Cinexperience about this strong statement

He cute

Attached: 1557987192372.png (1000x1000, 185K)

Obviously. Was there someone who still doubted this? Literally half the bitches in Europe migrate to Italy during summer holidays to get our D.
Clients in Swiss and Austrian night clubs are 90% Italians.

>tfw Italian
>tfw I'm a big fat greasy man
Am I the fat ugly bastard from my Japanese Doujins?

You can see how ridiculous her lips look from that tiny picture.

You know you're Italian when you wake up in the middle of the night and you're so horny you wanna puke.

>I agree
tell us more luigi
how did they taste

she's one of the original porn bimbos you retard

Spotted the zoomers

Attached: aletta-ocean-in-2007.png (615x570, 487K)

I gotta say, the new hair color is really working for Sansa.

Attached: z0111111100101010.jpg (600x837, 155K)

Secretly all girl deep doen intheir fantasies want to be raped by ''that guy"