never watched a second of the actual show irl or read the book, but thanks to browsing /rbmk/ I had a dream that I was watching The Terror with Harris and all the other Chernobyl actors. The show in my dream had a completely coherent plot and great acting, it was extremely enjoyable. I "watched' 3-4 episodes before I woke up. Now I'm scared to watch the actual show because it will be different from my dream.

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Serious question

Are there any legit pictures of the victims? The radiation burns/effects?

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it's overly dramatized bullshit for shit eating normies

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I want more of Stellan Skarsgard, Chernobyl is not enough. Halp me plz.

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Neat thanks

Damn, it looks so much prettier in the show.

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I wish we got ten seasons of this phenomenal writing

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If I were dying of radiation I wouldn't want people taking photos of my ass.

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Still taking meme requests fags

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Post tired Boris edits

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Those are just burned victims, mostly firefighters

Nuclear is safe and Acute Radiation Poisoning is another thing
> 40 days after
He'd be dead in 72h if it was ARP
it's just burns

this looks like a prop or a dummy of some kind

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can someone post ignatenko with sunglasses?

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Friendly reminder that comrade Dyatlov is innocent.

What an asbolute unit

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One last group hug in the hospital

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>it's just burns
says increasingly nervous man for seventh time today

kek, sure

I would

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Does this remind you of anyone?
>Nearly 400 cracks in one of the facility’s reactor core’s graphite bricks were found in March last year, leading to the closure of the plant in October – although cracks developing is normal, the amount recorded exceeded current guidelines on limits.

>The rest of the site’s reactors remained below the Office for Nuclear Regulation’s (ONR) upper safety limit of 350 cracks.

>Owner EDF Energy would like to restart generation at the power plant with a new limit of 700 cracks, a view which has been supported by GMB Union.

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i feel the same way

there's something truly unsettling about an inanimate object that silently kills you simply by the sight of it alone

Well, we've got 3 more reactor blocks in Chernobyl, and we already have a made up character as part of the main cast. So 3 more seasons should be possible.

>Nearly 400 cracks in one of the facility’s reactor core’s graphite bricks were found in March last year, leading to the closure of the plant in October – although cracks developing is normal, the amount recorded exceeded current guidelines on limits.
>Owner EDF Energy would like to restart generation at the power plant with a new limit of 700 cracks

Haha what the fuck.

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>no Legasov and Boris adventures

>Graphite moderated
>Graphite already cracked
gonna be fun

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the safety for the average bong is not great and not terrible, thankfully the ban of knives can balance out potential threats from nuclear reactors.

for someone of his size, he has a fairly tight ass

its not bad at all user.

Seriously why don't they just kill the mortally irradiated people instead of letting them suffer for weeks?

>Seriously why don't they just kill the mortally irradiated people instead of letting them suffer for weeks?
1. It did not happen
2. For research

most people can't distinguish real communism from soviet of chinese communism because the ideal has never been implemented with proper oversight and checks and balances. all nations who went commie just used the ideas as a propganda machine to promote themselves to high office and consolidate power like a dictator

>real communism
"real" communism is not compatible with homo sapiens turboretard

Because muh sanctity of life. Life with unimaginable, unrelievable suffering is not sacred but the majority of people are so removed from actual pain in their daily lives that this idea grosses them out, and laws are made based on people being grossed out.

The radiation brings them back. Now they must try to help in secret while nobody knows who they are and everyone freaks out when they see them. And they must try to evade the KGB and the stalkers.

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You think knives are bad?

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Prime example of Communist think.

Why didn't they kill themselves? Nobody stopped them.


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How the fuck are you going to kill yourself a) inside a hospital and b) at a state where you can't even take a piss by yourself, retard?

Someone post the fallen liquidator with spaghetti out his pocket

By the time the suffering makes suicide worthwhile you're no longer able to kill yourself. Too weak.

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Here you go senpai, I’ve got a dedicated Chernobyl shitpost folder

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>t. dyatlov


Go suck a dick tankies
Gommunism is dead and its never coming back

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Some of them wanted to live. Especially poor Akimov.

feelio when downloaded every single chernobyl thread in their entirety and have all the memes a dozen times over

Considering gommiesm is now under Chinese leadership I would like to share your delusion.

