For me? It's Bert Kreischer

For me? It's Bert Kreischer.

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Who do you think is gonna win this year's Sober October? I really hope they're gonna do the hip hop dance thing considering how much Joe hates it.

Fuck off bert, you, schaub and theo arent funny

Reddit Rogan will bully them into agreeing to a contest he will win no matter what, i wouldn't hold my breath user.

>Not funny

Fer shre lose me numbah, b.

Whatever happens, I hope that angry kike fuck Ari breaks his spine.

fat obnoxious unfunny cunt

Have you looked into Theogate???

His bit on being "The Machine" was and is a fucking classic.
>you now remember Bert the Conqueror
>you now realize that Bert fucking Kreischer was given a family friendly show on Travel Channel

Quick rundown? All I'm finding is that Tom Segura hates Theo for some reason.

If you're a dumb frat bro maybe.

Bert literally made a career of being a dumb frat bro. He IS Van Wilder.

cool story

Him and bam margera inspired me to stop drinking just by being themselves.

Ari is dopeAF, fuck off.



Neck yourself Schlomo Circumcisionstein

Foe me? It's Ari Shaffir.

Bert's not an alcoholic he just likes to party, give him a break.

He's not an alcoholic because alcoholics actually want to quit.

It was pretty revealing. Joe's excuse was that having a "judged" competition made it less desirable.

That's funny considering martial arts competitions including his precious UFC/MMA are all judged competition unless there's a TKO. Even a referee stopping a fight is still technically a judge.

Go to bed, dad. You're drunk.

I bet that hypocrite fuck wouldn't have any qualms with it if they suggested a Tae Kwon Do minitournament.

Yeah, well, the liver doesn't discern between daily partying and daily lonely sad drinking.

Then Theo got some coke, relapsed in Australia and called out Tom for being fat and making his wife do all his work for him.

Lmao Tom is just salty because it's true.

Actually it's because Theo fucked Christina.


female comedians are notorious bikes that have to fuck to get spots.

For me its Josh Sneed

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If that's true then explain to me how that seething fridge Hannah Gadsby got a special.

Expect for Burr and Wong the whole comedy store gang are not that funny. It's like they say "we did our 10 years to get good; we did the ropes and are vets because we have time slots at clubs, so that mean we are good attitude". All of their specials don't have me laughing my ass off; all of them are boring to an extent that shouldn't be.

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specials aint special anymore
fucking brenda showb got one

>just found out this fat fuck had a travel show
>he's painfully unfunny, assume it got cancelled in a season
>look it up
>he got a decade out of it

fuck that guy. Unless you're a freak athlete like Lebron James It's never about how good you are. It's about who you know.

Can you even get good coke in Australia?

I miss him bros

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See, you underestimate the complete lack of original programming that Travel Channel has in their repertoire. Since Bourdain went to CNN and then necked himself and Sam Brown went to shill luggage on QVC, it's all Andrew Zimmern eating weird shit and Zac the ghost hunting Chad. Getting a decade run from Travel Channel really doesn't surprise me much to be honest.

You talk just like i would expect an ungrateful civilian to do, don't talk shop on the biz kiddo. You aren't prepared.

>Bert the Conqueror
>Watch him talk about a rollercoaster for 20 minutes
>Say how afraid of it he is
>Goes on it
>Last 2 minutes are footage of him on the ride and a voiceover of how cool it was and he can't wait to ride it again.

Riveting tv right here.

You are not wrong. I can not even get a chuckle out of Joe for example

Oh yeah? where's your tv show then? thought so bitch. Shut the fuck up, Bert's basedAF.

No, Ari Shaffir told him it would be trash and his eyes lit up as he confessed that shitty coke is his favorite coke.

It's the only bit he has.

how the hell did he die? he was fat but wasn't even close to being the fattest person i've seen. there's people on My 600lbs Life in their 50s and 60s and he weighed half that and died at 41

He got the 'betes, though I'm not sure if he ate himself to death.

Haha, I, too, enjoy fat men who make shit up constantly!

He was pushing 80 in black man years.

A stroke got him but word on the street is Dante Nero offed him later at the hospital so he could bang Von in peace

why didn't he stop eating when he got diabetes? did he have no one in his life to tell him to fucking stop killing himself? the insane thing is he talked about how he knows he's gonna die soon for like the whole 3 years preceding his death. it's like he wanted to die

Jesus, I just read that he was diagnosed with diabetes at 23 and continued eating badly and didn't take his meds. Fuck him, honestly. I can't find the empathy for someone who knew they had diabetes and still lived like a slob.

This exactly. One of my friends is a chemist who got the nickname 'the Alchemist' because he creates his own drugs, tests them on himself in copious amounts and then goes for a drive, and he's STILL more responsible than Patrice.

He's a kike faggot that cries because he can't fuck this hot little fucking slut anymore.

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Maybe not but you can still miss someone. Rip King.

>got cucked by the gayest looking dude from madtv
What the fuck Ari