>Dude let's stretch this story I clearly don't understand properly into 3 fucking hours
This movie is awful, how the fuck are there people who think it's better than the original?
Dude let's stretch this story I clearly don't understand properly into 3 fucking hours
He's right you know
Naomi Watts was a qt though.
only dumb zoomers like jackson and nolan, the two greatest hacks of our time
LotR was kino, though
the secret is to skip the first hour. the movie actually starts when they arrive at the island.
Cuz the original had shit dinosaurs that never interacted with the expedition.
I fell asleep during the first hour. Jackson needs to get his head out of his butt.
Piss off, the first hour is kinography. It builds character along with having the comfy as fuck 30s setting
Besides the fact that you're an ADHD capeshitting faggot who needs quips and ritalin every 2 seconds, give me some actual arguments about the original being better.
Jack Black destroys the entire movie, he's horribly miscast. and how thew fuck Hackson was allowed to have that first hour of pointless filler is a mystery.
Jack Black is fine and the first hour was kino
I like the film a lot but it’s way too long.
heres a few reasons why the original was better:
>it didnt have Jack Black or Adrien "I'm a tough guy honestly" Brody in it.
>no CGI - that dinosaur chase scene has aged badly
>Naomi Watts dancing like Charlie Chaplin = pure cringe.
>The original is paced to perfection, half of the remake is completely unnecessary
>Skull Island in the original is mysterious and forbidding
Pleb, no film is too long
>>it didnt have Jack Black or Adrien "I'm a tough guy honestly" Brody in it.
>>no CGI - that dinosaur chase scene has aged badly
Like the effects of the original aged better
>>Naomi Watts dancing like Charlie Chaplin = pure cringe.
>>The original is paced to perfection, half of the remake is completely unnecessary
A film shouldn't accomodate for your ADHD
>>Skull Island in the original is mysterious and forbidding
So is Skull Island in the remake, even more so
>the remake is better
>Kongfag "arguments"
He is literally 1 of 2 good things in the entire film. The other was the natives
I hated how they made the remake Kong just an overgrown mountain gorilla. Big deal. Why is he cooler than the dinosaurs.
Original Kong atleast was more like a Big Foot and walked standing up. Glad Skull Island Kong brought that version back
not heard any of your arguments yet, except, "its better".
you can respond with buzzwords like "ADHD capeshitters" if you like.
i'll just leave this here.
>Viable source of film criticism
kys mouse shill
Anyone know the name of that song in the opening?
The best Kong is the 80's one with Jeff Bridges in it.
King Song
>This movie is awful, how the fuck are there people who think it's better than the original?
It is better. He made the natives into feral orcs. The 1933 version was too pc with the negroids.
I gurantee you they make godzilla a black man in the next film.
Why do people meme that version as being anything other than shit? The only good thing about that trite was the impressive costume