What a generic post. I thought people like you only existed as a joke.

do you have/know episode and minute with ignatenko in sunglasses?

>these threads will die
I’m going to miss shitposting with you all

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Don’t have the time stamp sorry Pham

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Ecть нeтoчнocти пo ЧAЭC, вce-тaки финaльныe дoклaды ИHCAГ гoвopят o тoм, чтo хoть пepcoнaл oибaлcя, нo oн никaк нe мoг знaть дeффeктoв peaктopa, пocкoлькy их зaceкpeтили (кoнцeвoй эффeкт - пpocтo нayчнo звyчaщий cинoним "хyeвo cпpoeктиpoвaнныe cтepжни CУЗ" a тaкжe пoлoжитeльнyю oбpaтнyю cвязь, тoecть, кoгдa в peaктope пpи пoвышeнии тeмпepaтypы и иcпapeнии тeплoнocитeлья (вoды) yвeличeвaeтcя eгo мoщнocть и интeнcивнocть peaкции. Coвeтyю читaть вoт эти иcтoчники, чтoбы paзoбpaтьcя пoлyчшe:

So why did the power drop to 30 MW when they switched to global automatic control?

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thanks based user

oh my...

I need your funniest Chernobyl meme pics for a collage I’m making


>So why did the power drop to 30 MW when they switched to global automatic control?
Xenon poisoning from running all day at half power

these threads were nice. Now jewbook is full of memes. (((People))) are profiting form them.

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But it is, user. There are no checks of power in such a system which is why it's inefficiencies can run wild for so long. Remember that Reactor No. 4 wasn't the first time they had issues with the RBMK design nor was Chernobyl the first nuclear disaster that happened in the Soviet Union.

>the absolute nanny state

>Remember that Reactor No. 4 wasn't the first time they had issues with the RBMK design nor was Chernobyl the first nuclear disaster that happened in the Soviet Union.
Source: a Hollywood funded show

This one is my favourite

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This one too

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Take him to the infirmary.

this is why it fell to 500 MW by itself, but why it immediately went to 30 MW after local control was switched off?

Not funny but cute.

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This one's my favorite, there's just never a good oppertunity to post it

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Why is he so perfect bros? How do I be more like Holy Legasov?

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>tfw didn't even realize episode 5 was the last one until the end when the slideshow started playing
Is there anything else worth watching at the moment?

Its only burnz

sounds american

Toptunov apparently fucked it up and inserted on the control rods too far into the reactor. The reactor was already being struggling with the xenon pit so all the power dropped down when it lacked neutrons to continue the reaction.


Gorbachev told you life would never be this way The test's a joke, 4 broke, scram button's D.O.A. now you're in danger and your death is near and you may not live a day, a week, a month, or even a year, but I'll be there for you (when graphite starts to fall) I'll be there for you (3.6 reading's wrong) I'll be there for you 'cause that's what comrades doooooo-ooooh

A good example of the lies told by the show are the fact that people don't become contagious from radiation exposure. The lady's baby wouldn't have died from being exposed to the dad.

The "Bridge of Death" is a complete fabrication, its a myth. The show makes it seem like thousands and thousands of people died.

I want to slap those asscheeks so bad

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it's necrosis from their cells breaking themselves down to prevent damaged DNA from being copied, shame your body doesn't realise it isn't just a handful of cells




can't get it out of my head

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where's the tip of his dick?

>The lady's baby wouldn't have died from being exposed to the dad
Too bad she did and they found that her organs were radioactive
It's a real person retard

It fell to 30 after they began inserting control rods in order to get it from 1600 MW to 700 MW. The power dropped much farther due to the Xenon Poisoning choking the reactor, causing it to fall to 30 MW. The power would reach 200 MW after disabling automatic control and going global by removing all but 6 of the controls rods, which lead to runawy

I wish it was, Jared, I really wish it was.

"The Nuclear Scare Scam"

"A Free Nuclear Economy"

Holy fuck you stupid retarded uneducated dipshit check out the interviews or testimonies of the people who ACTUALLY worked at those reactors or read the INSAG reports.

We fucking get it, faggot.

But she did, you idiot. Regardless of what were the reasons for that radiation exposure (which I'm inclined to believe it was Mazin's portrayal of Ignatenko's Voice of Chernobyl story), that baby did die because radiation messed with its DNA causing her liver to fail at birth,.

if anything, Chernobyl is pro-nuclear propaganda. It's painting Chernobyl as a freak accident that couldn't possibly happen today or anywhere that isn't soviet.

It's true because a book

>if anything, Chernobyl is pro-nuclear propaganda. It's painting Chernobyl as a freak accident that couldn't possibly happen today or anywhere that isn't soviet.
E both now that's not the average reaction people are having, go check Twitter or any media

How come we didn't get anything with the Elephant's Foot or the meltdown?

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It's not made up you retard. If you want to discredit the book, take a stab at the book instead.

I guess because there were no people there to see it.

>the mother lied for no reason about the death of her kid

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Did the hat really help or was it a meme

>most people can't distinguish real communism
*all people

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Agents of the jewish NWO anti-nucluar cabal forced her to make a false claim.
Then these agents went around ukraine and belraus, using their dark ancient jewish magicks to double leukemia rates in kids!

It was a meme. Actually, all Chernobyl incedent. They did it for lulz

Why does this show have so much male dick and ass in it?


I think the miners were just fucking with them.

All the best shows need at least some male nudity

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I watched the first episode just after its release, and enjoyed the meme here for a week.
But then I lagged bhind and couldn't wath the show
What memes did I miss ?

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They never worked naked in the first place

What are they doing with him?

For me, its the other end of specter of admiring proportional, repetitive structure of finctional core - arrays of pipes like honeycombs, shining metal. And then you have this - oll order gone, only chaos and death left.

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I just got done with episode 3 and god damn but that burial scene actually got me emotional, those shots cutting step by step the effort to which the covering of those contaminated bodies go through, and it's as if with each step, their loved ones get distanced away from them further more.

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I love it when things are cut perfectly.

We need a drawfag to remake this


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>oil order gone

Press "F" to pay respect

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Big F
Toptunov looks like a Chad

Core in the House when?


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so if real communism has never successfully been implemented, that sounds like a real flaw in the ideology doesnt it?

How come her right boob is larger than her left?


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have sex

It was just banter



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Cherenkov effect

Imagine thinking that Marx didn't account for human nature in discussing economics.

Try reading source material turboretard

twitter is just bots and opinionizers, they do not represent the general audience

is it completely normal or

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I didn't find the British accents at all distracting. However, why did they have the PA system announcements in Russian during the evacuation? I know the emergency phonecall they showed during episode 1 was the actual audio recording, but the evacuation orders being in Russian was pretty inconsistent the more I think about it

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is that why communism works so perfectly within the limits of human nature?

those were graphite tips, exploded with the reactor

Marx came to a conclusion and then retroactively tried to find reasons to substantiate it. Marxism is anti the scientific method, which is ironic, given that Marxists always try and claim that Marxism is a science.

perfectly normal.

"Hover cars have never been successfully implemented, therefore hover cars are not a good idea."


check out Good Will Hunting, the only other thing he's known for, where he has like 12 mins of screen time


I'm back, gimme more nuclear questions, last time was fun.

So you're agreeing that Marxism is science fiction then? Hover cars may not have been invented yet, but there's no limit on what we can think of or what route we can take to eventually make them a reality, whereas Marxism is a set ideology with defined parameters. Your comparison is utter garbage.

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more like "Hover cars always end up crashing and killing millions of people, therefore we should not keep trying hover cars"

lel hover cars have never been implemented at all

Liberalism was never succesfully implemented before 1700s, yet it's "The one that works" of today.

not great, not terrible

Someone post the chart with all the plant workers and their names

any idea on how to make the best make-shift protection against radiation ?
I guess the best bet is to be dust proof rather than completly radiation proof right ?

For me, it's Dyatlov- Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

i have watched many burials
when they fill in the spoil
but only watching this
i understand the finality of it all
they are never coming back

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why did they clean the roof? if the graphite was so horribly radioactive wouldn't the roof itself turn fatally radioactive?

Liberalism didn't cause the deaths of millions of its own citizens in every country they initially tried to implement it in.

The first EPA guideline, that's absolutely the best advice: Get Inside, Stay Inside, Stay Tuned.

You almost certainly don't have anything just laying around that's radiation proof so, yeah, being dust-proof is your best bet. Invest in a gas mask with a P100 rating (rated to stop 100% of airborne particles).

I watched it. Nothing else good at all? Then I'll probably will start to watch not good. he is so cute T_T

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materials turn radioactive because neutrons fission the atoms in it turning stable atoms into unstable atoms, ready to decay themselves.
some materials you can fire neutrons into or whatever and the atoms fission into stable atoms. so they don't decay and don't emit anything and aren't radioactive.
this is what breeder reactors try to do, smash those atoms up until they are completely dead and fucked, suck out all the energy rather than just the initial high energy fission and then throw away half used fuel.

Sent that too early. My personal recommendation is the 3M 8233 respirator. It's even specifically rated for radioactive particulate.

But again, the number 1 thing to do is shelter where you are when the incident occurs.

Communism has never been tried, nor was it something to strive for in Marx's eyes. It was a teleological underpinning of the discussion, which is why he spent so little time ever actually discussing it but retards don't know that.

The entire crux of Marx's thought processes is taking into account human nature and what's necessary for us to flourish and enjoy life. He did not advocate for Command-Signal economies, of which the USSR was and China is not.

True, at his core he wanted to support his materialist basis of history. However, his writings are predominantly useful for their polemic analysis of capitalism.

Most marxists simply want to see progress based upon the problems identified by Marx. beyond that, we don't agree on much - let alone what Capitalism looks like.

>radiation is real

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The evacuation announcement was also original I think.

Marxism =/= communism so let's get that straight. You don't even know what you're talking about so how can you even be sure what you believe is communism is what's supported in the literature?

Capitalism has killed millions, does that mean you do not support capitalism either?

Thanks big-brain, I wasn't aware.


what happened to his recordings?

it said scientists listened to them or something

>Communism has never been tried

You're right. Humanity wasn't even able to get close to accomplishing it. Because our nature will not allow it.

Capitalism didn't kill millions, imperialism did. Unless you're taking about the domestic exploitation of cheap labor resulting in work-related deaths, in which case, fuck off retard.

He's now in The Land of Dairy Queen™

is the elephant's foot still there and glowing today?

what's the metal in the fingers for?


you fell for the meme

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Yes it's still there but not glowing anymore.

Dunno French revolution was pretty bloody, so was the Haitian.

To keep them apart?

like poor Me. Ouchi from Japan

are there no lows the Global Jew won't stoop to?

You've never stated what about our nature is incompatible with communism, nor have you even stated what communism "is" to you.

Moreover, imperialism is inextricably linked to capitalism as the necessary end-product of capital's expansion. Do you think countries took over other territories for shits and giggles rather than an economic benefit? Do you really believe Britain set up colonial India for "hurr durr white man's burden," rather than to appease capital interests?

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I can't get over the fact that you don't think imperialism is linked to capitalism m8

I think in Ouchi's case it was more of a case of using him as a guinea pig than actually giving 2 shits about his condition.

>Seeing Graphite

Where's your cracker + butter + kaviar, /RBMK/?

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I remember talking to you a lot in the Sekiro general when it still existed. Why do you like everything I like?


Selfishness, obviously.

>is to you

Even you commies can't agree on what communism is, so why should I give a shit? Hands off my property, that's what I care about.

You can be capitalist without being imperialist, though I will agree that commerce in general has driven imperialism throughout history, so I can see why you'd be confused.

Kino is kino, people with similar tastes are bound to meet often.

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it's necrosis because all the DNA instructions on how to replace the damaged cells has been destroyed. Once the cells die there's nothing to replace them

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I have never eaten a good pizza in Moscow, and I have eaten a lot.

>you should basically make the state kill you for no reason
>no I don't really want to
>jeez what a fag
why is Khomyuk such a shitter

I've been thinking and I've come to the conclusion that the show is good because it's well directed, not because it's well written, since the rest of the show (which is good) is all based on real events and the few bits that they had to make up like Khomyuk are stinking garbage.

I asked in yesterday's /RBMK/ general but does anyone have the meme with Boomer Dyatlov with all the Pepe's running around him in a panic?

I'm of the opinion that Khomyuk was written that way on purpose. Deeply flawed and not so likeable female >>>>>>>> mary sue female

Okay, the guy you’re responding to is wrong but this kind of is too. The firemen were radioactive because radioactive chemicals had built up in their bodies after being inhaled and caked onto their skin. You’d be dead a thousand times before you turned dangerously radioactive by neutrons alone.

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I want to kill myself so I can meet Holy Legasov irl.

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>why is Khomyuk such a shitter

Nothing to lose, Legasov realising he's losing hair in episode 5 is an indication of how he's releasing the clock is also ticking for him. And Boris coughing up blood was the encouragement for him to do the right thing.

Khomyuk wasn't that bad on the second half of the episode, she looked more forced at the start where she'd insult the shoe factory boss in order to make a point and somehow expecting a humble reaction, or know about the fact the sand would turn into lava, it'd have been better if she at least had a team working under her.

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I apologize

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Unfortunately you'll have to get irradiated since he went into the quarantine zone of heaven for the next 200,000 years.

He's in limbo for being a virtuous pagan, I don't think they have a quarantine zone there.

>literally just shower
>lose twice as much hair as Legasov loses in that scene
Am I going to be ok bros?

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You just have brittle hair and probably not had a proper haircut in a while.

thanks user
I'm glad I'm not dying

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>He'll be fine I've seen worse
I love how calmly he says that, like if he was talking to a son

Oh, you will. Just not yet.

How do I get a qt spaghetti-spilling scientist bf?

>that image
what the fuck? how are the core of death related to that girl from that anime?

30 lashes, as a child

>if we stay in the iceblock will be crash into million billion trillion bullets
what did Francis mean with this?


You are delusional

Marx is fully aware of selfishness, what about communism is incompatible with selfishness?

Have you just admitted you're a full pants-on-head retard that doesn't know the difference between private property and personal property? Marx doesn't want to take away your property. Jesus Christ you haven't even read a shred of Marx and you have like an elementary-school level understanding of basic terms.

Honestly, have you ever once read Marx's work or do you just watch incel youtubers for your information?

Have you read A N Y economic literature at all or do you just rely on Youtube?

Very expensive.

The dictators always said the same thing as you

Oh unfortunately people can be quite selfless. That is the problem with people today they believe that it is good to sacrifice for others instead of thinking of their own interests first and foremost.

So how does an RBMK reactor explode?
trick question, it doesnt

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And then you geeks wonder why the working class won't side with you.

Does he not want to take the houses I own and the businesses that are in the family?

Gimme best of valeris quick.

Commies took Legasov from me. I hate them forever.

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is there a "getting a tan" one?

Bruh, the way I engage on Yea Forums is different than real life - primarily because I'm not here to win the hearts and minds of shitlords.

Yeah if you own assets that provide a passive income over net operating costs then you would have to spend your money other ways. Also, stop lying to a Malaysian Crocheting discussion board you don't have houses lol

Have sex.

The truth always shines.

Me too, user. Ep 3 was peak Chernobyl

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>Yeah if you own assets that provide a passive income over net operating costs then you would have to spend your money other ways.
>have to
Come and take it then, commie.

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This is a Chernobyl victim?

Who specifically is this? Does anyone know?

What the heck do you need houses for? You mean like your main one and summer dacha?

What are they crying about now?

Welp. I live in Glasgow.

It's Glasglow now, m8

cut down on the feedwater

Attached: *throws up.webm (1280x640, 1.29M)

>the divers lived
based but how the fuck

It’s a leftover

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You should be far more worried about Faslane being about 40 miles away.

More like Gasglow, because of Cherenkov effect.

>You can be capitalist without being imperialist

this is flat-out retarded. how do you sustain the constant need for growth if not through the expansion of market and market interests

>Unfortunately, apart from these striking moments, the series often veers between caricature and folly. In Episode 2, for example, the Central Committee member Boris Shcherbina (Stellan Skarsgård) threatens to have Legasov shot if he doesn’t tell him how a nuclear reactor works. There are a lot of people throughout the series who appear to act out of fear of being shot. This is inaccurate: summary executions, or even delayed executions on orders of a single apparatchik, were not a feature of Soviet life after the nineteen-thirties. By and large, Soviet people did what they were told without being threatened with guns or any punishment.
>without being threatened with guns or any punishment.
>by Masha Gessen

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I don't know what is more impressive: that EDF actually still operates graphite moderated reactors in 2019 or that the brits are so cheap they couldn't afford anything but graphite moderated cores.

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why didn't communism, the ideology of revolutionaries fighting against oppressors, not rebel against the ruling class, why didn't they kill lenin when he shut down the constituent assembly because the peasants and workers didn't vote for him, why did subsequent oppressive ruling classes love it so much

maybe communism isn't magic

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My anger isn't from lack of sex but I'll be sure to.

lol I'm not advocating for communism, I'm explaining it simpleton.

>that nice, even flame
>no propane tank
Is Hank using charcoal here?

>I'm not advocating for communism, I'm explaining it simpleton.
And I'm explaining one of the fatal flaws of Communism. You'll have people like me to tell commie fucks to come and take it. Spoiler alert: I have guns.

Attached: commie revolution.jpg (750x748, 117K)

you can expand markets without imperialism, it's called development

I'm so tired of this scene being misunderstood.

It goes

Boris: You think I'm too stupid to understand Nuclear Reactors (because he's an apparatchik)

Legasov: No...

Boris: How about this, tell me or I throw you out of a helicopter (the macabre joke being that if Legasov believes Boris to be a tried-and-true apparatchik and familiar with the Soviet apparatus, he should have no problem adhering to other stereotypes).

Communist apologetics and nit-picking on the reality of a dramatization. Fucking worthless.

w-what did you mean by this


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Lol buddy I'm glad you're an internet tough guy

"cOmE aNd tAkE iT."

Whether or not socialism blooms as capitalism withers away (as some suggest) or communism explodes as a bloody tide from underneath, you having guns won't stop it. It's also not happening within our life times.

their gigantic balls took some of the radiation

Do you want a list of equally violent leaders espousing capitalism?

why is there no black people in this show?

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That’s nuclear weapons though, I trust them to be looked after. Restarting cracked reactors isn’t the same thing.

holy fuck those scenes were about first impressions, how the fuck did they miss that

>hy is there no black people in this show?
ignatenko, when he die

>posted from st petersburg

Attached: >fruits of our labor.png (2036x1392, 2.26M)

Melanin protects you from radiation so it's not believable that a black person could have died at Chernobyl.

Why'd they give them glasses, migraines or something?

There were none, faggot.
>inb4 insert president of burgerstan of your choice here
Burgers always think they're the be-all end-all.


Ochi documentary, interviews with the actual medical staff that kept him alive for 82 days, nurses and head doctors. English subtitles. It's amazing that this video even exists.

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pretty much

My guy, what do you think all the nuclear subs docked in Faslane and Coulport are powered by?

Please tell me they at least got punished for what they did?

Sounds desperate.

tl;dr of why the bugmen tortured that guy?

what a shame

hmmm, they seem like nice murderous people.

Guys I really, really hate that I've sank down to the point where I actually have to ask this.
But does Jared Harris have nudes?

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So no capitalist leaders have ever pursued any violence? Are you fucking retarded?

Point of Marx was that capitalist development will create contradictions like workers not being able to buy what they produce, thus choking the demand. This phenomena is then combated by capitalist state by imperialism and economic intervention.

Fortunately Marx was sorta brainlet in his underestimation of capitalist state, he through it's just tool for bourgeois to create better environment for their enterprises, but it managed to stall commies for a good century and counting.

i taste metal bros...

>"equally violent" became "any violence"
Commie goal post shifting in action. It's crazy how you can see it happening right in front of your eyes.

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cute maid outfits
I wish I went to school in chernobyl

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It’s just my cum bro

My slav parents' school uniforms always looked so kino, was always so jealous

and through elimination of poverty via foreign aid

>But for you a dog. So what? There's no shame in that

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Through lies user. Millions x billions x trillions of lies.

to study radiation effects on the human anatomy. They spent most of their time trying to treat symptoms with him, but they couldn't fix his chromosomes were the real damage was. His DNA was irremediably destroyed by radiation.
There's a point they do 10 blood transfusions per day because he's literally oozing blood without any skin or veins to hold it in. It's gory as fuck.

People who don't know anything about communism, including left-communists and trots who slander the USSR and Maoist China, shouldn't be allowed to talk about. So much confusion for nothing. It can easily cleared up by just picking up a fucking book.

>students dress like maids
>nuclear technicians dress like chefs

Attached: big think.gif (498x213, 1.72M)

Positive meme coefficient

user it's normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day, calm down

Planned economies don't work, you fucking retard

Yup. Response time to meet demand is too low. Not dynamic enough to handle a constantly changing market.

Attached: >fix your tie.png (1182x1150, 1.44M)

Only if it's a bad plan

good plan = good economy

>Fortunately Marx was sorta brainlet in his underestimation of capitalist state,
>invented the term

another czech meme by the academy of sciences

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Reactors that are currently following safety guidelines I am assuming, that’s my point, they are actively changing safety guidelines to give them a way to restart these reactors which would make it different from Faslane.

>Response time to meet demand is too low. Not dynamic enough to handle a constantly changing market.
That could easily be alleviated by computers. I would advice you to choose better argument.

anime of the season

Keep your advice. I'm fine with a self regulating, dynamic free market.

Bro, just try it

Holy fucking shit check this guy out. Either fantastic bait or delusional

OK, just keep it in US, pls.

Except they do. There's no evidence at all they don't and plenty of evidence to the contrary.

I'm serious bro

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this could almost be a album cover for a metal band or something

This shook me up

>self regulating
lol nice meme.

The reality is that every economy in the world is on a spectrum between the absolute zero "free market" concept and the concept of an entirely "planned economy." There is no such thing as either of them, in practice. It's all just a yin and yang of regulation and restraint versus innovation and corruption and time. Humans are chaotic and illogical so a pure planned economy is impossible, and there's never been a "free market" in history. It's just about the balancing act. But markets don't really "self regulate" market failures, they just eventually collapse and if the failures aren't addressed they'll do it again later.




I like this one

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I serve the Soviet Union. Quickly! Show me where I can find Core-Chan!

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he's using corium

Uranium heated graphite bits. For all your BBQ needs.

where's the new thread?

Which episode was the one where boris smashed the phone?

but why

new bred njuyen

4. they cut phone lines in 1. Then he gets bullied by them in 2 and 3 and finally gets his revenge in 4.

Attached: >smashes phone.png (1884x1272, 2.09M)

Because I have feelings for Jared Harris I cannot explain.

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like "feeling" feelings?

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I-I don't know, user.

Commies have been completely defeated, marx did not stumble on anything fundamental.

If someone random invents something (or comes up with a good business model and executes it) and it will make a fortune and you have the power to take it, you will, then make some shitty excuse after the fact like "it's for the people". This "fundamental" has existed for millenia and will exist for millenia more, just not necessarily in the form of communism.

>tell me how you feel user

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I just want to hold hands and kiss on the lips.

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The fastest way to tell if someone doesn't know what they're talking about is when they start saying "capitalism and businesses work like this!", as if Marx didn't already analyze all this shit and explain to capitalists how capitalism works.

Where is the new thread at, lads?

>user, I-I don’t know what to say, have you always felt this way about men?

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what if
now just bear with me a second
but what if
and hear me out
just maybe
marx was wrong about literally everything including his gay-ass analysis

guess I'll do it